Character Bonds

by nasty

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Character Bonds

Bonds represent an attachment your character has to the world around them. This document contains 100 Bonds to provide inspiration for your characters. You can roll and take the Bond straight from the table, or you can write your own Bond.

Ideals, Bonds & Flaws are meant to be notes to help you make character decisions in the moment, so keep them brief.

d100 Bond
1 My tools of the trade mean more to me than your life does.
2 I just want to get my old bard's college band back together for one more gig.
3 I must free my family from slavers.
4 I am dedicated to my regional customs over adapting to local culture.
5 My [family member] was executed by someone in a position of power.
6 I was abducted as a child and would do anything to prove it.
7 I have an ancient text that holds terrible secrets that must not fall into the wrong hands.
8 I have a friendly rival that I meet with regularly.
9 My duty is upholding the law.
10 I have a questionable artifact that I must keep with me.
11 My family is everything to me.
12 I lost most of my large family to a great tragedy, and all I have left is my lone Aunt/Uncle.
12 I worked at the local temple for many years.
14 I alienated my one love by going down a different path.
15 I anxiously attach to everyone who is kind to me.
16 I want my name to be known across Faerûn.
17 Having gone hungry in the past, I am very food aggressive.
18 I can't remember them, but I do carry a deep love for someone.
19 The glades of the forest near my home hold a peace found nowhere else.
20 My father's journal, full of life lessons.
21 My pet [small creature].
22 I was once a thrall of a necromancer.
23 I can't leave behind strays.
d100 Bond
24 My failure to protect a loved one has left me committed to protecting everyone that I am able to.
25 My recently deceased family member left me a magical artifact that granted me power.
26 My parent has been struck with a terrible disease to which I must find a cure.
27 I was once little more than an arcanists' experiment; now I am granted sentience.
28 I would do anything for my cats. I have many of them and they need more friends.
29 I befriended an elderly woman who, upon her passing, surprised me by leaving me her large estate- instead of leaving it to her family.
30 I seek greatness beyond any of those that came before me.
31 Without cleanliness, nothing is possible.
32 If my companions do not believe in my chosen deity, I will make them.
33 My chosen inner circle is everything to me.
34 There is a correct way of doing anything, and I will personally make sure things are done correctly.
35 I am extremely enthusiastic about my Necromantic experiments- regardless of how little my companions appreciate it.
36 I seek power, however it comes- gold, loyalty, or other... debts.
37 My grandfather tasked me to avenge our family using the law.
38 My guardian that loves to hear my adventuring tales.
39 My Brother-in-Arms and I have a bond forged in the fire of battle.
40 I have a friend I lost contact with- and I really hope they're still alive, because I thought of them as much more than a friend.
41 I always lend a hand to someone down on their luck, because I benefitted from the same kindness.
42 I have a deep fondness for trinkets and bric-à-brac.
43 I prefer my companions to be... flexible, diplomatically.
44 I believe the only way for real progress is scorched earth.
45 I owe someone very powerful a lot of money.
46 I am dedicated to myself and my own freedom.
47 I have a sordid history with a powerful being.
48 My loyalty lies with the orphanage that raised me.
d100 Bond
49 I will take revenge on the orphanage that raised me.
50 The world is overflowing with new experiences, and I will die trying to touch all of it.
51 I will regain my privileged status and rain vengeance upon those who took it from me.
52 I am on the run from my title, and all of the responsibilities that come with it.
53 I have mysterious markings that I don't remember how I obtained.
54 I idolize an old folk hero.
55 I haven't spoken to my relatives in decades.
56 I wear some sort of shackle, the key to which I must find.
57 I will not suffer harm to befall a fungus or other decomposer.
58 My partner is the only thing I truly care about.
59 What matters most to me is my weapon, [weapon name], who has protected me from countless dangers.
60 I have a bounty on my head for a crime I didn't commit.
61 I am making a map of Faerûn.
62 My growing library.
63 I strive to improve so that I am worthy of the one I desire.
64 Joy is infectuous! I'm secretly hoping it infects [friend].
65 I will do anything to get my hands on forbidden knowledge.
66 I strive for acknowlegement from my rival.
67 I have a deep love for strategy games, like chess.
68 I live for the thrill of a good gamble.
69 I want to do something impressive that will gain the admiration of my party members.
70 I simply adore cosmetics.
71 I'm actually adventuring for the food. It was the cheapest way to traverse the globe for new cuisine.
72 My mother's wedding ring.
73 A friend of mine from long ago disappeared. I hope to find him.
74 Somebody told me I'm a failure. I'll prove them wrong!
75 My family has expectations of me I can't live up to.
76 I find the world of small creatures enchanting.
77 I am searching for the origin of a song I know.
78 There is a tome I am seeking.
79 I am a collector of unique weapons.
d100 Bond
80 I am a thrill-seeker, through and through.
81 I seek to outdo my older sibling.
82 I am on a journey for my guild- and much depends on me.
83 I want to find the limit of what the body can handle.
84 I am running from a powerful dark force.
85 I am searching for my [young family member].
86 I am going to become the ruler of my homeland.
87 I am a diplomat, and love the game of politics.
88 I am on a journey to absolve myself of material attachments.
89 I want to make my old master proud.
90 I collect trophies of all of my quarry.
91 I am dedicated only to my deity.
92 My life belongs to my ruler.
93 I am haunted by a vision only I seem to see.
94 I am journeying to see a monument.
95 I have an illness to which I need to find a cure.
96 I am logging my journeys for novel... dramatization.
97 I seek artistic inspiration, as my well has run dry.
98 I am serving an extensive, long-term contract for a mysterious employer.
99 When I return from my journeys, it will to teach at my alma mater.
100 I am searching for novel ingredients for my experiments.




Most prompts are taken from the poll posted by Malinhon on r/d100. All of the other prompts are original.

Feel free to use them in your own game, or cannibalize this document for your dark dungeon master needs.

Format by TraitorousFiend

Compiled by Nasty

p.s. if you make another d100 chart with this format, you should post it on d100 too :)

More Credits

just kidding i did this by myself at 3am


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