Homebrew Warlock Subclass: Mortal Patron

by DragoonKnight

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Mortal Patron

Most warlock patrons are beings of godlike power, so a mortal being a warlock's patron is rare. It is not however unheard of. Your patron is a mortal who has gained command of so much arcane power that they have reached a state comparable to a demigod.

These beings have various reasons they might want to gift someone with warlock powers: to increase their power, expand their reach, to learn of what is going on in other lands, or even to spread word of their power. Whatever the reason, most of these beings can only have one or two warlocks at a time, lacking the power to create more simultaneously, so they are likely to want something in particular as part of the pact.

Expanded Spell List

Starting at 1st level, your spell list includes spells from the Wizard Spell list.

Furthermore, you learn two additional 1st-level spells of your choice, which do not count against your spells known, and two additional cantrips.

Arcane Power Surge

Also at 1st level, when you cast a damaging spell other than a cantrip, you can increase the damage dealt to one creature by your Charisma modifier.

Shielding Ward

Starting at 6th level, your patron gifts you with a reservoir of magical energy to protect you from harm. You can cast the shield and absorb elements spells at 1st-level, without using a spell slot, and even if you do not know these spells. You can do this a number of times per long rest equal to half your proficiency bonus (rounded up).

Arcane Gift

At 10th level, your patron gifts you with a minor magical miracle. You gain one Eldritch Invocation, which does not count against your total number of Invocations known.

Flexible Arcanum

At 14th level, your patron teaches you how to better use your Mystic Arcanum. You can now use your Mystic Arcanum to cast your warlock spells at a higher level. After using an Arcanum in this way, you still need to complete a long rest before you can use it again.

For instance, if you use your 7th level Mystic Arcanum to cast Armor of Agathys, you cast the spell at 7th level, and you use up your Mystic Arcanum until you finish a long rest.

Image from https://i.pinimg.com/originals/af/f0/da/

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