
by CanceRevolution

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Emissaries of ancient woods and guardians of nature's delicate balance, Dryads embody the very spirit of the forest. As fey beings, they bridge the gap between the verdant realms of trees and the mystical world of the Feywild. At first glance, a Dryad might seem a mere silhouette amidst the woodland, their skin resembling the bark of trees, seamlessly blending with their surroundings. Graceful and ethereal, their forms are delicately humanoid, with limbs that sway like willow branches and eyes that reflect the deepest shades of green, mirroring the forest canopy.

Dryads are intrinsically linked to the trees and groves they hail from, and they view any harm to their domain as a personal affront. They possess an innate magic, drawing from the very essence of the forest to heal, protect, and if need be, retaliate. To those who respect nature, Dryads can be benevolent allies, guiding lost travelers or bestowing their blessings. But woe betide those who defile the woods, for they will find themselves facing not just one angered Dryad, but the wrath of the forest itself.

Bound to their homelands by ancient pacts and by their very nature, Dryads often refrain from venturing far from their groves. However, the tales of old speak of times when the forests faced great perils, prompting Dryads to form alliances with other woodland creatures, even reaching out to humans and elves to preserve the sanctity of their realms. In the heart of every dense thicket, by the side of every murmuring brook, the Dryads stand vigil, timeless sentinels ensuring that the age-old dance of nature continues unabated.

Tier 2

Young Dryad

Medium, Fey / Plant

Tier 2, Challenge Point 2, XP: 4


AC 14 AP 2
HP 7 Posture 10
Mana 4
  • Damage Immunities Bleed
  • Damage Resistance Fire
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 16
  • Language Druidic, Sylvan


Base 30 Climb/Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR -1 DEX +4 INT -1 WIS +6 CHA +4
  • LU +1: Luck Points: 1; Critical Fail: 1


  • Camouflage While you are motionless, you appear to be a normal tree. A creature that attempts to analyze you must succeed on a Nature Check (DC 12) to notice your true form.

  • Entangle Grounds: All the area within 30 feet within you becomes harsh terrain for creatures of choice.

  • Fey Heritage You have advantage on Insight Checks and Saves.

  • Plant Regeneration You regain 1d4 HP at the start of your turn while alive. If you take any fire damage, you lose this ability for 1 turn.

  • Spell Skill Spell Hit: +6, Spell DC (14)

  • Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following spells:

  • Locate, Find Familiar, Talk to Plants

Actions (1)

  • Cast Spell: You can cast the following spells:

  • At Will: Beast Sense, Commune with Nature, Conjure Minor Vines, Talk to Animals, Thorn Whip, Wild Claws

  • Level 1 (1 Mana): Beam Light, Conjure Vines,
    Cure Wounds, Poison Person

Tier 3


Medium, Fey / Plant

Tier 3, Challenge Point 5, XP: 15


AC 16 AP 2
HP 29 Posture 23
Mana 20
  • Damage Immunities Bleed
  • Damage Resistance Fire
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 18
  • Language Druidic, Sylvan


Base 35 Climb/Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR -1 DEX +6 INT +1 WIS +8 CHA +6
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Camouflage While you are motionless, you appear to be a normal tree. A creature that attempts to analyze you must succeed on a Nature Check (DC 16) to notice your true form.

  • Entangle Grounds: All the area within 30 feet within you becomes harsh terrain for creatures of choice.

  • Fey Heritage You have advantage on Insight Checks and Saves.

  • Plant Regeneration You regain 1d4 HP at the start of your turn while alive. If you take any fire damage, you lose this ability for 1 turn.

  • Spell Skill Spell Hit: +8, Spell DC (16)

  • Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following spells:

  • Identify Object, Zone of Truth, Locate, Find Familiar, Talk to Plants, Invisible Eye, Oak Armor

Actions (1)

  • Cast Spell: You can cast the following spells:

  • At Will: Beast Sense, Commune with Nature, Conjure Minor Vines, Talk to Animals, Thorn Whip, Wild Claws

  • Level 1 (1 Mana): Beam Light, Conjure Vines,
    Cure Wounds, Poison Person

  • Level 2 (2 Mana): Light Pillar, Minor Earthquake,
    Plant Growth, Poisonous Spray

Bonus Action

  • Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
  • Level 3 (4 Mana): Conjure Sentient Vine

Elder Dryad

Medium, Fey / Plant

Tier 3, Challenge Point 20, XP: 60


AC 16 AP 2
HP 119 Posture 70
Mana 30
  • Damage Immunities Bleed
  • Damage Resistance Fire
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 20
  • Language Druidic, Sylvan


Base 35 Climb/Swim 10 Dash 20

Stats + Skills

STR -1 DEX +6 INT +4 WIS +10 CHA +6
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Action

  • Call When you roll for Initiative, you can call 1d4 Young Dryads to aid you in battle.


  • Camouflage While you are motionless, you appear to be a normal tree. A creature that attempts to analyze you must succeed on a Nature Check (DC 18) to notice your true form.

  • Command Once per round, you can use a Free Action to make a Dryad within 30 feet to take an Action on your turn.

  • Entangle Grounds: All the area within 30 feet within you becomes harsh terrain for creatures of choice.

  • Fey Heritage You have advantage on Insight Checks and Saves.

  • Plant Regeneration You regain 2d4 HP at the start of your turn while alive. If you take any fire damage, you lose this ability for 1 turn.

  • Spell Skill Spell Hit: +10, Spell DC (18)

  • Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following spells:

  • Identify Object, Zone of Truth, Locate, Find Familiar, Talk to Plants, Invisible Eye, Oak Armor

Actions (1)

  • Cast Spell: You can cast the following spells:

  • At Will: Beast Sense, Commune with Nature, Conjure Minor Vines, Talk to Animals, Thorn Whip, Wild Claws

  • Level 1 (1 Mana): Beam Light, Conjure Vines,
    Cure Wounds, Poison Person

  • Level 2 (2 Mana): Light Pillar, Minor Earthquake,
    Plant Growth, Poisonous Spray

  • Level 3 (4 Mana): Cloud of Poisons, Natural Decay

  • Level 4 (6 Mana): Conjure Great Thorn Vines

Bonus Action

  • Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
  • Level 2 (2 Mana): Conjure Sentient Vine
  • Level 3 (4 Mana): Polymorph