Supplement: Pokemon Contests

by ConTiki

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Supplement: Pokemon Contests

A supplement to the Kanto 5E Campaign

Kanto Campaign:

Created by u/lilnomi; Edited by u/jearOmee; Credit to u/LyrWar for their ideas on scoring and a special thanks to u/jearOmee, u/Dr3amy_ and u/LyrWar for giving feedback and general help.

Pokémon Contests

Pokémon contests are a competition for Pokémon Coordinators to show off their Pokémon's moves and looks. Judges score the Pokémon based on how impressed they are by the Pokémon's performance.

The competition is two rounds, Visual round and Contest Battle. The Head Judge and two other judges score each Pokémon, and the winner is determined as the best of its category. Every contest has one of the five categories and one of the four contest ranks. The category will affect what sort of move sets and accessories the Judges may give more points for.

Contest Categories: Cool, Beauty, Cute, Smart, and Tough Contest Ranks in Order: Normal, Great, Ultra, and Master

Pokémon contests are held in Contest Halls, which can be found across the region. Typically each contest has 4 participants and they must use the same Pokémon for both rounds, but there are different contest formats: Team battles, Dance competition, Talent round and various others. There are contests for more than 4 Coordinators, too.

Any Pokémon may enter the Normal Rank of any category. If the Pokémon wins the Normal rank, the Coordinator may advance to the next rank of the same category.

The winner of a contest is awarded a ribbon corresponding to the category and rank it won. This ribbon is presented at the Contest Halls to give permission to participate in higher ranked contests.

Once a Pokémon has won the Master Rank and the Coordinator has collected a total of five ribbons, they may participate in the Grand Festival.

Visual Round

One at a time, the Coordinators show off their Pokémon in one turn. Each Pokémon performs 2 moves simultaneously or separately, and the judges score it.

Layout of Each Turn
  1. Describe how your Pokémon performs their move(s).
  2. Pokémon rolls one Performance check against Charisma rolls done by all the judges.
  3. Compare the Performance check with all the rolls and score as follows for each roll:
  • On a win, the judge gives points equal to their roll and modifiers applied (more under Judges).
  • On a fail, you get half of their roll value.
  • On a 1, you get 0.
  • On a Nat 20, you get double their roll value.

Contest Battle Round

Once the Visual Round is finished, the coordinators and their Pokémon move onto the Contest Battle. The Battle Round has 5 turns and a set amount of Style Points to begin with. Battle works the same way as usual, but there’s a new mechanic added called Jamming.

To jam a fellow contestant subtracts points from your opponent’s Style Points. Once either contestant's Style Points reach zero, their Pokémon goes unconscious, or the 5 turns are finished, the round ends. The contestant with more Style points at the end wins the round.

Style Point Starting Values:

  • Normal rank=100
  • Great rank=120
  • Ultra rank=160
  • Master rank=200
  • Grand Festival=400.
Layout of Each Turn
  1. Pokémon try to impress the judges by using one move.
  2. Determine if the move hits the opponent and the possible damage/effects it does to them.
  3. Pokémon rolls a Performance check (CHA) against the Head Judge Charisma roll. Score as follows:
  • On a win, the amount they rolled is jammed from opponent’s Style points.
  • On a tie, treat it as Pokémon winning.
  • On a fail, half the jam.
  • On a Nat 1, jamming fails, half of Judges roll taken away from Style points.
  • On a Nat 20, Jam the opponent, regardless of Judges roll.
  1. End of turn.

Determining the Winner

To determine the winner of the contest, the Pokémon's Visual round and Battle round points are added up and the highest scoring participant wins and receives their ribbon.

The Grand Festival

The Grand Festival is the pinnacle of Pokémon Coordinators, as the title of Top Coordinator is bestowed to the winner. It is held once a year and Coordinators from across the region gather there. The winner is awarded a Ribbon Cup, which is made of pure gold and embellished with a gem. The design varies between regions.

Unlike in the contests of Master rank and below, the Grand Festival requires the Coordinator to use two Pokémon, and there are 5 judges instead of 3.

The festival has 3 rounds: The Visual Round, which is done in two phases, and Double Battle. The rounds may change from year to year. The Grand Festival attracts a lot of contestants, up to 150 Coordinators participate with their pokémon.

Visual Rounds

The Visual Round works as knock-out phases where the 32 highest scoring Coordinator's of the first phase proceed to the second phase. The 8 best Coordinator's of the second Visual Round phase proceed to Double Battle. Besides the Coordinator using both their Pokémon in each phase, Visual Rounds work the same as in regular Pokémon Contests.

Double Battle

The Coordinators use both their Pokémon and coordinate their moves together for an impressive show and battle. Normal initiative rules apply. The Style Point system applies here too (check the value above).

There are 3 rounds of battle, and the Coordinators are allowed to heal and take care of their Pokémon between the battles, but all of them are held during the same day. However the Style Points carry over from battle to battle, adding pressure to the contestants.


All contests have 3 judges: the Head Judge, who is usually part of the organizing committee, Nurse Joy from the local Pokémon center and either a member of a pokémon fan club, a Top Coordinator or someone else. All the judges have their own preferences on Pokémon types, move typing, accessories, etc. This gives their scoring an optional modifier which is applied to the Pokémon's performance roll. The Grand Festival has 5 judges, three of which are the same as contests and 2 additional ones. They are usually previous Top Coordinators or Master rank coordinators.

Mr. Contesta

Head Judge

  • Charisma: 16 (+3)

  • Likes:
  • Same type move as Pokémon's type (+2 to points)
  • Moves that fit the contest category (Tough=Fighting-type moves) (+2 to points)

  • Dislikes
  • Repeated moves (-2 to points)

Nurse Joy


  • Charisma: 14 (+2)

  • Likes:
  • All types of Pokémon (+1 to points)

  • Dislikes
  • Dark and Ghost type moves (-1 to points)

Professor Oak

Kanto Region Professor

  • Charisma: 14 (+2)

  • Likes:
  • Moves used only once (+2 to points)

  • Dislikes
  • Moves used more than once (-3 to points)


Top Kanto Coordinator

  • Charisma: 15 (+2)

  • Likes:
  • Moves that cause status effects (+3 to points)
  • Water, Flying, and Bug type Pokémon (+1 to points)

  • Dislikes
  • Electric type moves (-1 to points)


Chairman of the Kanto Poké Fan Club

  • Charisma: 15 (+2)

  • Likes:
  • Fire and Flying type Pokémon (+1 to points)

  • Dislikes
  • Pokémon that faint in battle (-15 to points)

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