The Kaehzu (DnD 5e Race)

by ArtOfTheVoid

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"Don't flow with the river's currents, instead go where it does not and create your own."
—Sakah, Elder Kaehzu


The Kaehzu are an ancient race that has been around for millions of years. Many of them are known for their wisdom and intelligence. The Kaehzu are run by an elder who has been around much longer and is the wisest.


The Kaehzu are a race of bird like humanoids with a beak and feathers. The have clawed hands and feet that they can use to grip things.

Yasier Names

Female: Galla, Hahli, Vhisola, Kotu

Male: Nui, Jalla, Kopaka, Hado,

Yasier Traits

Your Kaehzu character has the following racial traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom and Intelligence score both increase by 1.

Age. Kaehzu live long lives and are considered adults by age 90. They can live up to 900.

Alignment. Most Kaehzu are lawful or neutral good however that is not always the case.

Size. They Kaehzu men are around 6ft7 and the females are about 6ft2.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 40 feet.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common as well as 2 other languages of your choice.

Darkvision You can see up to 60 feet in the dark.

Glide If you fall from a large enough height, you can glide down taking 1d4 less damage.

Kaehzu Lineage You choose one of the following lineages. Your lineage determines your Kaehzu flavor.

Yasier Lineage

Assien Kaehzu

The Assien Kaehzu are known for their wisdom and are commonly mages and wizards as they have a deep connection to magic. They are more colorful and usually have a deeper hue.

You get a +2 to your wisdom score.

Evian Kaehzu

The Evian Kaehzu have a dark feather tone and are larger than the Assien and Okotan. They have much sharper claws and use them as a weapon dealing 1d4 + Strength Modifier.

You gain a +1 to your Strength Score.

Okotan Kaehzu

The Okotan Kaehzu are the most common and they have light feather colors such as white, cyan, and lime. They are usually farmers however many of them are also adventurers.

You get an Explorer's Pack and proficiency in 1 martial or simple weapon of your choice.

Unbornhexa Credit
  • This credits box was made by Unbornhexa.
Art Credits
  • Page 1: Bird Warrior Design, by Russell Dongjun Lu
  • Page 2: Bird Scholar by Christina Kraus
Other Credits

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