Lighthouse Keeper - A 200 word TTRPG

by kingstarman

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Lighthouse Keeper

You're the last lighthouse keeper. After years of nothing but darkness, a ship is spotted on the horizon. Steer the ship and crew to safety.

How to Play

When playing, randomly assign a Keeper, a Captain, and a Dark. Everyone aside from the Keeper is a Crewmate.

  • The first captain and the dark will be assigned to two crewmates at random.
  • The Keeper will roll a d4 to determine what direction the ship must steer.
  • The Crewmates will see this number and each writes it down.
  • The Captain picks a number at random and chooses what direction to steer. If correct you progress towards the lighthouse, if not you still progress but the ship takes damage.
  • The number of players determines the number of rounds. At the end of each round, the crew can decide who is the next captain and if they want to throw a crewmate overboard. To throw a crewmate overboard must be a unanimous decision.
  • The game ends when you reach land or if the ship takes 3 damage whichever comes first. If the ship sinks or the dark makes it to land the lighthouse dims and the dark wins. If the ship makes it to land without the dark on board the players win.

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