Multiclassing in Vifel - The Chosen One

by Rutherfordio

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The Chosen One
Level Fragmancer Features Myoshidius Features Transcendental Features
2nd Philosopher's Notes Objectivity Aberrant Explorer
3rd Trigger Reflex Mitigating Action Education in Cosmology
3rd Rewired Brain Virtuoso's Prowess Otherworldly Influence
5th Workaholic Limit Breaker True Spell Power
6th Rewired Brain upgrade Virtuoso's Prowess upgrade Otherworldly Influence upgrade
6th Philosopher's Notes upgrade Objectivity upgrade Aberrant Explorer upgrade
9th Rewired Brain upgrade Virtuoso's Prowess upgrade Otherworldly Influence upgrade
10th Philosopher's Notes upgrade Objectivity upgrade Aberrant Explorer upgrade
11th Arcane Knowledge Retain Enemy Mana Creation
12th Rewired Brain upgrade Virtuoso's Prowess upgrade Otherworldly Influence upgrade
14th Philosopher's Notes upgrade Objectivity upgrade Aberrant Explorer upgrade
15th Rewired Brain upgrade Virtuoso's Prowess upgrade Otherworldly Influence upgrade
18th Rewired Brain upgrade Virtuoso's Prowess upgrade Otherworldly Influence upgrade
18th Philosopher's Notes upgrade Objectivity upgrade Aberrant Explorer upgrade
20th Scientific Master Virtuoso's Ceiling Energy Resistance

The Chosen One

Across all Vifel, there's a legend of a person called "The Chosen One", who is the unifier of the nations, the master diplomat and hero. Due to the friction between the cultures of the 3 continents, they believe only the Chosen One can make them agree, because only him has the knowledge of all 3 cultures and understands all sides of the battle. The truth is, anyone can be the Chosen One.


To become a chosen one, you need to pick one of the three Vifel classes: Fragmancer, Myoshidius or Transcendental and then multiclass into the other two. Optionally, you can just multiclass into one of them, to be a partial chosen one. This special multiclass that you make as the Chosen One has different rules than those on the PHB and can only be made between the classes of Vifel.

Needless to say, the two types of multiclass are mutually exclusive. You can't pick normal levels in classes after becoming a chosen one and vice-versa.

This special multiclass still follows the same pre-requisites of the common multiclass. If your character needs 13 in a certain score to gain a level in another class, you can't pick features of another class without meeting those requirements first.

Features at 1st-Level

At the first level, choose one of the three classes: Fragmancer, Myoshidius or Transcendental, this class will determine your Hit Dice, your first level features, your spellcasting feature and your subclass features. For example if you pick Myoshidius, you'll have a 1d10 Hit Dice, the Skillslinger class feature and the Mission Focus subclass features. All starting proficiencies and equipment are also defined by the class you pick at first level.

Features at Higher Levels

After the first level, you may choose any feature that you'd gain from your initial class and exchange it for another feature of the same level from the classes that you didn't pick (Fragmancer, Myoshidius or Transcendental). The Chosen One table details which features can be exchanged for each other features. Only features in the same line can be exchanged for each other.

Picking any feature from a class different than the one you started with qualifies your character as the Chosen One.

You can't exchanges features from your class for those of a class you didn't meet the prerequisites.


Upgrade features are not limited to upgrading only the initial feature, you can choose different upgrade features in different levels. For example on the 2nd-level you can choose Objectivity and on 6th-level choose Philosopher's Notes.

Class Referencing

Any features that you choose that references one of the three classes you can consider instead that it references the class of the Chosen One. The same works for features that use your level in one of the classes, you use instead your levels in the Chosen One.

However not all mentions of the class should be replaced. If a feature mentions for example a spell list, you can't replace it by the Chosen One spell list because there isn't one and not all three classes have spell lists.

Any scenarios that don't fit in this rule, ask your GM how to proceed.


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