Spell Killer

by NightofKnight

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Spell Killer

Martial Archetype - Spell Killer

Spell killers are warriors who dedicate their lives to annihilating magic users. Meticulously trained to face the arcane powers, they become true scourges for any practitioner of magic who dares to cross their path. They prefer hand-to-hand combat, closing the distance quickly to negate their opponents' magical advantage.

Heavenly Restriction

Starting at 3rd level, you develop an agreement with the primal essence of magic.

  • No Essence. Your body restricts your ability to cast any other spells and clearly magical attacks from other classes and any other type of essence, such as: spell slots, sorcery points, Ki and any similar.
  • Skilled hunter. Spell restriction grants you the ability to cast the Hunter's Mark spell at will, without the need to prepare it or expend spell slots. Additionally, you cannot lose focus of the spell while you are conscious.
  • Hunting Arsenal. After a long or short rest, you can cast the Find Familiar spell once. Your familiar can hold up to three objects (each under 1.5 meters) in its stomach, which can be retrieved as a bonus action. These stored items remain hidden. If your familiar's hit points reach zero, you can use your reaction to retrieve one stored item of your choice.

Visibility restriction

At 3rd level, you become invisible to spells that would detect you or mark you as alarm or hunter's mark, unless you want them to.

Magic Restraint

At 7th level, you leave your prey unable to fight back, any creature that is marked by the hunter's mark must spend 1 additional point when using a class feature, Spell slots, or ability points (like ki for example).

Retaliation restriction

At 10th level, when you deal critical damage to a creature with your attack action, you can attack once more in addition to the extra attack (this bonus can stack).

salvation restriction

At 15th level, you are now more ruthless than before when it comes to hunting, when you deal damage with a weapon the creature that is marked with hunter's mark takes an extra 1d6 psychic damage.

Death restriction

At 18th level, nothing can let you fall when you fight against they. You can use your reaction to reduce a magical attack by half.

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