Drict's Inspiration v1

by TheTranMan

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In my games, Inspiration is one of the many resources that is gifted to players as an in-game incentive of good roleplaying, playing fair to the ruling and enforcing mechanics / game effects, or just as a general reward that greatly (but not fully) improves the party's chances when it comes to lucky rolls.

Here are the current rules for how inspiration works:


Cost: 1 Inspiration

Whenever you roll a d20 and gain its result, you can imme-diately spend Inspiration to reroll the die, but before the out-come is determined. You choose which of the die results is used for whatever feature it is going towards: attack roll, ability check, saving throw, the roll for seeing if a magic item breaks, etc.

Inspiration Powers

Inspiration in my game now fuels an additional amount of features or special powers that you can spend instead of Inspiration normally, which are the following below:

Legendary Defiance

  • Cost: 1 Inspiration

At the start of your turn, if you are Charmed, Frightened, Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Restrained, or Stunned, you can spend Inspiration to end one of those Conditions as well as the effect that caused it.

Legendary Whiff

  • Cost: 2 Inspiration

If an enemy makes an Attack Roll against you, you can roll 1d20, and then choose whether the attack uses the attacker's roll, or yours.

Inspiration Pool

Pooled Inspiration means that no Player Character individually tracks having personal Inspiration, but it is instead tracked as Inspiration across the Party or Player Group as a whole. This means the group has more fluidity and free-form ability to spend and track Inspiration that is currently held by the party, at the cost of some characters potentially using more uses from the pool than others.

When an Inspiration from the Pool is about to be spent, the player group must vote in the majority to allow the Inspiration to be spent. Otherwise the use of Inspiration can be up to debate, if at a low amount, though the genius of the system is allowing the need to have Inspiration be more freely spent, since more players may incentivize you to spend them.

The Pool has a maximum of Inspiration equal to the number of Players in the group.

Legendary Refund

  • Refund: 1 Inspiration

When an Enemy uses the Legendary Resistance trait, one Inspiration is added into the Pool.

Legendary Defiance

  • Refund: All Inspiration

When an Enemy has no more uses of the Legendary Resistance trait, the DM can call for a use of Legendary Defiance, in which it regains the use of a Legendary Resistance to overcome whatever effect ails it, and as a result, the Inspiration Pool


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