
by CanceRevolution

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The Phoenix stands as a radiant emblem of rebirth, perseverance, and the undying cycle of life. This magnificent creature is often depicted as a large bird adorned with vibrant plumage that dances with hues of fiery red, golden yellow, and brilliant orange, mirroring the sunlit blaze of a setting sun. Its eyes shimmer like polished gemstones, holding millennia of wisdom and tales of countless rebirths.

The life cycle of a Phoenix is a testament to its mythical status. Believed to live for several centuries, as its life nears its end, the Phoenix builds a nest made from aromatic branches and spices. Once settled, the bird will burst into flames, reducing both itself and the nest to ashes. But from these ashes, a new Phoenix will arise, reborn and renewed. This cyclic rebirth symbolizes the eternal nature of the soul and the indomitable spirit of life that can never be extinguished.

Tier 4

Young Phoenix

Medium, Beast/ Celestial/ Elemental

Tier 4, Challenge Point 40, XP: 160


AC 20 AP 0
HP 87 Posture 50
  • Damage Immunities: Fire, Light
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 18
  • Senses True Vision
  • Language Celestial Speech, Elemental Speech(Ignan)


Base/ Fly 45 Climb/ Swim 0 Dash 40

Stats + Skills

STR +7 DEX +10 INT -2 WIS +8 CHA -2
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Actions

  • Revive (3): When you die, you revive with full HP and Posture. You have 3 halos floating around you, and each time you use this ability, 1 of them disappears.
  • You cannot use this ability once all 3 of them disappear. You regain all halos during a Long rest.


  • Beyond Time: You are unaffected by the effects of chronomancy spells.

  • Curse Immunity You are immune against being cursed

  • Death Blow When you die, all creatures within 60 feet of you must make an Agility Save (DC 18).

  • On a fail, a creature takes 6d8 fire damage and becomes Ignited (1d8). On a success, the creature only takes half that damage.

  • Fire Aura At the start of your turn, all creatures within 30 feet of you must succeed on an Agility Save (DC 18) or take 1d8 fire damage and become Ignited (1d8).

  • Fire Form Any creature that touches you directly (like grappling or mounting) becomes Ignited (1d8). You also take 10 cold damage for every 5 feet you move on water, or whenever you take damage from a spell or similar effect that splashes a lot of water.

  • Immortality Once you die, you revive as a Young Phoenix from your ashes after 24 hours. If your ashes are completely gone, you revive as a Young Phoenix in the Fire Realms.

Actions (3)

  • Fire Talons Hit +10, Dmg 1d8 slash + 1d8 fire
  • Light Attack: You make 2 Attacks. If the first Attack was with advantage or disadvantage, the second Attack gains the same advantage or disadvantage.
  • Aerial Grab: If you hit 2 Attacks against the same creature on your turn, you can grab that creature.
  • You can only grab 1 creature at once. If you drop that creature, it must succeed on a Brawling Save (DC 18) to keep holding you and avoid falling. That creature must then repeat this Save at the start of your turns.
  • Ignite: On a hit, that target must make an Agility Save (DC 18) or be Ignited (1d8).

Tier 5


Large, Beast/ Celestial/ Elemental

Tier 5, Challenge Point 60, XP: 300


AC 21 AP 0
HP 129 Posture 71
  • Damage Immunities: Fire, Light
  • Passive Insight/ Perception 19
  • Senses True Vision
  • Language Celestial Speech, Elemental Speech(Ignan)


Base/ Fly 45 Climb/ Swim 0 Dash 50

Stats + Skills

STR +9 DEX +11 INT -2 WIS +9 CHA -2
  • LU +0: Luck Points: 0; Critical Fail: 1

Villain Actions

  • Revive (3): When you die, you revive with full HP and Posture. You have 3 halos floating around you, and each time you use this ability, 1 of them disappears.
  • You cannot use this ability once all 3 of them disappear. You regain all halos during a Long rest.
  • Villain Save: When you fail a Save, you can succeed on it instead, but you lose 40 HP if you do so.


  • Beyond Time: You are unaffected by the effects of chronomancy spells.

  • Curse Immunity You are immune against being cursed

  • Death Blow When you die, all creatures within 60 feet of you must make an Agility Save (DC 19).

  • On a fail, a creature takes 8d10 fire damage and becomes Ignited (1d10). On a success, the creature only takes half that damage.

  • Fire Aura At the start of your turn, all creatures within 30 feet of you must succeed on an Agility Save (DC 19) or take 1d10 fire damage and become Ignited (1d10).

  • Fire Form Any creature that touches you directly (like grappling or mounting) becomes Ignited (1d10). You also take 10 cold damage for every 5 feet you move on water, or whenever you take damage from a spell or similar effect that splashes a lot of water.

  • Immortality Once you die, you revive as a Young Phoenix from your ashes after 24 hours. If your ashes are completely gone, you revive as a Young Phoenix in the Fire Realms.

Actions (3)

  • Fire Talons Hit +11, Dmg 1d10 slash + 1d10 fire
  • Light Attack: You make 2 Attacks. If the first Attack was with advantage or disadvantage, the second Attack gains the same advantage or disadvantage.
  • Aerial Grab: If you hit 2 Attacks against the same creature on your turn, you can grab that creature.
  • You can only grab 1 creature at once. If you drop that creature, it must succeed on a Brawling Save (DC 19) to keep holding you and avoid falling. That creature must then repeat this Save at the start of your turns.
  • Ignite: On a hit, that target must make an Agility Save (DC 19) or be Ignited (1d10).