Inhabitants of Optinium

by Snoopdigglet

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Inhabitants of Optinium


Races of Optinium


Automaton refer to a broad variety of mechanical humanoids built with limited or fully-fledged autonomy and thought.

All Automaton have one thing in common, their core; an arcane-mechanical computer consisting of a near infinitely long adaptive punch card roll stored in an extradimensional box about the size of a carton of milk.

As well as a central difference engine that converts the punch cards information into action and edits the cards with new information to be used at a later time.

Automaton Traits

Automaton share certain traits as a result of their mechanical construction.

Ability Score Improvement. Your Constitution score increases by 1.

Age. Automaton reach adulthood when built; they do not age but may wear down after long periods without maintenance.

Alignment. An Automatons alignment is dictated by there sub-race.

Creature Type. You are a Construct.

Size. Automaton are around 5 to 7 feet, your size is medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Mechanical. You have resistance to poison damage and immunity to disease, and you have advantage on saving throws against being paralyzed or poisoned.

You don't need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe but do require fuel in the form of a gallon kerosene or 1/2 lbs of Plumblum (if you are fitted with such a chassis) to benefit from a long rest.

Recyclable. If you are killed via failing a death saving throw, you can be rebuilt. Rebuilding takes 1d8 work weeks and costs 10d10 x 10 gold to finish.

Only a skilled craftsman with proficiency in Tinkers Tools can facilitate the rebuilding. If you are rebuilt with this feature, replace your sub-class with "Jerry Rigged".

Automaton (Mark II)

Mark II Automaton are the latest development of Automaton in Optinium, made to be as human-like as possible.

the Mark II are believed to have human-level or greater empathetic capabilities.

Automaton (Mark II) Traits

Ability Score Improvement. Your Charisma score increases by 2.

Alignment. The Mark II are built for service rolls and as such, are usually lawful and good.

Empathetic Drive. You have a built-in dedicated system used to read emotion and calculate appropriate responses.

You can cast Suggestion once per lomg rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Aesthetic Design You are built with aesthetics in mind; as such, once daily, you can gain advantage on Charisma skill check.

Emotion Regulator Due to a tendency for your Empathetic Drive to over calculate responses, you are fitted with an Emotional Regulator. Besides regulating your emotions, the Regulator also grants advantage on effects that cause the fear and charmed condition.

Automaton (Mark I)

Mark I Automaton was the first commercially practical Automaton available on the market, mainly used in the industrial and security market thanks to its strength, speed and durability.

Automaton (Mark I) Traits

Ability Score Improvement. Your Strength or Constitution score increases by 2.

Alignment. The Mark I are built for industrial roles and are usually lawful and neutral.

Secondary Engine. You have a built-in dedicated secondary engine that enables you to keep going even in the most arduous conditions, as such, you gain advantage on saves vs exhaustion.

Industrial Design You are built with industry in mind; as such, you have a base armor rating of 17 which does not benefit from your dexterity modifier but will increase as normal with a shield.

Temperature Regulator Fitted with improved heat circulation, you gain resistance to cold or fire damage (chosen when you choose this sub-race).

Automaton (Prototype)

Prototype Automaton is a classification of boutique Automaton built either to test new developments in Automaton technology or built for highly specialized tasks.

While many Prototype Automata were built before the Mark I model, new Prototype Automaton are still being designed and built today.

Automaton (Prototype) Traits

Ability Score Improvement. Any other Ability Score of your choice increases by 2.

Alignment. Prototypes are built for specialized roles and, as such, can be of any ailment.

Specialized. You gain a proficiency of any type, this proficiency can be changed over a long rest.

Boutique Design Choose any feat that also grants an Ability Score Improvement. You gain all the feat's benefits; save the Ability Score Improvement.

Surge Regulator Due to a tendency for your prototype parts to go haywire, you have a surge regulator installed; this grants you resistance to one type of damage of your choice when you pick this sub-race.

However, due to limitations, you also gain a vulnerability in one type of damage of your choice when you pick this sub-race.

Automaton (Jerry Rigged)

Jerry Rigged Automatons are a type of Automaton made from either salvaged or homemade parts; like Prototype Automaton, they are usually made to perform a specific task by their builder.

Although lacking in quality, the Jerry Rigged's more than make up for in resilience and flexibility.

Automaton (Jerry Rigged) Traits

Ability Score Improvement. Any other Ability Score of your choice increases by 2.

Alignment. Jerry Rigged's can be built by anybody and, as such, can be of any ailment.

Ol' Reliable. Unless triggered by damage, you always succeed on death saving throws. If you are prompted to make a third death saving throws, treat the result as a 20.

Piecemeal Design. Due to how you were constructed, you can shut down non-critical systems to help power more important ones.

As a bonus action, you can expend a hit die and heal the amount rolled + your Constitution modifier; however, your maximum health is also reduced by the same amount.

This reduction in health is removed on a long rest.

Regulator Regulator Because of your hodge-podge design, including many other parts from different models of Automaton, you are fitted with a Regulator Regulator to help regulate your regulators.

You gain advantages on any saving throw to overcome an effect, but not on the initial save for the effect itself.


Nephroites are a race of sea cave dwelling lobster folk. Known for their worship of a metal know as “Plumblum”, a rare metal known to cause mutation in creatures, of which the Nephroites are seemingly immune to.

Nephroite Traits

Nephroites share certain racial traits as a result of their unique environment.

Ability Score Improvement. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and a score of your choice increases by 1.

Age. Nephroites reach adulthood by 3, after that they do not age.

Alignment. Nephroites worship the chaotic power of Plumbum, as such they tend to be chaotic and neutral.

Size. Nephroites are around 3 to 4 feet, your size is small.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet, you have a swim speed equal to you walking speed.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Nephorite.

Abomination. Your creature type is Abomination.

Immutable. Nephroites are naturally immune to mutation, as such you can’t have your form changed by magic and non-magical means. You also gain resistance to radiant damage.

Aquatic Nephroites live in the sea, as a consequence they require water to breath. You must to wet yourself with at leasts a gallon of salt water every hour or suffer a level of exhaustion (to maximum of 3 levels).

Natural Armour Nephroites have a hard carapaces that acts as an armour, your base AC is equal to 15 + your dexterity modifier.

Non-Human Form Armour costs 3x as much to be fitted to you, as well having disadvantage on using weapons your not proficient with.


Mutated are a manufactured race made by the Nephroites. The Nephroites take all manner of critter and subject them to a ritual known as “The rite of change”, this changes the creature into an abomination. You were one of the “lucky” few to survive this ritual.

Mutated Traits

Mutated share certain racial traits as a result of their creation.

Ability Score Increase
Increase any combination of Ability Scores by 1 three times (including the same Ability Score multiple times).

Age Mutated reach adulthood by 3d20 years and live up to 5d100 years

Alignment Mutated can be of any alignment

Size Mutated can be of any size up to large

Speed Your base walking speed is 30 feet if you are tiny, small, or medium, and 20 feet if you are large

Languages You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language.

Abomination. Your creature type is Monstrosity.

Mutable Mutated are the product of mutation, as such you have disadvantage on any saving throw that changes your form. In addition, radiant damage heals instead of harms you but also reduces you max hp by the amount healed. This reduction is removed on a long rest.

Mutated Form Choose either:

  • 1 Major Beneficial Mutation and 2 Minor Detrimental Mutations
  • 2 Minor Beneficial Mutations and 1 Minor Detrimental Mutations

Freak Armour costs 3x as much to be fitted to you.

You also gain advantage on intimidation checks, as well as disadvantage on persuasion checks.


On Mutation

If a creature exposed to Plumblum or other such things for a significant amount of time they will mutate. Mutations are categorized as either beneficial or detrimental, as well as either being minor or major.

A creature can have a number of mutations equal to their constitution modifier. If they have or will have more mutations then there limit during their exposure they roll a 2d20 instead of 1d100 on the exposure table.

Removing an exposure can be achieved via the "Greater Restoration" spell, removing any part of an exposure removes the entire mutation.

So removing any minor detrimental mutation(s) will also remove any beneficial mutation(s) that you might have also received as part of the detrimental one(s).

Any time you remove a mutation; roll a d6, on a 1 you permanently reduce the amount of exposure you can have by one. This can't be removed with the exception of the "Wish" spell.

Short Exposure

Roll Effect Mutation(s)
1-10 Disastrous 1 Major Detrimental Mutation
11-30 Poor 1 Minor Detrimental Mutation
31-80 Average 1 Minor Detrimental Mutation, 1 Minor Beneficial Mutation
81-90 Good 1 Minor Detrimental Mutation, 2 Minor Beneficial Mutations
91-99 Great 1 Minor Beneficial Mutation
0 Fantastic 1 Major Beneficial Mutation

Long Exposure

Roll Effect Mutation(s)
1-10 Disastrous 2 Major Detrimental Mutation
11-30 Poor 1 Major Detrimental Mutation
31-80 Average 1 Major Detrimental Mutation, 1 Major Beneficial Mutation, 1 Minor Detrimental Mutation, 1 Minor Beneficial Mutation
81-90 Good 1 Major Detrimental Mutation, 2 Major Beneficial Mutations, 2 Minor Detrimental Mutations, 1 Minor Beneficial Mutation
91-99 Great 1 Major Beneficial Mutation
0 Fantastic 2 Major Beneficial Mutations

Minor Beneficial Mutation

Roll Name Mutation
1 Weapon Mutation (melee) Natural Melee Versatile Weapon 1d6 damage (roll 1d4 for damage type)
2 Weapon Mutation (range) Natural Ranged 20/40 Versatile Weapon 1d4 damage (roll 1d4 for damage type)
3 Heightened Smell + 10 ft. Blindsight (smell)
4 Weak Symbioses +1 to Ability Score (maximum of 22), roll 1d6 for Ability score to be improved
5 Mental Projection Limited telepathy (one way telepathy out to 60 ft.)
6 Natural Digger +10 ft. Dig speed
7 Natural Climber +10 ft. Climb speed
8 Natural Swimmer +10 ft. Swim speed
9 Beast-like (positive) Beast non-hostility (beast type creature are non-hostile by default)
10 Anti-venom Poison resistance
11 Partly Acidic Acid resistance
12 Leathery Slashing resistance
13 Strong Bones Bludgeoning resistance
14 Scales Piecing resistance
15 Mental Fortitude Charm immunity
16 Natural Talent +1 Skill proficiency (dexterity and strength only, 1d4 for type)(expertise if already proficient)
17 Quick +5 ft. Movement speed
18 Efficient Breather Can hold breath for an hour
19 Acclimatization +/- 50° comfortable temperature range
20 Low-light Vision +30 ft. Darkvistion

Minor Detrimental Mutation

Roll Name Mutation
1 Cataracts Disadvantage on perception checks that require sight
2 Slow Healer Do not add your constitution modified when using hit die.
3 Near Sighted Blind beyond 120 ft.
4 Parasitic Cyst -1 to Ability Score (minimum of 5), roll 1d6 for Ability score to be lowed
5 Albino Sunlight sensitivity
6 Poor Range of Movement Difficult terrain cost 3x instead of 2x moment
7 Poor Climber Disadvantage on climbing checks
8 Poor Swimmer Disadvantage on Swimming checks
9 Beast-like (negative) Beast hostility (beast type creature are hostile by default)
10 Poison Sensitivity Poison vulnerability
11 Alkaline Acid vulnerability
12 Weak Skin Slashing vulnerability
13 Brittle Bludgeoning vulnerability
14 Weak Organs Piecing vulnerability
15 Poor Judgement Charm vulnerability (disadvantage on saves vs. Charming effects)
16 Stutter Disadvantage on persuasion and intimation checks
17 Slow -5 ft. Movement speed
18 Poor Breather Can’t hold breath, Disadvantage on saves vs. Gasses (e.g. stinking cloud, cloud kill)
19 Skittery Fear vulnerability (disadvantage on saves vs. Fear effects)
20 Poor Sight Treat bright light as dim light and dim lit as darkness

Major Beneficial Mutation

Roll Name Mutation
1 Wings +30 ft. Fly speed
2 Shell Base AC of 16
3 Powerful Symbioses +2 to Ability Score (maximum of 24), roll 1d6 for Ability score to be improved
4 Inert Advantage on saves vs. magic
5 Resistant Resistance (1d8 for type; Fire, Cold, Thunder, Lightening, Force, Necrotic, Radiant, Psychic)
6 Telepathy Telepathy (telepathy out to 500 ft.)
7 Magical Senses Permanent “Detect Magic”
8 Tough Skin +3 AC
9 Arcane Eye 60 ft. Truesight
10 Tremor Detection 120 ft. Tremorsense
11 Gills Water breathing
12 Sleep-less Exhaustion Immunity
13 Chameleon Skin Advantage on stealth checks
14 Faster Muscles +1 attacks per round
15 More Arms +1d4 arm(s), hold more items, additional attacks with offhand attack
16 Quick Reflexes Advantage on dexterity saving throws
17 Translocation At will “Misty Step”
18 Vital Add constitution modifier to health per level
19 Mutable At will “Alter Self”
20 Superb Healing Factor Heal Constitution modifier health per round if health is above 0

Major Detrimental Mutation

Roll Name Mutation
1 Deformed Armour costs 3x as much to be fitted to you, disadvantage on performance and persuasion checks
2 Acrophobia Disadvantage on all checks if 10 ft above the ground or within 5 ft of a cliff/pit
3 Claustrophobia Disadvantage on all skill checks if inside
4 Agoraphobia Disadvantage on all skill checks if outside
5 Hemophobia Disadvantage on all checks until end of next turn if you take slashing or piecing damage
6 Rhabdophobia Make a DC 10 concentration check to cast a spell, can never be a willing target of a spell
7 Volatile Disadvantage on saves vs. magic
8 Sluggish -3 AC
9 Blindness Blind
10 Madness Long term madness
11 Psychotic Short term madness if health falls below 25%
12 Sleepless Exhaustion after 8 hours without sleep, long rests take 10 hours and short rests 2
13 Flat-footed Disadvantage on stealth checks and initiative
14 Lethargic -1 attacks per round (minimum of 1, but gains disadvantage)
15 Atrophy Cant use two-handed weapons, must use two hands to use any object
16 Poor Reflexes Disadvantage on dexterity saving throws
17 Glowing Permanent “Faerie Fire” on self
18 Sickly Remove constitution modifier to health per level (unless negative)
19 Large Parasitic Cyst -2 to Ability Score (death at 0), roll 1d6 for Ability score to be lowed
20 Poor Healing Factor 50% of health becomes temp hp, only regain said temp hp on a long rest

Travel Domain (Cleric)

While clerics are know to travel as part of their commitments to their gods, travel domain clerics do such as service to their gods.

It's not unheard of for explores to travel to far off unmapped crystal spheres, only to find a travel domain cleric wondering around, without a care in the world.

Travel Domain Spells

Each domain has a list of spells that you gain at the cleric levels noted in the domain description. Once you gain a domain spell, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.

If you have a domain spell that doesn't appear on the cleric spell list, the spell is nonetheless a cleric spell for you.

Travel Domain Spells
Cleric Level Spells
1st Expeditious Retreat, Longstrider
3rd Misty Step, Locate Object
5th Leomund's Tiny Hut, Gaseous Form
7th Dimension Door, Freedom of Movement
9th Teleportation Circle, Passwall

Spirit of Travel

At 1st level, when you gain this feature, you gain either a climbing or swimming speed of 30ft. You also gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Perception, Nature, or Survival.

Channel Divinity: Divine Path

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to divine a path to your goals. As an action, you can speak out the name or description of a location.

You then gain direction from your god on either the safest or fastest (within reason) path to that location.

Channel Divinity: Wanderlust

Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity to tap into the primal force of wanderlust, letting you regain divine power even far away and out of reach from your god.

As an action, you can regain a single spell slot of up to half your level.

Potent Spellcasting

Starting at 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.

Divine Rest

Starting at 17th level, you can delay death for an instant to rest, as gratitude for you and your companions travels.

When you are reduced to 0 hit points, or would be killed outright from the effects of magic, you can use your reaction to cast the "Teleport" spell, when you cast this spell in this way its range increases to 60 feet.

You then fall unconscious and begin making death saving throws as normal, or you die if the damage/effect you took would have killed you outright.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Minuteman (Fighter)

Due to the size of the empire, the crown has under its employment a class of soldier trained to be ready at a minutes notice.

This keeps frontier towns well defended while also not overburdening supply lines with the need to supply conventional soldiers.

Off Duty Watch

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency on initiative rolls and with one tool of your choice, and cannot be surprised.

Call To Arms

Starting at 3rd level, your preparation for battle at any time has given you an edge in events leading up to and during combat.

Creatures with a initiative score lower then yours have disadvantage on Opportunity Attacks against you, and don't benefit from half or three-quarters cover from your attacks.

Also, at the start of each round, you can re-roll your initiative and choose to use or discard the new roll. You can re-roll your initiative a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest, but only once per round.


Starting at 7th level, your training and preparation has paid off.

Whenever you lead a march you, and everybody marching with you can march for 12 hours before the march becomes forced. You also gain proficiency with drums and can don armor in a 1/10 of the time.

You gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws. If you already have this proficiency, you instead gain proficiency in Intelligence or Charisma saving throws (your choice).

Fool Me Once,

Starting at 10th level, for the first round of combat, you are considered hidden from all other creatures lower in the initiative order.

A Bird In The Hand

Starting at 15th level, once per turn after you miss a target with an attack, you can expend one of your uses of Call to Arms to instead reroll the attack, potentially hitting the target instead. You cannot do so on a turn during which you re-rolled your initiative.

Dedication To The Cause

Starting at 18th level, your loyalty to the cause has resolved your spirit. You can now use your "Call To Arms" feature as many times per long rest as you wish.

Also, whenever combat starts, you gain your level in temporary hit points.


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