Dnd monster: Bean (revised)

by pixelpwer42

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Beans are a group of competitive, cute, creative, and crazy bean-shaped humanoids. Each Bean is wildly different than other Beans, but they all possess the desire to obtain shiny treasure through means of contest.

Entities of Pure Cuteness

All Beans have a mask-like face with no features except two beady, adorable eyes. The rest of their body consists of two arms, tiny legs, and a bean shaped central body. Many love to keep them as pets or familiars, since they are so overwhelmingly cute.

Competitive Spirit

Beans will throw themselves into sports or challenges (literally) to obtain fame, pride, and riches. If a Bean loses, it will usually challenge its opponent to a rematch over and over again until it wins or gets bored. Beans do not comprehend language, instead they use warbles and gestures to convey emotions and information. Despite this limitation, Beans work quite well together, able to take down the toughest of monsters with unending punches.

Mysterious Anatomy

Beans appear to be immortal. No Bean has died of old age, and they do not show any signs of damage after a fight. Beans do not have genders, since the concept is unnecessary for competition. They also do not appear to need sustenance or sleep, even though they partake in rigorous activities daily. Beans do not seem to reproduce, instead, Beans will just appear out of thin air, looking as mature as any other Bean. The first Bean probably just appeared like all the others.

Connoisseurs of Style

Beans are able to change the color and pattern of their skin on a whim. Some Beans have even been seen to produce clothing objects out of thin air. Any Bean will most likely be wearing something entirely different than what the Bean next to it. Beans change their outfits constantly, reflecting on their moods and tastes. The outfits can range from business suits to full-blown Godzilla outfits. To prevent impersonation, Beans can see other Bean's names above their heads.

Warning! The following monster is immune to damage and cannot be killed.


Small humanoid, any good alignment

  • Armor Class 10
  • Hit Points 1 (1d6 - 2)
  • Speed 25 ft.

10 (+0) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)

  • Condition Immunities frightened, charmed, poisoned, petrified
  • Languages None
  • Challenge 0 (10 xp, but you can't kill it.)

Squishy. The Bean can't take damage and is immune to death. The Bean automatically succeeds on Constitution saving throws or checks.

Bouncy. When the Bean hits the ground, it can choose to bounce up to double the distance it fell. (If the bean fell 100 feet, it could bounce upward from 1 to 200 feet.)

Clumsy. The Bean automatically fails on any attack roll besides one for its fist attack.

Grab. The Bean may choose to automatically succeed on any check made to grapple, but if it does so, the grapple ends at the start of its next turn.

Colorful. The Bean can change the color and pattern of its skin, giving it advantage on all Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to avoid detection. It can also produce cosmetic items out of thin air. These items do not give the Bean any bonuses, but they can be used as a disguise.


Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 1 bludgeoning damage.


Dive. A bean may use its reaction to completely avoid one attack, but if it does so, it becomes prone.


Made by Pixelpwer42 (me)
Art by Mediatonic
Made with GM Binder


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