Runestones v1

by TheTranMan

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Runestone Crafting

Crafting and installing Runestones requires proficiency with and access to Arcanist's Kit---with proficiency representing the basic competencies needed to use the tools effectively. In additin to Arcanist's Kit tools, a gemstone is required onto which the runes are engraved to fashion a runestone. The minimum required quality of the gemstone (as denoted by its value) depends on the strength of the runestone being created (as denoted by its rarity), as shown in the Runesmihing table:

Runestone Rarity Gemstone Value DC
Common At least 50 gp 10
Uncommon At least 500 gp 15
Rare At least 1000 gp 20
Very Rare At least 5,000 gp 25
Legendary At least 10,000 gp 28

Alchemist's Runestone

  • Runestone, Rarity Varies
  • Item: A Suit of Armor

The Runestone of the Alchemist empowers its user with physio-arcanic enhancement to their immune system that allows for the effects of potions to linger for longer periods of time within the bloodstream. While you wear armor that bears the Alchemist's Runestone, you gain the following benefits depending on its type:

Health (Uncommon). Whenever you drink one of the Potions of Healing, your hit point maximum and current hit points increase by the amount of hit points you get when you drink that potion. You do not increase your hit point maximum from any subsequent Potions of Healing you drink, unless the new amount increases your hit point maximum more than the previous one. For example, if you gain 10 Max Hit Points from a Potion of Healing, and you gain 20 Max Hit Points from a Potion of Greater Healing, you gain 20 instead of 10, but not 30 Max Hit Points. This increase to your Maximum Hit Points lasts until you finish a Long Rest.

Extension (Rare). Whenever you drink a potion with a set duration, 1 minute, 1 hour, 24 hours, etc., the potion's duration increases by the following amounts:

  • A potion with a duration of 1 minute increases to 10 minutes.
  • A potion with a duration of 10 minutes increases to 1 hour.
  • A potion with a duration of 1 hour increases to 24 hours.
  • A potion with a duration of 24 hours increases to 72 hours.

Daywalker's Runestone

  • Runestone, Uncommon
  • Item: A Suit of Armor with a Helmet or Hood, or any Piece of
  • Clothing, such as an Eyepatch or Hooded Cloak

While wearing equipment bearing the Daywalker's Runestone, you are unaffected by the Sunlight and Light Sensitivity trait if you have it.

Duplicator's Runestone

  • Runestone, Legendary
  • Item: Any Armor or Weapon

The Duplicator's Runestone, or the Runestone of the Mimic allows whatever object it is installed onto to completely copy the properties of a completely different magic item.

A creature can spend a short rest focusing on a magic item they want the Duplicator's Runestone to mimic, as long as either item is being held. The magic item must be of the same type as the type of equipment to which this rune is installed. Focusing on this act usually takes the form of quiet meditation or other appropriate activity. If the short rest is interrupted, the copying process fails. Otherwise, at the end of a short rest, the runestone grants all the properties of the magic item it mimics, excluding any fixed bonuses such as those to attack and damage rolls, spell save DCs, and Armor Class. If a property has charges, it is copied with no remaining charges.

Only the properties of one magic item can be copied at a time, the mimicking process overwrites any existing copied properties. The process automatically fails when attempting to mimic the properties of artifacts.

Earthbreaker Runestone

  • Runestone, Legendary
  • Item: Any Melee Weapon

The Earthbreaker Runestone bears the marking of the core of the earth, and the user feels the weight of the world carried in its heft. While you wield a weapon bearing the Earthbreaker Runestone, you can use an action to strike a point on the ground within reach, creating a seismic disturbance centered on your as per the earthquake spell, though you are immune to its effects and it only has a duration of 1 round. Once used, this property can't be used again until 24 hours have passed.

Harpooner's Runestone

  • Runestone, Uncommon
  • Item: Any Weapon

The Harpooner's Runestone magically ignores the resistance of water as strikes pass through with ease. Attack rolls you make using a weapon that bears the Harpooner's Runestone aren't made with disadvantage for being underwater.

Knocking Runestone

  • Runestone, Uncommon
  • Item: A Gauntlet as part of a Suit of Armor, or a Glove

While you are wearing an item bearing the Knocking Runestone, you can rap your fist on an object to cast the knock spell on it. Once used, this property can't be used again until 24 hours have passed.

Journeying Runestone

  • Runestone, Rare
  • Item: A Form of Footwear, such as Boots, Shoes, or Sandals

While you are wearing equipment bearing the Journeying Runestone, your walking speed increases by 10 feet. In addition, you can travel at a fast pace without suffering the normal penalties to passive Wisdom (Perception) checks, and your food and water requirements are halved.

Lightfeather Runestone

  • Runestone, Uncommon
  • Item: Any Armor or Weapon

While you are wearing (armor) or wielding (weapon or shield) this item, you have a standing jump speed distance equal to your current walking speed. Each foot of distance you clear while jumping costs a foot of movement, and you can't jump further than your remaining movement in a turn.

In addition, you can cast the feather fall spell. Once you do so, you can't cast it again until you finish a Long Rest.

Volant Runestone

  • Runestone, Legendary
  • Item: A Suit of Armor

This runestone almost grants its user a feeling of pure weightlessness. While you are wearing armor bearing the Volant Runestone, you gain a flight (hover) speed equal to twice your walking speed.

Waypoint Runestone

  • Runestone, Very Rare
  • Item: Any Appropriate Item, which can include Armor, Weapons,
  • or any Wieldable or Wearable Equipment

The Waypoint Runestone carries magic equivalent to that of teleportation circles. While you are wielding an item bearing the Waypoint Runestone, you can magically mark a surface on which you are standing.

While a location is marked in this way, you can spend 1 minute to concentrate on the mark (as if concentrating on a spell). At the end of that time period, you and up to five willing creatures within 5 feet of you teleport to the marked location, and the mark vanishes. Once you mark a location, you can't do so again until 24 hours have passed. If you mark another location while you already have a mark, the previous mark vanishes.

Runestone of Blood

  • Runestone, Very Rare
  • Item: A Melee Weapon

The Runestone of Blood bathes and siphons from the blood of slain enemies. When you score a critical hit with an attack using this weapon, you regain a number of hit points equal to the damage dealt to a maximum of the hit points lost by the target. This Runestone has no effect against constructs or undead.

Runestone of Aggravation

  • Runestone, Very Rare
  • Item: A Suit of Armor or a Shield

The Runestone of Aggravation is condensed with magic that increases your adrenaline and desire to lash out with your attacks. While you are wearing (armor) or wielding (shield) an item bearing the Runestone of Aggravation, whenever you take damage from a creature, you have advantage on your next attack roll against that creature before the end of your next turn.

Runestone of Arming

  • Runestone, Uncommon
  • Item: A Suit of Armor, Weapon, or Wieldable Object

The Runestone of Binding allows its user to summon or desummon the item it is installed on as a bonus action, the item disappears into the ether while unsummoned, and re-appears in the users hand if it is a wieldable object, such as Weapon, Shield, or Spellcsting Focus; or re-appears donned and worn if it is a suit of armor. Even if any of those items haven't been desummoned, but the user doesn't have them on their person, they can use a bonus action to re-summon it.

Runestone of Disenchantment

  • Runestone, Legendary
  • Item: A Suit of Armor

The Runestone of Disenchantment cleanses your mind of magically mind-altering presences or powers at any time. While you are wearing armor bearing the Runestone of Disenchantment, you can't be affected by spells of the enchantment school of magic unless you choose to be. In addition, you are immune to the charmed condition.

Runestone of Disengaging

  • Runestone: Very Rare
  • Item: A Suit of Armor

The Runestone of Disengagement harbors magic that teleports the user to places it would much rather be. Whenever you take the Disengage action once on your turn while wearing armor that bears the Runestone of Disengaging, you can teleport 30 feet to an unoccupied space that you can see.

Additionally, whenever you take damage from an attack, you can spend your reaction to teleport 30 feet away to an unoccupied space that you can see.

Runestone of Dispelling

  • Runestone, Very Rare
  • Item: A Weapon

The Runestone of Dispelling allows its user to not only strike at mages, but also to shear the spells they are empowered by.

The Runestone of Dispelling has 3 charges. When you hit a creature with a weapon bearing the Runestone of Dispelling, you can expend a charge to cause one spell (of your choice when you hit) of 3rd-Level or lower effecting the target to end. Additionally, for each spell of 4th-Level or higher on the target, make an ability check using your weapon's attack ability modifier. The DC equals 10 + the spell's Level. On a successful check, the spell ends. This Runestone regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.

Runestone of Nondetection

  • Runestone, Uncommon
  • Item: Any Worn Equipment, such as Armor or Clothing

While you are wearing an item bearing the Runestone of Nondetection, you are hidden from divination magic. You can't be targeted by such magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors.

Runestone of Pain

  • Runestone, Rare
  • Item: A Weapon

The Runestone of Pain allows its user to inflict wounds upon themselves to increase the infliction of pain upon others. Whenever you hit a creature with a weapon bearing the Runestone of Pain, you can expend one Hit Dice, roll it, and deal additional Psychic damage equal to the result of the roll. Additionally, you take an amount of damage equal to the Psychic damage dealt in this way, including extra damage dealt from a critical hit. This damage to you can't be reduced or prevented in any way.

Runestone of Spellwarding


Runestone of Spell Vampirism


Runestone of the Phoenix

  • Runestone, Legendary
  • Item: A Suit of Armor

The Runestone of the Phoenix bears the warm heat of fiery rebirth. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright while wearing armor bearing the Runestone of the Phoenix, this rune immediately casts fireball centered on you, with a DC of 15. At the start of your next turn, instead of rolling a death saving throw, you regain 1d6 hit points. Once the Runestone activates in this way, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

Runestone of the Primordial Ward

  • Runestone, Uncommon
  • Item: A Suit of Armor or Shield

When you first install this rune to a suit of armor or a shield, choose one of the following damage types: acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder. While wearing (armor) or wielding (shield) an item bearing the Runestone of the Primordial Ward, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage by an amount equal to twice your character level + your Constitution modifier. Once the Runestone activates in this way, it can't be used again until at least 24 hours have passed. You can change the chosen damage type over the course of a short or long rest.

Runestone of the Relentless Hunter

  • Runestone, Rare
  • Item: A Ranged Weapon

While you are wielding a weapon bearing the Runestone of the Relentless Hunter, you can use an action on your turn to mark a creature you can see within 90 feet of you. For 1 hour, whenever you hit the marked creature with a ranged attack using this weapon, you can use a bonus action to teleport to an unoccupied space within 30 feet of it you that you can see. Once used, the Runestone can't be used again until 24 hours have passed.

Runestone of the Rising Dead

  • Runestone, Rare
  • Item: A Weapon

The Runestone of the Rising Dead is filled with the magic to turn the dead into walking puppets. Whenever you kill a Small or Medium beast or humanoid with an attack using a weapon bearing the Runestone of the Rising Dead, it rises immediately as a zombie under your control with 1 hit point, as per the animate dead spell. The creature uses the zombie statistics. It remains animate for 1 hour, after which time it collapses and dies.


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