Path Of The Jar - Let Me Solo Her In D&D

by Blue4Eternety

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Path Of The Jar

Path Of The Jar

Their origin story begins with a tale of a bard known as Sazed.

“After countless attempts and nearly dying several times, I finally decided I would try summoning and bum rushing with 2 others just getting it done,” Sazed said, before he summoned another adventurer: “a man wearing nothing but a jar on his head, holding 2 katanas, calling himself ‘Let Me Solo Her.’”

“I considered against it,” Sazed said. “But I was curious, and who am I to deny him his wish?”

Let Me Solo Her, Sazed said, proceeded to kick Malenia’s ass so badly he made it look easy. “He was flawless, and put all my attempts to shame. I definitely didn’t kill Malenia, but either way, she is dead. Thank you kind stranger, even if you’ll never see this message.”

Path Of The Jar Features
Barbarian Level Feature
3rd Heavy Hand
6th Rivers Of Blood
10th Uchigatana
14th Corpse Piler

Heavy Hand

"Heavy his hand, yet treading light as a feather."

Choosing this path at 3rd level, you treat weapons with the Two-Handed property as if they were Light.

You can make the single bonus attack with your off-hand weapon as part of your Attack action, instead of your bonus action, adding your ability modifier to the damage of this attack.

Moreover, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Rivers Of Blood

"The life of a demon, whose thirst would never go unsated."

Reaching 6th level, once per turn, when you hit a creature with a slashing or piercing weapon, it must make a Constitution Saving throw (DC equal to 8 + Your Proficiency Bonus + Your Strength Modifier).

On a failure, it takes 1d8 necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns. This effect can stack. Any creature can take an action to stanch the wound while within reach with a successful Wisdom (Medicine) Check against the Constitution Saving Throw DC . The wound also closes if the target receives magical healing, such as the Regeneration trait or the Healing Word spell. Succeeding on the Wisdom (Medicine) Check removes all stacked wounds.

If you score a critical against a creature with a slashing or piercing weapon, the creature suffers the effects of this feature, automatically failing the saving throw and ignoring the limit of once per turn.


"An everlasting pain, to never be healed."

At 10th level, creatures under the effects of Rivers Of Blood can't remove it's effects through magical healing. Additionally, the necrotic damage caused by the Rivers of Blood ignores resistances.

Additionally, the Rivers Of Blood wound die becomes a 1d10 instead of a 1d8.

Corpse Piler

"Your blood and my blade, this is how it ends."

Finally, at 14th level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18-20 and the number of attacks increases to three when you take the attack action. Moreover, the necrotic damage caused by the Rivers of Blood feature ignores immunities.

In addition, the Rivers Of Blood wound die becomes a 1d12 instead of a 1d10.

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Art Credit

Changelog 1.2.1

  • Balanced Rivers Of Blood, making the damage over time be able to be resisted.
  • Added the off-hand attack to Heavy Hand.
  • Grammar correction.