Pre-PMS - Ninja Arcetype

by SilentSoren

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Project Meteor Survivor Ninja

A full class version of this class has been developed and is in a beta state. You can try the Doman Ninja by clicking HERE!

Rogue Archetype - Ninja

You have chosen to study the art of the ninjas of Doma. These talented fighters have learned to channel the power from the world around them, the heavens, the earth and the hearts of man through the use of mudras or hand gestures. These traditional arts are passed down from master to student, father to son and mother to daughter. Their secrets are closely guarded by the practitioners.

Each mudra carries meaning. The Ten mudras draws power from the heavens, while the Chi mudra draws power from the earth. Jin completes the triangle, drawing power from the hearts of man. Together, these mudras allow the ninja to draw power from the world they live in.


Beginning at the 3rd level, as an action, you may cast ninjutsu by combining mudra together. Beginning at 3rd level you gain access to the mudra 'Ten'. At 9th level you gain access to the mudra 'Chi', and at 13th level you gain access to the mudra 'Jin'. You may use each mudra a number of times equal to half your rogue level rounded down. You may not use two of the same mudra to cast ninjutsu which require a specific mudra. you regain all of your expended mudra when you finish a long rest.

Ninjutsu Combination
Fuma Any single mudra
Meiton Any single mudra
Katon Any mudra and Ten
Raiton Any mudra and Chi
Hyoton Any mudra and Jin
Huton One of each of the mudras
Doton One of each of the mudras
Suiton One of each of the mudras


Also beginning at the 3rd level, when you use the hide action, you may spend one use of your Ten mudra to transform it into Shukuchi. You instantaneously travel a maximum distance of 5ft. per rogue level. You may travel over gaps in the ground, but cannot scale walls or travel through creatures or objects using shukuchi. At the 13th level you leave behind an optional 15ft. cube of smoke which persists for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier.


Beginning at the 9th level, you've honed your skills in breaking into and out of buildings. As long as you are not engaged in combat, you have advantage on stealth and acrobatics checks in areas with dim or no light.

Trick Attack

Beginning at the 13th level you are able to perform a trick attack. When you attack an enemy with a sneak attack, you may expend one use of each mudra to perform a trick attack. On a successful attack roll, the target becomes vulnerable causing all attack rolls to have advantage against that creature for one round, beginning after your action.


Beginning at the 17th level, as a bonus action, after using a ninjutsu you may use a second ninjutsu which requires one fewer mudra. You may use Kassatsu once. You must then finish a long rest to use Kassatsu again.

Ninjutsu Spell List

Intelligence is the spell modifier for the following abilities. The spell casting focus for these spells is the caster's hands forming the required mudras. Spells cast through ninjutsu are cast at their base level. To cast ninjutsu at a higher spell level, you may spend the required mudra for the ninjutsu again to increase the spell level by one. You may spend mudra to increase the casting level to a maximum of the 9th level.


Performing the Fuma ninjutsu allows you to cast the Ice Knife spell.


Performing the Meiton ninjutsu allows you to cast the Darkness spell.


Performing the Katon ninjutsu allows you to cast the Fireball spell at half the maximum range.


Performing the Raiton ninjutsu allows you to cast the Lightning Bolt spell at half the maximum range.


Performing the Hyoton ninjutsu allows you to cast the Ice Storm spell at half the maximum range.


Performing the Huton ninjutsu allows you to cast the Haste spell on yourself.


Performing the Doton ninjutsu allows you to cast the Doton spell.


Performing the Suiton ninjutsu allows you to cast the Suiton spell.

Doton and Suiton

These two spells are located in the created spells section of this document.


4th-level evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: 30ft.
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: 1 minute

You draw out the energies of Ten to create a circle of corrupted earth on the ground centered at a point of your choosing within range. The circle has a radius of 10ft. and is considered to be difficult terrain for all creatures except for you. Creatures take 4d4 necrotic damage for every 5ft. they travel within Doton. When Doton appears, all creatures within the ring make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d4 necrotic damage and half as much on a successful save. You are unaffected by this damage.

At Higher Levels When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 4th.


4th-level evocation

  • Casting Time: 1 action
  • Range: Self (10-foot radius, caster immune).
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You draw out the energies of Jin to cause a powerful geyser of water to explode from the ground beneath around you in a 10 ft. radius circle. Each creatures inside the geyser must make a dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 4d6 bludgeoning damage and 4d6 cold damage, and half as much on a successful save. Additionally, you and any items you are wearing or carrying become invisible for 1 minute. The invisibility ends when you attack or cast a spell.

At Higher Levels When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 bludgeoning damage for each slot level above 4th.


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