Biolance Setting Equipment & Machines v2

by TheTranMan

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Modern / Futuristic Gear

In Biolance, Magitech blends together the complexities of Science and the wondrous abilities of Magic, though when it comes to magi-technology overall, equipment or appliances continue to evolve to suit the needs of its consumers. Practical technology might not be the most glamorous, but it's certainly indispensable: Computers, Radios, and Phones allow people to converse all across the galaxy, Flashlights and Glowsticks keep dark caverns in the light, and all manner of gear can have multiple creative applications. Of course, adventurers and explorers still make use of conventional gear, much of which has evolved with the march of progress: healer's kits, locks, and manacles have all changed considerably, but they still serve the same purpose. Other things, like backpacks, have hardly changed at all.

Magitech Devices

Specific Objects, such as ones listed in the Magitech Table, are arcanically powered, which conventionally just means its powered by electricity transformed from magic. These devices are meant to be cross-compatible with other technological devices, leaving them just as susceptible to the same flaws of Technological Devices, so you treat Magitech Devices as Technological Devices / Electronic Systems, for the purpose of being affected by becoming EMP-ed or disabled through other means.

Magitech Devices more commonly, are made from material that can be considered magical, or with the abilities to activate "spell like abilities" or otherwise supernatural features as well. Magitech Devices are also considered magical, for the purpose of being targeted by features, such as becoming disabled by Anti-Magic Field, though a Magitech Device targeted by a Dispel Magic must succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw vs. the Spellcaster's DC, with a bonus of +0, or become disabled for 1 hour.

Magitech Devices also gain the Magic Item's "Magic Item Resilience" (DMG pg. 141), of which grants such items resistance to all damage (remember that Items conventionally have Immunity to Poison and Psychic damge).

Technological Devices

Technological Devices in Biolance, such as ones listed in the Technological Devices Table, is a device that contains Computer Systems, Electronic Systems, or some form of complex machine with many delicate interior parts.

Modern Gear

Cost (c) Item Weight
5 Bandolier 1 lb.
0.1 Battery
15 Binoculars 1 lb.
25 Briefcase 2 lb.
1 Compass
1 Duct Tape
10 Fire Extinguisher 2 lb.
1 Flare
1500 Flash Goggles 1/2 lb.
100 Gas Mask 1 lb.
5 Handcuffs
500 Haz-Mat Suit 10 lb.
1 Holster
0.2 Lightstick
0.5 Light Igniter
25 Omnitool 1 lb.
0.2 Plastic Bottle 2 lb. (full)
10 Sleeping Bag 1 lb.
200 Suspension Filament 1/2 lb.

Modern Potions / Elixers / Drugs

Cost (c) Consumable
0.2 Biobuel

Futuristic Gear

Cost (c) Item Weight
2500 Biosuit 10 lb.

Technological Devices

Cost (c) Item Weight
500 Camera, filament 0.5
3000 Camera, lens
50 Camera, still 1/2 lb.
100 Camera, video 1/2 lb.
500 Camera Ball 3 lb.
2500 Flying Camera Ball 5 lb.
500 Computer, desktop 18 lb.
500 Computer, datapad 5 lb.
50 Digital Audio Recorder 1 lb.
5000 E.O.S. (Electronic Optical Sensor) 5 lb.
100 GPS 1 lb.
500 Metal Detector 2 lb.
250 Mobile Ether Phone
10 Strap Watch
25 Two-Way Radio 1 lb.
20 USB Drive

Magitech Devices

Cost (c) Item Weight
50 Energy Cell 1 lb.
300 Communication Set 1 lb.
1000 Defibrillator 2 lb.
900 E.M.A.S. (Elemental, Materia, and Arcanophysical Scanning Device) 1 lb.
1000 Holographic Generator (Miniature) 5 lb.
5000 Holographic Generator (Small) 10 lb.
10000 Holographic Generator (Medium) 20 lb.
15000 Holographic Generator (Large) 30 lb.
300 Hoverboard 5 lb.
6000 Infrared Goggles 1 lb.
1500 Lie Detector 1 lb.
2000 Omni-Computer 500 lbs.
100 Network Relay 50 lbs.
2500 Portable Jammer 5 lb.
10000 The Identifier 5 lb.
10000 Ultrasound Goggles 1 lb.
7500 Universal Translator 1 lb.

All Gear Descriptions

This section describes items that have special rules or require further explanation.

Bandolier. This shoulder strap contains pouches large enough to hold ammunition, a potion, syringe, grenade, or similarily-sized item within easy reach. It can hold 10 pounds of gear.

Binoculars. Objects viewed through the binoculars can be seen up to ten times their size.

Biosuit. A biosuit is an air, moisture, and water sealed one-piece jumpsuit that either comes with a domed glass helmet or goggle slits to allow for vision. While wearing it, you can breathe normally, survive underwater of up to depths up to 10,000 feet deep, or survive in the vacuum of space without ill effect. The suit must be consistently replenished for its air supply, of which it has at least 24 hours worth, without being attached to extraneous air storage.

While wearing a biosuit, you are immune to the effects of inhaled poisons, gasses, and pathogens. Additionally, the suit insulates you from extreme environmental temperatures. Whenever the suit tears or becomes damaged or sundered, any hit points the wearer regains also repairs the suit. You can wear the suit under armor.

Briefcase. Made from leather and plastic. It has mechanical locks that require either a key or an alphabetical or numberical combination to open.

Camera Ball. This 5-inch rubber ball can be physically thrown or fired from a grenade launcher. Once it lands, it transmits audio and video input from a full 360-degree arc up to 1,000 feet to a receiving monitor. When in range of its controller, it can also roll under its own power, and it has a speed of 20 feet. It has 15 hit points and an AC of 20.

The flying version instead has a flying speed of 40 feet.

Camera Balls are battery-powered, and can last for up to 1 hour per charge.

Camera, Filament. This device uses a microscopic wire which is 50-feet long. Through a remote at one end, it can navigate around corners and through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide. It transmits visual and audiotory information back to its surface remote. Because of the size of the wire, it is virtually invisible (DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot). Purchasing additional Filament Camera allows you to be able to connect them together to increase the length.

Camera, Lens. This camera can be fitted as large as a 1-foot diameter lens, or as small as a 5mm contact lense. It transmits visual and audiotory information to its linked device. The electronic systems of the camera on the lenses are virtually invisible (DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot).

Camera, Still. This camera takes still-shot pictures whenever activated. It can hold up to 5,000 pictures.

Camera, Video. This camera can either records a video of up to 24 hours of footage, or provides a live video feed to another device it is linked to.

Compass. A compass is an instrument which contains a magnetized pointer whic shows the magnetic direction of north, as well as the bearings.

Computer, Datapad. A computer, or computational device allows the user to access many digital applications or access the galactic-wide ethernet. A Datapad or Tablet

Computer, Desktop. A desktop computer is much more bulkier and heavier, filled with more processors and data towers that trades portability for processing.

Communication Set. This device comes in the form of a portable handheld device or as a headset. When you use this technological device, you can reliably communicate with another creature that also has a communication set within 1 mile of you. Its signal can penetrate most barriers, but is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.

Defibrillator. The magitech defibrillator is an arcanoelectrical device hooked up to a diamond of which links to two conductive paddles. Using the defibrillator as an action lets you cast the Revivify spell once—no components required—since it is already built into the device. The defibrillator can be refueled by diamonds, of which it can hold up to 300 gp worth.

Digital Audio Recorder. This both records and plays back over 1000 hours on an internal digital memory unit. You can have it set to record your voice, or record audio of sounds occurring up to 60 feet away.

Duct Tape. It's adhesive duct tape. You can:

  • Affix a small item (such as flashlight or a tracker to a weapon).
  • Create one foot of rope (up to thirty feet).
  • Mark up to three feet on the ground or on an object.
  • Use it as handcuffs (target is restrained, DC 15 to escape).
  • Prevent a restrained creature from speaking.

E.M.A.S. The E.M.A.S. or Elemental, Matria, and Arcanophysical Scanning Device is equipped with a standard multiple-sensor on its operating end. When directed at an object within 10 feet as an action, the device measures and displays many of that object's intrinsic properties, including its elemental material, temperature, density, contained energy, boiling point, freezing point, conductivity, and viscocity.

E.O.S. The E.O.S. or Electronic Optical Sensor is equipped with a 360-degree motion sensor meant to detect both ground and aerial targets within 500 feet. It sends all information to a source monitor that cannot be more than 1000 feet away.

Creatures must beat a DC 25 Dexterity (Stealth) check to not be detected by the device. It detects movement (burrowing, flying, swimming, and walking) and cannot detect incorporeal targets. It can last up to 5 hours on batteries.

Fire Extinguisher. The extinguisher has 10 charges. As an action, you can expend one charge to extinguish a 10-foot area of fire within reach.

Flare. A flare is a foot-long, brightly colored stick with a plastic cap. You can strike the bottom of the flare as an action, matching that of the stick. This flame burns for 10 minutes, emitting a 40-foot radius of bright light and dim light for an additional 40 feet. A flare will still burn underwater or in a vacuum. A flare can also be launched from a grenade launcher, and it leaves a burning flare in the air that lasts for 1 minute instead.

Flash Goggles. This eyewear protects the wearer from any blinding effects from bright light, whether natural or technological. They respond to incoming illumination and darken within 0.0005 seconds. When you are blinded by an external effect caused by light, you nullify the effect.

Gas Mask. This mask is used to protect the user from inhaling airborne pollutants and toxic gases. The mask forms a sealed cover over the nose and mouth, but may also cover the eyes and other vulnerable soft tissues of the face. While wearing the mask you are immune to inhaled poisons.

GPS. It provides geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver anywhere on or near the world you're on where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites.

Handcuffs. These high tensile steel restrained require a DC 25 Strength check to break. You can also attempt a DC 20 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or (Thieves' Tools) check to slip out of them or unlock them.

Haz-Mat Suit. The Hazardous Materia Suit protects its wearer from hazardous materia such as dangerous alchemical substances and active/latent radioactivity. It's sealed air and water-tight, and appears as a one-piece full-body jumpsuit which comes with a glass mask, or mask hole for vision. While wearing it, and you have not suffered any hit point damage while wearing it, you are immune to inhaled poisons. The suit protects you from hazardous material, granting you advantage on saving throws against Acids and Radiation.

Holographic Generators. This backpack-carried device deploys its own legs when activated. A reflective sphere on a pintle rises from the top. The device can make a 50-foot diameter circle look and sound like some other sort of natural terrain, illusory creatures or environmental effects such as dust or gas, and can hide structures, equipment, and creatures within the area: multiple generators can be set up to project upon larger areas. All sounds within the dome are muffled from the outside. The effect is not solid, so interacting with the hologram reveals its illusory nature, otherwise a creature can tell its a Holographic Generated image with a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check when determining from afar or a second-hand visual, such as from a picture or video.

The Large Holographic Generator makes a 50-foot diameter circle. A Medium Holographic Generator makes 25-foot diameter circle. A Small Holographic Generator makes a 10-foot diameter circle. A Miniature Holographic Generator makes a 5-foot cube.

Typically Holographic Generators have a verisimilitude of uses, typically to project 3D imagery such a digitized recreation of a person or being, displaying cartographical information, or acting as an interactive computational device. Atypically, they can be used to disguise or hide locations or objects, such as cloaking the entrance of a hidden compound or visually hiding the presence of vehicles.

Holographic Generators can be manually programmed to display a hologram of the programmer's specificity, or it can be hooked up to other computer systems to accomplish such a feat from a remote location.

Holster. A holster is a specially-made holder which allows a firearm which lacks the two-handed property to be carried on a belt or under the arm.

Hoverboard. This 4-foot long metal board produces a low hum and hovers above any surface. You can mount or dismount this board as an action. While mounted, you ignore nonmagical difficult terrain and can move above the surface of liquids without sinking. The board can't scale any angle greater than 45 degrees, unless it is moving in a zero-gravity environment.

Lie Detector. This device is a simple palm-shaped item that is placed on the subject's body. While it remains on the subject's body, you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks made against the target. A Lie Detector transmits to you information about the subject's heart-rate, rise in respiration and breathing, and otherwise tracks any physical or chemical change to the target's body.

Ultimately a Lie Detector normally can or cannot transmit those features, and it's more of the principle that the Lie Detector magically enhances the user's ability to notice traits of a subject during conversation.

Lightstick. A lightstick consists of a translucent plastic tube containing isolated substances that, when combined, make light through chemiluminescence, so it does not require an external energy source. The light color can vary (usually red, green or blue).

As a bonus action, you can activate the stick, providing bright light in a 20-foot radius and a dim light for an additional 20 feet for one hour. A light stick can only be used once, and when activated it cannot be turned off.

Light Igniter. A light igniter has 20 charges. You can expend one charge to create a flame for one minute. The lighter sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 5 feet. The flame can also be used to light other sources of fuel for fire, such as candles, torches, campfires, or burnable material such as oil or dry grass or wood.

Metal Detector. This small device extends to a small probe that scans for metal objects. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) checks when searching for metals. The metal detector also pings when within close proximity of metal objects (within 5 feet of it).

Mobile Ether Phone. A mobile phone is a small personal computer with a mobile operating system with features useful for handheld use. mobile phones have the ability to place and receive voice/video calls and create and receive text messages, have personal digital assistants, an event calendar, a media player, video games, GPS navigation, digital camera and digital video camera. Smartphones can access the Internet through cellular frequencies or Ethernet and can run a variety of third-party software components.

Network Relay. This device extends the range of nearby signals. Communication devices within 100 miles of this device can communicate with each other and with communication systems within that range. Multiple Network Relays can be placed to extend this signal further, as long as each station is within range of each other.

Omni-Computer. Omni-Computers are eldritch machines, magitech equipment too large to be carried manually by individuals, but can be installed in ships or locations such as databanks, homes, or offices. The computer is built with a datatower, keyboard, monitor, charging station, and ethernet receiver.

The Omni-Computer can store data, search databanks, and transfer data to other technological devices. It can hold arbitrarily large amounts of text, images, video, or other such files. If you connect an Omni-Computer to another technological device, such as a ship's computer or computer pad, you can transfer information between these devices.

It is possible to use the Omni-Computer to extensively search the data of the Ethernet. The most common use is to query such netsites such as Lancipedia or social sites such as GLitch, which themselves are located on a network of Omni-Computers across the universe.

You can also use an Omni-Computer to compute mathematical problems, process data, and perform simulations or edit digital media using data recorded on it.

Omni-Computers are also generally locked with a password associated with each user. Only someone with the password can access the computer (barring unauthorized access, which can be accomplished with a successful Intelligence (Hacking) check, the DC of which equals double the creature's level or CR.)

Omnitool. This multipurpose gadget contains a plethora of useful tools: small knives of various sizes, a small hammer, screwdrivers, a file, a bottle opener, a small saw, a wrench, a can opener, a wire-cutter, and a small set of pliers, among other things.

Plastic Bottle. A bottle for liquids, which can be sealed tight, which can fill up to 1 liter of liquids.

Sleeping Bag. Sleeping bags enclose one (or two snugly) occupant in a synthetic bag capable of protecting the occupant(s) from temperatures as cold as -50 degrees C. It resists wind and combustion (though it is still susceptible to magical fire). It is externally waterproof.

Strap Watch. It's a watch. Has a clock and fits on your wrist or be strapped to any other appendage. It reports the time in a way that is consistent with almost any galactic time frame.

Suspension Filament. Often used in covert military applications, suspension filament is a super-strong wire that is virtually invisible to the naked eye. Only light reflection can detect it when it is being disturbed (DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check in daytime, DC 30 at night). The wire supports more than 800 lb. before breaking. It also has the ability to disintegrate when not needed as it requires a slight electrical charge to remain intact. When this specific charge stops, the wire breaks apart into separate atoms. When its taut status is loosened, it disappears, leaving virtually no trace. Each unit supplies 500 feet of cable. Only the length that had force applied will disintegrate, not the whole roll. This function can be deactivated before use and can also be implemented in a grapple hook.

The Identifier. The A.M.E.I.D. (Arcanic Materia and Enchantment Identification Device) coloquially known as "The Identifier". With the identifier wielded, you can cast the Identify spell, however the spell has the following changes:

  • The Identify Spell now has a range of 10 feet, and does not require you or the device to touch the object which is the target of the casting, as a Magitech Sensor detects properties and transmits the learned information into its device.
  • The Identify Spell learns the Command Word of a Magic Item, as well as the name of its User if a creature is already attuned to a Magic Item.
  • The Identify Spell learns the source of the object or creature's native plane or dimension, though not with great specification, such as learning that Adamantine comes from the Astral Sea, but not that a Beholder is native to the Eyeball Glades of the Far Realm.
  • The Identify Spell learns the genetic and elemental make up of a creature, which can distinct something as specific as physically having a 4% sodium level or genetically being 0.1% part Human.

While a creature does not need to be a spellcaster to cast the Identify spell through the Identifier, it still has a casting time of 1 minute, and requires no components.

An Upgrade for the Identifier can grant it a Voice and Personality Type, which costs 500c.

Another Upgrade for the Identifier can grant it manipulators which can carry up to 50 pounds in weight, allowing it to collect and sort items set for it to Identify, such as by value, weight, quality, school of magic, or rarity, which it can place in appropriate containers designated for it. The Identifier while active in this way, can be deactivated as an action. This upgrade costs 1000c.

Two-Way Radio. A hand-held, portable, two-way radio transceiver. Multiple radios use a single channel, and only one radio on the channel can transmit at a time, although any number can listen. The transceiver is normally in receiving mode and when the user wants to talk he presses a "push-to-talk" button. You can communicate with someone using a two-way radio at the same frequency up to 20 miles.

Ultrasound Goggles. These goggles translate sonic vibrations into visual stimuli. In the absence of ambient sound, they transmit high frequency pulses and detect the ricochet off objects. Any loud noise over 120 decibels causes the goggles to white out. You gain blindsight within a range of 10 feet---you can effectively see anything that isn't behind total cover as long as you're not blinded. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you. The goggles use one battery per hour of use.

Universal Translator. This handheld device translates any spoken language. While you hold it, you can understand any spoken language you hear, translated audibly or on a speech-to-text monitor. Moreover, it allows you to communicate back. Any creature that knows at least one language and can hear you can understand what you say.

USB Drive. A USB drive is a data storage device that includes flash memory which can store up to 10mb of memory, with an integrated USB interface.

Biolance Vehicles

All Biolance Vehicle Statblocks

Light Ground Vehicles

Cost (c) Light Ground Vehicle Speed AC HP Damage Threshold
5000 Motorcycle 120 ft./ 12 mph 24 (19) 30 5
5750 Motortrike 100 ft./ 10 mph 23 (19) 40 5
2750 Uni-Motor 150 ft./ 15 mph 24 (19) 20 5

Medium Ground Vehicles

Cost (c) Medium Ground Vehicle Speed AC HP Damage Threshold
10000 Civilian Automobile 100 ft./ 10 mph 22 (19) 60 10
12500 Civilian Truck 100 ft./ 10 mph 19 80 10

Heavy Ground Vehicles

Cost (c) Heavy Ground Vehicle Speed AC HP Damage Threshold
30000 Light Tank 100 ft./ 10 mph 19 100 15
50000 Medium Tank 80 ft./ 8 mph 19 150 20
75000 Heavy Tank 80 ft./ 8 mph 19 200 20

Super-Heavy Ground Vehicles

Cost (c) Super-Heavy Ground Vehicle Speed AC HP Damage Threshold
50000 Executor 80 ft./ 8 mph 20 500 20
100000 Mobile Fortress 80 ft./ 8 mph 20 1000 20

Airborne Vehicles

Cost (c) Air Vehicle Speed AC HP Damage Threshold
27500 Civilian Helicopter 150 ft./ 15 mph 23 (19) 60 5
35000 Fighter Jet 100-500 ft./ 50 mph 24 (19) 50 10

Waterborne Vehicles

Cost (c) Water Vehicle Speed AC HP Damage Threshold
10000 Civilian Fishing Boat 30 ft./ 3 mph 19 100 10


Cost (c) Mech Speed AC HP Damage Threshold
60000 Formula Skell 50 ft./ 5 mph 20 100 10
150000 Mech Colossus 60 ft./ 6 mph 20 500 20

Vehicle Statblocks and Rules

Almost all Vehicles share the same information when it comes to some specifics about their Statblocks:

Ability Scores

A Vehicle has six ability scores and corresponding modifiers. Its size, weight, or systems determines its Strength. Dexterity reflects its handling, maneuverability, or articulation / flexibility / delicate processes. A vehicle's Constitution reflects its durability, quality of construction, or makeup of materials.

All Vehicles have 0 for its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, except for Mech Suits. It automatically fails any ability check or saving throw that uses those scores.

Armor Class

A Vehicle is typically made of various materials, and typically has an Armor Class due in part to its equivalent material which makes up its armor.

Hit Points

A Vehicle's hit points can be restored by making repairs to the Vehicle (see "Repairs"). When a Vehicle drops to 0 Hit Points, it ceases to function until its hit points are returned to about half its hit point maximum from repairs.

Damage Threshold

Vehicles have bulk or armor that allows them to shrug off minor hits. A Vehicle with a damage threshold has immunity to all damage unless it takes an amount equal to or greater than its damage threshold value, in which case, it takes the damage as normal. Any damage that fails to meet or exceed the Vehicle's damage threshold is considered superficial and doesn't reduce the vehicle's hit points.


Vehicles that have exceptional bulk, armor, or size have Hardness, which allows them to shrug off hits that weren't specifically meant to take them down. The other term for Hardness can be called Damage Reduction. Whenever a Vehicle takes damage, a Vehicle with Hardness reduces the damage it takes by the amount listed in its statblock.

Pilot, Crew, and Action Stations

A Vehicle doesn't have actions of its own without a Pilot (unless animated by magic, or operated by a phsyical or digital creature). A Vehicle relies on crew or pilots to occupy stations and use their actions to operate the vehicle's various functions. Any option that appears in the Action Stations section of a Vehicle's statblock requires an action to perform.


Rules for Vehicles are summarize dbelow.

Technological Elements

A vehicle's engine, thrusters, shields, and weapons are technological objects. Some weapons are manual, while others are electronically powered and merged with computerized subsystems. An engine or thruster is typically alchemical, although they shut down and become inoperable within an antimagic field. Said vehicle can't be restarted until both the engine and thruster are free of the field.

Opportunity Attacks

Vehicles provoke opportunity attacks as normal. When a vehicle provokes an opportunity attack, the attacker can target the vehicle or any creature riding on or inside it that doesn't have total cover and is within reach.

Action Station

A creature can use an action of the station it's occupying. Once a creature uses a station's action, that action can't be used again until the start of that creature's next turn. Only one creature can occupy each station.

A creature not occupying an action station is either in a passenger seat, or clinging to the inside or outside of the vehicle. It can take actions as normal.


The helm of a vehicle is a chair with a wheel, levers, pedals, and other controls. The helm requires a driver to operate. A vehicle with no driver automatically fails Dexterity saving throws.

A driver proficient with land vehicles can add its proficiency bonus to ability checks and saving throws made using the war machine's ability scores.

Drive. While the war machine's engine is on, the driver can use an action to propel the vehicle up to its speed or bring the vehicle to a dead stop. While the vehicle is moving, the driver can steer it along its course.

If the driver is incapacitated, leaves the helm, or does nothing to alter the war machine's course and speed, the vehicle moves in the same direction and at the same speed as it did during the driver's last turn until it hits an obstacle big enough to stop it.

Bonus Actions. As a bonus action, the driver can do one of the following:

  • Start the war machine's engine or shut it off.
  • Cause the vehicle to take the Dash or Disengage action while the vehicle's engine is running.


When a vehicle is damaged, suffers a mishap, or gains one or more levels of exhaustion, a creature can attempt to make repairs to the vehicle. The creature making the repairs must meet the following criteria:

  • The creature can't operate the vehicle's helm or one of its weapons stations while making repairs.
  • The creature must be within reach of the damaged area in need of repair.
  • The creature must have the right tools for the job (smith's tools or tinker's tools, for example).

Restore Hit Points

If the vehicle has taken damage but has at least 1 hit point, a creature can spend 1 hour or more trying to patch the hull and replace damaged parts. The vehicle must be stationary, and the creature must have the spare parts to make the necessary repairs. After 1 hour of repair work, the creature makes a DC 15 Dexterity check, adding its proficiency bonus to the check if it's proficient with the tools used to make repairs. If the check succeeds, the vehicles regains 2d4 + 2 hit points. If the check fails, the vehicle regains no hit points, but the repair can be attempted again using the same replacement parts.


When a vehicle crashes into something that could reasonably damage it, such as an obstacle or another vehicle of its size or bigger, the vehicle comes to a sudden stop and takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it moved since its last turn (maximum 20d6). Whatever the vehicle struck takes the same amount of damage. If this damage is less than the vehicle's damage threshold, the vehicle takes no damage from the crash.

Crashing into Creatures

A vehicle can crash into a creature by entering its space. The creature can use its reaction to attempt to get out of the vehicle's way, doing so and taking no damage with a successful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. If the saving throw fails, the vehicle slams into the creature and deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage to the creature and itself for every 10 feet the vehicle moved since its last turn (maximum 20d6).

A vehicle that is at least 2 size categories bigger than the creature it crashed into continues to move through that creature's space if the vehicle has any movement left. Otherwise the vehicle comes to a sudden stop.

Regardless of whether or not the vehicle takes damage, each creature on or inside the vehicle when it crashes must make a DC 15 Strength saving throw, taking 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 50 feet the vehicle moved since its last turn (maximum 20d6), or half as much damage on a successful save.

Mech Ruleset

Mechs operate differently, of which you can read in the following document. Due to the nature of a Mech typically being a single-personal operated vehicle, when one uses the Mech Suit you should refer to that Document instead.


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