Nordic Horror Roleplaying
Game Details
Game: Vaesen, Nordic Horror Roleplaying
System: Year Zero (also used for Alien RPG, Mutant Year Zero)
In dark forests, beyond the mountains, by black lakes in hidden groves. At your doorstep. In the shadows, something stirs. Strange beings. Twisted creatures, lurking at the edge of vision. Watching. Waiting. Unseen by most, but not by you. You see them for what they really are ... Vaesen.
Welcome to the Mythic North – northern Europe of the nineteenth century, but not as we know it today. A land where the myths are real. A cold reach covered by vast forests, its few cities lonely beacons of industry and enlightenment – a new civilization dawning. But in the countryside, the old ways still hold sway. There, people know what lurks in the dark.
The next page contains the background and overview of this game's world, however you are not expected to read all of it as I will be explaining it again during the game day. Don't worry so much on the game's lore or mechanics as I will be teaching all on the day itself. If you are interested you may watch the Youtube Trailer the company behind this game put out:
If you are interested in checking someone reviewing this game plus a quick overview I highly recommend this video by Dave Thaumavore RPG Reviews
Game Setting
This section offers an overview that might be good to keep in mind. Vaesen takes place in a mythical nineteenth-century Scandinavia. This version of Scandinavia is not historically accurate, but an alternate world where events may correspond more or less to our reality.
As such, the stories do not take place in any specific period of the 1800s – the Mythic North combines phenomena from the entire century. Steamboats, trains, as well as political and philosophical movements from the end of the nineteenth century may well be mixed with earlier phenomena. That said, you would do well to draw inspiration from historical events – much that happened in the 1800s would make excellent starting points for creating exciting mysteries.
Throughout history, humans have shared their land with vaesen; trolls, ghosts, lindworms, and other creatures inhabiting the woods and lakes. Like the humans, these have had their ups and downs with one another.
Many have assisted the farmers in their back-breaking labor and made the dark, winter nights more bearable with enchanted music and gifts in the form of strange handicrafts to blacksmiths and lute players.
Although vaesen have always been present, few have actually seen them. The creatures are imperceptible to the human eye – they choose whether or not to reveal themselves. It is said that their presence may be inferred from something as innocuous as a draft in the room, or from the abnormal behavior of farm animals. Tales and songs tell of rules that must be followed so as not to anger the vaesen. Rural people often think they know how to avoid getting on the wrong side of those who dwell underground, but something has altered the balance between the humans on the surface and the creatures beneath. Vaesen have started attacking villages and destroying homes, factories, and train stations. They no longer behave as they do in the stories. Some think they have gone mad, others that the end times are nigh.
You are a person with the Sight, meaning that you have the ability to see vaesen – even when they are trying to remain invisible. You acquired the Sight as a result of some physical or psychological trauma, most likely some form of supernatural event, either during childhood or as an adult.
Those who have the Sight are sometimes referred to as Thursday’s Children. For one reason or another you have sought out other people with the Sight, and together you have decided to use your ability to help those affected by the ill-tempered caprice of the vaesen. You have learned that there used to be an organization known as The Society, and decided to re-establish it. The Society existed for hundreds of years, made up of people with the Sight who devoted their time to studying and expelling vaesen. Its members met at the old Castle Gyllencreutz in Upsala, but some ten years ago the last of them abandoned the organization, locked the castle gate, and left the building to decay. No one knows why.
You and your friends have tracked down a former member of the Society – an elderly woman named Linnea Elfeklint, now a patient at Upsala Asylum. Linnea has told you about the history and traditions of the Society, and given you the keys and deeds to Castle Gyllencreutz. But she refuses to leave the asylum and will not come with you to the castle under any circumstances – and she does not say why. It is up to you to restore the old organization, build your headquarters, and go on expeditions in Scandinavia, solving mysteries and driving off vaesen.
During the game you will have the opportunity to explore and expand Castle Gyllencreutz. The castle is your headquarters, where you may prepare for journeys and heal any physical or mental wounds from your encounters with vaesen. At the same time, you must maintain a façade of normality in front of your friends and relatives in Upsala – if they ever found out about your alleged ability to see supernatural creatures, they would sooner or later have you locked up in the asylum with Linnea.
Astrid Eklund
MIddle-Age Academic
Motivation | Proving my critics wrong |
Trauma | Watched my partner being torn apart by a giant |
Dark Secret | Hunted by a vaesen |
Bookworm: Gain +2 to LEARNING when looking for clues in books or libraries.
Erudite: You can pass a LEARNING test to establish truths about places and phenomena in the game. You may know that a certain location is renowned for its glassblowers, or that a gang of criminals operates in the area. The Gamemaster judges what is appropriate, and what is reasonable for you to know. You should not be allowed to make up things about vaesen.
Knowledge is Reassuring: Ignore Conditions when making LEARNING tests.
Skill | Damage | Range | Bonus | |
Kick/Punch | Force | 1 | 0 | - |
Rapier | Close Combat | 1 | +2 | +2 |
STRUGGLING [3]: You have a humble home and a fixed income. You have no money for savings, but you can dress your family for special occasions and your children have some access to education – at least for a few years.
JOURNAL: Journal of your dead husband with a dried red rose used as a bookmark squashed in between the pages.
Physique 2
Precision 4
Logic 4
Empathy 3
Agility (Physique) 0+2
Close Combat (Physique) 2+2
Force (Physique) 0+2
Medicine (Precision) 0+4
Ranged Combat (Precision) 0+4
Stealth (Precision) 0+4
Investigation (Logic) 2+4
Learning (Logic) 4+4
Vigilance (Logic) 2+4
Inspiration (Empathy) 0+3
Manipulation (Empathy) 0+3
Observation (Empathy) 0+3
Note: The Bonus from the Attribute is already indicated
Torun Lindberg
Old-Age Hunter
Motivation | Live in tune with nature |
Trauma | Broke your leg in the forest, but was guided home by a Will o’ the Wisp |
Dark Secret | Has children with a Vaesen (Will o’ the Wisp) |
Bloodhound: Gain +2 to VIGILANCE when tracking your prey.
Herbalist: By utilizing wild herbs, you can use MEDICINE without having access to medical supplies.
Marksman: Gain +2 to RANGED COMBAT on your first turn when successfully ambushing or attacking your enemy
Skill | Damage | Range | Bonus | |
Kick/Punch | Force | 1 | 0 | - |
Rifle | Ranged Combat | 2 | 1-3 | +2 |
Hunting Knife | Close Combat | 1 | 0 | +1 |
FINANCIALLY STABLE [4]: You own your own home and have a job that provides a steady income. Most likely you have some money stashed away. Occasionally you may treat yourself to some sweets, a trip, or a beautiful object. In times of crisis there are people to lend you money.
PHOTO: You carry around a photo of a Will o’ the Wisp with you at all times.
Physique 3
Precision 4
Logic 3
Empathy 3
Agility (Physique) 0+3
Close Combat (Physique) 0+3
Force (Physique) 0+3
Medicine (Precision) 4+4
Ranged Combat (Precision) 4+4
Stealth (Precision) 4+4
Investigation (Logic) 0+3
Learning (Logic) 0+3
Vigilance (Logic) 0+3
Inspiration (Empathy) 0+3
Manipulation (Empathy) 0+3
Observation (Empathy) 1+3
Note: The Bonus from the Attribute is already indicated
Valentina Backlund
Middle-Age Occultist
Motivation | Learning about Vaesen |
Trauma | Almost burned alive as a witch by own family |
Dark Secret | Attracted to the same gender |
Conjuring Tricks: You can use STEALTH instead of MANIPULATION when performing conjuring tricks to influence people.
Medium: You can use OBSERVATION to perform seances where you predict people’s futures and contact the dead. Extra successes provide more information, prolong the contact, or cause spirits to materialize. On failure you are given inaccurate information, attacked, or suffer a Condition.
Strike Fear: You can strike fear with Fear 1. It counts as a slow action and does not work against vaesen. Choose a victim in your zone. Targeted NPCs must pass a Logic or Empathy test. Their roll gains bonus dice equal to the number of friendly individuals in the same zone.
Skill | Damage | Range | Bonus | |
Kick/Punch | Force | 1 | 0 | - |
Whip | Close Combat | 1 | 0 | +1 |
POOR [2]: You live very simply. Most days there is food on the table, but far too little. If you have children, they are forced to live in squalor. You own a change of clothes and a few possessions. Loss of income would be disastrous for you.
OLD LOVE LETTER: You carry around a letter written by a woman confessing her undying love to you
Physique 3
Precision 4
Logic 3
Empathy 4
Agility (Physique) 0+3
Close Combat (Physique) 2+3
Force (Physique) 0+3
Medicine (Precision) 4+4
Ranged Combat (Precision) 4+4
Stealth (Precision) 0+3
Investigation (Logic) 0+3
Learning (Logic) 0+3
Vigilance (Logic) 2+3
Inspiration (Empathy) 0+3
Manipulation (Empathy) 0+3
Observation (Empathy) 0+3
Note: The Bonus from the Attribute is already indicated
- Crystall Ball: When used with OBSERVATION to search for clues (gain +1 bonus success)
Johan Almklint
Old-Age Officer
Motivation | Make my father proud |
Trauma | Almost drowned when your ship was dragged down by a sea monster |
Dark Secret | Cannot cope with filth and disorder |
Battle-Hardened: You are used to battle. When drawing for initiative, draw two cards and pick one of them
Gentleman: You were raised to control your emotions and behavior in social situations, even under pressure. Ignore penalties from mental Conditions when making MANIPULATION tests.
Tactician: When you pass a RANGED COMBAT test during combat and get extra successes, you may – in addition to the usual alternatives – issue an order to a friend. Doing so costs one success. If she follows your order, she gains +2 to her next test (can be chosen multiple times to give orders to different people).
Skill | Damage | Range | Bonus | |
Kick/Punch | Force | 1 | 0 | - |
Pistol | Ranged Combat | 2 | 1-3 | +2 |
Bayounet | Close Combat | 2 | 0 | +1 |
Ring: Ring with red jewel in the middle (family heirloom).
Physique 4
Precision 4
Logic 3
Empathy 2
Agility (Physique) 4+4
Close Combat (Physique) 3+4
Force (Physique) 2+4
Medicine (Precision) 0+4
Ranged Combat (Precision) 4+4
Stealth (Precision) 0+4
Investigation (Logic) 0+3
Learning (Logic) 0+3
Vigilance (Logic) 2+3
Inspiration (Empathy) 0+2
Manipulation (Empathy) 0+2
Observation (Empathy) 0+2
Note: The Bonus from the Attribute is already indicated
WELL-OFF [6]: You have a big house or apartment. You probably have multiple sources of income and several employees. You do not think of money as a scarce resource, but as a game to increase your capital and influence. You keep fine company and have little contact with the poor. Your family can go on vacations and you can afford all the latest innovations.
Helena Skytte
Young Writer
Motivation | Researching a book |
Trauma | Heard the song of the Neck, but failed to write down the lyrics |
Dark Secret | Wanted for revolutionary ideas |
Automatic Writing: When channeling spirits through automatic writing you can use INSPIRATION to gain clues. The Gamemaster provides more or less vague clues, predictions about the future, or momentary insights into the thoughts and experiences of your enemies. Extra successes reveal more clues. On failure the Gamemaster decides whether you suffer a Condition, become possessed, or undergo a personality change (you decide what kind) that lasts for 1D6 hours. You can use Automatic Writing once per gaming session.
Journalist: You may use INSPIRATION instead of MANIPULATION when
charming or deceiving someone to gain information.
Wordsmith: Ignore penalties from Conditions when making INSPIRATION tests.
Skill | Damage | Range | Bonus | |
Kick/Punch | Force | 1 | 0 | - |
Pet Dog | Close Combat | 1 | 0 | +1 |
- Writing utensils and paper,
- Camera
- Pet Dog (Swedish Vallhund)
Physique 4
Precision 4
Logic 3
Empathy 4
Agility (Physique) 0+3
Close Combat (Physique) 2+3
Force (Physique) 0+3
Medicine (Precision) 0+4
Ranged Combat (Precision) 0+4
Stealth (Precision) 0+4
Investigation (Logic) 0+4
Learning (Logic) 0+4
Vigilance (Logic) 0+4
Inspiration (Empathy) 4+4
Manipulation (Empathy) 2+4
Observation (Empathy) 2+4
Note: The Bonus from the Attribute is already indicated
MIDDLE-CLASS [5]: You own a home and a business. You may have one or several employees and know how to invest for the future. You have savings and access to loans. You and your family are living well.
DRIED ROSE: You keep a dried rose in between one of the many books you carry
Viktor af Blacke
Young Priest
Motivation | Cleansing my tarnished soul |
Trauma | Watched a church grim tear apart some thieves trying to steal the church silver |
Dark Secret | The Devil speaks to me |
Absolution Anyone who confesses to you as an activity heal three Conditions instead of two.
Blessing: Once per session you can bless an object or another player character. The player character, or anyone
using the object, gains the Blessed Advantage, adding +2 to a test of their choice. The Advantage expires upon use or when the mystery is over. You can only bless the same character or object once per mystery.
Confessor: You may use OBSERVATION instead of MANIPULATION when having a confidential conversation.
Skill | Damage | Range | Bonus | |
Kick/Punch | Force | 1 | 0 | - |
Dagger | Close Combat | 1 | 0 | +2 |
- Musical instrument (Harmonica)
- Writing utensils
- Holy water
- Rosary
Physique 3
Precision 4
Logic 4
Empathy 4
Agility (Physique) 0+3
Close Combat (Physique) 0+3
Force (Physique) 0+3
Medicine (Precision) 0+4
Ranged Combat (Precision) 0+4
Stealth (Precision) 0+4
Investigation (Logic) 0+4
Learning (Logic) 0+4
Vigilance (Logic) 0+4
Inspiration (Empathy) 4+4
Manipulation (Empathy) 4+4
Observation (Empathy) 2+4
Note: The Bonus from the Attribute is already indicated
MIDDLE-CLASS [5]: You own a home and a business. You may have one or several employees and know how to invest for the future. You have savings and access to loans. You and your family are living well.
PERSONAL BIBLE: A Bible written in a mixture of both Hebrew and Greek