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The Abandoned Mansion of Perinax

Adventure Synopsis:

In this chilling 1-Page Dungeon set in an abandoned mansion, the party must uncover the dark secrets that lie within the estate.

Once inhabited by the sinister Perinax, the mansion is now shrouded in mystery, guarded by a giant carnivorous ape, and home to a highly valued species of fungi. As the party navigates the mansion's treacherous corridors and rooms, they must confront the lurking horrors within, uncover Perinax's secrets, and survive the deadly encounters that await them.

  • The party hears rumors of a valuable fungi seen growing around the outskirts of a dilapidated and abandoned mansion in the woods. It’s believed there might be more, or even other species, growing inside. An NPC would pay for someone to retrieve some.

  • A distressed local townsfolk pleads for help. Their loved one has disappeared. They recently spoke after of their curiosity about the mansion and have been known to act impulsively.

  • A cryptic letter arrives, inviting the party to the mansion on behalf of an unknown benefactor that wants information on what’s inside.

  • The current owner, who has inherited this estate, is seeking assistance in investigating/clearing out the mansion so they can move in.

Arriving at the Mansion:

As the party arrives, they see the mansion’s 2nd floor has collapsed and the plant-life has overgrown and choked out any other entry point other than the front door. That being said, if the party investigates the collapsed 2nd floor, they will find a hole that leads down into the Dining Room.

“Nestled in a neglected and wooded area just outside of town, the old mansion stands as a haunting relic of the past. The exterior of the building, once a grand testimony to architectural splendor, now bears the unmistakable marks of time's relentless passage.

As you approach, the air grows heavy with an eerie silence, broken only by the soft rustling of leaves and the distant calls of birds. The surrounding vegetation has reclaimed its territory, with tall trees encircling the estate, their gnarled branches intertwining through the 2nd story rafters like skeletal fingers.

The mansion itself appears weathered and worn, its once pristine facade marred by chipped paint and crumbling mortar. The signs of neglect are evident, as sections of the walls show signs of structural decay, whispering tales of forgotten upkeep.

The most striking feature of the mansion's exterior is the second floor, which now lies in ruin. The collapse of this level has left a morose gap, a jagged scar that reveals the exposed beams and shattered remnants of what once was. The open space on the second floor now serves as a stark contrast to the remaining intact sections of the mansion, amplifying the sense of abandonment and desolation.

Amidst the overgrown plant-life that surrounds the mansion, patches of lush greenery have begun to conquer the forgotten corners. Like insidious serpents rebelling against the damage of the 2nd floor, vines slither along the walls, their determined grip seemingly holding the remnants of the 1st floor in a fragile embrace.

Amongst the disarray, the main entry of the mansion remains recognizable; a grand archway with intricately carved wooden doors, though timeworn and with chipped paint, still exudes an air of faded opulence.”

Room 1 - The Grand Foyer:

The adventurers stand at the entrance of the mansion, with a battered down door and an iron gate lying on the floor. They must search for clues, interact with the environment, and find a way to advance deeper into the mansion.

“You stand at the threshold of an entry room, the once grand entrance to the dilapidated and abandoned mansion. Dim light filters through the cracked and stained windows, casting eerie shadows across faded wallpaper that peels away from the decaying walls. Dust and cobwebs fill the air, giving the room a ghostly ambiance.

The room itself measures 10 feet and 25 feet, with a high, vaulted ceiling overhead. The wooden floorboards creak underfoot, their varnish worn away by time and neglect.Patches of mold and decay mar the once polished surfaces.

As your gaze is drawn forward, the sight of a battered down door and iron gate lying on the floor greets you. The door hangs from its hinges, mere remnants of its former glory. Its once sturdy frame now appears warped and splintered. The iron gate, twisted and rusted, lies nearby as if it were forcibly torn from its place, adding to the sense of desolation and abandonment that permeates the room.

The musty scent of dampness and rot fills the air, blending with the faint scent of decay. The silence is broken only by the soft rustling of mice scurrying behind the walls and the occasional gust of wind that carries the haunting whispers of forgotten secrets.

As you cautiously step further into the room, the weight of the mansion's history hangs heavily in the air, promising an exploration filled with ominous discoveries and uncertain outcomes.”

Room 2a – Living Room

As the party explores Room 2a, they discover a flask of holy water among the rubble, hinting at the supernatural elements lurking within the mansion. Roll on the Holy Water Effect Table to reveal its effect when imbibed.

“You step into a dilapidated room. The air hangs heavy with the musty scent of age and decay. Moonlight filters through broken windows, casting a dim, ethereal glow upon the scene. Dust motes dance lazily in the air, stirred by your presence.

The room measures 15 feet and 20 feet, its walls adorned with faded and peeling wallpaper, like the cracked skin of an ancient relic. Patches of mold and wild ivy creep along the decaying surfaces and the floor beneath your feet groans and creaks.

Your attention is drawn to the sight of scattered rubble and debris strewn across the worn wooden floor. Among the wreckage rests a flask of holy water, its glass glinting softly in the muted light. The holy symbol etched upon it gives off a faint, reassuring aura, punctuating the room's eerie atmosphere with a glimmer of hope.

The room is shrouded in an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional scuttling of small creatures or the subtle whisper of wind slipping through cracked windowpanes.

It's as if time itself holds its breath in this forsaken place, waiting to unleash its secrets upon the willing and the brave.”

Holy Water Effect
1d6 Effect Duration
1 +1 to Strength and Dexterity 1 hour
2 Add 1d4 to all skill checks 1d4 hours
3 Add 1d4 to all attack rolls 1d4 hours
4 Advantage on skill check 3 times
5 Advantage magic saving throws 1d4 hours
6 Add1d4 to all saves & attack rolls 1d4 hours

Room 2b – Sitting Room

Assuming the party enters this room second, the room description is nearly identical except this room contains an encounter; a black pudding, disguised as a curtain.

“You enter a room almost identical in size to the one you just left, its dilapidated state mirroring the crumbling walls and decaying furnishings. The room sits dark though you suspect light would filter weakly through grimy, cracked windows if the curtains were pulled back. The air is thick with dust and the scent of age, mingling with the faint odor of must and decay.

Like the adjoining room, this one measures 15 feet and 20 feet, its walls adorned with peeling wallpaper that struggles to hold on against the test of time. Broken bits of furniture and shattered remnants of forgotten memories lie scattered haphazardly across the floor, mute witnesses to the mansion's gradual descent into ruin.

The space seems to exude an ominous presence, an underlying sense of darkness that intensifies the feeling of apprehension. As your gaze scans the room, the silence hangs heavy, disturbed only by the faint creaking of floorboards under your weight. This room holds secrets, whispers of forgotten stories that beg to be unveiled, if only you dare to listen.”

If the party inspects the curtains, touches, or gets within 5ft of it, read the following:

“Shadows seem to twist and elongate, as you move to the window, playing tricks upon your senses. The air feels colder, and a subtle sense of unease weighs upon your shoulders, as the heavy and moist fabric sways. Something feels off about the way this curtain moves, a strange, unnatural rhythm that hints at an impending danger lurking within.

As you cautiously approach, the curtain suddenly bulges and quivers, revealing its true form - a black pudding, poised and ready to strike, its amorphous body glistening with a viscous, acidic fluid.”

Room 3a – Fungus Room & Larder

Read the description for this room and roll on the Fungus Growth Stage Table to reveal the highly valued species of fungi.

“The door to this room has completely decayed into wooden chunks on the floor. The room is small and there’s barely enough room for one person to enter, let alone the whole party. As you survey the area, a scene of neglected opulence unfolds before your eyes.

Dusty shelves and dilapidated containers stand as a testament to a forgotten era, their contents obscured by time and neglect. Amidst the disarray, a mesmerizing sight awaits them - the larder has become a sanctuary for a highly prized species of fungus.

Vibrant hues of purples, blues, and luminous greens carpet the interior, transforming the once-forlorn space into an otherworldly garden. The intoxicating scent of earth and dampness fills the air, carrying with it an aura of rare beauty and potential.

Soft, ambient light filters through cracks in the walls, casting an ethereal glow that illuminates the intricate patterns and delicate spores that cling to every surface. In this forgotten corner of the mansion, nature has reclaimed its dominion, offering a glimpse of the astonishing resilience and mysterious allure.”

Fungus Growth Stage
1d6 Stage Value/ Effect
1 All fungus found is worth full gold value as food 1d6x 100gp
2 Fungus causes hallucinations but still has value. 1d4x100gp, poisoned condition if swallowed
3 Fungus has dried up and died No value
4 Spore expulsion, fungus has begun to gas off No value,DC 17 or be paralized for 2d4 turns
5 Fungus becomes deadly to touch. 2d8 x 100gp in value,DC 17 Constitution save if swallowed or lose 20 HP fail, 10 for pass
6 Fungus has become deadly edible poison 1d8 x 100 gp DC 17 Constitution save if swallowed

Room 3b – Kitchen

Read the description of this room. At the DM’s discretion, an Ankheg may burst through the floor to increase adventure difficulty or change the pacing of the session, posing additional challenges.

“You’re greeted by a scene of desolation and decay. The once-bustling kitchen of this mansion now lies in ruins, with broken shelves and shattered ceramic fragments strewn across the worn tiles. Dim light filters through grime-covered windows, casting eerie shadows that dance upon faded wallpaper peeling from the walls.

If you choose to use the Ankheg Encounter, draw their attention to a section of the floor in the far corner.

“The wood appears weakened and splintered, revealing cracks and gaps that hint at structural instability. Suddenly, the ground trembles underfoot, and with a thunderous crash, an enormous Ankheg erupts from the weakened floorboards, startled from its underground lair. The horror of the dilapidated kitchen is now joined by the terrifying presence of this monstrous creature.”

Room 4 – Dining Room

The party will face a climactic battle against a Giant Carnivorous Ape that has made this room its home.

“The door creaks as you enter, revealing the remnants of a once opulent space, a dining room.

A solemn stillness envelops the air, as if time itself holds its breath in reverence for the forgotten grandeur of the past. Dim light struggles to penetrate the dark heavy curtains that hang in tattered disarray.

The room is adorned with remnants of a once opulent space, now faded, and worn. At the center, a long, dusty table stands like a forgotten altar, draped with moth-eaten cloth. Across from the entrance, an imposing statue commands attention upon a raised dais, its stone figure frozen in eternal vigilance.

The statue’s eyes seem to follow the party’s every move, an uncanny presence amidst the decay, a poignant reminder of the mansion’s former glory. In this forsaken dining room, an atmosphere of both faded elegance and lingering mystery lingers, beckoning the curious to uncover the tales held within its forgotten walls.”

Upon closer inspection of the dining room, a hole in the ceiling becomes apparent. It is positioned near the center of the room, offset from the long, dusty table.

Rays of muted light filter through the gap, casting a surreal flow on the surrounding area. The edges of the hole are jagged, as if created by a forceful impact.

Once the party has completely entered the space and had a moment to search the room and inspect the statue:

“Just as you begin to process the eerie presence of the statue and the decayed grandeur of the room, a thunderous crash interrupts your thoughts. The sound resonates from above as dust and debris are flung into the air. A massive ape lands, the impact rattling the room, and a hulking silhouette materializes before your eyes. It immediately locks eyes with you. Towering over you, its muscles bulge beneath its matted fur.

Sharp teeth gleam in the feeble light, betraying its carnivorous nature, as it bares its teeth with a menacing roar.”

The atmosphere in the dining room transforms from one of faded elegance and quiet mystery to one of imminent danger. The party finds themselves faced with an unexpected threat, as the ferocious ape, having descended from the ceiling, prepares to engage them in a battle for survival amidst the decaying grandeur and forgotten tales of the mansion.

After defeating the ape, they finally gain access to Perinax’s hidden sanctum, where they uncover his secrets, such as his nefarious experiments or forbidden knowledge. Based on their choices and actions, the party can decide whether to destroy Perinax’s legacy or delve further into his dark arts.

Reward Ideas:

Aside from any reward promised to the party during the Hook, the following are ideas that can be used as rewards for your party.

Mansion Treasures Valuable treasures unique to Perinax's mansion, such as enchanted weapons, rare artifacts, or mystical tomes.

Knowledge Clues leading to the next adventure, history of an infamous mage, information on dark practices, experience with the use and properties of fungus.

Recognition and Gratitude Local townsfolk may offer their aid or provide discounts on goods and services. They may even decide to give the party mansion as payment for a job well done!

Fungus The opportunity to obtain spores or samples of the highly valued fungi, which can be used for alchemical or magical purposes.

Adventure Variations & Additions

This One Page Dungeon is designed to be run as a one-shot or single adventure. We’ve included below things to consider and other ideas that can help you incorporate this into your current campaign, along with tips to adjust the dungeon to suit the level of your party or desired difficulty level. As a bonus, we’ve also included ideas and links to help make this adventure spookier for your players should you choose to run this as a Halloween or horror session!

Incorporating This Dungeon into Your Campaign


  • Who WAS Perinax? Was he an evil wizard? A cultist warlock? An infamous necromancer? A mad scientist? Your decision could influence what other items or clues the characters find within the dungeon.

  • Rename/Re-skin Perinax to an already existing BBEG or NPC in your campaign. -


  • Consider providing a connection to Perinax (or the mansion) to your players’ characters. Is there potential in their backstories to insert Perinax (or the mansion) as someone from their past?

  • Consider having someone the party knows (a family member or NPC) go missing with rumors they were expressing interest in the mansion. The party can find them unharmed/unconscious in the Dining Room. Why were they there in the first place? That’s for you to decide.


Change the Giant Ape to any other large creature that makes sense in your campaign.


The flask of holy water may be marked with an emblem associated to PC’s associated deity or religion. Insert rumors that a group of clerics previously attempted a cleansing of this home and were run off by some unseen dark and growling monster. (ie: The Giant Ape)

Adjusting Difficulty

Giant Ape

  • Adjust the difficulty level of this encounter by giving the Giant Ape additional abilities.

  • If you decided Perinax was a mad scientist, the Giant Ape could have any number of abilities that might not make sense for a typical ape.

  • If you decided Perinax was a necromancer, the Giant Ape could possibly be undead. You could make this mansion its “lair” and add lair actions to the encounter.


  • Adjust the number of Ankhegs to suit your desired difficulty level, whether there are zero (0) Ankhegs and nothing bursts through the floor versus three (3) Ankhegs for a higher-level party.

Black Pudding

  • Adjust the number of Black Puddings posing at curtains in Room 2b, The Sitting Room, to suit your desired difficulty level.
  • The curtains in the Dining Room can also be Black Puddings if you need to increase the difficulty level or provide an additional challenge for your party.

Dining Room Statue -This statue could provide additional insight into who Perinax was, what he/she looked like, or show any magical items Perinax wore may have worn, etc. This statue could be someone else important to Perinax; a deity, a family member, a protégée, mentor, or ancestor.

Puzzles If your party enjoys puzzles, here are a couple ways you can add them:

  • Some doors may be locked by a puzzle mechanism and unable to be opened unless:
  • a book on a bookcase is tilted.
  • a hidden lever under rubble is found and pulled.
  • a sconce on the wall is turned upside-down.
  • a number/letter code is entered. (provide answer clues in the room)
  • Some doors may be completely hidden and revealed only when a puzzle is solved.


  • If you want to add traps to provide an additional challenge for your players, the corridors connecting the rooms are great places for traps as the smaller spaces may force the players to walk in a line versus clumping up.
Ways to Make the Session Spookier for your Players

If you plan to run this adventure as a Halloween session for your players, or if you’re just looking to add some horror to your campaign, the following are some ideas you could incorporate:


  • Re-skin each monster to be an undead version of itself.

  • Change monsters to ghosts, zombies, etc.

Dead Bodies & Corpses

  • Depending on the hook you’ve chosen, you may need to insert a dead body or corpse in the mansion for your players to find.

  • Feel free to add more corpses for flavor as it’s possible others have attempted and failed to investigate the mansion.


(provided by Dungeon Studios and Epidemic Sound) Immerse your players with an eerie soundtrack:

Amp up the tension with ambient heartbeat sounds:

Listen to The Game, Episode 49, Horror & Tension for additional ideas and DM advice: @ YoutubeCLICK HERE

Dungeon Studios - The Game - YouTube

Remember to adapt the module to suit your players' preferences for horror and suspense.

Incorporate detailed descriptions of each room, emphasizing atmosphere and tension. Create additional encounters, puzzles, or traps within the connecting corridors and hallways to enhance the exploration of the mansion.

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  • Map design from Watabou

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