
by CanceRevolution

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Cyclops & Cyclopians

The Cyclops, also once known as the Cyclopian, are towering creatures, standing between 15 to 18 feet tall. These one-eyed giants bear a close kinship to other giant races, but their history is a testament to both the apex of intellectual advancement and the abyss of societal decay. Millennia ago, the Cyclopian society was the zenith of civilization, famed for their unmatched intellect, innovation, and architectural wonders. Their cities, now lost to time, were hubs of knowledge, wisdom, and technological marvels that were unrivaled by any in their era.

However, tragedy befell these great beings. An unknown catastrophe, the details of which are buried in time, resulted in the total collapse of their society. From the ruins of this once-enlightened race emerged the modern-day Cyclops. Today, they are but a pale reflection of their ancestors, having lost not only their rich history but also their superior intellect. Living in tribal groups, they are often perceived as brutish and slow-witted, a stark contrast to the scholarly and sophisticated Cyclopians of old.

Despite their diminished state, the Cyclops still possess remnants of their forebears' abilities. Their immense size grants them formidable strength, and occasionally, a flicker of the old Cyclopian intellect might shine through, revealing hidden depths beneath their seemingly dull exteriors. Adventurers and scholars are cautioned against underestimating these giants, for while they may not retain the genius of their ancestors, they remain a powerful force in the world, bearing the legacy of a civilization lost to the annals of history.

Tier 3


Enormous, Colossus

Tier 3, Challenge Point 10, XP: 30


AC 6 AP 3
HP 109 Posture 47
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 7
  • Language Jotun


Base 25 Climb/Swim 25 Dash 50

Stats + Skills

STR +9 DEX -3 INT -3 WIS -3 CHA -2
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Bad Sight You have disadvantage on Perception Checks.

  • Colossus Climb A Large or smaller creature can attempt to climb onto you. When it does, it must succeed on an Athletics Save (DC 17) or fall.

  • A creature with a Climbing Speed as their Base speed automatically succeeds this Save. If you hit an Attack against a creature that is climbing you, that creature must also repeat the Save. A creature that climbs 20 feet can reach your eye.

  • If a creature deals slash or thrust damage with a Melee Attack against your eye, you become weak to that Attacks damage.

  • Eye Weakness If a creature scores a Ranged Critical Hit against you, it hits your eyes making you become completely Blinded for 1 turn.

  • If a creature can reach your eye, a Melee Critical Hit can also leave you completely Blinded.

  • Heavy Impact When you hit an Attack against a Medium or smaller creature, that creature must then succeed on an Athletics Save (DC 17), or be pushed 10 feet away and become Stunned and Knocked Prone.

Actions (2)

  • Great Club Hit +9, Dmg 1d12 strike
  • Great Weapon: If you roll a 1, 2 or 3 on the damage roll, you can add a second 1d12 to this damage roll. You do not get to add a third 1d12.
  • Long Reach: The reach of this weapon is 10 feet
  • Favorite Weapon Effect: You ignore all AP
  • War Cry All creatures within 30 feet of you must make an Endurance Save (DC 17), taking 2d10 sonic damage on a fail, or half as much on a success.
  • A creature that takes this sonic damage must also succeed on an Insight Save (DC 17), or become Scared of you for 1 turn.
  • Triumph: This Action has a limit of once per round.

Two-Headed Cyclops

Enormous, Colossus

Tier 3, Challenge Point 20, XP: 60


AC 6 AP 3
HP 209 Posture 98
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 8
  • Language Jotun


Base 25 Climb/Swim 25 Dash 50

Stats + Skills

STR +9 DEX -2 INT -3 WIS -2 CHA -2
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Bad Sight You have disadvantage on Perception Checks.

  • Colossus Climb A Large or smaller creature can attempt to climb you. When it does, it must succeed on a Athletics Save (DC 17) to climb you, or else it falls from you. A creature with a Climbing Speed as their Base Speed automatically succeeds this Save.

  • If you hit an Attack against a creature that is Climbing you, that creature must also repeat this Save.

  • A creature that climbs 20 feet can reach your eye. If a creature deals slash or thrust damage with a Melee Attack against your eye, you become weak to that damage Attack.

  • Eye Weakness If a creature scores a Ranged Critical Hit against you, it hits your eyes making you become completely Blinded for 1 turn.

  • If a creature can reach your eye, a Melee Critical Hit can also leave you completely Blinded.

  • Heavy Impact When you hit an Attack against a Medium or smaller creature, that creature must then succeed on an Athletics Save (DC 17), or be pushed 10 feet away and become Stunned and Knocked Prone.

  • Double Heads You gain advantage on all your Perception Checks, and you also have 2 Reactions, but cannot use all of them at once.

  • You also gain advantage on all Saves that would make you become Blinded, Deafened, Surprised, Confused, Scared, or Enchanted.

Actions (2)

  • Great Club Hit +9, Dmg 1d12 strike
  • Great Weapon: If you roll a 1, 2 or 3 on the damage roll, you can add a second 1d12 to this damage roll. You do not get to add a third 1d12.
  • Long Reach: The reach of this weapon is 10 feet
  • Favorite Weapon Effect: You ignore all AP
  • War Cry All creatures within 30 feet of you must make an Endurance Save (DC 17), taking 2d10 sonic damage on a fail, or half as much on a success.
  • A creature that takes this sonic damage must also succeed on an Insight Save (DC 17), or become Scared of you for 1 turn.
  • Triumph: This Action has a limit of once per round.

Reactions (2)

  • Panic Attack If you would take any damage, you can use your Reaction to make 1 Attack
  • Territorial If a creature within 5 feet of you moves without Disengaging first, you can make 1 Attack of Opportunity against that creature.

Tier 4

Cyclopian Forger

Enormous, Colossus

Tier 4, Challenge Point 20, XP: 80


AC 18 AP 4
HP 210 Posture 98
Mana 4
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 8
  • Language Celestial & Elemental Speech (Ignan), Jotun


Base 25 Climb/Swim 25 Dash 50

Stats + Skills

STR +10 DEX -2 INT +10 WIS -2 CHA -2
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1


  • Bad Sight You have disadvantage on Perception Checks.
  • Colossus Climb A Large or smaller creature can attempt to climb you. When it does, it must succeed on a Athletics Save (DC 18) to climb you, or else it falls from you. A creature with a Climbing Speed as their Base Speed automatically succeeds this Save.
  • If you hit an Attack against a creature that is Climbing you, that creature must also repeat this Save.
  • A creature that climbs 20 feet can reach your eye. If a creature deals slash or thrust damage with a Melee Attack against your eye, you become weak to that damage Attack.
  • Eye Weakness If a creature scores a Ranged Critical Hit against you, it hits your eyes making you become completely Blinded for 1 turn.

  • If a creature can reach your eye, a Melee Critical Hit can also leave you completely Blinded.

  • Heavy Impact When you hit an Attack against a Medium or smaller creature, that creature must then succeed on an Athletics Save (DC 18), or be pushed 10 feet away and become Stunned and Knocked Prone.

  • Tools Master: You gain advantage on all Tools Manipulation Checks.

Actions (3)

  • Forgotten Gun Hit +10, Dmg 1d12 thrust + 6 fire
  • Great Weapon: If you roll a 1, 2 or 3 on the damage roll, you can add a second 1d12 to the damage roll of this weapon. You do not get to add a third 1d12.
  • Ignite: On a hit, that target must make an Agility Save (DC 18) or be Ignited (1d6).
  • Ranged Weapon (120/300)
  • Arcane Sword Hit +10, Dmg 1d12 slash/thrust + 6 force
  • Great Weapon: If you roll a 1, 2 or 3 on the damage roll, you can add a second 1d12 to the damage roll of this weapon. You do not get to add a third 1d12.
  • Long Reach: The reach of this weapon is 10 feet
  • Favorite Weapon: As an Action, you can swing this sword. All creatures within 10 feet of you must then succeed on an Agility Save (DC 18), or take 1 hit from this weapon's Attack.
  • Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
  • Level 2 (2 Mana): Burning Strike

Elite Cyclopian Warrior

Enormous, Colossus

Tier 4, Challenge Point 40, XP: 160


AC 18/ Shield +1 AP 4
HP 210 Posture 98
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 8
  • Language Celestial & Elemental Speech (Ignan), Jotun


Base 25 Climb/Swim 25 Dash 50

Stats + Skills

STR +10 DEX -2 INT +6 WIS -2 CHA -2
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Action

  • Forgotten War Cry When you roll for Initiative, you can make a sound. All creatures within 300 feet of you must make an Endurance Save (DC 18) or take 2d12 sonic damage on a fail, or half as much on a success.

  • Any creature that takes this sonic damage must also succeed on an Insight Save (DC 18) or become Scared of you for 2 turns.

  • Villain Save: When you fail a Save, you can spend 1 use of your Forced Attack to succeed that Save instead.


  • Bad Sight You have disadvantage on Perception Checks.

  • Colossus Climb A Large or smaller creature can attempt to climb you. When it does, it must succeed on a Athletics Save (DC 18) to climb you, or else it falls from you. A creature with a Climbing Speed as their Base Speed automatically succeeds this Save.

  • If you hit an Attack against a creature that is Climbing you, that creature must also repeat this Save.

  • A creature that climbs 20 feet can reach your eye. If a creature deals slash or thrust damage with a Melee Attack against your eye, you become weak to that damage Attack.

  • Elite Posture At the start of your turn, if you have 0 Posture left, you can regain all your Posture.

  • Eye Weakness If a creature scores a Ranged Critical Hit against you, it hits your eyes making you become completely Blinded for 1 turn.

  • If a creature can reach your eye, a Melee Critical Hit can also leave you completely Blinded.

  • Heavy Impact When you hit an Attack against a Medium or smaller creature, that creature must then succeed on an Athletics Save (DC 18), or be pushed 10 feet away and become Stunned and Knocked Prone.

  • Forced Attack (5) Once per round, you can make 1 Attack as a Free Action. You can only use this ability 5 times per Short or Long rest.

Actions (4)

  • Great Sword Hit +10, Dmg 2d10 slash/thrust + 4 force
  • Long Reach: The reach of this weapon is 10 feet
  • Favorite Weapon: As an Action, you can swing this sword. All creatures within 15 feet of you must then succeed on an Agility Save (DC 18), or take 1 hit from this weapon's Attack.
  • Giant Bow Hit +10, Dmg (1d12 + 2) thrust + 4 force
  • TwoHanded Needs two hands to be wielded.
  • Ranged Weapon (300/400)
  • Forgotten War Cry All creatures within 30 feet of you must make an Endurance Save (DC 18), taking 2d12 sonic damage on a fail, or half as much on a success.
  • A creature that takes this sonic damage must also succeed on an Insight Save (DC 18), or become Scared of you for 2 turn.
  • Triumph: This Action has a limit of once per round.


  • Use Shield When an Attack would hit you, you can use your Reaction to gain a +2 bonus to your AC.

Olympian Blood Cyclopian

Enormous, Colossus

Tier 4, Challenge Point 20, XP: 80


AC 18 AP 4
HP 209 Posture 98
Mana 40
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 8
  • Language Celestial & Elemental Speech (Ignan), Jotun


Base 25 Climb/Swim 25 Dash 50

Stats + Skills

STR +9 DEX -2 INT +10 WIS -2 CHA -2
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Action

  • Villain Magic Once per round, you can cast a spell at any moment, ignoring any restriction from Normal Spells


  • Bad Sight You have disadvantage on Perception Checks.

  • Colossus Climb A Large or smaller creature can attempt to climb you. When it does, it must succeed on a Athletics Save (DC 17) to climb you, or else it falls from you. A creature with a Climbing Speed as their Base Speed automatically succeeds this Save.

  • If you hit an Attack against a creature that is Climbing you, that creature must also repeat this Save.

  • A creature that climbs 20 feet can reach your eye. If a creature deals slash or thrust damage with a Melee Attack against your eye, you become weak to that damage Attack.

  • Eye Weakness If a creature scores a Ranged Critical Hit against you, it hits your eyes making you become completely Blinded for 1 turn.

  • If a creature can reach your eye, a Melee Critical Hit can also leave you completely Blinded.

  • Spell Skill: Spell Hit: +10, Spell DC (18)

  • Cast Ritual Spell You can cast the following ritual spells:

  • Resurrect, True Illusion, Flashback, Divination, Identify Object, Non-Detection,

Actions (1)

  • Cast Spell You can cast the following spells:
  • At Will: Electrical Hand, Magic Prestige, Sense Good & Evil, Sense Magic, Minor Wind Slash, Minor Lightning
  • Level 1 (1 Mana): Lightning Strike, Wind Slash
  • Level 2 (2 Mana): Bolt of Lightning, Overload Information, Wind Barrier
  • Level 3 (4 Mana): Lightning Storm, Minor Tornado
  • Level 4 (6 Mana): Great Lightning Chain, Sun Orb
  • Level 5 (10 Mana): Great Lightning Spear

Tier 6

Triclops, the Cursed Son of Typhon

Gigantic, Colossus

Tier 6, Challenge Point 100, XP: 600


AC 6 AP 5
HP 1.015 Posture 498
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 8
  • Language Jotun


Base 50 Climb/Swim 60 Dash 120

Stats + Skills

STR +15 DEX -2 INT -4 WIS -2 CHA -2
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Action

  • Sound of the Apocalypse: When you roll for Initiative, you can make an unbearable sound that brings despair to all mortals.
  • All creatures within 1.000 feet of you must make an Endurance Save (DC 23) or take 4d12 sonic damage on a fail, or half as much on a success.
  • Any creature that takes this sonic damage must also succeed on an Insight Save (DC 23) or become Scared of you for 3 turns.
  • Unstoppable You ignore harsh terrain and cannot be Immobilized by any means.
  • Head Save When you fail a Save, you can choose to succeed on it instead. However, you lose 1 Action and Reaction on your next turn as your heads start fighting with each other.


  • Bad Sight You have disadvantage on Perception Checks.

  • Colossus Climb A Large or smaller creature can attempt to climb you. When it does, it must succeed on a Athletics Save (DC 23) to climb you, or else it falls from you. A creature with a Climbing Speed as their Base Speed automatically succeeds this Save.

  • If you hit an Attack against a creature that is Climbing you, that creature must also repeat this Save.

  • A creature that climbs 50 feet can reach your eye. If a creature deals slash or thrust damage with a Melee Attack against your eye, you become weak to that damage Attack.

  • Heavy Impact When you hit an Attack against a Large or smaller creature, that creature must then succeed on an Athletics Save (DC 23), or be pushed 20 feet away and become Stunned and Knocked Prone.

  • Triple Heads You gain advantage on all your Perception Checks, and you also have 3 Reactions, but cannot use all of them at once.

  • You also gain advantage on all Saves that would make you become Blinded, Deafened, Surprised, Confused, Scared, or Enchanted.

Actions (3)

  • Colossal Club Hit +15, Dmg 3d12 strike
  • Smash: All creatures within 30 feet of the target you attacked must succeed on an Athletics Save (DC 23). On a fail, a creature takes 1d12 strike damage and becomes Knocked Prone.
  • Long Reach: The reach of this weapon is 20 feet
  • Favorite Weapon Effect: You ignore all AP
  • War Cry All creatures within 300 feet of you must make an Endurance Save (DC 23), taking 4d12 sonic damage on a fail, or half as much on a success.
  • A creature that takes this sonic damage must also succeed on an Insight Save (DC 23), or become Scared of you for 1 turn.
  • Triumph: This Action has a limit of once per round.

Reactions (3)

  • Panic Attack If you would take any damage, you can make 1 Attack before that damage is taken.
  • Territorial If a creature within 20 feet of you moves without Disengaging first, you can make 1 Attack of Opportunity against that creature.
  • Survival Instincts Before you make a Save, you can use your Reaction to gain advantage on that Save. If the Save was already being made with advantage, it automatically succeeds instead.