
by CanceRevolution

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Demons, hailing from the chaotic abysses and infernal realms, are malevolent beings of immense power and dread. These entities are embodiments of chaos, destruction, and evil, driven by malefic desires and an insatiable hunger for souls. Crafted from the very essence of sin and vice, their forms can range from the grotesque and monstrous, with horned visages, leathery wings, and infernal flames, to the beguilingly human-like, designed to deceive and corrupt the unwary.

Their motives can be as varied as their appearance, but one thing remains constant: a demon's innate desire to spread misery and darkness. Some seek to possess and control mortal vessels, spreading havoc and devastation in the mortal realm, while others are content with the pure torture and consumption of souls in their own hellish domains.

Tier 3

Fear Demon

Large, Fiend

Tier 3, Challenge Point 20, XP: 60


AC 15 AP 1
HP 168 Posture 85
  • Damage Immunities: Dark, Psychic
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 9
  • Senses Darkvision
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 30 Climb/ Swim 15 Dash 30

Stats + Skills

STR +8 DEX +5 INT -1 WIS -1 CHA -3
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Action

  • Fear Incarnate When you roll for Initiative, all creatures looking at you must succeed on an Insight Save (DC 16), or become Scared of you for 1 turn.


  • Aura of Fear At the start of your turn, all creatures within 30 feet of you must succeed on an Insight Save (DC 16) or become Scared of you for 1 turn.
  • Paralyzing Fear Creatures within 5 feet that are Scared of you also become Paralyzed
  • Shadow Camouflage: While you are in darkness, you appear as a shadow. A creature analyzing the area must succeed on a Investigation Check (DC 16) to detect your presence.
  • Weakness to Courage You are weak to any damage dealt by a creature that is not Scared of you.

Action (3)

  • Claw Hit +8, Dmg 1d12 slash
  • Fearful Haunt: If you hit a creature that is Scared, that creature takes extra 1d12 psychic damage.
  • Fear Scream All creatures within 30 feet of you must make an Endurance Save (DC 16), taking 2d12 sonic damage on a fail, or half as much on a success.
  • A creature that takes this sonic damage must also succeed on an Insight Save (DC 16), or become Scared of you for 1 turn.
  • Triumph: This Action has a limit of once per round.

Scorn Demon

Large, Fiend

Tier 3, Challenge Point 20, XP: 60


AC 17 AP 0
HP 127 Posture 67
  • Damages Resistances: Fire, Psychic
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 10
  • Senses Darkvision
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base/ Spider Climb 35 Swim 20 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +7 DEX +7 INT +7 WIS +0 CHA -4
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Action

  • Anxiety Presence At the start of each round, you can make 1 Anxiety Demon appear on the battlefield.
  • Steal Limbs When a Humanoid creature dies within 30 feet of you, you regain 20 HP.


  • Aura of Fear At the start of your turn, all creatures within 30 feet of you must succeed on an Insight Save (DC 15) or become Scared of you for 1 turns.

  • Scorn Curse: Before you die, you can choose one creature within 30 feet of you. That creature becomes cursed. While cursed this way, it suffers a penalty of -5 to its Charisma stat, and anyone who meets that creature immediately becomes unfriendly, feeling an intense scorn towards it.

  • If someone openly insults or shows dislike towards the cursed creature, the cursed creature must succeed on an Insight Save (DC 15) or lose 5 HP. If the cursed creature dies, a Scorn Demon is born, bursting through its body from the inside.

  • To break the curse, the cursed creature must befriend someone who openly dislikes it. If the curse is broken in this way, you become immune to being cursed in this manner again.

Action (3)

  • Agony Scream All creatures within 30 feet of you must make an Endurance Save (DC 15), taking 3d6 sonic damage on a fail, or half as much on a success.
  • A creature that takes this sonic damage must also succeed on an Insight Save (DC 15), or become Scared of you for 1 turn.
  • A creature that was already Scared of you automatically fail this Endurance Save.
  • Triumph: This Action has a limit of once per round.
  • Disturbing Scratch Hit +7, Dmg 1d6 slash + 1d6 fire
  • Fearful Haunt: If you hit a creature that is Scared, that creature takes extra 1d6 psychic damage.
  • Ignite: On a hit, that target must make an Agility Save (DC 15) or be Ignited (1d6).

Anxiety Demon

Small, Fiend

Tier 3, Challenge Point 1, XP: 3


AC 13 AP 0
HP 1 Posture 6
  • Damage Weakness Psychic
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 10
  • Senses Darkvision
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base/ Fly 35 Climb/ Swim 5 Dash 10

Stats + Skills

STR -1 DEX +5 INT -3 WIS -3 CHA -3
  • LU -3: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1 to 3


  • Deathblow When you die, all creatures within 20 feet of you must make an Agility Save (DC 13).
  • On a fail, they take 1d12 thrust and 1d12 fire damage and become Ignited (1d6). On a success, they only take half that damage.

Action (1)

  • Punch Hit +5, Dmg 1d4 strike
  • Kamikaze: If you hit an Attack, you then die


  • Panic Attack If you would take any damage, you can use your Reaction to make 1 Attack before that damage is taken.

Hell Hound

Small, Beast/ Fiend

Tier 3, Challenge Point 3, XP: 9


AC 15 AP 0
HP 19 Posture 16
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 17
  • Senses Darkvision
  • Language None


Base 35 Climb/ Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR +1 DEX +7 INT -3 WIS +7 CHA -3
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Guardian You ignore Disengage when making any Attacks of Opportunities.
  • Pack Hunter You gain advantage on Attacks if there's an ally within 5 feet of the target you're attacking.
  • Tracker You gain advantage on Nature Checks to track creatures.
  • Double Heads You gain advantage on all your Perception Checks, and you also have 2 Reactions, but cannot use all of them at once.
  • You also gain advantage on all Saves that would make you become Blinded, Deafened, Surprised, Confused, Scared, or Enchanted.

Action (2)

  • Bite Hit +7, Dmg 1d10 thrust
  • Armor Piercer: You ignore 2 AP

Reactions (2)

  • Territorial If a creature within 5 feet of you moves, you can make 1 Attack of Opportunity against that creature.

Nightmare Demon

Medium, Fiend

Tier 3, Challenge Point 20, XP: 60


AC 18 AP 0
HP 79 Posture 48
Mana 10
  • Damage Immunities: Bleed, Brain, Poison, Psychic
  • Damage Resistances: Slash, Strike, Thrust
  • Damage Weakness: Light
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 18
  • Senses Darkvision
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base/ Fly 30 Climb/ Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR -1 DEX +8 INT -2 WIS +8 CHA +8
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Action

  • Villain Magic Once per round, you can cast a spell at any moment, ignoring any restriction from Normal Spells
  • Haunting Look When you roll for Initiative, all creatures looking at you must succeed on an Insight Save (DC 16), or become Scared of you for 1 turn.


  • Aura of Fear At the start of your turn, all creatures within 30 feet of you must succeed on an Insight Save (DC 16) or become Scared of you for 1 turn.

  • Immaterial Form You are immune against being Stunned, Contained, Immobilized, Knocked Prone, Suffocated or Poisoned. You can also pass through any creature or object space, regardless of size.

  • Nightmare Curse When you die, you can place 1 Curse to 1 creature within 30 feet of you.

  • While Cursed this way, that creature cannot take Long rests and it becomes immune against being Unconscious as it is unable to sleep due to terrible Nightmares. If the cursed creature dies, the Nightmare Demon is reborn from that creature.

  • The only way to break this Curse is by confronting the demon on a lucid dream, which can be achieved via meditation. In this dream, the demon assumes the form of the cursed creature and uses all of its stats, HP, Posture, attributes, and abilities. The creature does not die if it reaches 0 HP on the lucid dream.

  • Spell Skill Spell Hit: +8, Spell DC (16)

Action (3)

  • Haunt Hit +8, Dmg 2d6 psychic
  • Fearful Haunt: If you hit a creature that is Scared, that creature takes extra 2d6 psychic damage
  • Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
  • At Will: Sleep
  • Level 1 (1 Mana): Mass Sleep
  • Level 2 (2 Mana): Create Anger, Create Fear
  • Posession You can try to possess a creature within 10 feet of you. That creature must then succeed on a Persuasion Save (DC 16) to avoid the possession. The creature must repeat this Save every 10 minutes while possessed or every time it takes any damage while possessed.
  • You completely control the creature’s body, using all its stats, skills, and abilities. You also use the HP and Posture of that creature. If the creature’s Posture is reduced to 0, the possession ends.
  • If the creature succeeds on this Persuasion Save, it becomes immune to possessions for 1 day.

Bonus Action

  • Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
  • Level 1 (1 Mana): Ethereal Step

Blight Demon

Medium, Fiend

Tier 3, Challenge Point 20, XP: 60


AC 17 AP 0
HP 127 Posture 67
  • Damage Immunities: Acid, Poison
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 17
  • Senses Darkvision
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 35 Climb/ Swim 20 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +7 DEX +7 INT -2 WIS +7 CHA -3
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Acid Blood If a creature hits you with a Melee Attack while you are Bleeding or with 0, any Construct or Weapon being used by those creatures also takes 1 Corrosion Point.
  • Death Blow When you die, all creatures within 30 feet of you must make an Agility Save (DC 15). A creature takes 2d8 acid damage on a fail, or half as much on a success. Any Construct or Armor/ Shield/ Weapon being used by a creature also takes 1 Corrosion Point when they take this acid damage.

  • Putrid Aura At the start of your turn, all creatures within 30 feet of you must succeed on an Endurance Save (DC 15) or become Poisoned (1d8, 1 turn).

  • A creature that is already Poisoned takes 1d8 poison damage on a fail instead.

  • Spell Skill Spell Hit: +7, Spell DC (15)

Action (3)

  • Bite Hit +8, Dmg 1d8 thrust + 1d8 acid + 1d8 poison
  • Corrosion: Any Construct, Armor or Shield being used by a creature also takes 1 Corrosion Point when they take this acid damage.
  • Acid Spit Hit +8, Dmg 2d8 acid
  • Acid Trace: Regardless of whether you hit the Attack, the target and every creature within 10 feet of it must succeed on an Agility Save (DC 16) or take 1d8 acid damage.
  • Corrosion: Any Construct, Armor or Shield being used by a creature also takes 1 Corrosion Point when they take this acid damage.
  • Ranged Attack (30/60)

Demon Ape

Large, Beast/Fiend

Tier 3, Challenge Point 7, XP: 21


AC 12 AP 3
HP 64 Posture 32
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 9
  • Senses Darkvision
  • Language None


Base/ Climb 30 Swim 25 Dash 50

Stats + Skills

STR +8 DEX +4 INT -3 WIS -1 CHA -3
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Reckless You gain advantage on all your Attacks, but all Attacks against you also gain advantage.

Actions (3)

  • Bite Hit +8, Dmg 1d12 thrust

  • Armor Piercer: You ignore 2 AP

  • Big Punch Hit +8, Dmg 1d8 strike

  • Smash: All creatures within 20 feet of you must succeed on an Athletics Save (DC 16) after you have Attacked. On a fail, a creature takes 1d8 strike damage and becomes Knocked Prone.

  • Throw Shit Hit +8, Dmg 1d8 strike

  • Ranged Attack (30/60)

  • Poison Hit: On a hit, the target must succeed on an Endurance Save (DC 16), or become Poisoned (1d8, 1 turn). A creature that is already Poisoned takes 1d8 extra poison damage instead.

  • Triumph: This Action has a limit of once per round.

Flame Demon

Medium, Fiend/ Elemental

Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30


AC 17 AP 0
HP 60 Posture 37
Mana 20
  • Damage Immunities: Fire
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 17
  • Senses Darkvision
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 35 Climb/ Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR +0 DEX +7 INT -1 WIS +7 CHA -2
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Fire Aura At the start of your turn, all creatures within 30 feet of you must succeed on an Agility Save (DC 15) or take 1d6 fire damage and become Ignited (1d6).
  • Fire Form Any creature that touches you directly (like grappling or mounting) becomes Ignited (1d6). You also take 10 cold damage for every 5 feet you move on water, or whenever you take damage from a spell or similar effect that splashes a lot of water.
  • Spell Skill Spell Hit: +7, Spell DC (15)

Action (1)

  • Fire Claw Hit +7, Dmg 1d10 fire
  • Ignite: On a hit, that target must make an Agility Save (DC 15) or be Ignited (1d6).
  • Cast Spell You cast the following spells:
  • At will: Fire Orb
  • Level 1 (1 Mana): Flamethrower
  • Level 2 (2 Mana): Fireball
  • Level 3 (4 Mana): Fire Barrier

Frost Demon

Medium, Fiend/ Elemental

Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30


AC 17 AP 0
HP 60 Posture 37
Mana 20
  • Damage Immunities: Cold
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 17
  • Senses Darkvision
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 35 Climb/ Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR +0 DEX +7 INT -1 WIS +7 CHA -2
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Freezing Aura: At the start of your turn, all creatures within 30 feet of you must succeed on an Endurance Save (DC 15), or become Contained for 1 turn. If a creature was already Contained, it takes 1d6 cold damage instead.
  • Spell Skill Spell Hit: +7, Spell DC (15)

Action (1)

  • Freezing Claw Hit +7, Dmg 1d10 slash
  • Cold Strike: On a hit, the target must succeed on an Endurance Save (DC 15), or become Contained for 1 turn. If the target was already Contained, it takes 1d6 cold damage instead.
  • Cast Spell You cast the following spells:
  • At will: Frost Bite
  • Level 1 (1 Mana): Cold Whisper
  • Level 2 (2 Mana): Frost Wind
  • Level 3 (4 Mana): Freezing Weather

Shock Demon

Medium, Fiend/ Elemental

Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30


AC 17 AP 0
HP 60 Posture 37
Mana 20
  • Damage Immunities: Electric
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 27
  • Senses Darkvision
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 35 Climb/ Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR +0 DEX +7 INT -1 WIS +7 CHA -2
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Electric Charge If a creature within 5 feet hits you with a Melee Attack or touches you, it must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 15), or take 1d4 electric damage, which deals double Posture damage.

  • Electrical Sensors Your Passive Insight/ Perception is increased by 10.

  • Spell Skill Spell Hit: +7, Spell DC (15)

Action (1)

  • Electric Claw Hit +7, Dmg 1d6 slash
  • Light Attack: You make 2 Attacks. If the first Attack was with advantage or disadvantage, the second Attack gains the same advantage or disadvantage.
  • Electric Hit: On a hit, that target must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 15), or take 1d4 electric damage, which deals double Posture damage.
  • Cast Spell You cast the following spells:
  • At will: Minor Lightning
  • Level 1 (1 Mana): Lightning Strike
  • Level 2 (2 Mana): Bolt of Lightning
  • Level 3 (4 Mana): Lightning Storm

Blood Demon

Large, Fiend

Tier 3, Challenge Point 20, XP: 60


AC 17 AP 0
HP 127 Posture 67
Mana 10
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 17
  • Senses Darkvision
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 35 Climb/ Swim 20 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +7 DEX +7 INT -2 WIS +7 CHA -2
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Action

  • Villain Magic Once per round, you can cast a spell at any moment, ignoring any restriction from Normal Spells


  • Blood Curse You are always Bleeding (1d4), but any bleed damage you take is first reduced by 4.
  • Blood Frenzy Once per round, you can Attack 1 target that is Bleeding as a Free Action.
  • Bloodthirst When you start the turn within 15 feet of a Bleeding creature, you can regain 1d6 HP.
  • Cast Ritual Spell You can following ritual spells:
  • Blood Sacrifice, Blood Rain
  • Spell Skill Spell Hit: +7, Spell DC (15)

Action (2)

  • Bite Hit +7, Dmg 1d6 thrust
  • Bloody Hit: On a hit, the target must succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 15), or start Bleeding (1d6).
  • Consume: If you hit an Attack against a creature that is Bleeding, you can deal extra 1d6 bleed damage, and regain that same amount of HP.
  • Cast Spell You cast the following spells:
  • At will: Blood Slash Dark Orb, Sense Good & Evil
  • Level 1 (1 Mana): Blood Skull, Dark Pulse, Putrid Flesh
  • Level 2 (2 Mana): Blood Drain, Shadow Ball

Bonus Action

  • Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
  • At will: Hex
  • Level 2 (2 Mana): Force Bleed


  • Absorb Blood If a Bleeding creature within 30 feet of you dies, you can use your Reaction to gain 10 HP.

Sloth Demon

Enormous, Fiend

Tier 3, Challenge Point 20, XP: 60


AC 3 AP 5
HP 211 Posture 0
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 3
  • Senses Darkvision
  • Language Abyssal Speech


Base 15 Climb/ Swim 25 Dash 50

Stats + Skills

STR +11 DEX -5 INT -3 WIS -2 CHA -3
  • LU +3: Luck Points: 3; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Actions

  • Frenetic Dreams On the end of each creature turn, you can make 1 Attack against it if possible.

  • Loud Snore When you roll for Initiative, you make a great snore. All creatures within 60 feet of you must make an Endurance Save (DC 19), taking 3d12 sonic damage on a fail, or half as much on a success.

  • A creature that takes this sonic damage must also succeed on a Concentration Save (DC 19), or become Exhausted.


  • Tired You are always Exhausted

  • Sloth Aura At the start of your turn, all creatures within 20 feet of you must succeed on a Concentration Save (DC 19) or become Exhausted. If the creature was already Exhausted, it becomes Unconscious as if by the effect of the Sleep spell instead.

Action (1)

  • Belly Hit +11, Dmg 3d12 strike
  • Prone: You become Knocked Prone after this Attack. You cannot use this Attack while Knocked Prone.
  • Fat Prison: On a hit, a Large or smaller creature then shares the same space as you, and it becomes Knocked Prone, Contained and Immobilized while you are above it.
  • That creature can use 1 Action to make 1 Athletics Save (DC 19), moving away from your space.
  • Claw Hit +11, Dmg 2d12 slash
  • Bloody Hit: On a hit, the target must succeed on a Endurance Save (DC 19), or start Bleeding (1d8).
  • Long Reach: The reach of this weapon is 15 feet.
  • Loud Snore All creatures within 60 feet of you must make an Endurance Save (DC 19), taking 3d12 sonic damage on a fail, or half as much on a success.
  • A creature that takes this sonic damage must also succeed on a Concentration Save (DC 19), or become Exhausted.
  • Triumph: This Action has a limit of once per round.

Reaction (0)