Artificer, the Bamstacks Variant v1

by Bamstacks

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Artificer, the Bamstacks Variant

Not all artificers are alike. While all have the power to create and infuse magic items, all have various specialties that allow them to fulfill various roles in an adventuring party. If you're an Armorer, you will create magic armor you will wear into battle. Maybe you create arcane firearms with which you blast your enemies to smithereens. Or maybe you will craft yourself a mechanical companion that you can ride into battle.

Other Changes

This variant is intended to go along with the other changes, like class proficiency bonuses, detailed here.

The Artificer

Masters of invention, artificers use ingenuity and magic to unlock extraordinary capabilities in objects. They see magic as a complex system waiting to be decoded and then harnessed in their spells and inventions. You can find everything you need to play one of these inventors in the next few sections.

Artificers use a variety of tools to channel their arcane power. To cast a spell, an artificer might use alchemist's supplies to create a potent elixir, calligrapher's supplies to inscribe a sigil of power, or tinker's tools to craft a temporary charm. The magic of artificers is tied to their tools and their talents, and few other characters can produce the right tool for a job as well as an artificer.

The Artificer
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Infusions Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 Artificer Specialty, Infusions 2
2nd +2 Spellcasting, Magical Tinkering 3 2
3rd +2 Artificer Specialty Feature 3 3
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 4 3
5th +3 Artificer Specialist feature 4 4 2
6th +3 Adjustable Inventions, Tool Expertise 5 4 2
7th +3 Spell-Storing Item 5 4 3
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 6 4 3
9th +4 - 6 4 3 2
10th +4 Magic Item Adept, Artificer Specialist feature 7 4 3 2
11th +4 Flash of Genius, Spell-Storing Item improvement 7 4 3 3
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 8 4 3 3
13th +5 - 8 4 3 3 1
14th +5 Arcane Breakthrough 8 4 3 3 1
15th +5 Artificer Specialist feature 9 4 3 3 2
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 9 4 3 3 2
17th +6 - 9 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 Magic Item Master 10 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 10 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 Soul of Artifice 10 4 3 3 3 2

Creating an Artificer

When creating an artificer, think about your character's relationship with the artisan who taught them their craft. Does the character have a rival? Talk to your DM about the role played by artificers in the campaign and the sort of organizations you might have ties to.

Quick Build

You can make an artificer quickly by following these suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Intelligence, followed by Constitution and Dexterity in an order of your choice. Second, choose the guild artisan background.

Class Features

As an artificer, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per artificer level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per artificer level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, heavy crossbows
  • Tools: Thieves' tools, tinker's tools, one type of artisan's tools of your choice
  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence
  • Skills: Choose three from Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Sleight of Hand


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Any two simple weapons of your choice and a shield
  • A light crossbow and 20 bolts
  • (a) Studded leather armor, (b) Scale mail, or (c) Chain mail (if proficient)
  • Thieves' tools and a Dungeoneer's pack

Alternatively, you can roll 5d4 x 10 gp and buy your starting equipment.

Artificer Multiclassing

Artificers follow all the normal rules for multiclassing. The following tables function as additions to the normal multiclassing rules.

Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you must have at least an Intelligence score of 15 to take a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if you are already an artificer.

Proficiencies Gained. If druid isn’t your initial class, here are the proficiencies you gain when you take your first level as a artificer: light armor, medium armor, shields, thieves’ tools, tinker’s tools.

Spell Slots. Add half your levels in the artificer class, rounded down, to the appropriate levels from other classes to determine your available spell slots.

Artificer Specialty

At 1st level, choose one of the artificer specialties detailed at the end of this class description. Your Artificer Specialty grants features at 1st level, and again when you reach 3rd, 5th, 10th, and 15th level in this class.

Specialty Spells

Each Specialty has a list of spells that you gain at the artificer levels noted in its description. These count as artificer spells for you, but they don't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day.


You have learned to infuse objects with your signature brand of magic. At 1st level, you learn two Infusions of your choice from the list detailed at the end of this class, in addition to the Arcane Implement infusion, which doesn't count against your number of Infusions Known. As you gain levels in this class, you learn additional Infusions, as shown in the Infusions Known column of the Artificer table.

At the end of a long rest, if you have access to your tinker's tools, or a set of artisan's tools that you are proficient with, you can replace one of your Infusions Known with another Infusion of your choice that you meet the prerequisites for.

Infusing an Object

At the end of a long rest, you can use your tinker's tools, or a set of artisan's tools that you are proficient with, to touch a nonmagical object, imbuing it with one Infusion you know. If the Infusion requires attunement, you can attune the instant you infuse the item, or you can forgo attunement so another creature can attune to it. If you decide to attune to the item later, you must follow the normal attunement process.

The Infusion remains in an item indefinitely. If you die, the Infusion vanishes after a number of days have passed equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1 day). Infusions vanish immediately if you give up your knowledge of one to learn another, or imbue the Infusion into another object.

You can infuse more than one nonmagical object at the end of each long rest, up to one for each Infusion you know. You must touch each of the objects, and each Infusion can be in only one object at a time, but, no object can bear more than one Infusion at a time. If you transfer an Infusion to a new object, the previous instance of that Infusion immediately ends, and then the Infusion applies to the new object.


Using your signature tools and your own special brand of arcane magic, you can produce spell effects from strange and wondrous objects. See chapter 11 of the Player's Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting and the artificer spell list included with this class for your list of spells.

Preparing and Casting Spells

The Artificer table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your artificer spells. To cast one of your artificer spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

You prepare the list of artificer spells that are available for you to cast, choosing from the artificer spell list. When you do so, choose a number of artificer spells equal to your Intelligence modifier + half your artificer level, rounded down (minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots.

For example, if you are a 5th-level artificer, you have four 1st-level and two 2nd-level spell slots. With an Intelligence of 14, your list of prepared spells can include four spells of 1st or 2nd level, in any combination. If you prepare the 1st-level spell Cure Wounds, you can cast it using a lst-level or a 2nd-level slot. Casting the spell doesn't remove it from your list of prepared spells.

You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of artificer spells requires time spent tinkering with your spellcasting focuses: at least 1 minute per spell level for each spell on your list.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for artificer spells, as your understanding of the theory behind magic to produce spells. You use Intelligence whenever an artificer spell refers to your spellcasting ability, and you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an artificer spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence modifier

Spellcasting Focus

You must use either your tinker's tools, a set of artisan's tools with which you are proficient, or an item bearing one of your Infusions as spellcasting focus for your artificer spells.

While you have access to your tinker's tools or a set of artisan's tools with which you are proficient, you know the mending cantrip and the identify spell, but they don't count against your total number of Spells Known. You can cast identify normally by expending a spell slot, or as a ritual.

Ritual Casting

You can cast an artificer spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.

Magical Tinkering

At 2nd level, you've learned how to invest a spark of magic into mundane objects. To use this ability, you must have thieves' tools or artisan's tools in hand. You then touch a Tiny nonmagical object as an action and give it one of the following magical properties of your choice:

  • The object sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet. Both distances increase to 10 feet at 5th level, 15 feet at 10th level, 20 feet at 15th level, and 30 feet at 20th level.
  • Whenever tapped by a creature, the object emits a recorded message that can be heard up to 10 feet away. You utter the message when you bestow this property on the object, and the recording can be no more than 6 seconds long. The recording length increases to 12 seconds at 10th level.
  • The object continuously emits your choice of an odor or a nonverbal sound (wind, waves, chirping, or the like). The chosen phenomenon is perceivable up to 10 feet away. This distance increases to 20 feet at 10th level.
  • A static visual effect appears on one of the object's surfaces. This effect can be a picture, up to 25 words of text, lines and shapes, or a mixture of these elements, as you like.

The chosen property lasts indefinitely. As an action, you can touch the object and end the property early.

You can bestow magic on multiple objects, touching one object each time you use this feature, though a single object can only bear one property at a time. The maximum number of objects you can affect with this feature at one time is equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of one object). If you try to exceed your maximum, the oldest property immediately ends, and then the new property applies.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1, or you can take a feat. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Adjustable Inventions

Starting at 6th level, you can alter and adjust your Infusions in order to better meet the challenges at hand. At the end of a short rest, so long as you have access to your tinker's tools, or a set of artisan's tools with which you are proficient, you can replace one of your Infusions Known with another Infusion of your choice, immediately imbuing it into an object you touch.

If the Infusion requires attunement, it follows the normal rules for attuning to an Infused item. If the Infused item has charges, it has zero charges until you complete a long rest.

Once you use this ability you must complete a long rest before you can use it again.

Tool Expertise

There are few who can match an artificer's raw skill with their tools. Beginning at 6th level, whenever you make an ability check that uses a tool with which you are proficient, you can add double your proficiency bonus to your roll.

Spell-Storing Item

Starting at 7th level, you master the storing of magic within the mundane. At the end of each long rest, you can touch one weapon or item and imbue it with artificer spells of your choice with casting times of 1 action. At 7th level, you can imbue one 1st level spell. At 11th level, you can imbue two 1st or 2nd level spells. At 15th level, three 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level spells. And at 20th level, four 1st through 4th level spells.

While holding the item, any creature can use an action to cast one of the imbued spells using your spellcasting ability modifier. When it does so, it must expend charges equal to the imbued spell's level. If it requires concentration, they must concentrate on it. This item gains a number of charges equal to half your artificer level, rounded up.

The spell stays imbued in the object until it has run out of charges, or until you use this feature again.

Magic Item Master

You have gained a deep understanding of the inner workings and creation of magic items. Beginning at 10th level, you can attune to up to four magic items at once, and for you, crafting a magic item with a rarity of Common or Uncommon takes a quarter of the normal time and costs half the normal gold.

The number of magic items you can attune to at one time increases at 14th level (5 items) and 18th level (6 items).

Flash of Genius

Beginning at 11th level, your analytical mind can offer insights and suggestions at a moments notice. As a reaction, when you, or another creature you can see within 30 feet, makes an ability check or a saving throw, you can add your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1) to the result of the roll.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Arcane Breakthrough

Beginning at 14th level, your expert understanding of magic items allows you to attune to any magic item regardless of any alignment, class, race, spell, or level requirements.

Soul of Artifice

You imbue a spark of your own essence in the magic items you bear. At 20th level, you gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws for each magic item you are attuned to. In addition, if you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed out-right, you can choose to to end your attunement to one magic item or Infusion, causing you to drop to 1 hit point instead of 0.


Based on Laserllama's Alchemist found here.

Alchemy is a delicate art, tip the ratio of ingredients too far out of line and the effects could be disastrous. Those that study the magic of arcane potions and brews are known as Alchemists. They are experts at combining exotic reagents to produce a variety of materials and effects. From healing droughts that can mend a wound in moments, to sticky goo that explodes when it comes in contact with open flame. With careful preparation, and a bit of luck, Alchemists are masters of both giving life and leeching it away.

Tools of the Trade

1st-level Alchemist feature

You gain proficiency with alchemist's supplies. If you are already proficient with alchemist's supplies, you gain proficiency with another set of artisan's tools of your choice.

Ready-Made Alchemy

1st-level Alchemist feature

Through your proficiency in alchemy, you can reliably recreate alchemical effects on the battlefield. You know one cantrip of your choice between acid splash, poison spray, and produce flame. Your alchemist's supplies are your spellcasting focus for this cantrip.

Alchemical Elixirs

1st-level Alchemist feature

Your skills allow you to create Elixirs that mimic spell effects. Refer to the Alchemical Elixir Infusions section for details. Your total number of Infusions Known increases by one, but this additional Infusion must be an Elixir.

You gain a second bonus Infusion at 9th level, and a third at 15th level, all of which must be Elixirs. Your Elixirs and their effects are detailed at the end of this Specialty.

Alchemist Spells

Artificer Level Alchemist Spells
2nd healing word, inflict wounds
5th acid arrow, flaming sphere
9th gaseous form, mass healing word
13th blight, death ward
17th cloudkill, reincarnate

Homunculus Servant

3rd-level Alchemist feature

Your alchemical experiments have yielded you a tiny Homunculus Servant. You determine your Homunculus' appearance, it is friendly to you and your companions, and it obeys your commands to the best of its ability. See its game statistics in the Homunculus Servant stat block, which uses your proficiency bonus (PB) in several places.

In combat, the Homunculus shares your initiative count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. It can move and use its reaction on its own, but the only action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you use a bonus action to command it to take another action, or an action from its stat block. If you are incapacitated, the Homunculus can take any action of its choice. If you die, the Homunculus turns to ash.

If it has died within the last hour, you can use an action to revive it by touching it and expending a spell slot of 1st-level or higher. It returns to life with its maximum hit points.

At the end of a long rest, you can make a new Homunculus Servant using your alchemist's supplies. If you already have a Homunculus from this feature, the first one turns to ash.

Homunculus Servant

Tiny construct, neutral

  • Armor Class 11 + PB (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 1 + two times your artificer level. (the homunculus has a number of hit dice [d4s] equal to your artificer level)
  • Speed 20 ft., fly 30 ft.

4 (-3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)

  • Saving Throws Dexterity +2 + PB
  • Skills Perception +PB, Stealth +2 +PB
  • Damage Immunities poison
  • Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
  • Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 10 +2PB
  • Languages understands the languages you speak

  • Evasion. If the Homunculus makes a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, it instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if it fails.
  • Channel Magic. When the Homunculus is within 120 feet of you, it can deliver any spell you can cast that has a range of touch.


Force Strike. Ranged Weapon Attack: your spell attack modifier to hit, range 30 ft., one target you can see. Hit: 1d4 + PB force damage.

Administer Elixir. The Homunculus can administer an Elixir they are carrying to a creature within 5 feet.

Potent Potions

5th-level Alchemist feature

When one of your spells or Elixirs deals acid, fire, necrotic, or poison damage, or restores hit points to a creature, you gain a bonus to the damage, or healing roll equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).

Restorative Reagents

10th-level Alchemist feature

Whenever a creature drinks one of your Elixirs, they immediately gain a number of temporary hit points equal to a number of d4s equal to half your artificer level.

Master Alchemist

15th-level Alchemist feature

You have become a master among Alchemist artificers. You gain resistance to acid and poison damage, and immunity to the poisoned condition.

Alchemical Elixir Infusions

At the end of each long rest, you use alchemist's supplies to prepare one Tiny sized vial of each Elixir you know, without expending a spell slot. Your Elixirs always produce their spell's effect at its lowest level. Any unused Elixirs become inert and unusable at the end of your next long rest.

As an action, a creature can drink an Elixir, administer an Elixir to a willing creature within 5 feet, or throw an Elixir at a point within 30 feet. If thrown, the Elixir produces the spell's effect at the point of impact. If an Elixir's spell effect requires concentration, the creature that drinks the Elixir must concentrate on the effect as if concentrating on a spell. All Elixirs use your spell save DC and spellcasting modifier.

For example, if you chose the Create Minor Elixir Infusion and selected the spells cure wounds and grease, then at the end of each long rest you prepare one vial of cure wounds Elixir, and one vial of grease Elixir. You can then use these Elixirs at any point during the adventuring day to produce those spell effects without expending a spell slot.

As an action, you can create an additional copy of an Elixir you know by expending the spell slot required in the Elixir's Infusion description. Elixirs can be used as part of the same action you expended the spell slot to create them.

Create Minor Elixir

Prerequisite: 1st level Alchemist Artificer

Each time you select this Infusion, choose two Elixir effects to learn from the table below. To produce additional minor Elixirs, you must expend a spell slot of 1st-level or higher.

Armor of Agathys
Disguise Self
Fog Cloud

Create Greater Elixir

Prerequisite: 5th level Alchemist Artificer

Each time you select this Infusion, choose two Elixir effects to learn from the table below. To produce additional minor Elixirs, you must expend a spell slot of 1st-level or higher.

Dragon's Breath
Enhance Ability
Flame Blade
Lesser Restoration
Mirror Image
Spider Climb

Create Advanced Elixir

Prerequisite: 9th level Alchemist Artificer

Each time you select this Infusion, choose one Elixir effect to learn from the table below. To produce additional advanced Elixirs, you must expend a spell slot of 3rd-level or higher.

Animate Dead
Gaseous Form
Meld into Stone
Remove Curse
Stinking Cloud
Water Breathing

Create Masterwork Elixir

Prerequisite: 15th level Alchemist Artificer

Each time you select this Infusion, choose one Elixir effect to learn from the table below. To produce additional advanced Elixirs, you must expend a spell slot of 3rd-level or higher.

Death Ward
Freedom of Movement
Globe of Invulnerability
Greater Invisibility
Greater Restoration
Heal (6th level slot)
Polymorph (self only)
True Seeing
Vitriolic Sphere


Of all the specialties that an artificer can pursue, that of the Armorer is the most defensively minded. With a focus on becoming a bastion of magic and metal, Armorers modify a set of armor to function as a second skin. They focus the magic of their artifice through this armor to unleash potent attacks and generate a formidable defense. Armorers view their armor as an extension of their bodies, and as they refine their magical abilities, inventor and armor become one.

Tools of the Trade

1st-level Armorer feature

You gain proficiency with smith's tools and heavy armor. If you are already proficient with smith's tools, you gain proficiency with another set of artisan's tools of your choice.

Arcane Armor

1st-level Armorer feature

You can combine magic with mundane armor to forge a set of Arcane Armor. At the end of a long rest, you can touch your smith's tools to a set of armor and it into a set of Arcane Armor. This armor is only usable by you, and while wearing it you gain the following benefits:

  • If the armor normally has a Strength requirement, your Arcane Armor lacks this requirement for you.
  • You can use your Arcane Armor as a spellcasting focus.
  • Your Arcane Armor attaches to you and can’t be removed against your will. It expands to cover your entire body, and functionally replaces any missing limbs or body parts.
  • You can don or doff your Arcane Armor as an action, and can retract or deploy the helmet as a bonus action.
  • You can use a bonus action to grant yourself temporary hit points equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of 1).
  • Each of the armor's gauntlets counts as a simple melee weapon while you aren't holding anything in it, it deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit, and it can use your Intelligence, instead of your Strength, for its attack and damage rolls. You can use one infusion on your armor's gauntlets, and you can do so while having a separate infusion on your armor.

Armorer Spells

Artificer Level Armorer Spells
2nd shield, thunderwave
5th mirror image, shatter
9th lightning bolt, thunder step
13th fire shield, greater invisibility
17th destructive wave, wall of force

Armor Model

3rd-level Armorer feature

You can customize your Arcane Armor. When you do so, choose one of the following armor models: Guardian or Infiltrator. The model you choose gives you special benefits while you wear it.

Each model includes a special weapon. When you attack with that weapon, you can add your Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, to the attack and damage rolls.

You can change the armor's model whenever you finish a short or long rest, provided you have smith's tools in hand.

Guardian. You design your armor to be in the front line of conflict. It has the following features:

  • Thunder Gauntlets. Each of the armor's gauntlets counts as a simple melee weapon while you aren't holding anything in it, and it deals 1d8 thunder damage on a hit. A creature hit by the gauntlet has disadvantage on attack rolls against targets other than you until the start of your next turn, as the armor magically emits a distracting pulse when the creature attacks someone else.
  • Defensive Field. As a bonus action, you can gain temporary hit points equal to your level in this class plus your Intelligence modifier, replacing any temporary hit points you already have. You lose these temporary hit points if you doff the armor. You can use this bonus action a number of times equal to your artificer proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Infiltrator. You customize your armor for subtle undertakings. It has the following features:

  • Lightning Launcher. A gemlike node appears on one of your armored fists or on the chest (your choice). It counts as a simple ranged weapon, with a normal range of 90 feet and a long range of 300 feet, and it deals 1d6 lightning damage on a hit. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with it, you can deal an extra 1d6 lightning damage to that target.
  • Powered Steps. Your walking speed increases by 5 feet.
  • Dampening Field. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. If the armor normally imposes disadvantage on such checks, the advantage and disadvantage stack as normal.

Armor Specialization

3rd-level Armorer feature

Because of your specialization in your armor, you can infuse it with an extra infusion. Your number of Infusions Known increases by 1, but the extra Infusion must be applied to part of your Arcane Armor.

Extra Attack

5th-level Armorer feature

You can attack twice, rather than once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Arcane Adept

5th-level Armorer feature

You can touch a magical suit of armor and use it as your Arcane Armor. Bonuses to your Armor Class, or any other features, do not stack. You must choose one instance of the bonus or feature to use.

Armor Modifications

10th-level Armorer feature

Your Arcane Armor now counts as separate items for the purposes of your Infusions: armor (the chest piece), boots, helmet, and the gauntlets (weapon). Each of those items can bear one of your Infusions. Your number of Infusions Known increases by 1, but the extra Infusion must be applied to part of your Arcane Armor.

In addition, the damage of your gauntlets increases. Your thunder gauntlets deal 1d12 thunder damage on a hit, and your lightning launcher deals 1d8 lightning damage on a hit.

Master Armorer

15th-level Armorer feature

You have become an master of Armorer artifice. You make significant improvements to your Arcane Armor, improving its combat abilities. You gain the following benefits while wearing your Arcane Armor:

  • Your movement speed increases by 10 feet.
  • You gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed.
  • You adjust your weaponized gauntlets so that you have access to both weaponized gauntlet options at once.
  • The damage of your Lightning Launcher becomes 2d6, and the damage of your Thunder Gauntlets becomes 2d8.

Battle Smith

Armies require protection, and someone has to put things back together if defenses fail. A combination of protector, warrior, and medic, Battle Smith artificers are experts at defending others and repairing both material and personnel. To aid in their work, Battle Smiths are usually accompanied by a Steel Defender, a protective companion of their own creation.

Battle Ready

1st-level Battle Smith feature

You gain proficiency with smith's tools, martial weapons, and heavy armor. If you are already proficient with smith's tools, you gain proficiency with another set of artisan's tools of your choice.

In addition, when you attack with a weapon bearing one of your infusions, you can use your Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity modifier, for the attack and damage rolls.

Steel Defender

1st-level Battle Smith feature

Your tinkering bears you a faithful construct, a Steel Defender. It is friendly to you and your companions, and it obeys your commands to the best of its ability. See the creature's game statistics in the Steel Defender stat block, which uses your proficiency bonus (PB) in multiple places.

In combat, your Steel Defender shares your initiative count, but takes its turn immediately after yours. If you attempt to control the actions of the Defender, it obeys your commands as best as it can. On your turn, you can verbally command the Defender where to move and you can verbally command it to take the Dash, Disengage, or Dodge action (no action required by you). As a bonus action, or as a replacement for one of your attacks on your turn, you can command it to take the attack action once per turn, in which case it will continue to attack the same target without an action by you until that target dies or falls unconscious.

If you don't issue a command, the Defender will attempt to get closer to you and defend you and itself. The Defender never requires your command to use its reaction, such as when making an opportunity attack.

The Steel Defender can regain hit points by expending hit dice during a short rest or if the mending spell is cast on it, after which it can immediately expend one of its Hit Dice and regain hit dice equal to the total plus its Constitution modifier.

If the Steel Defender has died within the last hour, you can use your action to touch it with your smith's tools and expend a spell slot of 1st-level or higher to revive it. The Defender then returns to life with its maximum hit points.

At the end of a long rest, you can create a new Defender using your smith's tools. If you already have a Steel Defender from this feature, the first one immediately perishes.

Upon creation, choose the shape of your Steel Defender from the options below. Its shape determines its abilities.

Humanoid. Your Steel Defender resembles a Medium humanoid creature of your choice, but is clearly a construct. It has opposable fingers and is proficient with shields. It can use its digits to perform basic tasks, and it can equip or wear any items that are appropriate for its anatomy.

Quadruped. Your Steel Defender resembles a Large beast of your choice, but is clearly a construct. Its movement speed increases by 10 feet, and it is trained to be ridden as a mount, but only by you. When used as a mount, your Steel Defender retains its place in initiative order, but can use its movement speed as part of your turn.

Battle Smith Spells

Artificer Level Battle Smith Spells
2nd shield, shield of faith
5th lesser restoration, warding bond
9th aura of vitality, counterspell
13th aura of purity, death ward
17th circle of power, mass cure wounds

Arcane Jolt

3rd-level Battle Smith feature

You can channel your war inventions to either harm or heal. When either you hit a target with an attack using a magic weapon, or your steel defender hits a target, you can channel the magic of invention to create one of the following effects.

  • The target takes additional force damage equal to a number of d6s equal to your artificer proficiency bonus.
  • Choose one creature or object you can see within 30 feet of the target. Repairing energy jolts out to that creature, restoring a number of hit points equal to a number of d6s equal to your artificer bonus.

You can use this energy a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), but you can do so no more than once per turn. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Extra Attack

5th-level Battle Smith feature

You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Battle Style

5th-level Battle Smith feature

You learn to operate in tandem with your Steel Defender in new and innovative ways, becoming a more potent force on the battlefield. Choose one of the following abilities, and you gain its benefits. You can spend 1 hour using Smith's tools to both recalibrate and retrain your Steel Defender, as well as to change your own style to accomodate, switching which ability you have active after the procedure is complete.

Minor Arcane Core. Your Steel Defender is imbued with a 1st-level artificer spell of your choice. When you give up an attack to command your Steel Defender, you can command it to cast the spell at 1st-level, using your Intelligence as the spellcasting modifier. The Steel Defender concentrates on the spell. You can spend 1 hour working with Smith's tools to replace this spell with a different 1st-level artificer spell of your choice.

You can command it to cast this spell a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and it regains all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Tandem Offense Protocol. You have advantage on any attacks you make against targets within the reach of your Steel Defender.

Improved Defender

10th-level Battle Smith feature

You upgrade your Steel Defender with one of the following improvements. When you spend 1 hour using Smith's tools to recalibrate your Steel Defender, you can also switch which ability you have active from this feature after the procedure is complete.

Limited Sentience. You improve the cognitive abilities of your Steel Defender. It's Intelligence score becomes a 10, it gains proficiency in the Arcana, History, or Investigation skill, or with one set of artisan's tools of your choice. It also learns to speak, read, and write one language you know. It gains advantage on any Constitution saving throws it makes to maintain concentration on a spell.

Reinforced Plating. You improve the structure of your Steel Defender. It is resistant to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical attacks.

Zone of Protection. Your Steel Defender becomes increasingly adept at protecting its allies, helping them when need be. Creatures of your choice within 10 feet of your Steel Defender gain the benefits of half cover.

Master Battle Smith

15th-level Battle Smith feature

You upgrade your Steel Defender with one of the following masterwork upgrades. When you spend 1 hour using Smith's tools to recalibrate your Steel Defender, you can also switch which ability you have active from this feature after the procedure is complete.

Arcane Defensive Field. Your Steel Defender emits an arcane ward. Creatures within 15 feet of your Steel Defender are resistant to damage from spells and other magic effects.

Greater Arcane Core. Your Steel Defender is imbued with a 2nd-level artificer spell of your choice. When you give up an attack to command your Steel Defender, you can command it to cast the spell at 2nd-level, using your Intelligence as the spellcasting modifier.

You can command it to cast this spell a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and it regains all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Steel Defender

construct, neutral

  • Armor Class 12 + PB (natural armor)
  • Hit Points 5 + 5 times your artificer level (the defender has a number of Hit Dice [d10s] equal to your artificer level)
  • Speed 30 ft.

16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 6 (-2)

  • Damage Immunities poison
  • Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 + PB
  • Languages understands the languages you speak
  • Profiency Bonus (PB): equals your bonus

Might of the Master. You add your PB to any ability check or saving throw that the Steel Defender makes.

Vigilant. The defender can't be surprised.


Multiattack. The Steel Defender can make one Force-Empowered Rend attack. As you gain Artificer levels, it can make additional attacks: two attacks starting at 11th level, and three attacks starting at 17th level.

Force-Empowered Rend. Melee Weapon Attack. your spell attack modifier to hit, reach 5 ft., one target you can see. Hit: 1d8 + PB force damage.

Repair (3/day). The magical mechanisms inside the defender restore a number of d6s of hit points equal to your artificer proficiency bonus to itself or to one construct or object within 5 feet of it.


Deflect Attack. The defender imposes disadvantage on the attack roll of one creature it can see that is within 5 feet of it, provided the attack roll is against a creature other than the defender.


Based on Laserllama's Wandslinger found here.

For some artificers, magic is simply a means to an end, a way to increase their raw power. Those known as Wandslingers use their ingenuity and insightful minds to craft weapons of wondrous arcane potential. What they lack in flexibility and subtlety, they make up for in overwhelming arcane firepower. Often, Wandslingers are obsessed with dueling other mages, constantly seeking to prove their power in the arcane arts.

Though Wandslingers vary in appearance and motivation, they are marked by their signature Arcane Sidearms. For some, these sidearms are intricately carved wooden wands or staffs, for others they are expertly crafted iron cannons.

Tools of the Trade

1st-level Wandslinger feature

You gain proficiency with woodcarver's tools. If you are already proficient with woodcarver's tools, you gain proficiency with another set of artisan's tools of your choice.

Arcane Sidearm

1st-level Wandslinger feature

You learn to construct the trademark weapon of a Wandslinger, the Arcane Sidearm. At the end of a long rest, you can use your woodcarver's tools, or a set of artisan's tools that you are proficient with, to craft your Arcane Sidearm. It is a Tiny object, though you determine its appearance, and you can use it as a spellcasting focus for your artificer spells.

You can only have one Arcane Sidearm at a time. Creating a second Sidearm renders first Sidearm unusable.

As a Magic Action, you can use your Arcane Sidearm to make a spell attack against a creature that you can see within 120 feet. You are considered proficient with your Sidearm, and you use your Intelligence for the attack roll. On hit, it takes force damage equal to 1d10 + your Intelligence modifier.

Wandslinger Spells

Artificer Level Wandslinger Spells
2nd shield, thunderwave
5th blur, shatter
9th counterspell, lightning bolt
13th vitriolic sphere, wall of fire
17th cone of cold, wall of force

Spellcraft Runes

3rd-level Wandslinger feature

You can enhance your Arcane Sidearm with powerful Spellcraft Runes. At the end of each long rest, you inscribe your Sidearm with one of the Spellcraft Runes below. As a Bonus Action on your turn, while you are wielding your Sidearm, you can produce the effect of the Rune.

Rune of Blasting. Your Sidearm emits a blast of magic in an adjacent 15-foot cone, forcing creatures in that area to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, creatures take 2d6 Thunder damage and are knocked back 5 feet.

Rune of Destruction. Your Sidearm conjures a burst of lightning at a point you can see within 60 feet. Creatures within 5 feet must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d6 Lightning damage on a failure, and half as much on a success.

Rune of Protection. Your Sidearm produces a wave of positive energy that immediately grants you, and creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you, a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier.

Arcane Duelist

5th-level Wandslinger feature

You wield your Sidearm with deadly skill. When you use your action to make an attack with your Arcane Sidearm, you make two spell attacks, instead of one. Each of these attacks can target the same or separate creatures, but you must make a separate attack roll for each spell attack.

The number of spell attacks you make with your Arcane Sidearm increases at 11th level (3), and 17th level (4).

Empowered Runes

10th-level Wandslinger feature

Your Spellcraft Runes increase in power. The rolls of all three of your Runes increase by 1d6.

In addition, you can inscribe your Arcane Sidearm with a new Spellcraft Rune at the end of a short or long rest.

Master Wandslinger

15th-level Wandslinger feature

You have become a master Wandslinger. Your Arcane Sidearm improves in the following ways:

  • When you use a Magic Action to cast a spell, you can make an attack with your Arcane Sidearm as a Bonus Action.
  • Your Sidearm gains the benefits of all three Spellcraft Runes, but you can only activate one per Bonus Action.
  • Once per short or long rest when you cast a spell using your Sidearm as your spellcasting focus, you can change the damage dealt by the spell to force damage.

Artificer Infusions

Artificer infusions are extraordinary processes that rapidly turn a nonmagical object into a magic item. The description of each of the following infusions details the type of object that can receive it, along with whether the resulting magic item requires attunement.

Some infusions specify a minimum artificer level. You can't learn such an infusion until you are at least that level.

When you learn an infusion, you also learn the formula to replicate that infusion's effects in a magic item. With sufficient gold and material, your character could build a magic item replicating an infusion's effects that doesn't take an infusion slot.

Unless an infusion's description says otherwise, you can't learn an infusion more than once.

If an infusion uses an attack roll or saving throw, it uses the same calculations as the Artificer's Spellcasting Ability feature.

Adjustable Tool Set

Item: A set of artisan's tools (requires attunement)

The wielder is considered proficient with this magical set of tools, and as an action, they can transform this set of tools into another set of artisan's tools of their choice.

Arcane Implement

Item: any mundane item

This item is infused with two wizard of your choice that do not have a costly material component. A creature can produce either imbued cantrip, using your spellcasting modifier to cast the spell, by emulating the casting time of the imbued cantrip (ex. 1 minute for mending, 1 action for firebolt).

Arm Launcher

Item: A glove or gauntlet

This tiny magical launcher can be loaded with a Tiny object (for example: ball bearings, a vial of acid, alchemist's fire, or holy water). As a bonus action the wearer can activate the launcher and make a ranged attack at a target within 20 feet. The launcher can be reloaded as an action.

Armor of Tools

Item: A suit of armor

As an action, a creature wearing this infused armor can integrate into it artisan’s tools or thieves’ tools. The tools remain integrated in the armor for 8 hours or until the wearer removes the tools as an action. The armor can have only one tool integrated at a time. The wearer can add its Intelligence modifier to any ability checks it makes with the integrated tool. The wearer must have a hand free to use the tool.

Enhanced Arcane Focus

Item: A rod, staff, or wand (requires attunement)

While holding this item, a creature gains +1 bonus to spell attack rolls. In addition, the creature ignores half cover when making a spell attack.

The bonus increases to +2 when you reach 10th level in this class.

Enhanced Defense

Item: A suit of armor or a shield

A creature gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class while wearing (armor) or wielding (shield) the infused item.

The bonus increases to +2 when you reach 10th level in this class, and to +3 when you reach 14th level.

Enhanced Instrument

Item: a musical instrument (requires attunement)

This instrument has been magically enhanced by artifice. The wielder is considered proficient with this instrument and can use it as a spellcasting focus. Whenever they make an ability check using this instrument, they gain a bonus to the roll equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1).

At 10th level this magic instrument grants a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 14th level.

Enhanced Weapon

Item: A simple or martial weapon

This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

The bonus increases to +2 when you reach 10th level in this class.

Featherweight Belt

Item: A belt or cloak (requires attunement)

When worn, this magic belt reduces the user to one-tenth of their weight without decreasing their physical abilities.

At 10th level it reduces the wearer to one-hundredth of their weight without decreasing their physical abilities.

Featherweight Weapon

Item: A heavy or two-handed weapon (requires attunement)

This magic weapon no longer has either the heavy or two-handed property (your choice upon infusion).

At 10th level this weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. This bonus becomes +2 at 14th level.

Goggles of Clearsight

Item: A pair of goggles or glasses

While wearing these goggles, the wearer can see through lightly obscured areas without disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks. In addition, the wearer no longer suffers the negative effects from the Sunlight Sensitivity trait, and they have advantage on saving throws to resist being blinded.

Mind Sharpener

Item: A suit of armor or robes (requires attunement)

The infused item can send a jolt to the wearer to refocus their mind. The item has 4 charges. When the wearer fails a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration on a spell, the wearer can use its reaction to expend 1 of the item's charges to succeed instead. The item regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn.

Power Whip

Item: A whip or chains

This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it, and it's damage die increases to 1d8.

This bonus increases at 10th level (+2) and 14th level (+3).

Repeating Shot

Item: A simple or martial weapon with the ammunition property (requires attunement)

This magic weapon grants a + 1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it when it's used to make a ranged attack, and it ignores the loading property if it has it.

If you load no ammunition in the weapon, it produces its own, automatically creating one piece of magic ammunition when you make a ranged attack with it. The ammunition created by the weapon vanishes the instant after it hits or misses a target.

Replicate Minor Magic Item

Using this Infusion, you can replicate any common magic item, or a magic item from the list below. You can learn this infusion multiple times, choosing a different item each time.

Alchemy Jug Rope of Climbing
Bag of Holding Sending Stones
Cap of Water Breathing Wand of Magic Detection
Goggles of Night Wand of Secrets

Returning Weapon

Item: A simple or martial weapon with the thrown property

This magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it, and it returns to the wielder’s hand immediately after it is used to make a ranged attack.

Spelled Weapon

Item: A weapon

The weapon is infused with two cantrips of your choice between arcing arrow, booming blade, green-flame blade, illusory feint, rime strike, stupefying strike, or vortex dart. A creature can produce either imbued cantrip, using your spellcasting modifier to cast the spell.

When you reach 10th level in this class, the wielder of this weapon can, when it takes the Attack action on its turn, replace one of its attacks with one of the imbued cantrips. This ability does not stack with other abilities that let you replace one of your attacks with a cantrip.

When you reach 14th level in this class, this magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Homing Weapon

Prerequisite: 6th level Artificer

The wielder of this magic weapon ignores the disadvantage imposed when attacking at the weapon's long range.

At 10th level this magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 14th level.

Immovable Boots

Prerequisite: 6th level Artificer

Item: A pair of boots (requires attunement)

When the user is standing on a flat surface, they can use an action to activate the boots, magically fixing the user in place. Until you use an action to deactivate the boots, you do not move, even if you are defying gravity.

A creature can use an action to make a DC 30 Strength check, separating your boots from the surface on a success.

Light Blade

Prerequisite: 6th level Artificer

Item: A sword hilt or wand (requires attunement)

While grasping the item, the wielder can use a bonus action to cause a blade of pure radiance to spring into existence, or dissapear, from the end of the item. While the blade exists, this magic item is a simple weapon with the finesse property. The luminous blade emits bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light for an additional 15 feet. The light is sunlight.

The wielder gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon, which deals 1d8 radiant damage on hit. Undead take an additional 1d8 radiant damage. The bonus to attack and damage rolls becomes +2 at 15th level.

Radiant Weapon

Prerequisite: 6th level Artificer

Item: A simple or martial weapon (requires attunement)

This magic weapon grants a + 1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. While holding it, the wielder can take a bonus action to cause it to shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. The wielder can extinguish the light as a bonus action.

The weapon has 4 charges. As a reaction immediately after being hit by an attack, the wielder can expend 1 charge and cause the attacker to be blinded until the end of the attacker's next turn, unless the attacker succeeds on a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. The weapon regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn.

Replicate Greater Magic Item

Prerequisite: 6th level Artificer

Using this Infusion, you can replicate any uncommon magic item that doesn't require attunement, or a magic item from the list below. You can learn this Infusion multiple times, but you must choose a different magic item each time.

Boots of Elvenkind Eyes of the Eagle
Brooch of Shielding Hat of Disguise
Cloak of Elvenkind Lantern of Revealing
Cloak of the Manta Ray Ring of Jumping
Eyes of Charming Slippers of Spider Climbing

Repulsion Gauntlets

Prerequisite: 6th level Artificer

Item: A pair of gloves or gauntlets (requires attunement)

These magical gauntlets have 4 charges. When the wearer hits a creature with an unarmed strike they can expend 1 charge and force the target to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is knocked back 15 feet. The gauntlets regain all expended charges at dawn.

At 9th level this magic weapon grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at 15th level.

Repulsion Shield

Prerequisite: 6th level Artificer

Item: A shield (requires attunement)

A creature gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class while wielding this shield.

The shield has 4 charges. While holding it, the wielder can use a reaction immediately after being hit by a melee attack to expend 1 of the shield's charges and push the attacker up to 15 feet away. The shield regains 1d4 expended charges daily at dawn.

Resistant Armor

Prerequisite: 6th level Artificer

Item: A suit of armor (requires attunement)

While wearing this armor, a creature has resistance to one of the following damage types, which you choose when you infuse the item: acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder.

Spell-Refueling Ring

Prerequisite: 6th level Artificer

Item: A ring (requires attunement)

While wearing this ring, the creature can recover one expended spell slot as an action. The recovered slot can be of 3rd level or lower. Once used, the ring can't be used again until the next dawn.

Ring of Proficiency

Prerequisite: 6th level Artificer

Item: A ring

The wearer gains proficiency with in skill, tool, or weapon, or they learn one language (your choice upon Infusion). It must be a proficiency or language that you know.

War Gauntlet

Prerequisite: 6th level Artificer

Item: An armored gauntlet and a martial weapon or shield

You attach either a martial weapon lacking the heavy or two handed properties, or a shield to the gauntlet. The wearer gains proficiency with the attached item, and it cannot be removed from the gauntlet while this Infusion is active.

Armor of Magical Strength

Prerequisite: 10th level Artificer

Item: A suit of armor (requires attunement)

The wearer of this magical armor can use their Intelligence, in place of their Strength, for any ability checks or saving throws they make that are based on their Strength.

In addition, this armor has 4 charges. As a reaction when the wearer would be knocked prone or moved against their will, they can expend 1 charge to remain standing or not move. The armor regains all charges at the end of a long rest.

Boots of the Winding Path

Prerequisite: 10th level Artificer

Item: A pair of boots (requires attunement)

While wearing these boots, a creature can teleport up to 15 feet as a bonus action to an unoccupied space the creature can see. The creature must have occupied that space at some point during the current turn.

Chameleon Armor

Prerequisite: 10th level Artificer

Item: A suit of armor (requires attunement)

This armor has 4 charges. While wearing this magical armor the wearer can use an action to expend charges and cast one of the following spells, targeting only themselves: invisibility (2 charges) or greater invisibility (4 charges). This armor regains all expended charges daily at dawn.

Collar of Taming

Prerequisite: 10th level Artificer

Item: A metal circlet or collar

The magic of this collar can tame even the wildest of animals. You, and only you, can control any beast wearing this collar as if it were a trained mount. This collar does not work on beasts with an Intelligence score greater than your own.

At 15th level, this magic collar allows you to control any monstrosity with an Intelligence score of 5 or lower.

Elemental Weapon

Prerequisite: 10th level Artificer

Item: A melee weapon (requires attunement)

You infuse a weapon with elemental energy. Upon infusion, choose a command word and one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, poison, or lightning. As a bonus action, the wielder can speak the command word and cause elemental energy to burst forth from the weapon until the command word is spoken again. On hit, the weapon deals an additional 1d4 of the elemental damage.

The additional damage becomes 1d6 at 14th level.

Metamorphous Armor

Prerequisite: 10th level Artificer

Item: A melee weapon (requires attunement)

This magic suit of armor has 4 charges. As an action, the wearer can expend a charge to cast the enlarge/reduce spell, targeting only themselves, without expending a spell slot or requiring concentration. Re-casting the spell with the armor ends the effect. This armor regains all charges at dawn.

Replicate Advanced Magic Item

Prerequisite: 10th level Artificer

Using this Infusion, you can replicate any uncommon magic item that doesn't require attunement, or a magic item from the list below. You can learn this Infusion multiple times, but you must choose a different magic item each time.

Boots of Striding and Springing Helm of Telepathy
Boots of the Winterlands Medallion of Thoughts
Bracers of Archery Necklace of Adaptation
Cloak of Protection Periapt of Wound Closure
Gauntlets of Ogre Power Pipes of the Sewer
Gloves of Missile Snaring Portable Hole
Gloves of Swimming and Climbing Ring of Mind Shielding
Headband of Intellect Winged Boots

Resistant Armor

Prerequisite: 10th level Artificer

Item: A suit of armor (requires attunement)

The wearer of this magical armor has resistance to one of the following damage types; acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, radiant, or thunder (your choice upon Infusion).

At 15th level you can choose force or psychic damage.

Ring of the Elements

Prerequisite: 10th level Artificer

Item: A ring (requires attunement)

Upon infusing this magic ring you select one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, poison, lightning, or thunder.

When the wearer casts a spell that deals the damage type that you selected, they can activate this ring to deal maximum damage to one target of the spell instead of rolling.

Once this ring is activated it cannot be used again until the wearer completes a short or long rest.

Vampiric Weapon

Prerequisite: 10th level Artificer

Item: A melee weapon (requires attunement)

You enchant a weapon to drain life from enemies. When the wielder scores a critical hit with this weapon, the target takes an additional 2d6 necrotic damage, so long as the target is not a construct or undead. The wielder gains temporary hit points equal to the extra necrotic damage dealt.

When you reach 14th level, the additional necrotic damage from this Infusion increases to 4d6.

Arcane Propulsion Armor

Prerequisite: 14th level Artificer

Item: A suit of armor (requires attunement)

The wearer of this armor gains these benefits:

  • The wearer's walking speed increases by 5 feet.
  • The armor includes gauntlets, each of which is a magic melee weapon that can be wielded only when the hand is holding nothing. The wearer is proficient with the gauntlets, and each one deals 1d8 force damage on a hit and has the thrown property, with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. When thrown, the gauntlet detaches and flies at the attack's target, then immediately returns to the wearer and reattaches.
  • The armor can't be removed against the wearer's will.
  • If the wearer is missing any limbs, the armor replaces those limbs - hands, arms, feet, legs, or similar appendages. The replacements function identically to the body parts they replace.

Gauntlets of the Guardian

Prerequisite: 14th level Artificer

Item: A pair of gauntlets (requires attunement)

These magic gauntlets are infused with an arcane pulling force. When the wielder has a free hand, and a Huge or smaller creature ends its turn within 30 feet, they can use their reaction and force it to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is pulled 30 feet toward them, to an unoccupied space of their choice. If they pull the target within 5 feet, they can make one weapon attack against it.

Helm of Mind Shielding

Prerequisite: 14th level Artificer

Item: A helm, hat, or diadem (requires attunement)

The wearer of this magic helm is resistant to psychic damage, immune to the charmed and frightened conditions, and any magic that allows another creature to read their thoughts or telepathically communicate with them.

Masterwork Homunculus

Prerequisite: 14th level Artificer

You have discovered the secrets to the creation of life. You learn the clone spell. It counts as an artificer spell for you, but it doesn't count against your number of Spells Known. You can cast clone without expending a spell slot as long as you have the material components available.

If you replace this Infusion with another at any point during the incubation period, the spell immediately fails.

Mystic Armament

Prerequisite: 14th level Artificer

Item: A melee weapon (requires attunement)

This item has 4 charges. While wielding this magic weapon, the user can use their action to cast the steel wind strike spell, using the Infused weapon as the spellcasting focus, without expending a spell slot. The weapon regains all expended charges at the end of a long rest.

Mystic Shot

Prerequisite: 14th level Artificer

Item: A ranged weapon (requires attunement)

While wielding this magic weapon, the user can use their action to cast swift quiver, using the Infused weapon as the spellcasting focus, without expending a spell slot.

Once activated, the wielder must finish a short or long rest before they can cast swift quiver with this weapon again.

Replicate Masterwork Magic Item

Prerequisite: 14th level Artificer

Using this Infusion, you can replicate any rare magic item that doesn't require attunement, or a magic item from the list below. You can learn this Infusion multiple times, but you must choose a different magic item each time.

Amulet of Health Folding Boat
Belt of Hill Giant Strength Gem of Seeing
Boots of Levitation Horn of Blasting
Boots of Speed Ring of Evasion
Bracers of Defense Ring of Free Action
Cape of the Mountebank Ring of Protection
Cloak of Displacement Ring of the Ram
Cloak of the Bat Robe of Eyes
Dimensional Shackles Rope of Entanglement

Artificer Spell List


This is the list of spells available to artificers when they prepare their spells. (UA) refers to unearthed arcana, and (HB) refers to homebrew spells. Spells with an asterisk indicate they have been modified. Find spell changes here.

1st Level
  • Absorb Elements
  • Acid Stream*
  • Alarm
  • Arcane WeaponHB
  • Build Shock BatonHB
  • Catapult
  • Heal*
  • Deploy Personal BarrierHB
  • Detect Magic
  • Disguise Self
  • Expeditious Retreat*
  • Faerie Fire*
  • False Life
  • Feather Fall
  • Grease*
  • Identify*
  • Jump*
  • Longstrider
  • Purify Food and Drink
  • Sanctuary
  • Shield*
  • Snare
2nd Level
  • Aid
  • Alter Self*
  • Arcane Lock
  • Aura of ShadeHB
  • Blur*
  • Build Plasma BladeHB
  • Continual Flame
  • Darkvision*
  • Deploy Velocity ShieldHB
  • Earthbind
  • Enhance Ability
  • Enlarge/Reduce
  • Healing Spirit*
  • Heat Metal
  • Invisibility
  • Kinetic Jaunt
  • Lesser Restoration
  • Levitate
  • Magic Mouth*
  • Magic Weapon*
  • Misty Step*
  • Protection from Poison
  • Pyrotechnics
  • Rope Trick
  • See Invisibility
  • Skywrite
  • Spider Climb
  • Vortex Warp
  • Web*
3rd Level
  • Animate MechanicsHB
  • Ashardalon's Stride
  • Blink
  • Build Acid SpewerHB
  • Catnap*
  • Create Food and Water
  • Dispel Magic
  • Elemental Weapon*
  • Find VesselHB
  • Flame Arrows*
  • Fly
  • Full Metal ChargeHB
  • Glyph of Warding*
  • Haste*
  • Protection from Energy*
  • Revivify*
  • Rigur's Ice SkatesHB
  • Seer of the WindowHB
  • Sunshine GleamsHB
  • Tiny Servant
  • Water Breathing
  • Water Walk
4th Level
  • Arcane Eye
  • Elemental Bane
  • Fabricate
  • Freedom of Movement
  • Leomund's Secret Chest
  • Liquid GoldHB
  • Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
  • Guardian of CivilizationHB
  • Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
  • Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
  • Spatial AnchorHB
  • Stone Shape
  • Stoneskin*
  • Summon Construct*
5th Level
  • Animate Objects*
  • Bigby's Hand
  • Creation*
  • GiantizeHB
  • Greater Restoration
  • Shoulder CannonHB
  • Skill Empowerment
  • Transmute Rock*
  • Wall of Force*
  • Wall of Stone*
Art Credits

Art (Cover): Ziaodi-Jin: Orc Wizard (Link)
Art (Page 2): Victor Adame: Ghirapur Gearcrafter (Link)
Art (Page 3): Dungeon Master's Guide: Magic Items (Link)
Art (Page 4): Jesper Ejsing (Link)
Art (Page 5): Jakub Bazyluk: Machina Arcana illustration (Link)
Art (Page 6): André Carnero: Artificer (Link)
Art (Page 7): Johannes Voss: Gift of Orzhova (Link)
Art (Page 8): Ekaterina Burmak: Alchemist (Link)
Art (Page 9): Dungeons and Dragons: Alchemist Artificer (Link)
Art (Page 10): akreon: Quandrix (Link)
Art (Page 11): @Max_Dunbar: Avren the Armorer (Link)
Art (Page 12): @DnD_Reddit: Daehyun, the Armorer Artificer (Link)
Art (Page 13): Gerald Patinky: Dipper Goes Diving (Link)
Art (Page 14): akreon: Xarthisius - Gwent Card (Link)
Art (Page 15): u/kurolines: Bloody Maintenance (Link)
Art (Page 16): Sita Duncan: A Commission of my OC, Cogs the Mounted Battle Smith Artificer Goblin (Link)
Art (Page 17): luca Mosqa: D&D - Gnome artificer (Link)
Art (Page 18): Willian Murai: Master Biomancer (Link)
Art (Page 19): Dmitry Burmak: Izzet Locket (Link)
Art (Page 20): Peter Li: Medea, Suppressed psychic (Link)
Art (Page 21): Dmitry Burmak: Zaffai, Thunder Conductor (Link)
Art (Page 22): Cristi Balanescu: Alchemist's Gift (Link)
Art (Page 23): Pieter Bruegel the Elder: The Triumph of Death (Link)
Art (Page 24): xGamergreaserx: The GodFather five families Demolitionist (Link)
Art (Page 25): LightFace: Dwarvern Demolitionist (Link)
Art (Page 26): darekzabrocki: March of War Engineer (Link)
Art (Page 27): Victor Habbick Visions: Swarm Of Nanorobots Canvas Print (Link)
Art (Page 28: Zack Stella: Maverick Thopterist (Link)
Art (Page 29): What's O.L.D. is N.E.W: Nanobot Swarm (Link)
Art (Page 30): Johann Bodin: Innistrad Foil: Lantern Spirit (Link)
Art (Page 31): Randy Vargas: Portal of Sanctuary (Link)
Art (Page 32): Mari: Distant Shores (Link)
Art (Page 33): Grafit Studios: Prismatic Strands (Link)
Art (Page 34): ZoeStead: Steampunk Girl (Link)
Art (Page 35): mwku: Steampunk Warrior (Link)
Art (Page 36): Billy Christian: Thundering Sparkmage (Link)
Page Stains: /u/flamableconcrete

Art Credits

Art (Page 41): Manuel Castañón: Storm-Kiln Artist (Link)
Art (Page 42): Julie Dillon: Planetary Alignment (Link)

Content Credits

Inspiration taken from Laserllama's Alternate Artificer found here.


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