Dnd race: Oozeform

by pixelpwer42

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Oozes are little more than collections of cells and acidic fluids. Oozes are some of the oldest inhabitants of the world, some of which seem to have been created before even the Gods. Oozes usually have little to no intelligence, but there are a select few who break this barrier, possessing sentience and even sapience. No one quite knows how this mutation occurred, but most think it was just a fluke of evolution over trillions of years.

Unusual Biology

Oozeform biology is extremely different from that of other species. They have no internal organs, no lungs, no stomach, no heart, they do not even have a brain. An Oozeform's intelligence is spread throughout each and every one of their cells. This method of intelligence means that a Oozeform with more cells is smarter than one with less, because more cells means ore room for intelligence. Bigger is better for them. Oozeforms communicate in a form of physical telepathy, touching others to pass on information to their cells. Oozeforms reproduce in the way that single cells do, splitting into two identical copies with the same memories. Doing so reduces the intelligence of each copy, but they can regain their intelligence by growing. Each copy can make their own memories, and they do not share any memories after the split.

Oozeform "Leadership"

Oozeforms do not have true leaders, but Oozeforms with a bigger lineage are regarded as the authority since they have more memories to call on. Each Oozefrom has their own memories, and the memories of all of their predecessors. An Oozefrom with more memories is more fit to hold a position of power because they have more experience in life, even if they are not the ones who attained that experience.

Oozeform Names

Oozeforms communicate by touch, so any Oozeform knows that they are being talked to. They describe others by giving a mental picture of them, making names irrelevant. However, they adopt the names that others give them for the sake of interacting with other species.

Oozeform Traits

All Oozeforms shares these traits, no matter how big their lineage.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2.
Age. You cannot die of old age, and the only change you undergo is getting bigger, or splitting (see divide trait)
Alignment. Oozeforms do not understand morality in the same way as other humanoids do, so they are mainly unaligned.
Size. Your basic size is medium, but that can change. (See growth trait)
Speed. You have no bones or muscles to aid your movement, so you have a walking speed of 20 feet, but you also gain a climbing speed of 20 feet.
Dual Nature You are considered both an ooze and a humanoid
Malleable body. Your Oozelike body allows you to travel through gaps that would normally be to small for you. You can move through gaps as wide as 1 inch without having to squeeze through. (see basic rules for squeezing info.) you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks, but you cannot wear medium or heavy armor. Also, you gain a +1 to your AC.
Touch Telepathy. You have the ability to transfer information from your cells to other creature's cells. You may telepathically speak to any creature you are touching. You do not need to share a language with the creature for it to be able to converse with you.
Languages. You can read and write Common, but you must use your telepathy to converse with other creatures.
Morph. You can change your basic features on a whim, but you may not change into a form that would give you a bonus. Example: You could change into the shape of a wolf, but you do not gain claws that you could attack with, even if it looks like you have claws. If you transform into a form that would disguise you, such as a puddle or a a pane of glass, the fact that you are not what you seem to be will be revealed if someone touches you.
Pure Slime. Since you have no internal systems, you gain the following benefits.

  • You do not suffer the effects of any poison.
  • You do not take any extra damage from being hit where your vital organs would be, since you have none. Example: if you were stabbed through where your brain would be, you only take the amount of damage that the weapon specifies, and not any extra damage from being stabbed in the brain.

Divide. If you would take damage that would reduce you to 0 hit points, you may instead split into Small Oozeform if you have remaining hit dice. The amount of Oozes you split into is the amount of hit die you have left. Once the remaining Small Oozeforms take a long rest, you reform at full hit points, no matter how many Small Oozeforms have died.
Regenerate. If one of your limbs is severed, you may replace that limb by taking its mass out of another part of your body. You cannot become a Small creature using this method. Once a limb is severed, it turns into a Small Oozeform that you may absorb to regain the mass. If the Small Oozeform dies before you can collect it, you can regain 1 foot of mass for every 1 pound of food you eat. You cannot become taller than your original height this way. Your consciousness is always centered in whatever part of your body is bigger. If you get cut in half, both halves turn into Small Oozeforms that reform when they touch each other.

Examples: If your arm was cut off, and your arm was 2 feet long, then you could regenerate the arm by becoming 2 feet shorter or removing 2 feet total from the perimeter of your body. You can absorb the Oozeform to regain those 2 feet. If the Oozeform dies, you could eat 2 pounds of food to regain the 2 feet. If your head gets chopped off, your head turns into a Small Oozeform, and you can replace your head.
Small Oozeform. The Divide and Regenerate traits both allow you to make small Oozeforms. Each Small Oozeform has hit points equal to 1 hit die roll + your constitution modifier, and can only take the Move action. Each Ooze has a walking speed of 10 feet and a climbing speed of 10 feet. You control all Small Oozeforms that came from you and they take turns at the same time.


Made by Pixelpwer42 (me)
Cover art by Sebastian McCoy
Made with GM binder


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