SC5e Chapter 5

by Stormchaser

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The Stormchaser D20 RPG
Chapter 5: Equipment

Chapter 5: Equipment

The marketplace of a large city teems with buyers and sellers of many sorts: dwarven smiths and elven woodcarvers, halfling farmers and gnomish jewelers, not to mention humans of every shape, size and colour drawn from a spectrum of nations and cultures. In the largest cities, almost anything imaginable is offered for sale, from exotic spices and luxurious clothing to wicker baskets and practical swords.

For an adventurer, the availability of armour, weapons, backpacks, rope and similar goods is of paramount importance, since proper equipment can mean the difference between life and death in a dungeon or the untamed wilds. This chapter details the mundane and exotic merchandise that adventurers commonly find useful in the face of the threats that the world presents.

Starting Equipment

When you create your character, you receive equipment based on a combination of your class and background. Alternatively, you can start with a number of gold pieces based on your class and spend them on items from the lists in this chapter. See the Starting Wealth by Class table to determine how much gold you have to spend.

Starting Wealth by Class
Class Funds Average
Barbarian 2d4×10 gp 50 gp
Bard 5d4×10 gp 125 gp
Cleric 5d4×10 gp 125 gp
Druid 2d4×10 gp 50 gp
Fighter 5d4×10 gp 125 gp
Monk 5d4 gp 13 gp
Paladin 5d4×10 gp 125 gp
Ranger 5d4×10 gp 125 gp
Rogue 4d4×10 gp 100 gp
Sorcerer 3d4×10 gp 75 gp
Warlock 4d4×10 gp 100 gp
Wizard 4d4×10 gp 100 gp

You decide how your character came by this starting equipment. It might have been an inheritance, or goods that the character purchased during his or her upbringing. You might have been equipped with a weapon, armour and a backpack as part of military service. You might even have stolen your gear. A weapon could be a family heirloom, passed down from generation to generation until your character finally took up the mantle and followed in an ancestor's adventurous footsteps.

Beyond 1st Level

The Character Wealth by Level table lists the amount of treasure that each PC is expected to have at a specific level, in addition to their first level starting equipment from background and class.

Character Wealth by Level
PC Level Wealth PC Level Wealth
1 Starting 11 4022 gp
2 60 gp 12 4947 gp
3 120 gp 13 5872 gp
4 239 gp 14 6797 gp
5 393 gp 15 7629 gp
6 542 gp 16 12363 gp
7 691 gp 17 17097 gp
8 1339 gp 18 21831 gp
9 1987 gp 19 28458 gp
10 2912 gp 20 35085 gp

Note that this table assumes a standard fantasy game. Low-fantasy games might award only half this value, while high-fantasy games might double the value. It is assumed that some of this treasure is consumed in the course of an adventure (such as potions and scrolls) and that some of the less useful items are sold for half value so more useful gear can be purchased.


When you make your character, you can roll once on the Trinkets table to gain a trinket, a simple item lightly touched by mystery.

d100 Trinket
01 A mummified goblin hand
02 A piece of crystal that faintly glows in moonlight
03 A gold coin minted in an unknown land
04 A diary written in a language you don't know
05 A brass ring that never tarnishes
06 An old chess piece made from glass
07 Two knucklebone dice, with a skull symbol on the 6
08 An idol of a creature that gives you strange dreams
09 Four mummified elf fingers on a necklace
10 The deed for a parcel of land in an unknown realm
11 A 1-ounce block made from an unknown material
12 A small cloth doll skewered with needles
13 A tooth from an unknown beast
14 An enormous scale, perhaps from a dragon
15 A bright green feather
16 An old divination card bearing your likeness
17 A glass orb filled with moving smoke
18 A 1-pound egg with a bright red shell
19 A pipe that blows bubbles
20 A glass jar containing a bit of flesh floating in fluid
21 A tiny gnome-crafted music box that plays a song you dimly remember from your childhood
22 A small wooden statuette of a smug halfling
23 A brass orb etched with strange runes
24 A multicolored stone disk
25 A tiny silver icon of a raven
26 A bag containing forty-seven humanoid teeth, one of which is rotten
27 A shard of obsidian that always feels warm
28 A dragon's talon hanging from a leather necklace
29 A pair of old socks
30 A blank book whose pages refuse to hold ink, chalk, graphite, or any other substance or marking
31 A silver badge in the shape of a five-pointed star
32 A knife that belonged to a relative
33 A glass vial filled with nail clippings
34 A rectangular metal device with two tiny metal cups on one end that throws sparks when wet
35 A white, sequined glove sized for a human
36 A vest with one hundred tiny pockets
d100 Trinket
37 A small, weightless stone block
38 A tiny sketch portrait of a goblin
39 An empty glass vial that smells of perfume
40 A gemstone that looks like a lump of coal when examined by anyone but you
41 A scrap of cloth from an old banner
42 A rank insignia from a lost legionnaire
43 A tiny silver bell without a clapper
44 A mechanical canary inside a gnome-crafted lamp
45 A tiny chest carved to look like it has numerous feet
46 A dead sprite inside a clear glass bottle
47 A can with no opening that sounds full of liquid, sand, spiders, or broken glass (your choice)
48 A glass orb of water with a clockwork goldfish
49 A silver spoon with an M engraved on the handle
50 A whistle made from gold-colored wood
51 A dead scarab beetle the size of your hand
52 Two toy soldiers, one with a missing head
53 A small box filled with different-sized buttons
54 A candle that can’t be lit
55 A tiny cage with no door
56 An old key
57 An indecipherable treasure map
58 A hilt from a broken sword
59 A rabbit’s foot
60 A glass eye
61 A cameo carved in the likeness of a hideous person
62 A silver skull the size of a coin
63 An alabaster mask
64 A pyramid of sticky black incense that smells bad
65 A nightcap that gives you pleasant dreams
66 A single caltrop made from bone
67 A gold monocle frame without the lens
68 A 1-inch cube, each side painted a different color
69 A crystal knob from a door
70 A small packet filled with pink dust
71 A fragment of a beautiful song, written as musical notes on two pieces of parchment
72 A silver teardrop earring made from a real teardrop
d100 Trinket
73 The shell of an egg painted with scenes of human misery in disturbing detail
74 A fan that, when unfolded, shows a sleeping cat
75 A set of bone pipes
76 A four-leaf clover pressed inside a book discussing manners and etiquette
77 A sheet of parchment upon which is drawn a complex mechanical contraption
78 An ornate scabbard that fits no blade you know
79 An invitation to a party where a murder happened
80 A bronze pentacle etched with a rat's head
81 A purple handkerchief embroidered with the name of a powerful archmage
82 Half of a floorplan for a temple, castle, etc
83 A bit of folded cloth that turns into a stylish cap
84 A receipt of deposit at a bank in a far-flung city
85 A diary with seven missing pages
86 An empty silver snuffbox bearing an inscription on the surface that says “dreams”
87 An iron holy symbol devoted to an unknown god
88 A book that tells the story of a legendary hero's rise and fall, with the last chapter missing
89 A vial of dragon blood
90 An ancient arrow of elven design
91 A needle that never bends
92 An ornate brooch of dwarven design
93 An empty wine bottle bearing a pretty label that says, “The Wizard of Wines Winery, Red Dragon Crush, 331422-W”
94 A mosaic tile with a multicolored, glazed surface
95 A petrified mouse
96 A black flag with a dragon's skull and crossbones
97 A tiny mechanical crab or spider that moves about when it’s not being observed
98 A glass jar containing lard with a label that reads, “Griffon Grease”
99 A wooden box with a ceramic bottom that holds a living worm with a head on each end of its body
100 A metal urn containing the ashes of a hero


Wealth appears in many forms. Coins, gemstones, trade goods, art objects, animals and property can reflect your character's financial well-being.

Members of the peasantry trade in goods, bartering for what they need and paying taxes in grain and cheese.

Members of the nobility trade either in legal rights, such as the rights to a mine, a port, or farmland, or in gold bars, measuring gold by the pound rather than by the coin.

Only merchants, adventurers, and those offering professional services for hire commonly deal in coins.


Common coins come in several different denominations based on the relative worth of the metal from which they are made. The three most common coins are the gold piece (gp), the silver piece (sp) and the copper piece (cp).

With one gold piece, a character can buy a belt pouch, 50 feet of good rope, or a goat. A skilled (but not exceptional) artisan can earn one gold piece per day. The gold piece is the standard unit of measure for wealth, even if the coin itself isn't commonly used. When merchants discuss deals that involve goods or services worth hundreds or thousands of gold pieces, the transactions don't usually involve the exchange of individual coins. Rather, the gold piece is a standard measure of value and the actual exchange is in gold bars, letters of credit, or valuable goods.

One gold piece is worth ten silver pieces, the most prevalent coin among commoners. A silver piece buys a labourer's work for a day, a flask of lamp oil, or a night's rest in a poor inn.

One silver piece is worth ten copper pieces, which are common amongst labourers and beggars. A single copper piece buys a candle, a torch, or a piece of chalk.

In addition, unusual coins made of other precious metals sometimes appear in treasure hoards. The electrum piece (ep) and the platinum piece (pp) originate from fallen empires and lost kingdoms and they sometimes arouse suspicion and skepticism when used in transactions. An electrum piece is worth five silver pieces and a platinum piece is worth ten gold pieces.

A standard coin weighs about a third of an ounce. So, fifty coins weigh a pound.

Selling Treasure

Opportunities abound to find treasure, equipment, weapons, armour and more in your adventures. Normally, you can sell your treasures and trinkets when you return to a town or other settlement, provided that you can find buyers and merchants interested in your loot.

Arms, Armour and Other Equipment. As a general rule, undamaged weapons, armour and other equipment fetch half their cost when sold in a market. Weapons and armour used by monsters are rarely in good enough condition to sell.

Magic Items. Selling magic items is problematic. Finding someone to buy a potion or a scroll isn't too hard, but other items are out of the realm of all but the wealthiest nobles. Likewise, aside from a few common magic items, you won't normally come across magic items or spells to purchase. The value of magic is far beyond simple gold and should always be treated as such.

Gems, Jewelry and Art Objects. These items retain their full value in the marketplace and you can either trade them in for coin or use them as currency for other transactions. For exceptionally valuable treasures, the GM might require you to find a buyer in a large town or larger community first.

Trade Goods. On the borderlands, many people conduct transactions through barter. Like gems and art objects, trade goods (bars of iron, bags of salt, livestock, and so on) retain their full value in the market and can be used as currency.

Standard Exchange Rates
Coin cp sp ep gp pp
Copper (cp) 1 1/10 1/50 1/100 1/1,000
Silver (sp) 10 1 1/5 1/10 1/100
Electrum (ep) 50 5 1 1/2 1/20
Gold (gp) 100 10 2 1 1/10
Platinum (pp) 1,000 100 20 10 1

Armour and Shields

The world is a vast tapestry made up of many different cultures, each with its own technology level. For this reason, adventurers have access to a variety of armour types, ranging from leather armour to chain mail to costly plate armour, with several other kinds of armour in between. The armour tables collect the most commonly available types of armour found in the game and separates them into three categories: light, medium and heavy. Many warriors supplement their armour with a shield.

The armour tables show the cost, weight and other properties of the common types of armour worn in Arden.

Armour Proficiency

Anyone can put on a suit of armour or strap a shield to an arm. However, only those proficient in the armour's use know how to wear it effectively. Your class gives you proficiency with certain types of armour. If you wear armour that you lack proficiency with, you suffer disadvantage on any ability check or attack roll that involves Strength or Dexterity and you can't cast spells.

Light Armour

Made from supple and thin materials, light armour offers protection without sacrificing mobility.

Light armour cannot reduce the damage dealt below 1.

Silk. Used for ceremonial displays, these robes consist of several layers of cloth and an outer layer of silk intricately woven with gold brocade designs and covered with metal studs.

Padded. More than simple clothing, padded armour combines heavy, quilted cloth and layers of densely packed stuffing to create a cheap and basic protection.

Leather. Leather armour is made up of multiple overlapping pieces of leather, boiled to increase their natural toughness and then stitched together.

Brigandine. Often mistakenly referred to as "studded leather", a brigandine is made from segmented metal plates riveted to fabric.

Chain Shirt. Made of interlocking metal rings, a chain shirt is worn between layers of clothing or leather. This armour offers modest protection to the wearer's upper body and allows the sound of the rings rubbing against one another to be muffled by outer layers.

Medium Armour

Medium armour offers more protection than light armour, but it also impairs movement more. Medium armour may by layered over light armour.

Medium armour can reduce the damage dealt by weapons with the finesse property to 0. Damage dealt by other weapons cannot by reduced below 1 by medium armour.

Hide. Hide armour is made from the tanned skin of particularly thick-hided beasts, stitched with either multiple overlapping layers of crude leather or exterior pieces of leather stuffed with padding or fur.

Scale. Scale mail is made up of dozens of small, overlapping metal plates. The scales are arranged flexibly in an attempt to avoid hindering the wearer's mobility. A suit of scale mail includes gauntlets.

Breastplate. A breastplate protects a wearer’s torso with a single piece of sculpted metal, similar to the core piece of a suit of plate. Although it leaves the legs and arms relatively unprotected, this armour provides good protection for the wearer's vital organs while leaving the wearer relatively unencumbered.

Chain. Chainmail protects the wearer with a mesh of chain links. The suit includes gauntlets.

Heavy Armour

Of all the armour categories, heavy armour offers the best protection. These suits of armour cover the entire body and are designed to stop a wide range of attacks. Only proficient warriors can manage their weight and bulk. Heavy armour may be layered over light and medium armour.

Heavy armour cannot reduce the damage dealt by weapons wielded in two hands below 1. Damage dealt by other weapons can be reduced to 0 by heavy armour.

Splint. Splint mail is made up of narrow vertical strips of metal attached to a backing of leather or sturdy fabric. These splints are of greater size and durability than those that compose a suit of scale mail, improving the protection they afford the wearer, but at the cost of flexibility. A suit of splint mail includes gauntlets.

Half Plate. Half-plate armour combines elements of plate and chainmail, incorporating several sizable plates of sculpted metal with an underlying mesh of chain links. Half-plate armour includes gauntlets and a helm.

Plate. Plate mail is comprised of multiple pieces of interconnected and overlaying shaped metal plates that cover the entire body. A complete suit of plate includes gauntlets and heavy boots.

Equipment Sizes

A burly half-orc won't fit in a halfling's leather armour, and a gnome would be swallowed up in a cloud giant's elegant robe. Similarly, a suit of plate armour made for one human might not fit another without significant alterations and a guard's uniform might be visibly ill-fitting when an adventurer tries to wear it as a disguise.

When adventurers find armour, clothing and similar items that are made to be worn, they might need to visit an armoursmith, tailor, leatherworker, or similar expert to make the item wearable. The cost for such work varies from 10 to 40 percent of the market price of the item. The GM can either roll 1d4×10 or determine the increase in cost based on the extent of the alterations required.

Armour Piece

An adventurer's armour rarely comes in nicely matched sets, purchased straight from the armourer. Warriors are often forced to make do with tattered, hand-me-down sets cobbled together from various pieces, or else taken from the dead and defeated on the field of battle. Perhaps your character is a castaway forced to scavenge for what bits of armour they can find, or must scrounge through junk heaps and burned-out storefronts to acquire their equipment.

All armour is constructed of pieces and parts that are carefully (or hastily) donned each time the armour is used. While a full suit of armour is always more protective than wearing pieces of armour, sometimes a character does not have time to don an entire suit of armour before jumping into the fray. Other times characters may not have access to an entire suit of armour; in dire situations, they may need to find pieces or parts of armour among lower-level treasure hoards, or they have to scavenge from the bodies of fallen foes in order to protect themselves. All of the armours presented here are separated into seven different and distinct sections or pieces: arms, cloak, head, legs, shield, torso and underlay. You may wear one of each type of armour piece.

Armour Pieces and Armour Suits

A suit of armour is split up into four general types of armour pieces; arms, legs, torso and underlay. An armour piece is a small group of armour parts, rather than simply being any discrete part of the armour. A single armour piece is comprised of the armour parts needed to protect the corresponding area. A single arm or leg armour piece provides armour for both arms or both legs, respectively. A plate arm armour piece typically consists of pairs of pauldrons, gardbraces, rerebraces, vambraces and gauntlets along with bits of chainmail, while a splint arm armour piece consists of two splint sleeves, gauntlets and perhaps pairs of pauldrons and couters. Both protect the arms, though they have a different number of specific parts and types of overall components.

The protective qualities of each individual piece of armour are listed in the tables below. If a character has only one armour piece, then they use the statistics of that piece as their armour. If a character is wearing more than one armour piece, they add the armour costs, benefits and weights of the armour pieces and take the worst maximum Dexterity bonus to Dexterity defence from among the various armour pieces to determine the full statistics and qualities of the armour that they are wearing.

As long as a character is wearing a single armour piece, they are considered to be wearing armour for any effects that rely on wearing armour (such as the barbarian class's natural resilience, or the monk class's unarmoured defence).

If a character is wearing arm, leg, torso and underlay armour pieces, then they are wearing a suit of armour. Suits of armour can have all armour pieces of the same type (all plate pieces make a suit of full plate), or a mixture of armour pieces (a plate arm armour piece and torso armour piece combined with a chainmail leg armour piece creates a suit of half-plate).

See the Half-Plate Suit Pieces table for an example of wearing a breastplate with a plate arm armour piece and a chain leg armour piece. The top line lists the cost, bonuses, penalties and so on for the half-plate suit as a whole. The lines below list the statistics for the component pieces, as well as the benefits that result from the pieces constituting a suit.

Half-Plate Suit Pieces
Armour Piece Cost DR Max Dex Properties Strength Weight
Half-Plate Suit 605 gp 8 +1 Bulky, coverage 1-2 8-16, hard, noisy, soak 15 53 lb.
    Plate Arm 375 gp +2 +1 Bulky, coverage 2, hard, noisy 15 15 lb.
    Breastplate Torso 200 gp +5 +1 Coverage 8-16, hard, shirt 15 20 lb.
    Chain Leg 25 gp +1 +2 Bulky, coverage 1, noisy 13 10 lb.
    Padded Underlay 5 gp +1 +8 Clothing, soak 7 8 lb.

Armour Pieces and Proficiency

If a character is proficient with an armour category, then they are also proficient with the armour pieces of that category. For example, if a character is proficient with light armour, then they are proficient with all light armour pieces. Some torso armour pieces (such as chain and plate torso armour pieces) are a category lighter if worn without limb pieces (treat as a chain shirt and breastplate, respectively).

When a character is wearing at least one armour piece of a type with which they are not proficient, they suffer disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability checks that involve moving.


An underlay is in direct contact with the body and is usually thick, protective clothing. Medium and heavy armour is uncomfortable when worn without an underlay and requires one to avoid chafing.

Leather Underlay Armour Piece: Leather armour is made up of multiple overlapping pieces of leather, boiled to increase their natural toughness and then stitched together.

Padded Underlay Armour Piece: More than simple clothing, padded armour combines heavy, quilted cloth and layers of densely packed stuffing to create a cheap and basic protection.

Silk Underlay Armour Piece: Used for ceremonial displays, these robes consist of several layers of cloth and an outer layer of silk intricately woven with gold brocade designs and covered with metal studs.


    Brigandine Arm Armour Piece: These pauldrons and bracers are constructed of hard-boiled leather carefully sewn together and reinforced with riveted metal segments.

Chain Arm Armour Piece: This arm armour piece typically takes the form of separate lengths of chain attached to pauldrons and couters, and ending in a pair of gauntlets at the hands.

Hide Arm Armour Piece: This arm armour piece consists of pauldrons and bracers crafted from the tanned and preserved skin of a thick-skinned beast.

Plate Arm Armour Piece: A plate arm is composed of pauldrons, gardbraces, rerebraces, vambraces and gauntlets, along with bits of chainmail and padded armour.

Scale Arm Armour Piece: These sleeves are made up of dozens of small overlapping metal plates. A scale arm armour piece includes a pair of gauntlets.

Splint Arm Armour Piece: These sleeves are constructed of metal strips reinforced with chain mail. A splint arm armour piece includes a pair of gauntlets.


    Brigandine Torso Armour Piece: This shirt or jacket is constructed of hard-boiled leather carefully sewn together and reinforced with riveted metal segments.

Chain Torso Armour Piece: This armour piece is a shirt of chain mail. When worn without limb pieces, it is counted as medium armour and acts as a chain shirt.

Hide Torso Armour Piece: This armour piece is a shirt, wrap, or jacket constructed of the tanned and preserved skin of a thick-skinned beast.

Plate Torso Armour Piece: This is a breastplate made of steel. When worn without limb pieces, it counts medium armour and acts as a breastplate.

Scale Torso Armour Piece: This shirt or cuirass is made up of dozens of small overlapping metal plates.

Splint Torso Armour Piece: This shirt or cuirass is constructed of metal strips reinforced with chain mail.


    Brigandine Leg Armour Piece: These tassets are constructed of hard-boiled leather, carefully sewn together and reinforced with riveted metal segments.

Chain Leg Armour Piece: A chain leg piece takes the form of a long skirt made of chainmail that is further protected by steel greaves, or individual leggings of tighter-fitting chain reinforced by padding, steel kneeplates, and leather straps.

Hide Leg Armour Piece: This armour piece consists of leggings or a skirt made of the tanned and preserved skin of a thick-skinned beast.

Plate Leg Armour Piece: A plate leg armour piece is composed of faulds, tassets, cuisses, poleyns and greaves along with bits of chainmail and padded armour for extra support and protection.

Scale Leg Armour Piece: Typically a scale leg piece is a skirt of overlapping metal plates and leather greaves reinforced with steel plates. Some suits feature long leggings of overlapping metal plates instead.

Splint Leg Armour Piece: These thigh guards and leggings are constructed of metal strips and chainmail.


Cloak armour pieces provide an external layer of protection.


Head armour pieces are intended to protect your exposed head and provide coverage that helps to protect the wearer from suffering injuries.


A shield is made from wood and/or metal and is carried in one hand. Wielding a shield allows you to:

  1. Use your Strength defence to defend vs ranged attacks. Your proficiency bonus to Strength defence vs ranged attacks is limited by your shield's weight category (see table below).
  2. Add your proficiency modifier to your Strength defence vs melee and ranged attacks, if you are not already proficient in Strength defence, to a maximum value defined below:
Shield Weight Maximum Bonus to Strength Defence
Light +1
Medium +3
Heavy +6

Blocking With A Shield

A shield can be pushed beyond its limits, damaging it in the process. When you make a Strength defence check to block an attack, you may choose to brace your shield against the threat. Your shield takes the damage that the attack would deal to you (see Chapter 8) and you benefit from advantage on the Strength defence check.

Damage types are represented by icons: for bludgeoning, for piercing and for slashing damage.

Light Armour
Armour Piece Cost DR Max Dex Properties Strength Weight
Silk Underlay 30 gp +1 Clothing, soak 5 4 lb.
Padded Underlay 5 gp +1 +8 Clothing, soak 7 8 lb.
Leather Underlay 10 gp +2 +6 Clothing, soak 7 10 lb.
Brigandine Arms 5 gp +1 +5 Clothing 9 1 lb.
Brigandine Torso 15 gp +1 +5 Clothing, coverage 14-16 9 10 lb.
Brigandine Legs 5 gp +1 +5 Clothing 9 2 lb.
Fur Cloak Cloak 5 gp +4 +1 DR vs , bulky, clothing 9 5 lb.
Overcoat Cloak 5 gp +4 +1 DR vs , bulky, clothing 9 5 lb.
Hide Cloak Cloak 5 gp +4 +1 DR vs , bulky, clothing 9 5 lb.
Buckler Shield 5 gp +5 Bashing (1), finesse, light, non-lethal, worn 9 5 lb.
Medium Armour
Armour Piece Cost DR Max Dex Properties Strength Weight
Hide Arms 1 gp +1 +4 Clothing 9 2 lb.
Hide Torso 7 gp +2 +4 Clothing, coverage 14-16, soak 9 7 lb.
Hide Legs 2 gp +1 +4 Clothing 9 3 lb.
Scale Arms 10 gp +1 +3 Bulky, coverage 2, noisy 11 5 lb.
Scale Torso 30 gp +3 +3 Bulky, coverage 11-16, noisy, soak 11 15 lb.
Scale Legs 10 gp +1 +3 Bulky, coverage 1, noisy 11 10 lb.
Chain Arms 12 gp +1 +2 Bulky, coverage 2, noisy 13 5 lb.
Chain Shirt Torso 50 gp +4 +2 Concealed, coverage 11-16, shirt, soak 13 25 lb.
Chain Legs 13 gp +1 +2 Bulky, coverage 1, noisy 13 10 lb.
Chain Coif Head 15 gp Coverage 4 11 5 lb.
Shield, wooden Shield 3 gp +4 Bashing (1d4 ), non-lethal 11 5 lb.
Shield, steel Shield 9 gp +4 Bashing (1d4 ), non-lethal 11 6 lb.
Heavy Armour
Armour Piece Cost DR Max Dex Properties Strength Weight
Splint Arms 50 gp +2 +0 Bulky, coverage 2, hard, noisy 13 5 lb.
Splint Torso 100 gp +3 +0 Bulky, coverage 8-16, hard, noisy 13 25 lb.
Splint Legs 50 gp +2 +0 Bulky, coverage 1 5-7, hard, noisy 13 15 lb.
Plate Arms 375 gp +2 +1 Bulky, coverage 2, hard, noisy 15 15 lb.
Breastplate Torso 200 gp +5 +1 Coverage 8-16, hard, shirt 15 20 lb.
Plate Legs 925 gp +2 +1 Bulky, coverage 1 5-7, hard, noisy 15 15 lb.
Plate Helmet Head 45 gp Coverage 4, hard, visor 13 10 lb.
Shield, wooden Shield 7 gp +3 Bashing (1d6 ), bulky, non-lethal, unwieldy 13 10 lb.
Shield, steel Shield 20 gp +3 Bashing (1d6 ), bulky, non-lethal, unwieldy 13 15 lb.
Shield, tower Shield 30 gp +2 Bulky, cover 15 45 lb.
Extra Cost Properties Weight
Armour spikes +50 gp +1 damage for unarmed strikes, worn +10 lbs.
Gauntlet, locked +8 gp Disadvantage to disarm locked weapon, action to remove +5 lbs.
Shield spikes +10 gp Increase damage die size by one step, remove non-lethal +5 lbs.
Shield, throwing +50 gp Thrown (1d6 , 20/60)


The cost in gold pieces of the armour for Small or Medium humanoid creatures.

Damage Reduction (DR)

Armour reduces the damage that you take. Your damage reduction is equal to the sum of the damage reduction from the heaviest pieces of arm, leg and torso armour that you are wearing. If you are only wearing an underlay, you may use the damage reduction from that instead. Subtract this value from any damage that you take following a melee or ranged attack.

  • Light armour cannot reduce the damage dealt below 1.
  • Medium armour can reduce the damage dealt by weapons with the finesse property to 0. Damage dealt by other weapons cannot by reduced below 1 by medium armour.
  • Heavy armour cannot reduce the damage dealt by weapons wielded in two hands below 1. Damage dealt by other weapons can be reduced to 0 by heavy armour.

Damage from multiple attacks from a single creature in one turn (such as from the Extra Attack class feature, the Multiattack monster action, the Eldritch Blast spell, or when two-weapon-fighting) is added to the damage before it is reduced.

Abilities that deal extra damage (such as Smite or Sneak Attack) are also added to the damage before it is reduced.

Whenever damage reduction completely negates the damage from an attack, it also negates most special effects that accompany the attack, such as injury poison, a monk’s stunning, and injury-based disease.

Damage reduction is applied before damage resistance.

Maximum Dexterity Bonus

This number is the maximum Dexterity bonus to Dexterity Defence that this type of armour allows. Dexterity bonuses in excess of this number are reduced to this number for the purposes of determining the wearer’s Dexterity defence. Heavier armours limit mobility, reducing the wearer’s ability to dodge blows. This restriction doesn't affect any other Dexterity-related abilities.

A character’s encumbrance (the amount of gear carried, including armour) may also restrict the maximum Dexterity bonus that can be applied to his Dexterity Defence.

Armour Properties


A shield with the bashing property can be used as a weapon, rolling the damage die shown in parenthesis.


Bulky armour cannot be hidden from plain sight and may provoke use of the heat metal spell from hostile spellcasters. You cannot benefit from the concealed armour property while wearing bulky armour. Wearing bulky armour imposes:

  • Disadvantage on Strength (Athletics) and Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to swim, climb, run, and similar activities. This can be avoided if your Strength score is at least 2 points higher than the armour's Strength requirement.
  • Disadvantage on initiative checks. This can be avoided if your Strength score is at least 4 points higher than the armour's Strength requirement.


It is generally considered socially acceptable to wear armour with the clothing property in public.


Concealed armour can be worn inconspicuously under clothing. When only concealed armour is worn, the wearer appears unarmoured unless an observer succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check. If the observer has physical contact with the wearer, this check is made with advantage.


When you wield a shield with the cover property, you may add double your proficiency bonus to your Strength defence. This does not stack with your proficiency bonus from your class if you are already proficient in strength defence. While wielding this shield, you suffer disadvantage on melee and ranged attacks, unless you are wielding a light weapon or a spear. Additionally, attempts to overrun or tumble through your space treat it as difficult terrain and suffer disadvantage.

As an action, you can set down a shield with the cover property as stationary protection. The shield faces in a direction of your choice, and it takes an action to change its orientation. You benefit from three-quarters cover (+5 Dexterity defence) instead of the shield's bonus to Strength defence, and one adjacent ally standing behind you benefit from half-cover (+2 Dexterity defence). You get no cover from attacks that pass through other edges of your square.


When rolling on a table to determine an injury, if the result of your roll falls within the range defined by the coverage of your armour, then you may reroll and take the better result.


When making an attack with a finesse shield, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls. Shields with this property that do not also have the light property require Strength 11 or higher to use Dexterity in this way.


Hard armour is made of large, curved sections, making it vulnerable to the sunder weapon property.


Light shields are small and easy to handle, making them ideal for use when fighting with two weapons (see the rules for two-weapon fighting in chapter 9).

The shield is able to be used just as effectively whilst you are laying on the ground or whilst you are standing. When you are prone and attack with this shield, you do not suffer disadvantage if you are proficient with the weapon.


Noisy armour reduces your ability to move quietly, due to metal components scraping against each other. When you wear Noisy armour, you suffer disadvantage on any Dexterity (Stealth) checks to move silently. Other situations, such as hiding without movement or magical silence, are up to the GM.


Non-lethal shields are designed to incapacitate a target without killing it. Shields with this property deal their full damage when dealing non-lethal damage.


These torso armour pieces are considered to be one weight category lower when worn without other arm, head, or leg pieces. A chain torso armour piece worn alone is a chain shirt (light armour), and a plate torso armour piece worn alone is a breastplate (medium armour). When worn in this manner, the maximum possible Dexterity bonus when wearing the armour increases by 2 and the Strength requirement is reduced by 4.


If this armour is not worn as the top layer, then it adds 1 damage reduction vs a specific damage type.


Small creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls with unwieldy shields. An unwieldy shield's size and bulk make it too large for a Small creature to use effectively.


Helmets with a protective visor provide additional protection to the eyes. The visor is optional (unless stated otherwise) and can be raised or lowered as a bonus action.

Whilst the visor is lowered, your face is hidden and you gain coverage 3. However the visor limits the effective field of view. Creatures that you did not attack or target with abilities and spells during your last combat turn, have advantage on attack rolls against you. You also suffer disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.


This shield attaches to the arm but the hand remains unoccupied. If you attack with a weapon held in your shield hand (such as a two-handed weapon), you must either choose to do so with disadvantage or you cannot benefit from the shield until the start of your next turn.

Weapons with the worn property are equipped in a way similar to armour, by strapping it firmly to the body. It takes up to 1 minute to don or doff the shield and you can do it as part of donning or doffing armour. The GM may allow you to skip the required time if you ignore the worn property of the shield.

While the shield benefits from the worn property, it cannot be disarmed unless the attack or skill check is a critical hit.


Armour interferes with the wearer's ability to move quickly, stealthily and freely. If an armour table shows a number in the Strength column for an armour type, the armour reduces the wearer's speed by 10 feet unless the wearer has a Strength score equal to or greater than the listed score.


This column gives the weight of the armour sized for a Medium wearer. Armour fitted for Small characters weighs half as much and armour for Large characters weighs twice as much.

Magic Armour

Any individual armour piece can be magically enchanted. In this manner, each armour piece is treated as its own type of armour, but most armourers and magic item crafters know that this is an inefficient way of making and enchanting armour. The most efficient way to enchant armour is to enchant an entire suit. In order to do this, the suit's pieces need not all be of the same type, but they must be enchanted together. The drawback is that none of the individual pieces are considered magical on their own (although they do detect as magic and can be identified as part of an armour suit). When used as piecemeal armour, they function like normal pieces of non-magical armour of their type. If a character is wearing pieces of separately enchanted armour, the armour only takes the magic of the most protective piece (typically the torso armour piece). If a character does not wear a torso armour piece, the most protective piece is the leg armour piece, followed by the arm armour piece.

For instance, if a character does not wear a torso or leg armour piece, but wears a +1 chain arm armour piece, they gain the benefit of wearing magic armour (the piece has a +1 enhancement bonus due to the enchantment). If that character then puts on a normal chain torso armour piece, they lose the +1 bonus due to magic, as the most protective armour piece no longer has either of these qualities.

Special Materials

In order for the armour to gain the benefits of adamantine or dragonhide, the torso piece must be made of that material.

In the case of chain shirts, breastplates and any other armour pieces that are treated as a category lighter when worn alone, to determine the cost of creating that piece of armour from a special material, use the base armour category (medium in the case of a chain torso armour piece, and heavy in the case of a plate torso armour piece) when pricing the item.


If the dragonhide used to construct this armour comes from a dragon that had immunity to an energy type, the armour pieces also have resistance to that energy type. A piece of dragonhide armour costs double the armour piece cost + 100 gp. Alternatively, a plate torso armour piece can be constructed from dragonhide for 700 gp.


Adamantine is an ultra-hard metal found in extraordinary mineral veins. Items without metal parts cannot be made from adamantine. Armour pieces normally made of steel that are made out of adamantine have one-third more hit points than normal. Adamantine has 40 hit points per inch of thickness and DR 20 (see Chapters 8 and 9).

While wearing a suit of adamantine armour, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.

Type of Adamantine Item Item Cost Modifier
Light arm armour piece 1,250 gp
Light torso armour piece 2,500 gp
Light leg armour piece 1,250 gp
Medium arm armour piece 2,500 gp
Medium torso armour piece 5,000 gp
Medium leg armour piece 2,500 gp
Heavy arm armour piece 2,500 gp
Heavy torso armour piece 10,000 gp
Heavy leg armour piece 2,500 gp
Shield 3,000 gp


Mithril is a very rare silvery, glistening metal that is lighter than steel but just as hard. When worked like steel, it becomes a wonderful material from which to create armour.

  • Mithril armour is one category lighter than normal for purposes of limitations such as barbarian rage. Heavy armour is treated as medium and medium armour is treated as light. This decrease does not apply to proficiency in wearing the armour. A character wearing mithril full plate must be proficient in wearing heavy armour to avoid disadvantage on all attack rolls and skill checks that involve moving.
  • Maximum Dexterity bonuses are increased by 2.
  • Strength requirements are reduced by 2.
  • The bulky and noisy properties are removed.
  • The armour weighs half as much.
Type of Mithril Item Item Cost Modifier
Light arm armour piece 250 gp
Light torso armour piece 500 gp
Light leg armour piece 250 gp
Medium arm armour piece 1,500 gp
Medium torso armour piece 1,000 gp
Medium leg armour piece 1,500 gp
Heavy arm armour piece 2,500 gp
Heavy torso armour piece 4,000 gp
Heavy leg armour piece 2,500 gp
Shield 1,000 gp

Getting Into and Out of Armour

The time required to don or doff an armour piece is based on its type and the area that it protects.

Don. This is the time that it takes to put on the armour piece. You benefit from the armour's DR only if you take the full time to don the armour piece.

Don Hastily. This is the time that it takes to put on the armour piece in a hurry. The maximum Dexterity bonus and DR for hastily donned armour are each 1 point worse than normal (minimum 0 in the case of the DR).

Doff. This is the time it lakes to take off the armour piece.

If your species and class both grant proficiency in an armour category, you treat the armour as one category lighter for the purposes of donning and doffing.

When doffing armour or when donning medium armour, if a character has help, then this time is halved. A single character doing nothing else can help two adjacent creatures. Two characters can't help each other don or remove armour pieces at the same time. The wearer must have help to don heavy armour pieces. Without help, they can only be donned hastily.

Donning and Doffing Armour Suits
Category & Piece Don Don Hastily Remove
Underlay 1 minute 5 rounds 1 minute
Light arm 2 rounds 1 round 2 rounds
Light leg 3 rounds 2 rounds 2 rounds
Light torso 5 rounds 2 rounds 5 rounds
Medium arm 1 minute 2 rounds 2 rounds
Medium leg 1 minute 3 rounds 2 rounds
Medium torso 1 minute 5 rounds 3 rounds
Heavy arm 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute
Heavy leg 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute
Heavy torso 2 minutes 1 minute 2 minutes
Donning and Doffing Shields
Category & Piece Don Remove
Medium shield 1 bonus action 1 object interaction
Heavy shield 1 action 1 bonus action


Your class grants proficiency in certain weapons, reflecting both the class's focus and the tools that you are most likely to use. Whether you favour a longsword or a longbow, your weapon and your ability to wield it effectively can mean the difference between life and death while adventuring.

The weapons tables show the most common weapons, their price and weight, the damage that they deal when they hit and any special properties that they possess. Every weapon is classified as either melee or ranged. A melee weapon is used to attack a target within 5 feet of you, whereas a ranged weapon is used to attack a target at a distance.

Weapon Proficiency

Your species, class and feats can grant you proficiency with certain weapon groups or categories of weapons. The two categories are simple and martial. Most people can use simple weapons with proficiency. These weapons include clubs, maces and other weapons often found in the hands of commoners. Martial weapons, including swords, combat axes and halberds, require more specialised training to use effectively. Most warriors use martial weapons, because these weapons put their fighting style and training to best use.

Proficiency with a weapon allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack that you make with that weapon. If you make an attack roll using a weapon with which you lack proficiency, you do not add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll.

Proficiency Groups
Simple Martial
Firearms, medieval
Firearms, renaissance
Firearms, industrial

Melee Weapons

Damage types are represented by icons: for bludgeoning, for piercing and for slashing damage.

Simple Axes
Name Cost Damage Weight Str/Dex Properties
Hatchet 3 gp 1d4 / 1 lb. 5 Concealed, light, thrown (30/90)
Handaxe 5 gp 1d6 1 lb. 7 Light, thrown (20/60)
Archer's Axe 7 gp 1d8 2 lb. 9
Martial Axes
  • All martial axes have the brutal 1 property, in addition to those listed below.
Name Cost Damage Weight Str/Dex Properties
Boarding Axe 6 gp 1d6 / 1 lb. 7 Disarm, hooked, light
Dwarven Maulaxe 25 gp 1d6 / 1 lb. 7 Disarm, exotic, hooked, light, sunder 1, thrown (20/60)
Battleaxe 10 gp 1d8 2 lb. 11 Disarm, hooked, versatile
Longaxe 10 gp 1d10 2 lb. 11 Disarm, hooked, trip, two-handed
Greataxe 30 gp 1d12 3 lb. 13 Cleave, two-handed, unwieldy
Orc Double Axe 50 gp 1d8 5 lb. 15 Cleave, double, exotic, hooked, two-handed, unwieldy
Dwarven Urgrosh 60 gp 1d8 / 5 lb. 15 Brace, disarm, double, exotic, hooked, two-handed, unwieldy
Simple Blades
Name Cost Damage Weight Str/Dex Properties
Stiletto 5 gp 1d4 ½ lb. 5 Brutal 1, close, concealed
Dagger 2 gp 2d2 / ½ lb. 5 Close, concealed, thrown (20/60)
Sickle 1 gp 1d6 2 lb. 7 Hooked, light
Smallsword 10 gp 1d6 1 lb. 7 Light
Arming Sword 10 gp 2d4 / 2 lb. 9
Martial Blades
Name Cost Damage Weight Str/Dex Properties
Swordbreaker 12 gp 1d4 / 1 lb. 5 Close, disarm, parry
Scimitar 15 gp 1d6 2 lb. 7 Light, mounted, parry
Shortsword 10 gp 2d3 / 2 lb. 7 Light, parry
Falchion 15 gp 1d8 2 lb. 9 Critical, parry
Cavalry Sabre 15 gp 1d8 3 lb. 9 Mounted, parry
Rapier 20 gp 1d8 2 lb. 9 Critical, finesse, parry
Sidesword 15 gp 2d4 / 2 lb. 9 Finesse, parry
Broadsword 20 gp 2d4 / 3 lb. 11 Finesse, opportunistic, parry
Estoc 50 gp 1d8 3 lb. 11 Critical, finesse, parry, sunder 1, versatile
Katana 50 gp 1d8 / 3 lb. 11 Critical, finesse, parry, versatile
Bastard Sword 15 gp 2d4 / 3 lb. 11 Parry, versatile
Elven Curveblade 80 gp 1d10 / 3 lb. 11 Critical, exotic, finesse, mounted strike, parry, two-handed
Longsword 15 gp 2d5 / 3 lb. 11 Opportunistic, parry, two-handed
Greatsword 50 gp 3d4 / 6 lb. 13 Bashing (1d4 ), long, parry, two-handed, unwieldy
Double-Bladed Sword 50 gp 2d4 / 4 lb. 15 Double, parry, two-handed, unwieldy

Damage types are represented by icons: for bludgeoning, for piercing and for slashing damage.

Simple Bludgeoning Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Str/Dex Properties
Light Hammer 2 gp 1d4 1 lb. 5 Light, thrown (20/60)
Light Mace 5 gp 1d6 2 lb. 7 Light
Club 1 sp 1d6 3 lb. 7 Non-lethal
Heavy Mace 12 gp 1d8 4 lb. 9
Greatclub 2 sp 1d10 8 lb. 11 Non-lethal, two-handed, unwieldy
Martial Bludgeoning Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Str/Dex Properties
Light Pick 4 gp 1d4 2 lb. 7 Brutal 2, light, mounted, sunder 2
Sap 1 gp 1d6 2 lb. 7 Close, concealed, non-lethal
Warpick 8 gp 1d6 3 lb. 9 Brutal 2, mounted, sunder 2, versatile
Morningstar 8 gp 1d8 3 lb. 9 Sharp 1, sunder 1, vicious
Warhammer 12 gp 1d8 2 lb. 11 Brutal 1, sunder 2, versatile
Ram Hammer 25 gp 1d8 2 lb. 13 Brutal 1, exotic (dwarf), sunder 2, thrown (20/60), versatile
Heavy Pick 5 gp 1d8 4 lb. 11 Brutal 2, sunder 2, two-handed
Maul 10 gp 2d6 10 lb. 13 Brutal 2, sunder 2, two-handed, unwieldy
Simple Flexible Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Str/Dex Properties
Lasso 1 sp 5 lb. 9 Break, finesse, restrain (body/legs), tangle, thrown (20/60)
Whip 1 gp 1 2 lb. 9 Disarm, finesse, non-lethal, reach, restrain (hand), tangle, trip
Scourge 1 gp 1d4 1 lb. 7 Finesse, non-lethal, tangle
Garotte 3 gp 1d6 1 lb. 9 Light, suffocating, two-handed
Peasant Flail 8 gp 1d8 5 lb. 9 Two-handed
Martial Flexible Weapons
  • All martial flexible weapons have the tangle property, in addition to those listed below.
Name Cost Damage Weight Str/Dex Properties
Bolas 5 gp 2 lb. 9 Break, finesse, reach, restrain (legs), thrown (20/60)
Net 1 gp 3 lb. 9 Break, finesse, restrain (all/hand/legs), thrown (5/15)
Spiked Whip 5 gp 1d4 3 lb. 9 Disarm, finesse, reach, restrain (hand), trip, vicious
Barbed Net 20 gp 1d4 6 lb. 9 As the net, plus: ongoing (1), vicious
Light Chain 15 gp 1d6 5 lb. 9 Break, disarm, finesse, reach, restrain (hand/body/legs), trip, two-handed
Spiked Chain 25 gp 1d8 10 lb. 11 As the light chain, plus: ongoing (1), vicious
Flail 8 gp 1d8 2 lb. 11 Disarm, trip, versatile, vicious
Heavy Flail 15 gp 1d10 5 lb. 13 Disarm, trip, two-handed, unwieldy, vicious
Dorn-Dergar 50 gp 1d10 7 lb. 15 Disarm, exotic (dwarf), reach, trip, two-handed, unwieldy, vicious

Damage types are represented by icons: for bludgeoning, for piercing and for slashing damage.

Simple Polearms
Name Cost Damage Weight Str/Dex Properties
Quarterstaff 2 sp 1d6 4 lb. 7 Double, finesse, non-lethal
Crook 1 gp 1d6 5 lb. 7 Finesse, non-lethal, reach, trip, two-handed
Javelin 5 sp 1d6 2 lb. 7 Sharp 1, thrown (30/120)
Spear 1 gp 2d3 3 lb. 9 Brace, brutal 1, finesse, mounted, sharp 1, thrown (20/60), versatile
Boar Spear 5 gp 2d3 4 lb. 9 Brace, preventing, sharp (1), versatile
Plançon 1 gp 1d8 / 4 lb. 9 Brace, sharp 1, versatile
Scythe 18 gp 1d8 4 lb. 9 Brutal 2, trip, two-handed, unwieldy
War Scythe 25 gp 1d8 10 lb. 11 Brutal 2, long, two-handed, unwieldy
Longspear 5 gp 2d4 4 lb. 9 Brace, brutal 1, long, mounted, sharp 1, shield, two-handed, unwieldy
Martial Polearms
Name Cost Damage Weight Str/Dex Properties
Light Lance 7 gp 1d6 4 lb. 9 Brutal 1, finesse, long, mounted, two-handed
Pincer Staff 20 gp 1d6 6 lb. 9 Long, preventing, two-handed
Hooked Spear 2 gp 2d3 3 lb. 9 Brace, brutal 1, finesse, hooked, sharp 1, trip, versatile
Talon Spear 5 gp 2d3 3 lb. 9 Brace, brutal 1, disarm, finesse, sharp 1, versatile
Trident 5 gp 1d8 2 lb. 11 Brace, disarm, finesse, sharp 1, thrown (20/60), versatile
Combat Lance 10 gp 1d8 6 lb. 11 Brutal 1, long, mounted, two-handed
Ranseur 10 gp 1d8 6 lb. 11 Brace, brutal 1, disarm, long, sharp 1, two-handed, unwieldy
Great Lance 20 gp 1d10 10 lb. 13 Brutal 1, long, mounted, unwieldy, two-handed
Glaive 8 gp 1d10 6 lb. 11 Brutal 1, cleave, reach, two-handed, unwieldy
Pike 5 gp 1d10 10 lb. 11 Brace, brutal 1, long, sharp 1, two-handed, unwieldy
Guisarme 9 gp 1d10 6 lb. 11 Brace, brutal 1, hooked, long, trip, two-handed, unwieldy
Pollaxe 5 gp 1d10 / 4 lb. 11 Brace, brutal 1, sharp 1, two-handed
Halberd 10 gp 1d10 / 8 lb. 11 Brace, brutal 1, long, sharp 1, two-handed, unwieldy
Great Trident 15 gp 1d12 4 lb. 13 Brace, disarm, long, sharp 1, two-handed, unwieldy
Longhammer 15 gp 2d6 / 5 lb. 13 Brutal 1, long, sharp 1, sunder 1, two-handed, unwieldy
Giant Sticker 25 gp 3d4 6 lb. 15 Brace, brutal 1, exotic (dwarf), long, sharp 1, two-handed, unwieldy
Boarding gaff 8 gp 1d6 8 lb. 11 Double, hooked, long, trip, two-handed
Weighted Spear 10 gp 2d3 / 4 lb. 11 Brace, brutal 1, double, finesse, parry, sharp 1, two-handed
Simple Unarmed Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Str/Dex Properties
Dagger, punch 2 gp +1 1 lb. Brutal, close, concealed
Glove, armoured 2 gp +1 1 lb. Close, non-lethal, worn
Gauntlet, clawed 5 gp +1 1 lb. Close, vicious, worn
Hook, prosthetic 10 gp 1d4 1 lb. Close, disarm, hooked, worn
Knuckles, brass 1 gp +1 1 lb. Close, concealed, non-lethal, worn
Unarmed strike 1 Non-lethal


If your Dexterity is less than the Str/Dex entry of the weapon, then you suffer disadvantage on your attack rolls with the weapon. If you are wielding the weapon as a finesse weapon, then this instead applies to your Strength.

Weapon Equivalencies
Base Weapon Alternative Names or Flavour
Arming Sword Niuweidao, Spatha
Bastard Sword Jian, Katana
Broadsword Basket-hilted Sword, Claymore¹
Cavalry Sabre Liuyedao
Curveblade Tachi
Dagger Bishou, Tanto
Estoc Panzerstecher, Stocco, Tuck
Falchion Backsword, Cutlass, Dao, Kopis
Greatsword Changdao, Claymore², Flamberge, Nodachi, Zweihänder
Hatchet Tomahawk
Plançon Goedendag
Scimitar Piandao, Wakizashi
Shortsword Baselard, Cinquedea, Dirk, Gladius, Xiphos
Sidesword Fencing Sabre, Smallsword,
Spada da Lato, Espado Ropera
Sickle Kama
Smallsword Court Sword, Dress Sword, Épée

¹,²: the name claymore has, historically, been used for more than one type of Scottish sword.

Weapon Skill

Sometimes you must roll to contend with an enemy's weapon skill score. A creature only adds its proficiency bonus to its weapon skill if it is proficient with the weapon that it is wielding.

Weapon Skill = 10 + Proficiency + Strength Modifier (or Dexterity Modifier, if wielding a Finesse weapon)

Blocking With A Weapon

A weapon can be pushed beyond its limits, damaging it in the process. When you make a Strength defence check to block an attack, you may choose to brace your weapon against the threat. Your weapon takes the damage that the attack would deal to you (see Chapter 8) and you benefit from advantage on the Strength defence check.

Melee Weapon Properties


A weapon with the bashing property can also be used as a weapon with 5 foot reach, rolling the damage die shown in parenthesis.


When a hostile creature enters the reach of a brace weapon after moving 10 feet or more, it must roll a defence check against an opportunity attack. If the creature fails the check, roll twice as many of the weapon's base damage dice.


A critical hit with a brutal weapons deals the listed number of additional weapon damage die.


When a melee attack with a cleave weapon reduces a creature to 0 hit points, any excess damage from that attack can carry over to another creature nearby. The attacker targets another creature within reach and, if the original attack roll can hit it, applies any remaining damage to it. If that creature is likewise reduced to 0 hit points, repeat this process, carrying over the remaining damage until there are no valid targets, or until the damage carried over fails to reduce an undamaged creature to 0 hit points.


If the target of an attack with a close weapon is grappled, double the number of weapon dice rolled for the attack's damage.

The close weapon property includes the effects of the finesse and light weapon properties.


Weapons with the Concealed property can be hidden from plain sight until wielded or used. You can use your Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) skill to hide the weapon.


When a critical weapon scores a critical hit, the weapon damage dice deal their maximum damage.


Disarm attempts made with a disarm weapon are made with advantage.


A weapon with the double property has two striking ends. Attacks with the second end use the same damage die as the primary end and follow the rules for two-weapon fighting.


Exotic weapons are only considered martial weapons for a specific species. A character must spend a proficiency point to learn how to wield another species' exotic weapons effectively.


When making an attack with a finesse weapon, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls. If your Strength is less than the Str/Dex entry of the weapon, then you suffer disadvantage on your attack rolls with the weapon when using Dexterity in this way.

The light and close properties include the finesse property.


When you hit with a melee or thrown attack using a weapon with the Grappling property, you can spend your bonus action to attempt to grapple them. Make an attack roll vs the target's passive Dexterity (Acrobatics) skill. If you succeed, your weapon grapples the target. Other weapon properties (restrain, preventing, etc.) include this property and modify the grapple.

Whilst your weapon is grappling the target, any attack with the same weapon breaks the grapple. The grapple is broken if you or the target move out of reach. The grappled enemy can also spend an action and attempt a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against your Weapon Skill DC. If it succeeds, the weapon grapple is broken. If it is not grappled by a thrown weapon, the target can also break the weapon grapple if it succeeds in disarming you.

Whilst your weapon is grappling the target and you are holding onto your weapon, you can attempt Shove a Creature action using your Attack roll instead of Strength (Athletics).


The weapon has Strength defence and hp values and can be attacked with melee attacks as long as the weapon is grappling you (see grappling property). You may also be allowed a Strength check to break the weapon. Common breakable objects are:

  • Net. Strength defence 10 and hp 5. Immune to bludgeoning and piercing damage. Can also be broken with a DC 23 Strength check. If the Net is Barbed, you take 1d4 piercing damage breaking it.
  • Bola or Lasso. Strength defence 10 and hp 5. Immune to bludgeoning and piercing damage. Can also be broken with a DC 23 Strength check.
  • Chain. Strength defence 10 and hp 75. Immune to piercing damage. Takes no damage from attacks dealing 10 damage or less. Can also be broken with a DC 26 Strength check.

Once broken, weapons immediately release their grapple and, unless held by you, drop to the ground.


The weapon has a hooked head that can get stuck into your opponent. Whilst your weapon is grappling the target (see Grappling weapon property) and you are holding on your weapon, the target is unable to move away from you and can only approach you.

The target can only move away from you if it attempts to Shove you, or is Shoved away from you. If it succeeds, it also provokes an opportunity attack from you that automatically hits.


Whilst a weapon with the Ongoing property is grappling the target (see Grappling weapon property), the target takes damage at the beginning of each of its turns equal to the value shown in parenthesis.


Whilst your weapon is grappling the target (see Grappling weapon property) and you are holding your weapon, the target is unable to approach you and can only move away from you.

The target can only move towards you if it attempts to Shove you. If it succeeds, it also provokes an opportunity attack from you that automatically hits.


Whilst your weapon is grappling the target (see grappling weapon property), the weapon restricts some of the actions of the creature. The effect depends on the location listed in parenthesis. If more than one is listed, pick one. If none are listed, pick any one of your choice.

  • All. The creature is restrained by your weapon.
  • Body. The creature is restrained by your weapon, except its speed is not reduced to 0.
  • Hand. Choose a hand. The target cannot use that hand to attack or use items (unless activated) whilst restrained.
  • Legs. The creature is restrained by your weapon, but it doesn't suffer disadvantage to attacks. If the creature used its movement in its turn before it was hit by this attack, it also falls prone.

Whilst your weapon is restraining the creature and you are holding your weapon, on your turn you may spend an attack to deal damage equal to your Strength modifier without rolling to attack. Creatures that are formless cannot be Restrained, and some creatures may be too large to Restrain, at GM discretion.


Whilst your weapon is grappling the target (see Grappling weapon property) and you are holding your weapon, the target is also suffocating. If the target attempts to break your weapon's grapple by moving out of reach, it must make a Strength (Athletics) check against your Weapon Skill DC. It can only move away from you if it succeeds on the check.


Light weapons are small and easy to handle, making them ideal for use when fighting with two weapons (see the rules for two-weapon fighting in chapter 9).

A light weapon can also be used effectively while the wielder is prone or supine. Creatures that attack with a light weapon while prone or supine do not suffer disadvantage on their attack roll, if they are proficient with the weapon.

The light weapon property includes the effects of the finesse weapon property. The close weapon property includes the effects of the light weapon property.


Long weapons add 5 feet to your reach when you attack with them, as well as when determining your reach for opportunity attacks with them. However, long weapon attacks vs targets at a distance of 5 feet or less suffer disadvantage.


Mounted weapons deal additional damage when wielded by a creature riding a mount with a speed of 40 feet or more. The target may be neither prone, nor more than one one size category smaller than your mount. If the weapon has reach or is long, the target may be prone or two size categories smaller than your mount.

When rolling damage while mounted, double the number of weapon dice. Following a mounted attack, you may continue the movement of your mount and do not provoke an opportunity attack if you leave the reach of your target, unless your attack missed.

If a mounted weapon is two-handed, then it may be wielded in one hand when mounted.


Non-lethal weapons are designed to incapacitate a target without killing it. Weapons with this property deal their full damage when dealing non-lethal damage.


When wielding a parry weapon, you may add your proficiency modifier to your Strength defence vs melee attacks, if you are not already proficient in Strength defence. Your proficiency bonus to Strength defence vs melee attacks is limited by your weapon's size (see table below).

Weapon Size Maximum Bonus to Strength Defence
Light +1
One-Handed +3
Two-Handed +6

If you are wielding a finesse weapon and blocking an attack from a one-handed weapon, then you may use your Dexterity to calculate your Strength defence.

If you are wielding an unwieldy weapon and use all of your attacks when taking the attack action on your turn, then you do not benefit from the weapon's parry bonus to Strength defence until the end of your next turn.


The weapon has an extended length. This weapon adds 5 feet to your Reach when you attack with it, and when determining your Reach for attacks of opportunity with it.


When you use a sharp weapon to attack a target with 4 or less DR, you ignore DR equal to the value listed.


This two-handed weapon may be used in one hand when combined with a shield.


When you use a sunder weapon to attack a target with hard armour or natural armour with 7 or more DR, you ignore DR equal to the value listed.


Tangle weapons snare implements (arms, shields, weapons) used to directly block an attack made with them when defending via Strength defence. This entangles both the weapon used to make the attack and the implement used to defend.

Attacks with an entangled weapon suffer disadvantage on the attack roll. An entangled shield grants no bonus to Strength defence and cannot be used to defend against ranged attacks. The wielder of the entangling weapon has advantage to disarm the entangled weapon.

The creature wielding the weapon used to make the attack can disentangle it using their object interaction. If the creature wielding the implement used to defend wishes to disentangle itself, then it must spend an attack as part of the attack action and make a successful melee attack roll vs the weapon skill of the creature wielding the entangling weapon.


Trip attempts made with a trip weapon are made with advantage.


If a weapon has the thrown property, you can throw the weapon to make a ranged attack. If the weapon is a melee weapon, you use the same ability modifier for that attack roll and damage roll that you would use for a melee attack with the weapon. For example, if you throw a handaxe, you use your Strength, but if you throw a dagger, you can use either your Strength or your Dexterity, since the dagger has the finesse property.

Drawing a Thrown weapon is part of the attack, but you need a free hand. You may use your bonus action to recover any Thrown weapon within your reach. At the end of combat, you can recover all undamaged Thrown weapons by taking up to a minute to search the battlefield.

When you are hit by a thrown weapon and it causes an injury, the weapon remains lodged in the target. Any time you use your action during your turn with one or several lodged weapons in you, you take 1d4 piercing damage. Removing a lodged weapon is an action.


A two-handed weapon requires two hands when you attack with it. When the weapon is held in two hands attempts to disarm you are made at disadvantage.

Wielding a melee weapon in two hands allows you to put more strength behind your blows. Your damage bonus increases by half (round up), as shown on the table below.

Strength Modifier Two-Handed Damage Bonus
+1 +2
+2 +3
+3 +5
+4 +6
Strength Modifier Two-Handed Damage Bonus
+5 +8
+6 +9
+7 +11
+8 +12


Small creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls with unwieldy weapons. An unwieldy weapon's size and bulk make it too large for a Small creature to use effectively.

Additionally, if you take the attack action with an unwieldy weapon and use all of your attacks for that round, then hostile creatures leaving your reach do not have to make a defence check to avoid taking damage from an opportunity attack.


A versatile weapon can be used with one or two hands. When the weapon is held in two hands attempts to disarm you are made at disadvantage.

Wielding a melee weapon in two hands allows you to put more strength behind your blows. Your damage bonus increases by 50%, as shown above on the two-handed weapon property table. Additionally, this damage bonus increases by a minimum of 1, see below:

Strength Modifier Two-Handed Damage Bonus
-5 -4
-4 -3
-3 -2
Strength Modifier Two-Handed Damage Bonus
-2 -1
-1 +0
+0 +1


Vicious weapons roll their damage die twice and take the better result.


A worn weapon attaches to the arm but the hand remains unoccupied.

Weapons with the worn property are equipped similarly to armour, by strapping them firmly to the body. It takes up to 1 minute to don or doff the weapon and you can do it as part of donning or doffing armour. The GM may allow you to skip the required time if you ignore the worn property of the weapon.

While the weapon benefits from the worn property, it cannot be disarmed unless the attack or skill check is a critical hit.

Special Materials

You can build a double weapon with each head made of a different special material.


Adamantine is an ultra-hard metal found in extraordinary mineral veins. Items without metal parts cannot be made from adamantine. Weapons normally made of steel that are made out of adamantine have one-third more hit points than normal. Adamantine has 40 hit points per inch of thickness and DR 20 (see Chapters 8 and 9).

Melee weapons made of adamantine are unusually effective when used to break objects. Whenever an adamantine weapon hits an object, the hit is a critical hit. The adamantine version of a melee weapon costs 3000 gp more than the normal version.


Mithril is a very rare silvery, glistening metal that is lighter than steel but just as hard. When worked like steel, it is occasionally used for weapons.

A weapon made from mithril costs an additional 500 gp per pound of weight in steel and weighs half as much. Items not primarily of metal are not meaningfully affected by being partially made of mithril. Mithril weapons count as silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and an unwieldy weapon made of mithril can make opportunity attacks even if the wielder took the attack action and used all of their attacks for that round. Additionally, the weapon's Str/Dex requirement is reduced by 2.

Mithril has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and DR 15.

Ranged Weapons

Damage types are represented by icons: for bludgeoning, for piercing and for slashing damage.

Simple Muscle-Powered Ranged Weapons
Name Cost Damage Weight Range Properties
Blowgun 10 gp 1 1 lb. 25/100 Ammunition, load, non-lethal
Dart 5 cp 1d4 ¼ lb. 20/60 Light, non-lethal, thrown
Sling 1 sp 1d4 / 30/120 Non-lethal, pellets
Pellet Bow 15 gp 1d4 / 2 lb. 40/160 Non-lethal, pellets, two-handed
Hunting Bow 25 gp 1d6 2 lb. 80/320 Ammunition, two-handed
Martial Bows
  • The 'longbows' presented here are consistent with the tabletop RPG concept of a longbow and represent 3 to 4-foot bows. A full sized, 6-foot english longbow is best treated as a greatbow.
  • All martial bows have the ammunition, brutal 1 and two-handed properties, in addition to those listed below.
Name Cost Damage Weight Range Properties
Self Shortbow 30 gp 1d6 2 lb. 90/360 Strength 7
Composite Shortbow 75 gp 1d8 2 lb. 150/600 Strength 9
Recurve Composite Shortbow 150 gp 1d10 3 lb. 300/1200 Strength 11
Self Longbow 50 gp 1d8 2 lb. 150/600 Strength 9, tall, unwieldy
Composite Longbow 100 gp 1d10 3 lb. 300/1200 Strength 11, tall, unwieldy
Recurve Composite Longbow 200 gp 1d12 3 lb. 500/2000 Strength 13, tall, unwieldy
Greatbow 150 gp 1d12 3 lb. 500/2000 Strength 13, tall, unwieldy, volley
Orc Hornbow 130 gp 2d6 3 lb. 80/320 Strength 15
Simple Crossbows
Name Cost Damage Weight Range Properties
Blade Crossbow 35 gp 2d2 / 4 lb. 40/160 Ammo, caliber 2, load 1, stock, two-handed
Pellet Crossbow 20 gp 1d6 / 4 lb. 40/160 Ammo, load, pellets, stock, two-handed
Hand Crossbow 75 gp 1d6 2 lb. 30/120 Ammo, light, load, point-blank
Repeating Hand Crossbow 600 gp 1d6 3 lb. 30/120 Ammo 5, light, load 2, point-blank
Light Crossbow 25 gp 1d8 4 lb. 80/320 Ammo, load 1, stock, two-handed
Light Double Crossbow 50 gp 1d8 6 lb. 80/320 Ammo 2, load 2, stock, two-handed
Light Repeating Crossbow 250 gp 1d8 6 lb. 80/320 Ammo 5, load 2, two-handed
Heavy Crossbow 50 gp 1d10 8 lb. 100/400 Ammo, load 2, stock, two-handed, unwieldy
Heavy Double Crossbow 100 gp 1d10 12 lb. 100/400 Ammo 2, load 4, stock, two-handed, unwieldy
Heavy Repeating Crossbow 400 gp 1d10 12 lb. 100/400 Ammo 5, load 2, two-handed, unwieldy
Medieval Firearms

All medieval firearms have the misfire 2 and sunder 3 properties in addition to those listed below.

Name Cost Damage Weight Range Properties
Handgonne 240 gp 2d12 7 lb. 150/600 Ammo, load 4, two-handed
Two-Faced Gonne 370 gp 2d12 11 lb. 150/600 Ammo 2, load 8, two-handed, unwieldy
Ten-Eyed Gonne 920 gp 2d12 27 lb. 15/45 Ammo 2, shot 5, load 40, two-handed, unwieldy
Renaissance Firearms

All Renaissance Firearms have the Misfire(1) and Velocity properties in addition to those listed below.

Name Cost Damage Weight Range Properties
Wheellock Pistol 400 gp 1d10 3 lb. 200/800 Ammo, light, load 3, point-blank
Pocket Pistol 380 gp 1d8 ½ lb. 80/320 Ammo, concealed, light, load 3, point-blank
Flintlock Pistol 400 gp 2d10 3 lb. 200/800 Ammo, light, load 2, point-blank
Duck's Foot Pistol 550 gp 1d8 2 lb. 30/90 Ammo, shot 4, light, load 12, point-blank
Snaphaunce Pistol 250 gp 1d8 1 lb. 125/500 Ammo, light, load 3, point-blank
Tantsutsu 350 gp 1d12 5 lb. 125/500 Ammo, light, load 7, point-blank
Arquebus 300 gp 2d10 10 lb. 200/800 Ammo, load 9, stock, two-handed
Caliver 270 gp 2d10 7 lb. 250/1000 Ammo, caliber 1, load 9, stock, two-handed
Carbine 580 gp 2d12 7 lb. 250/1000 Ammo, caliber 1, load 6, stock, two-handed
Flintlock Carbine 490 gp 2d12 4 lb. 200/800 Ammo, load 6, stock, two-handed
Fusil Ordinaire 300 gp 2d12 7 lb. 200/800 Ammo, caliber 1, load 6, stock, two-handed
Matchlock Musket 350 gp 2d12 21 lb. 300/1000 Ammo, caliber 2, load 9, stock, two-handed
Flintlock Musket 400 gp 2d12 13 lb. 300/1000 Ammo, caliber 2, load 3, stock, two-handed
Puckle Gun 3600 gp 2d12 90 lb. 150/600 Ammo 9, load 14, tripod, two-handed
Teppo 340 gp 1d10 9 lb. 150/600 Ammo, load 9, stock, two-handed
Wall Gun 850 gp 2d12 28 lb. 300/1000 Ammo, caliber 3, load 6, tripod, two-handed
Winged Tiger Gun 440 gp 2d10 7 lb. 150/600 Ammo 3, load 27, stock, two-handed
Breechloading Carbine 540 gp 2d10 9 lb. 150/1500 Ammo, load 1, stock, two-handed
Jäger Rifle 600 gp 2d10 11 lb. 200/2000 Ammo, caliber 1, load 9, stock, two-handed
Double Jäger Rifle 1000 gp 2d10 20 lb. 200/2000 Ammo 2, caliber 1, load 18, stock, two-handed
Blunderbuss 330 gp 2d8 11 lb. 30/90 Ammmo, shot 3, load 2, stock, two-handed
Single Fowling Piece 270 gp 1d6 10 lb. 30/90 Ammo, shot 5, load 6, stock, two-handed
Double Fowling Piece 340 gp 1d6 17 lb. 30/90 Ammo 2, shot 5, load 12, stock, two-handed
Industrial Firearms

All Industrial Firearms have the Velocity property in addition to those listed below.

Name Cost Damage Weight Range Properties
Derringer 400 gp 1d10 ½ lb. 200/2000 Ammo 2, concealed, load 1, light, point-blank
Revolver 600 gp 2d8 2½ lb. 400/4000 Ammo 6, load 2, light, point-blank
Rifle-Musket 600 gp 2d10 9 lb. 2000/6000 Ammo, caliber 2, load 2, stock, two-handed
Cartridge Rifle 800 gp 2d10 6 lb. 2000/6000 Ammo, caliber 3, load, stock, two-handed
Lever-Action Carbine 2400 gp 2d8 7 lb. 1500/9000 Ammo 7, caliber 3, load 3, stock, two-handed
Double Barrelled Shotgun 1800 gp 2d8 10 lb. 30/90 Ammo 2, shot 5, load 1, stock, two-handed, unwieldy
Ammunition Types
Name Cost (×20) Weight (×20) Weapon Properties
Blowgun Needle 4 sp ½ lb. Blowgun
Sling Pellet 4 cp 1½ lb. Sling Can find 10 for free when searching for 1 hour.
Tumbled Pellet 1 sp 1 lb. Sling Double the near range of the sling or pellet weapon
Arrow 1 gp 1 lb. Bow
Bolt 1 gp 1½ lb. Crossbow
Bullet 20 gp ½ lb. Gun
Shot 20 gp ½ lb. Gun Used by ranged weapons with shot property
Ammunition Modifiers
Name Cost (×1) Cost (×20) Properties
Acid 40 gp 800 gp +1d4 acid damage
Adamantine +60 gp +1200 gp Objects are critically hit
Barbed +5 cp +1 gp Grappling, attaches to rope
Bodkin +5 cp +1 gp Sunder 1
Broadhead +5 cp +1 gp Vicious
Dye +0 gp +0 gp No damage, marks the target with colour
Fire 50 gp 1000 gp +1d4 fire damage
Silver +2 gp +40 gp Overcomes some damage resistances
Smoke 10 gp 200 gp Creates a 5 ft cube of smoke.
Tanglefoot 20 gp 400 gp No damage, restraining (Legs)
Trip 25 gp 500 gp No damage, Trip
Long Range Aiming

Even if a weapon's long range is listed as over 1000 feet, you cannot aim beyond 1000 feet without optical, magical or divine aid.

Ranged Properties

Ammunition (Ammo)

A weapon that uses ammunition can only make ranged attacks if ammunition to shoot from the weapon is available. Each time that an attack is made with the weapon, one piece of ammunition is expended. Drawing the ammunition from a quiver, case, or other container is part of the attack.

Some ranged weapons can be loaded with an amount of ammunition equal to a listed value. As long as there is ammunition in the weapon, it may ignore the load property.

After battle, half of the expended ammunition can be recovered by taking a minute to search the battlefield. This does not apply to bullets.


Ranged weapons with the Caliber property deal additional damage when you shoot from an advantageous position. The following conditions allow you to add extra damage dice of the same damage type up to the value shown in parenthesis.

  • If your target is within 15 feet distance of you, the attack deals 1 additional damage die
  • For each 3 points by which you beat the target's Dexterity defence, the attack deals 1 additional damage die.


Weapons with the Concealed property can be hidden from plain sight until wielded or used. You can use your Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) skill to hide the weapon.


Light weapons are small and easy to handle, making them ideal for use when fighting with two weapons (see the rules for two-weapon fighting in chapter 9).

A light weapon can also be used effectively while the wielder is prone or supine. Creatures that attack with a light weapon while prone or supine do not suffer disadvantage on their attack roll, if they are proficient with the weapon.

The light weapon property includes the effects of the finesse weapon property. The close weapon property includes the effects of the light weapon property.


Because of the time required to load this weapon, you can fire only one piece of ammunition from it per round, regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.

Some weapons take longer to reload and you must spend a number of attacks to reload equal to the listed value.


Whenever you make an attack roll with a ranged weapon with the misfire property and the attack roll is equal to or lower than the weapon’s misfire value, the weapon misfires. The attack misses, and the weapon cannot be used again until you spend an action to try and clean or repair it.

To repair a firearm, you must make a successful Tinker’s Tools check (DC equal to 8 + misfire score). If your check fails, the weapon is unusable until the end of combat and may need to be mended out of combat at a quarter of the cost of the firearm (GM's discretion). Creatures who use a firearm without being proficient increase the weapon’s misfire by 1.


Non-lethal weapons are designed to incapacitate a target without killing it. Weapons with this property deal their full damage when dealing non-lethal damage.


This weapon uses free ammunition, such as stones, which do not leave a trace of the direction they were shot from unless the victim is alive to notice, or the wound is inspected with a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check, or the environment is searched with a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check.

Point Blank

Ranged weapons with the Point Blank property allow for exact precision when pointing at nearby targets. Attacks with ranged weapons that have this property do not suffer disadvantage when made within 5 feet of a hostile creature.


A ranged weapon with the shot property spreads multiple fragments in a cone at short range. Both the weapon and the ammunition must have the shot property.

If the target is within the normal range increment you can select a number of secondary targets within 5 feet of the primary target up to the value in parenthesis. The primary target cannot be selected as secondary target. Secondary targets behind the primary target or behind another secondary target cannot be selected. Make one attack and damage roll to apply to all targets.

If the target is within 5 feet reach instead of selecting secondary targets, the primary target takes additional damage. Roll additional damage dice equal to the listed value.

Shot attacks with this weapon do not add your ability modifier to damage unless the modifier is negative.


Ranged weapons with the Stock property can improve your aim when set on firm ground.

If you lay prone (but not supine) and make a ranged attack with it, you can ignore disadvantage when shooting at long range (but no further than 1000 feet), but you suffer disadvantage if you shoot at targets within close range.


Ranged weapons with the Strength property require raw strength to draw the string. You must have the minimum Strength score as shown in parenthesis in order to use them.


Attempting to shoot a tall weapon from horseback imparts disadvantage on the attack roll.


Attempting to fire this weapon without a tripod imparts disadvantage on the attack roll.


Small creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls with unwieldy weapons. An unwieldy weapon's size and bulk make it too large for a Small creature to use effectively.

Additionally, if you take the attack action with an unwieldy weapon and use all of your attacks for that round, then hostile creatures leaving your reach do not have to make a defence check to avoid taking damage from an opportunity attack.


Advanced firearms shoot projectiles at a higher velocity than all other ranged weapons. While causing less bleeding than arrows, bullets deal more trauma and are very effective at killing quickly. When rolling for damage, roll one additional weapon die then remove the die with the lowest result.

When using weapons with the Velocity property the target does not benefit from any DR from armour components with the Hard property.


Weapons with the Volley property are less effective at close distances. Your attacks against targets that are within 30 feet from you suffer disadvantage.

Optical Scope

Firearms with ranges above 1000 feet require optical scopes for extreme range increments. Your weapon must have an optical or magical attachment costing a minimum of 100gp per 1000 feet increment beyond the natural limit of 1000 feet.

If you have not moved since the end of your last turn, you can use an action to aim down the scope of a firearm that has this trait at a specific target. Once you do so, you are incapacitated and your speed becomes 0 until the start of your next turn. However, the first attack you make against the target at the start of your next turn can extend beyond the 1000 feet natural range, and ignore disadvantage on your attack roll from long range.

Lodged Arrows and Bullets

When you are hit by a ranged weapon using arrow projectiles and it causes you to suffer an injury, the arrow lodges deep into your body. Anytime you use your action during your turn with one or several lodged arrows in you, you take 1d4 piercing damage. Removing a lodged arrow is an action. You can use your action to remove the arrow, make a DC 10 Wisdom (Medicine) check. If you fail, the arrow breaks and the arrowhead remains in your body.

When you are hit by a ranged weapon using bullet projectiles and it causes you to suffer an injury, the whole bullet or a fragment of it remains lodged in your body. Normal bullets leave one fragment while shot bullets leave 1d4 fragments. Having arrows or fragments of bullets in your body will elicit a foreign body reaction and become encapsulated by connective tissue unless removed. Until all fragments are removed, you always take the minimum roll amount of healing from restorative abilities, magical healing or using hit dice during rest.

To remove all fragments left by bullets in your body, you or an ally must spend one use of a Healer's Kit and make a Wisdom (Medicine) skill check at DC 10 + the number of lodged pieces lodged in your body (maximum DC 20). If the check fails, you can still remove any amount of fragments but you lose 1 hit point for each fragment removed. The manipulation takes 1 minute per fragment removed.

If you do not have Healer's Kit available, you can use a blade or even your fingers to attempt to remove fragments lodged in your body. If you choose to do so the DC is 12 + the number of fragments lodged in your body (maximum DC 20) and if you fail, you can remove any number of fragments but you lose 1d4 hit points for each fragment removed. The manipulation takes 2 minutes per fragment removed.

Siege Weapons

These Siege Weapons rules recreate the brutal reality of siege weapon impact from a creature point of view. As such, damages are balanced towards realism and do not consider player survivability a priority. An impact with a siege weapon is intended to cause instant death or severe injuries beyond those of adventuring life. You have been warned!

In a campaign where siege warfare is essential, the GM should introduce Siege Weapon proficiency. Players can receive it as part of their background instead of another tool proficiency, or spend downtime days and gold to learn it.

Medieval Direct Firing Mechanical Artillery
Name Cost DT/HP Aim Range Damage Crew Load Size Weight
Ballista, 1-lb. 1,960 gp 10/50 +10 750/900 4d10 1 2 Medium 1/2
Ballista, 2-lb. 2,450 gp 10/50 +9 750/950 5d10 1 3 Medium 1/2
Ballista, 5-lb. 2,940 gp 10/50 +9 800/1000 6d10 1 3 Medium 1
Ballista, 10-lb. 3,430 gp 10/50 +8 850/1100 7d10 1 4 Large 1
Ballista, 15-lb. 3,920 gp 15/50 +8 900/1100 8d10 1 6 Large 1
Ballista, 20-lb. 4,410 gp 15/50 +8 900/1200 9d10 1 7 Large 1
Ballista, 30-lb. 4,900 gp 15/50 +7 950/1250 10d10 2 18 Large 2
Ballista, 60-lb. 5,880 gp 20/50 +7 950/1300 12d10 3 27 Huge 4
Ballista, 180-lb. 7,840 gp 20/50 +6 1000/1300 16d10 6 66 Huge 12
Carroballista, .5-lb. 1,470 gp 10/50 +10 650/800 3d8 1 1 Large 1/2
Gastraphetes, 1-lb. 1,470 gp 10/50 +10 950/1200 3d8 1 3 Compact
Gastraphetes, 4-lb. 2,450 gp 10/50 +7 900/1100 5d8 1 6 Medium 1/5
Scorpion, 27", .5-lb. 1,470 gp 10/50 +10 650/850 3d8 1 1 Medium 1/3
Scorpion, 36", 1.2-lb. 1,960 gp 15/50 +9 700/900 4d8 1 2 Large 1/2
Scorpion, 45", 2.25-lb. 2,450 gp 15/50 +8 750/950 5d8 1 3 Large 1
Scorpion, 54" 4-lb. 2,940 gp 20/50 +7 750/950 6d8 1 4 Huge 1
Scorpion, 72" 10-lb. 3,430 gp 20/50 +6 800/1050 7d8 1 5 Huge 1
Arbalest, 0.5-lb. 1,470 gp 10/50 +2 1100/1400 3d8 1 4 Medium 1/3
Springald 2-lb. 2,450 gp 10/50 +5 250/350 5d8 1 3 Medium 1
Medieval Indirect Firing Mechanical Artillery
Name Cost DT/HP Aim Range Damage Crew Load Size Weight
Petrobolos, 5-lb. 2,900 gp 10/75 +9 750/950 5d10 1 6 Large 1/2
Petrobolos, 40-lb. 6,380 gp 15/75 +7 1000/1250 11d10 2 18 Huge 3
Monankon, 15-lb. 6,960 gp 15/75 +4 400/1300/1650 12d10 2 18 Huge 2
Mangonel, 2-lb. 4,060 gp 10/75 +5 45/150/200 7d10 15 30 Large 1/5
Mangonel, 5-lb. 4,640 gp 10/75 +4 50/150/200 8d10 30 60 Large 1/3
Mangonel, 10-lb. 5,800 gp 15/75 +4 50/150/200 10d10 50 100 Huge 1
Mangonel, 30-lb. 7,540 gp 20/75 +3 55/150/200 13d10 100 200 Huge 2
Mangonel, Weighted, 5-lb. 4,640 gp 10/75 +5 100/300/400 8d10 30 270 Large 1
Mangonel, Weighted, 10-lb. 5,800 gp 15/75 +5 100/300/400 10d10 50 450 Huge 1
Trebuchet, Small, 25-lb. 7,540 gp 15/75 +3 250/800/1000 13d10 25 1225 Huge 10
Trebuchet, Large, 80-lb. 10,440 gp 15/150 +2 270/850/1100 18d10 30 2220 Gargantuan 25
Trebuchet, Hinged, 25-lb. 6,960 gp 20/75 +3 450/1450/1800 12d10 25 1225 Huge 8
Trebuchet, Hinged, 80-lb. 9,860 gp 20/150 +3 500/1500/2000 17d10 30 2220 Gargantuan 22
Medieval Gunpowder Artillery
Name Cost DT/HP Aim Range Damage Crew Load Size Weight
Rocket, 1.2-lb. 100 gp —/25 +4 0/2500 2d12 1 2 Compact
Bombard, 50-lb. 5,850 gp 15/75 +1 250/1650 13d12 4 36 Large 1
Bombard, 430-lb. 16,200 gp 20/75 +1 400/2200 36d12 4 36 Huge 8
Crapaudeau .12-lb. 450 gp 15/50 +4 50/500 1d12 4 36 Large 1/5
Veuglaire 2.5-lb. 1,800 gp 15/50 +4 150/1050 4d12 4 36 Large 1/3
Renaissance Gunpowder Artillery
Name Cost DT/HP Aim Range Damage Crew Load Size Weight
Rabinet, 0.6-lb. 2,000 gp 15/50 +6 270/2550 5d12 1 9 Large 1/5
Falconet, 1.5-lb. 2,800 gp 15/150 +5 350/3000 7d12 1 9 Large 1/4
Falcon, 3-lb. 4,000 gp 15/75 +5 400/3900 10d12 1 9 Large 1/3
Saker, 10-lb. 6,000 gp 15/75 +5 650/5700 15d12 3 27 Large 1
Culverin, 30-lb. 9,600 gp 15/75 +4 900/6500 24d12 6 66 Large 2
Cannon, 80-lb. 12,000 gp 15/75 +5 1050/7800 30d12 12 192 Huge 3
Field Cannon, support, 3-lb. 5,600 gp 15/100 +6 600/5400 14d12 1 9 Large 1/2
Field Cannon, large, 12-lb. 9,600 gp 15/100 +5 900/7200 24d12 5 45 Huge 2
Field Cannon, fort, 24-lb. 12,000 gp 20/150 +4 1100/8100 30d12 7 77 Huge 4
Ship's Gun, 4-lb. 7,200 gp 15/100 +6 810/6900 18d12 2 18 Large 1/2
Ship's Gun, 9-lb. 9,600 gp 15/100 +5 900/7200 24d12 4 36 Huge 2
Ship's Gun, 18-lb. 11,200 gp 20/150 +4 1000/7800 28d12 6 66 Huge 3
Ship's Gun, 42-lb. 14,400 gp 20/150 +3 1100/8400 36d12 11 154 Huge 4
Swivel Gun, 2.5-lb. 2,400 gp 15/50 +3 250/2700 6d12 1 3 Large 1/5
Crouching Tiger Gun, 1.2-lb. 2,400 gp 15/150 +2 200/1650 6d12 4 36 Large 1/5
Long-Range Awe-Gun 3-lb. 2,800 gp 20/200 +2 400/3600 7d12 4 36 Large 1/2
Ammo Type Cost Weapon Type & Effect
Bolt 6 sp/lb. Impaling
Boulder 2 sp/lb. Crushing
Ammo Type Cost Weapon Type & Effect
Stone cannonball 2 gp/lb. Explosive, Medieval
Iron Cannonball 8 sp/lb. Explosive, Renaissance
Extra Effect Cost Weapon Type & Effect
Burning +50 gp Target or area starts burning 1d6/round for rounds equal to weapon dice of attack.
Shrapnel +100 gp +3 to hit the Dexterity defence of creatures in AoE. A miss still deals half damage.

Siege Weapon Damage Types

Siege Weapons introduce three new types of damage: impaling, crushing and explosive.


Impaling damage is dealt by direct fire artillery such as the ballista. Their projectiles need to hit the target exactly to deal damage so they are best against immobile structures.


Crushing damage is dealt by indirect fire artillery such as the trebuchet. Their projectiles are large and bulky and threaten a small radius around the impact point. They can do damage to immobile structures even if they near miss, but creatures can attempt to evade to avoid any damage.


Explosive damage is dealt by gunpowder artillery such as the cannons. Their projectiles are shot at high velocity and they shatter and threaten a radius around the impact point. They can do damage to immobile structures even if they near miss, and creatures can attempt to evade to only take half damage.

Structures and Materials

Structures made of solid material have Damage Reduction based on the material they are made from. Subtract DR from any damage dealt to them unless they are vulnerable to the damage type. Their size determines the base siege defence and the smaller the target is, the harder it is to hit.

Material Vulnerable To... DR hp/foot
Wood Explosive, Impaling 5 120
Stone Explosive, Crushing 8 180
Iron/Steel 10 240

Siege Weapon Properties

Ammunition Weight

The ammunition caliber and weight (pounds per unit) are listed at the end of the siege weapon's name.

DT and HP

To make a melee or ranged attack against an immobile siege weapon you must make an attack roll of 10 or better. If you hit and you deal damage higher than the Damage Threshold (DT) the siege weapon takes normal damage, otherwise it takes no damage.


To fire a loaded siege weapon, you must make an Intelligence (Siege Weapons proficiency) skill check. Add the Aim bonus or penalty of the weapon to your roll.


Some siege weapons have three range values. The first value is the minimum range it can shoot at. The second and the third value are the Near and Long range.

Crew and Load

To load a siege weapon with a single unit of ammunition one or several creatures must commit a number of actions to clean and prepare the weapon to fire. Once actions equal to the load value are spent, the weapon is ready to fire.

Only a limited number of creatures can work on a siege weapon together, up to the Crew value.

Size and Weight

Size category defines how massive the weapon is. Compact weapons can be lifted with two hands and shot like ranged weapons. Huge or Gargantuan weapons require special platforms to be moved around, or need to be assembled by skilled personnel. When mounting such weapons inside a vehicle (such as a ship) the vehicle will have a limited number of weapon slots of specific size.

The Weight is represented by a number of horses required to pull a cart containing the weapon and roughly equals a US tonne (2000 pounds). Values of 1/2 or 1/3 means multiple weapon can be transported with a single cart, and is limited to weapons Large or smaller. When the value is 2 or more, a wagon capable of being pulled by several animals is needed, or the weapon must be disassembled and parts of it carried by several carts. Huge creatures (i.e. elephants) count as two horses but require special carts or platforms.

Siege Weapon Actions

Push/Move Weapon

When a siege weapon is built, assembled or placed stationary it is considered to be facing in a chosen direction (including diagonals). The weapon can only fire in that direction. Only if mounted on a mobile platform, vehicle or a living creature, its direction may change on command.

You can spend your action during combat to push or pull a siege weapon to change its direction of fire, or move it to a new position. To do this with a Large siege weapon you must have Strength score 13 or more and make a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check.

For each size category above Large, raise minimum Strength score by +2 and DC by 5. The GM may allow you to roll with advantage if the weapon has means to rotate or move (such as wheels) or impose a disadvantage if has large friction area and stationary.

Size Strength DC
Medium 15
Large 13 20
Size Strength DC
Huge 16 25
Gargantuan 19 30

A number of creatures that meet the Strength requirement can Help you, up to the Crew value of the siege weapon.

If you attempt to move to siege weapon and succeed, it can be moved up to half your speed if Large or smaller, or only by 5 feet if Huge. Gargantuan siege weapons cannot be moved without wheels, platforms or beasts of burden.

Once a siege weapon is moved or repositioned, it is no longer Aimed and all Aiming benefits are lost.


Aiming involves precise targetting or trajectory calculation that improve the odds of hitting the target. To Aim a siege weapon during combat, spend your action to make a DC 15 Intelligence (Siege Weapon proficiency) check. Only one creature can Aim with the same siege weapon, up to a number of times equal to its Intelligence modifier. On success, an effect is applied to the next Fire action:

Precise Targetting. You gain advantage to the next Fire action with the siege weapon. This advantage ignores the general rule for only one advantage to the roll. You can take this option multiple times, each time adding one more d20 die to your next Fire action.

Predict Positioning. When you fire a siege weapon that deals impaling or explosive damage against a target that moved during its previous turn (such as creature or a vehicle), you ignore defence bonuses from movement. Effect is ignored if the target chooses not to use its movement during any of its following turns prior the Fire action.

Calculate Trajectory. When you fire a siege weapon that deals crushing damage, it will ignore half and three quarters cover unless the cover is positioned above the target.

Collateral Damage. When you fire a siege weapon that deals explosive damage, instead of doing collateral damage on missing the defence by 2 or less, you do so on missing the defence by 4 or less.


Fire is either manual action or a given command to an ally who fires the siege weapon. Firing a siege weapon is not a ranged attack, and abilities and feats that benefit ranged attacks do not apply. After the weapon is fired, all Aiming benefits are lost.

You can either spend your action to fire a siege weapon. Make a Dexterity or Intelligence (Siege Weapon proficiency) check and add the weapon's Aim modifier. You must meet or beat the siege defence of the target.

The Aim action allows you to roll one or several extra d20 and take the highest result. You always hit if you roll more natural 20s than natural 1s with all dice.

The siege defence of the target is based on its size, movement, or evasion ability. Use the tables to calculate the defence by choosing a base and applying related modifiers.

Target Size Base Defence
Size Example Base Defence
Medium Humanoid, pile of munition 25
Large Siege weapon, small tent 20
Huge Single floor building 15
Gargantuan Two or three floor building 10
Colossal Temple, a large tower 7
Titanic Large castle 5
Target Mobility Modifier
Speed Example Near Range Long Range
Stationary Any building
20 ft. or less
Moving siege weapon +5 +10
30 ft. to 50 ft.
Squad of footmen +10 +15
Fast 55ft. or more Charging horsemen +15 +20
Target Armour Modifier
Speed Modifier
For each 3 points of natural armour +1
For each 2 point Dexterity bonus to armour +1
Cover Modifiers

For a structure or creature to benefit from cover, the cover should not be smaller than one size category below the size of the target.

Cover Visibility Modifier
Half Cover Night, fires illumination +2
Three Quarters Cover Night, clear moon +5
Almost Total Cover Night, cloudy +10

Damage Resolution


Siege weapons that deal impaling damage do so only if your Fire check is equal or greater than the siege defence of the target.


Siege weapons that deal crushing damage cause damage to all targets in radius of their impact point. The size of the affected area is based on the number of damage dice.

Size of Impact Area
Damage Dice Radius, ft
3–4 5ft.
5–7 10ft.
8–11 20ft.
Damage Dice Radius, ft
12–16 30ft.
17–30 60ft.
31+ 120ft.

Make an attack roll vs the Dexterity defence of all targets in the affected area. The attack bonus is based on the die size of the siege weapon (see table below). If the attack misses, the creature takes no damage.

Die Size Attack Bonus
d8 +1
d10 +3
Die Size Attack Bonus
d12 +5
d20 +7

Siege weapons that deal explosive damage cause damage to all targets in radius of their impact point. The size of the affected area and attack bonus are the same as those of siege weapons that deal crushing damage. However, creatures that are missed take half damage instead of no damage.

Siege weapons that deal explosive damage also cause a lot of collateral damage. Even if the siege weapon misses the Dexterity defence by 2 or less, it still hits. However, structures take half damage and creatures that are missed take no damage.

Siege Damage Injuries

For living creatures, a siege weapon impact is almost a death warrant. Not only you may die, but the prospects of finding remains of your body or being able to resurrected it may be uncertain.

If siege damage deals more than half your max hp and reduces you to 0 hit points, you suffer a siege injury. Roll on the Siege Injury table. Roll with advantage if the damage is impaling. Roll with disadvantage if the damage is explosive.

Strongholds & Followers

These weapons are compatible with Strongholds & Followers by MCDM Productions. To convert to S&F, the Power Bonus is equal to the number of dice of the weapon damage.

Adventuring Gear

This section describes items that have special rules or require further explanation.



Type Price Weight
Common 2 gp 2 lb.
Masterwork 50 gp 4 lb.
Carrier 25 gp 5 lb.
Hydration 40 gp 4 lb.
Weapon Rack 25 gp 5 lb.

A backpack is a leather pack carried on the back, typically with straps to secure it.

  • Backpack, Common This leather knapsack has one large pocket that closes with a buckled strap and holds about 2 cubic feet of material, or 30 pounds of equipment. Some may have one or more smaller pockets on the sides.
  • Backpack, Masterwork This backpack has numerous pockets for storing items that might be needed while adventuring. Hooks are included for attaching items such as canteens, pouches, or even a rolled-up blanket. It has padded bands that strap across the chest and the waist to distribute its weight more evenly. Like a common backpack, it can hold about 2 cubic feet of material in its main container, but is able to support up to 50 pounds of equipment. When wearing a masterwork backpack, treat your Strength score as +1 higher than normal when calculating your carrying capacity. A masterwork backpack requires an action to remove.
  • Backpack, Carrier Reinforced metal bars allow for this leather backpack to withstand a greater degree of stress than a traditional pack. Along with the standard backpack compartment, this pack has an additional pouch and harness at its top. Used together, the harness and pouch can safely contain a Tiny or smaller creature. While harnessed, the creature can’t leave the backpack or see outside of it; it takes a full-round action to remove the harness from a carried creature.
  • Backpack, Hydration This mostly leather backpack has a series of awkward metallic tubes, which run from the pack over your shoulders, and a small bladder at its base. A hydration backpack has a large pocket identical to that of a regular backpack that holds 2 cubic feet of material, while the bladder holds 1 gallon of liquid. The ends of the metal tubes can be positioned to allow you to easily dispense and drink liquid stored in the attached bladder. Consuming water in this way grants advantage on Constitution checks to avoid exhaustion while travelling.
  • Backpack, Weaponrack This leather backpack includes a small weapons rack. The rack holds up to four weapons, such as battleaxes, broadswords, maces, or short swords. Allies adjacent to you can retrieve a weapon from the rack as if they were simply drawing a weapon. Like a normal backpack, it can hold 2 cubic feet of material in its main compartment.

Crossbow Sling

5 sp, — lb. This light leather harness allows you to drop any weapon with the stock property and leave it hanging from your chest, instead of falling to the ground.

Light Cloak

5 gp, 1 lb. Light cloaks let you hide your face, shape and the contents of your hands. You benefit from advantage to Dexterity (Stealth) and (Sleight of Hand) checks to hide your identity (but not your presence) or items you are carrying in your hands. As long as you wear no Bulky armour, you appear unarmoured to others.

Healer's Kit

5 gp, 3 lb. This kit is a leather pouch containing bandages, salves, and splints. The kit has ten uses. As an action, you can expend one use of the kit to stabilize a creature that has 0 hit points, without needing to make a Wisdom (Medicine) check.

With a Healer's Kit you can also use the First Aid, Long Term Care and Resuscitate actions.

Surgeon's Kit

100 gp, 10 lb. This Kit contains scalpels, scissors, saws, grasping forceps, and vials of alcohol. You must be proficient in Medicine to use a Surgeon's Kit. A Surgeon's Kit lets you use the First Aid action and benefit from advantage to the Wisdom (Medicine) check. Also, you can attempt the Perform Surgery and Resuscitate actions.

A Surgeon's Kit can be refilled with 10 uses for 40 gold.


Given their insidious and deadly nature, poisons are illegal in most societies but are a favorite tool among assassins, draw, and other evil creatures.

Poisons come in the following four types.

Contact. A creature that touches contact poison with exposed skin suffers its effects.

Ingested. A creature must swallow an entire dose of ingested poison to suffer its effects. You might decide that a partial dose has a reduced effect, such as imposing disadvantage on the attack roll or dealing only half damage.

Inhaled. These poisons are powders or gases that take effect when inhaled. A single dose fills a 5-foot cube.

Injury. A creature that takes slashing or piercing damage from a weapon or piece of ammunition coated with injury poison is exposed to its effects.

Purchasing Poison

In some settings, strict laws prohibit the possession and use of poison, but a black-market dealer or unscrupulous apothecary might keep a hidden stash. Characters with criminal contacts might be able to acquire poison relatively easily. Other characters might have to make extensive inquiries and pay bribes before they track down the poison they seek.

The Poisons table gives suggested prices for single doses of various poisons.

Item Type Price per Dose
Assassin's blood Ingested 150 gp
Burnt othur fumes Inhaled 500 gp
Carrion crawler mucus Contact 200 gp
Dark elf poison Injury 200 gp
Essence of ether Inhaled 300 gp
Malice Inhaled 250 gp
Midnight tears Ingested 1,500 gp
Oil of taggit Contact 400 gp
Pale tincture Ingested 250 gp
Purple worm poison Injury 2,000 gp
Serpent venom Injury 200 gp
Torpor Ingested 600 gp
Truth serum Ingested 150 gp
Wyvern poison Injury 1,200 gp

Sample Poisons

Each type of poison has its own debilitating effects.

Assassin's Blood (Ingested). This poison makes an attack with a bonus of +0 vs the Constitution defence of any creature subjected to it. On a hit, the creature takes 6 (1d12) poison damage and is poisoned for 24 hours. On a miss, the creature takes half damage and isn't poisoned.

Burnt Othur Fumes (Inhaled). This poison makes an attack with a bonus of +3 vs the Constitution defence of any creature subjected to it. On a hit, the creature takes 10 (3d6) poison damage and is attacked again at the start of each of its turns. On each successive hit, the creature takes 3 (1d6) poison damage. After three misses, the poison ends.

Carrion Crawler Mucus (Contact). This poison must be harvested from a dead or incapacitated carrion crawler. The poison makes an attack with a bonus of +3 vs the Constitution defence of any creature subjected to it. On a hit, the creature is poisoned and paralysed for 1 minute. The creature is attacked again at the end of each of its turns. On a miss, the effect ends.

Drow Poison (Injury). This poison is typically made only by the Drow and only in a place far removed from sunlight. The poison makes an attack with a bonus of +3 vs the Constitution defence of any creature subjected to it. On a hit, the creature is poisoned for 1 hour. If the attack hits by 5 or more, the creature is also unconscious while poisoned in this way. The creature wakes up if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.

Essence of Ether (Inhaled). This poison makes an attack with a bonus of +5 vs the Constitution defence of any creature subjected it. On a hit, the creature is poisoned for 8 hours. The poisoned creature is unconscious, but wakes if it takes damage or if another creature takes an action to shake it awake.

Malice (Inhaled). This poison makes an attack with a bonus of +5 vs the Constitution defence of any creature subjected to it. On a hit, the creature is poisoned and blinded for 1 hour.

Midnight Tears (Ingested). A creature that ingests this poison suffers no effect until the stroke of midnight. If the poison has not been neutralised before then, then this poison makes an attack with a bonus of +7 vs the creature's Constitution defence. On a hit, the creature takes 31 (9d6) poison damage, or half as much damage on a miss.

Oil of Taggit (Contact). This poison makes an attack with a bonus of +3 vs the Constitution defence of any creature subjected it. On a hit, the creature is poisoned for 24 hours. The poisoned creature is unconscious. The creature wakes up if it takes damage.

Pale Tincture (Ingested). This poison makes an attack with a bonus of +6 vs the Constitution defence of any creature subjected to it. On a hit, the creature takes 3 (1d6) poison damage and becomes poisoned. The poisoned creature is attacked again every 24 hours, taking 3 (1d6) poison damage on a hit. Until this poison ends, the damage the poison deals can't be healed by any means. After seven misses, the effect ends and the creature can heal normally.

Purple Worm Poison (Injury). This poison must be harvested from a dead or incapacitated purple worm. The poison makes an attack with a bonus of +9 vs the Constitution defence of any creature subjected to it. On a hit, the creature takes 42 (12d6) poison damage, or half as much damage on a miss.

Serpent Venom (Injury). This poison must be harvested from a dead or incapacitated giant poisonous snake. The poison makes an attack with a bonus of +1 vs the Constitution defence of any creature subjected to it. On a hit, the creature takes 10 (3d6) poison damage, or half as much damage on miss.

Torpor (Ingested). This poison makes an attack with a bonus of +5 vs the Constitution defence of any creature subjected to it. On a hit, the creature is poisoned and incapacitated for 4d6 hours.

Truth Serum (Ingested). This poison makes an attack with a bonus of +1 vs the Constitution defence of any creature subjected to it. On a hit, the creature is poisoned for 1 hour. The poisoned creature can't knowingly speak a lie, as if under the effect of a zone of truth spell.

Wyvern Poison (Injury). This poison must be harvested from a dead or incapacitated wyvern. The poison makes an attack with a bonus of +5 vs the Constitution defence of any creature subjected to it. On a hit, the creature takes 24 (7d6) poison damage, or half as much damage on a miss.

Crafting and Harvesting Poison

During downtime between adventures, a character can use the crafting rules in the Player's Handbook to create basic poison if the character has proficiency with a poisoner's kit At your discretion, the character can craft other kinds of poison. Not all poison ingredients are available for purchase, and tracking down certain ingredients might form the basis of an entire adventure.

A character can instead attempt to harvest poison from a poisonous creature, such as a snake, wyvern, or carrion crawler. The creature must be incapacitated or dead, and the harvesting requires 1d6 minutes followed by a DC 20 Intelligence (Nature) check. (Proficiency with the poisoner's kit applies to this check if the character doesn't have proficiency in Nature.) On a successful check, the character harvests enough poison for a single dose. On a failed check, the character is unable to extract any poison. If the character fails the check by 5 or more, the character is subjected to the creature's poison.


A tool helps you to do something you couldn't otherwise do, such as craft or repair an item, forge a document, or pick a lock. Your species, class, background, or feats give you proficiency with certain tools. Proficiency with a tool allows you to add your proficiency bonus to any ability check you make using that tool. Tool use is not tied to a single ability, since proficiency with a tool represents broader knowledge of its use. For example, the GM might ask you to make a Dexterity check to carve a fine detail with your woodcarver's tools, or a Strength check to make something out of particularly hard wood.

Tools and Skills Together

Advantage. If the use of a tool and the use of a skill both apply to a check, a character proficient in both makes the check with advantage. In the tool descriptions that follow, this benefit is often expressed as additional insight (or something similar), which translates into an increased chance that the check will be a success.

Added Benefit. Characters who have both a relevant skill and a relevant tool proficiency gain an added benefit on a successful check. This benefit might be in the form of more detailed information, or could simulate the effect of a different sort of successful check. For example, a character proficient with mason’s tools makes a successful Wisdom (Perception) check to find a secret door in a stone wall. Not only does the character notice the door’s presence, but you decide that the tool proficiency entitles the character to an automatic success on an Intelligence (Investigation) check to determine how to open the door.

Tool Descriptions

Components. The first paragraph in each description gives details on what a set of supplies or tools is made up of. A character who is proficient with a tool knows how to use all of its component parts.

Skills. Every tool potentially provides advantage on a check when used in conjunction with certain skills, provided a character is proficient with the tool and the skill. As GM, you can allow a character to make a check using the indicated skill with advantage. Paragraphs that begin with skill names discuss these possibilities. In each of these paragraphs, the benefits apply only to someone who has proficiency with the tool, not someone who simply owns it.

With respect to skills, the system is mildly abstract in terms of what a tool proficiency represents; essentially, it assumes that a character who has proficiency with a tool also has learned about facets of the trade or profession that are not necessarily associated with the use of the tool.

In addition, you can consider giving a character extra information or an added benefit on a skill check. The text provides some examples and ideas.

Special Use. Proficiency with a tool usually has a particular special benefit, as described here.

Sample DCs. A table at the end of each section lists activities that a tool can be used to perform, and suggested DCs for the necessary ability checks.

Item Cost Weight
Artisan's Tools
    Alchemist's supplies 50 gp 8 lb.
    Brewer's supplies 20 gp 9 lb.
    Calligrapher's supplies 10 gp 5 lb.
    Carpenter's tools 8 gp 6 lb.
    Cartographer's tools 15 gp 6 lb.
    Cobbler's tools 5 gp 5 lb.
    Cook's utensils 1 gp 8 lb.
    Glassblower's tools 30 gp 5 lb.
    Jeweler's tools 25 gp 2 lb.
    Leatherworker's tools 5 gp 5 lb.
    Mason's tools 10 gp 8 lb.
    Painter's supplies 10 gp 5 lb.
    Potter's tools 10 gp 3 lb.
    Smith's tools 20 gp 8 lb.
    Tinker's tools 50 gp 10 lb.
    Weaver's tools 1 gp 5 lb.
    Woodcarver's tools 1 gp 5 lb.
Disguise kit 25 gp 3 lb.
Forgery kit 15 gp 5 lb.
Gaming Sets
    Dice set 1 sp -
    Dragonchess set 1 gp 1/2 lb.
    Playing card set 5 sp -
    Three-Dragon Ante set 1 gp -
Herbalism kit 5 gp 3 lb.
Musical Instruments
    Bagpipes 30 gp 6 lb.
    Drum 6 gp 3 lb.
    Dulcimer 25 gp 10 lb.
    Flute 2 gp 1 lb.
    Lute 35 gp 2 lb.
    Lyre 30 gp 2 lb.
    Horn 3 gp 2 lb.
    Pan flute 12 gp 2 lb.
    Shawm 2 gp 1 lb.
    Viol 30 gp 1 lb.
Navigator's tools 25 gp 2 lb.
Poisoner's kit 50 gp 2 lb.
Thieves' tools 25 gp 1 lb.
Vehicles (land or water) * *

Artisan's Tools

These special tools include the items needed to pursue a craft or trade. The table shows examples of the most common types of tools, each providing items related to a single craft. Proficiency with a set of artisan's tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make using the tools in your craft. Each type of artisan's tools requires a separate proficiency.

Alchemist’s Supplies

Alchemist’s supplies enable a character to produce useful concoctions, such as acid or alchemist’s fire.

Components. Alchemist’s supplies include two glass beakers, a metal frame to hold a beaker in place over an open flame, a glass stirring rod, a small mortar and pestle, and a pouch of common alchemical ingredients, including salt, powdered iron, and purified water.

Arcana. Proficiency with alchemist’s supplies allows you to unlock more information on Arcana checks involving potions and similar materials.

Investigation. When you inspect an area for clues, proficiency with alchemist’s supplies grants additional insight into any chemicals or other substances that might have been used in the area.

Alchemical Crafting. You can use this tool proficiency to create alchemical items. A character can spend money to collect raw materials, which weigh 1 pound for every 50 gp spent. The GM can allow a character to make a check using the indicated skill with advantage. As part of a long rest, you can use alchemist’s supplies to make one dose of acid, alchemist’s fire, antitoxin, oil, perfume, or soap. Subtract half the value of the created item from the total gp worth of raw materials you are carrying.

Alchemist’s Supplies
Activity DC
Create a puff of thick smoke 10
Identify a poison 10
Identify a substance 15
Start a fire 15
Neutralise acid 20

Brewer’s Supplies

Brewing is the art of producing beer. Not only does beer serve as an alcoholic beverage, but the process of brewing purifies water. Crafting beer takes weeks of fermentation, but only a few hours of work.

Components. Brewer’s supplies include a large glass jug, a quantity of hops, a siphon, and several feet of tubing.

History. Proficiency with brewer’s supplies gives you additional insight on Intelligence (History) checks concerning events that involve alcohol as a significant element.

Medicine. This tool proficiency grants additional insight when you treat anyone suffering from alcohol poisoning or when you can use alcohol to dull pain.

Persuasion. A stiff drink can help soften the hardest heart. Your proficiency with brewer’s supplies can help you ply someone with drink, giving them just enough alcohol to mellow their mood.

Potable Water. Your knowledge of brewing enables you to purify water that would otherwise be undrinkable. As part of a long rest, you can purify up to 6 gallons of water, or 1 gallon as part of a short rest.

Brewer’s Supplies
Activity DC
Detect poison or impurities in a drink 10
Identify alcohol 15
Ignore effects of alcohol 20

Calligrapher’s Supplies

Calligraphy treats writing as a delicate, beautiful art. Calligraphers produce text that is pleasing to the eye, using a style that is difficult to forge. Their supplies also give them some ability to examine scripts and determine if they are legitimate, since a calligrapher’s training involves long hours of studying writing and attempting to replicate its style and design.

Components. Calligrapher’s supplies include ink, a dozen sheets of parchment, and three quills.

Arcana. Although calligraphy is of little help in deciphering the content of magical writings, proficiency with these supplies can aid in identifying who wrote a script of a magical nature.

History. This tool proficiency can augment the benefit of successful checks made to analyze or investigate ancient writings, scrolls, or other texts, including runes etched in stone or messages in frescoes or other displays.

Decipher Treasure Map. This tool proficiency grants you expertise in examining maps. You can make an Intelligence check to determine a map’s age, whether a map includes any hidden messages, or similar facts.

Calligrapher’s Supplies
Activity DC
Identify writer of nonmagical script 10
Determine writer’s state of mind 15
Spot forged text 15
Forge a signature 20

Carpenter’s Tools

Skill at carpentry enables a character to construct wooden structures. A carpenter can build a house, a shack, a wooden cabinet, or similar items.

Components. Carpenter’s tools include a saw, a hammer, nails, a hatchet, a square, a ruler, an adze, a plane, and a chisel.

History. This tool proficiency aids you in identifying the use and the origin of wooden buildings and other large wooden objects.

Investigation. You gain additional insight when inspecting areas within wooden structures, because you know tricks of construction that can conceal areas from discovery.

Perception. You can spot irregularities in wooden walls or floors, making it easier to find trap doors and secret passages.

Stealth. You can quickly assess the weak spots in a wooden floor, making it easier to avoid the places that creak and groan when they’re stepped on.

Fortify. With 1 minute of work and raw materials, you can make a door or window harder to force open. Increase the DC needed to open it by 5.

Temporary Shelter. As part of a long rest, you can construct a lean-to or a similar shelter to keep your group dry and in the shade for the duration of the rest. Because it was fashioned quickly from whatever wood was available, the shelter collapses 1d3 days after being assembled.

Carpenter’s Tools
Activity DC
Build a simple wooden structure 10
Design a complex wooden structure 15
Find a weak point in a wooden wall 15
Pry apart a door 20

Cartographer’s Tools

Using cartographer’s tools, you can create accurate maps to make travel easier for yourself and those who come after you. These maps can range from large-scale depictions of mountain ranges to diagrams that show the layout of a dungeon level.

Components. Cartographer’s tools consist of a quill, ink, parchment, a pair of compasses, calipers, and a ruler.

Arcana, History, Religion. You can use your knowledge of maps and locations to unearth more detailed information when you use these skills. For instance, you might spot hidden messages in a map, identify when the map was made to determine if geographical features have changed since then, and so forth.

Nature. Your familiarity with physical geography makes it easier for you to answer questions or solve issues relating to the terrain around you.

Survival. Your understanding of geography makes it easier to find paths to civilisation, to predict areas where villages or towns might be found, and to avoid becoming lost. You have studied so many maps that common patterns, such as how trade routes evolve and where settlements arise in relation to geographic locations, are familiar to you.

Craft a Map. While traveling, you can draw a map as you go in addition to engaging in other activity.

Cartographer’s Tools
Activity DC
Determine a map’s age and origin 10
Estimate direction and distance to a landmark 15
Discern that a map is fake 15
Fill in a missing part of a map 20

Cobbler’s Tools

Although the cobbler’s trade might seem too humble for an adventurer, a good pair of boots will see a character across rugged wilderness and through deadly dungeons.

Components. Cobbler’s tools consist of a hammer, an awl, a knife, a shoe stand, a cutter, spare leather, and thread.

Arcana, History. Your knowledge of shoes aids you in identifying the magical properties of enchanted boots or the history of such items.

Investigation. Footwear holds a surprising number of secrets. You can learn where someone has recently visited by examining the wear and the dirt that has accumulated on their shoes. Your experience in repairing shoes makes it easier for you to identify where damage might come from.

Maintain Shoes. As part of a long rest, you can repair your companions’ shoes. For the next 24 hours, up to six creatures of your choice who wear shoes you worked on can travel up to 10 hours a day without rolling to avoid exhaustion.

Craft Hidden Compartment. With 8 hours of work, you can add a hidden compartment to a pair of shoes. The compartment can hold an object up to 3 inches long and 1 inch wide and deep. You make an Intelligence check using your tool proficiency to determine the Intelligence (Investigation) check DC needed to find the compartment.

Cobbler’s Tools
Activity DC
Determine a shoe’s age and origin 10
Find a hidden compartment in a boot heel 15

Cook’s Utensils

Adventuring is a hard life. With a cook along on the journey, your meals will be much better than the typical mix of hardtack and dried fruit.

Components. Cook’s utensils include a metal pot, knives, forks, a stirring spoon, and a ladle.

History. Your knowledge of cooking techniques allows you to assess the social patterns involved in a culture’s eating habits.

Medicine. When administering treatment, you can transform medicine that is bitter or sour into a pleasing concoction.

Survival. When foraging for food, you can make do with ingredients you scavenge that others would be unable to transform into nourishing meals.

Prepare Meals. As part of a short rest, you can prepare a tasty meal that helps your companions regain their strength. You and up to five creatures of your choice regain 1 extra hit point per Hit Die spent during a short rest, provided you have access to your cook’s utensils and sufficient food.

Cook’s Utensils
Activity DC
Create a typical meal 10
Duplicate a meal 10
Spot poison or impurities in food 15
Create a gourmet meal 15

Glassblower’s Tools

Someone who is proficient with glassblower’s tools has not only the ability to shape glass, but also specialised knowledge of the methods used to produce glass objects.

Components. The tools include a blowpipe, a small marver, blocks, and tweezers. You need a source of heat to work glass.

Arcana, History. Your knowledge of glassmaking techniques aids you when you examine glass objects, such as potion bottles or glass items found in a treasure hoard. For instance, you can study how a glass potion bottle has been changed by its contents to help determine a potion’s effects. (A potion might leave behind a residue, deform the glass, or stain it.)

Investigation. When you study an area, your knowledge can aid you if the clues include broken glass or glass objects.

Identify Weakness. With 1 minute of study, you can identify the weak points in a glass object. Any damage dealt to the object by striking a weak spot is doubled.

Glassblower’s Tools
Activity DC
Identify source of glass 10
Determine what a glass object once held 20

Jeweler’s Tools

Training with jeweler’s tools includes the basic techniques needed to beautify gems. It also gives you expertise in identifying precious stones.

Components. Jeweler’s tools consist of a small saw and hammer, files, pliers, and tweezers.

Arcana. Proficiency with jeweler’s tools grants you knowledge about the reputed mystical uses of gems. This insight proves handy when you make Arcana checks related to gems or gem-encrusted items.

Investigation. When you inspect jeweled objects, your proficiency with jeweler’s tools aids you in picking out clues they might hold.

Identify Gems. You can identify gems and determine their value at a glance.

Jeweler’s Tools
Activity DC
Modify a gem’s appearance 15
Determine a gem’s history 20

Leatherworker’s Tools

Knowledge of leatherworking extends to lore concerning animal hides and their properties. It also confers knowledge of leather armour and similar goods.

Components. Leatherworker’s tools include a knife, a small mallet, an edger, a hole punch, thread, and leather scraps.

Arcana. Your expertise in working with leather grants you added insight when you inspect magic items crafted from leather, such as boots and some cloaks.

Investigation. You gain added insight when studying leather items or clues related to them, as you draw on your knowledge of leather to pick out details that others would overlook.

Identify Hides. When looking at a hide or a leather item, you can determine the source of the leather and any special techniques used to treat it. For example, you can spot the difference between leather crafted using dwarven methods and leather crafted using halfling methods.

Leatherworker’s Tools
Activity DC
Modify a leather item’s appearance 10
Determine a leather item’s history 20

Mason’s Tools

Mason’s tools allow you to craft stone structures, including walls and buildings crafted from brick.

Components. Mason’s tools consist of a trowel, a hammer, a chisel, brushes, and a square.

History. Your expertise aids you in identifying a stone building’s date of construction and purpose, along with insight into who might have built it.

Investigation. You gain additional insight when inspecting areas within stone structures.

Perception. You can spot irregularities in stone walls or floors, making it easier to find trap doors and secret passages.

Demolition. Your knowledge of masonry allows you to spot weak points in brick walls. You deal double damage to such structures with your weapon attacks.

Mason’s Tools
Activity DC
Chisel a small hole in a stone wall 10
Find a weak point in a stone wall 15

Painter’s Supplies

Proficiency with painter’s supplies represents your ability to paint and draw. You also acquire an understanding of art history, which can aid you in examining works of art.

Components. Painter’s supplies include an easel, canvas, paints, brushes, charcoal sticks, and a palette.

Arcana, History, Religion. Your expertise aids you in uncovering lore of any sort that is attached to a work of art, such as the magical properties of a painting or the origins of a strange mural found in a dungeon.

Investigation, Perception. When you inspect a painting or a similar work of visual art, your knowledge of the practices behind creating it can grant you additional insight.

Painting and Drawing. As part of a short or long rest, you can produce a simple work of art. Although your work might lack precision, you can capture an image or a scene, or make a quick copy of a piece of art you saw.

Painter’s Supplies
Activity DC
Paint an accurate portrait 10
Create a painting with a hidden message 20

Potter’s Tools

Potter’s tools are used to create a variety of ceramic objects, most typically pots and similar vessels.

Components. Potter’s tools include potter’s needles, ribs, scrapers, a knife, and calipers.

History. Your expertise aids you in identifying ceramic objects, including when they were created and their likely place or culture of origin.

Investigation, Perception. You gain additional insight when inspecting ceramics, uncovering clues others would overlook by spotting minor irregularities.

Reconstruction. By examining pottery shards, you can determine an object’s original, intact form and its likely purpose.

Potter’s Tools
Activity DC
Determine what a vessel once held 10
Create a serviceable pot 15
Find a weak point in a ceramic object 20

Smith’s Tools

Smith’s tools allow you to work metal, heating it to alter its shape, repair damage, or work raw ingots into useful items.

Components. Smith’s tools include hammers, tongs, charcoal, rags, and a whetstone.

Arcana and History. Your expertise lends you additional insight when examining metal objects, such as weapons.

Investigation. You can spot clues and make deductions that others might overlook when an investigation involves armour, weapons, or other metalwork.

Repair. With access to your tools and an open flame hot enough to make metal pliable, you can restore 10 hit points to a damaged metal object for each hour of work.

Smith’s Tools
Activity DC
Sharpen a dull blade 10
Repair a suit of armour 15
Sunder a non-magical metal object 15

Tinker’s Tools

A set of tinker’s tools is designed to enable you to repair many mundane objects. Though you can’t manufacture much with tinker’s tools, you can mend torn clothes, sharpen a worn sword, and patch a tattered suit of chain mail.

Components. Tinker’s tools include a variety of hand tools, thread, needles, a whetstone, scraps of cloth and leather, and a small pot of glue.

History. You can determine the age and origin of objects, even if you have only a few pieces remaining from the original.

Investigation. When you inspect a damaged object, you gain knowledge of how it was damaged and how long ago.

Repair. You can restore 10 hit points to a damaged object for each hour of work. For any object, you need access to the raw materials required to repair it. For metal objects, you need access to an open flame hot enough to make the metal pliable.

Tinker’s Tools
Activity DC
Temporarily repair a disabled device 10
Repair an item in half the time 15
Improvise a temporary item using scraps 20

Weaver’s Tools

Weaver’s tools allow you to create cloth and tailor it into articles of clothing.

Components. Weaver’s tools include thread, needles, and scraps of cloth. You know how to work a loom, but such equipment is too large to transport.

Arcana, History. Your expertise lends you additional insight when examining cloth objects, including cloaks and robes.

Investigation. Using your knowledge of the process of creating cloth objects, you can spot clues and make deductions that others would overlook when you examine tapestries, upholstery, clothing, and other woven items.

Repair. As part of a short rest, you can repair a single damaged cloth object.

Craft Clothing. Assuming you have access to sufficient cloth and thread, you can create an outfit for a creature as part of a long rest.

Weaver’s Tools
Activity DC
Repurpose cloth 10
Mend a hole in a piece of cloth 10
Tailor an outfit 15

Woodcarver’s Tools

Woodcarver’s tools allow you to craft intricate objects from wood, such as wooden tokens or arrows.

Components. Woodcarver’s tools consist of a knife, a gouge, and a small saw.

Arcana, History. Your expertise lends you additional insight when you examine wooden objects, such as figurines or arrows.

Nature. Your knowledge of wooden objects gives you some added insight when you examine trees.

Repair. As part of a short rest, you can repair a single damaged wooden object.

Craft Arrows. As part of a short rest, you can craft up to five arrows. As part of a long rest, you can craft up to twenty. You must have enough wood on hand to produce them.

Woodcarver’s Tools
Activity DC
Craft a small wooden figurine 10
Carve an intricate pattern in wood 15

Disguise Kit

The perfect tool for anyone who wants to engage in trickery, this pouch of cosmetics, hair dye, and small props enables its owner to create disguises that change their physical appearance and adopt a false identiy. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to create a visual disguise.

Components. A disguise kit includes cosmetics, hair dye, small props, and a few pieces of clothing.

Deception. In certain cases, a disguise can improve your ability to weave convincing lies.

Intimidation. The right disguise can make you look more fearsome, whether you want to scare someone away by posing as a plague victim or intimidate a gang of thugs by taking the appearance of a bully.

Performance. A cunning disguise can enhance an audience’s enjoyment of a performance, provided the disguise is properly designed to evoke the desired reaction.

Persuasion. Folk tend to trust a person in uniform. If you disguise yourself as an authority figure, your efforts to persuade others are often more effective.

Create Disguise. As part of a long rest, you can create a disguise. It takes you 1 minute to don such a disguise once you have created it. You can carry only one such disguise on you at a time without drawing undue attention, unless you have a bag of holding or a similar method to keep them hidden. Each disguise weighs 1 pound.

At other times, it takes 10 minutes to craft a disguise that involves moderate changes to your appearance, and 30 minutes for one that requires more extensive changes.

Disguise Kit
Activity DC
Cover injuries or distinguishing marks 10
Spot a disguise being used by someone else 15
Copy a humanoid’s appearance 20

Forgery Kit

This small box contains a variety of papers and parchments, pens and inks, seals and sealing wax, gold and silver leaf and other supplies necessary to create convincing forgeries of physical documents, seals and signatures. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to create a physical forgery of a document.

Components. A forgery kit includes several different types of ink, a variety of parchments and papers, several quills, seals and sealing wax, gold and silver leaf, and small tools to sculpt melted wax to mimic a seal.

Arcana. A forgery kit can be used in conjunction with the Arcana skill to determine if a magic item is real or fake.

Deception. A well-crafted forgery, such as papers proclaiming you to be a noble or a writ that grants you safe passage, can lend credence to a lie.

History. A forgery kit combined with your knowledge of history improves your ability to create fake historical documents or to tell if an old document is authentic.

Investigation. When you examine objects, proficiency with a forgery kit is useful for determining how an object was made and whether it is genuine.

Other Tools. Knowledge of other tools makes your forgeries that much more believable. For example, you could combine proficiency with a forgery kit and proficiency with cartographer’s tools to make a fake map.

Quick Fake. As part of a short rest, you can produce a forged document no more than one page in length. As part of a long rest, you can produce a document that is up to four pages long. Your Intelligence check using a forgery kit determines the DC for someone else’s Intelligence (Investigation) check to spot the fake.

Forgery Kit
Activity DC
Mimic handwriting 15
Duplicate a wax seal 20

Gaming Set

This item encompasses a wide range of game pieces, including dice and decks of cards (for games such as Three-Dragon Ante). A few common examples appear on the Tools table, but other kinds of gaming sets exist. If you are proficient with a gaming set, you can add your proficiency bonus to ability checks you make to play a game with that set. Each type of gaming set requires a separate proficiency.

Components. A gaming set has all the pieces needed to play a specific game or type of game, such as a complete deck of cards or a board and tokens.

History. Your mastery of a game includes knowledge of its history, as well as of important events it was connected to or prominent historical figures involved with it.

Insight. Playing games with someone is a good way to gain understanding of their personality, granting you a better ability to discern their lies from their truths and read their mood.

Sleight of Hand. Sleight of Hand is a useful skill for cheating at a game, as it allows you to swap pieces, palm cards, or alter a die roll. Alternatively, engrossing a target in a game by manipulating the components with dexterous movements is a great distraction for a pickpocketing attempt.

Gaming Set
Activity DC
Catch a player cheating 15
Gain insight into an opponent’s personality 15

Herbalism Kit

This kit contains a variety of instruments such as clippers, mortar and pestle, and pouches and vials used by herbalists to create remedies and potions. The kit has ten uses. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to identify or apply herbs and to safely collect their useful elements. Also, proficiency with this kit is required to create antitoxin and potion of healing.

Components. An herbalism kit includes pouches to store herbs, clippers and leather gloves for collecting plants, a mortar and pestle, and several glass jars.

Arcana. Your knowledge of the nature and uses of herbs can add insight to your magical studies that deal with plants and your attempts to identify potions.

Investigation. When you inspect an area overgrown with plants, your proficiency can help you pick out details and clues that others might miss.

Medicine. Your mastery of herbalism improves your ability to treat illnesses and wounds by augmenting your methods of care with medicinal plants. With a Herbalist's Kit you can also use the Treat Poison and Treat Disease actions.

Nature and Survival. When you travel in the wild, your skill in herbalism makes it easier to identify plants and spot sources of food that others might overlook. You can refill one use of the Herbalist Kit with a Wisdom (Survival) check gathering herbs from their environment, with the DC based on their availability.

Identify Plants. You can identify most plants with a quick inspection of their appearance and smell.

Herbalism Kit
Activity DC
Find plants 15
Identify poison 20

Musical Instrument

Several of the most common types of musical instruments are shown on the table as examples. If you have proficiency with a given musical instrument, you can add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to play music with the instrument. A bard can use a musical instrument as a spellcasting focus, as described in chapter 10. Each type of musical instrument requires a separate proficiency.

Proficiency with a musical instrument indicates you are familiar with the techniques used to play it. You also have knowledge of some songs commonly performed with that instrument.

History. Your expertise aids you in recalling lore related to your instrument.

Performance. Your ability to put on a good show is improved when you incorporate an instrument into your act.

Compose a Tune. As part of a long rest, you can compose a new tune and lyrics for your instrument. You might use this ability to impress a noble or spread scandalous rumors with a catchy tune.

Musical Instrument
Activity DC
Identify a tune 10
Improvise a tune 20

Navigator's Tools

This set of instruments is used for navigation at sea. Proficiency with navigator's tools lets you chart a ship's course, follow navigation charts and helps you to determine a true course based on observing the stars. It also grants you insight into charts and maps while developing your sense of direction. In addition, these tools allow you to add your proficiency bonus to any ability check you make to avoid getting lost at sea.

Components. Navigator’s tools include a sextant, a compass, calipers, a ruler, parchment, ink, and a quill.

Survival. Knowledge of navigator’s tools helps you avoid becoming lost and also grants you insight into the most likely location for roads and settlements.

Sighting. By taking careful measurements, you can determine your position on a nautical chart and the time of day.

Navigator’s Tools
Activity DC
Plot a course 10
Discover your position on a nautical chart 15

Poisoner's Kit

A poisoner's kit includes the vials, chemicals, and other equipment necessary for the creation of poisons. It is a favored resource for thieves, assassins, and others who engage in skulduggery. It allows you to apply poisons and create them from various materials. Your knowledge of poisons also helps you treat them. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to craft or use poisons.

Components. A poisoner’s kit includes glass vials, a mortar and pestle, chemicals, and a glass stirring rod.

History. Your training with poisons can help you when you try to recall facts about infamous poisonings.

Investigation, Perception. Your knowledge of poisons has taught you to handle those substances carefully, giving you an edge when you inspect poisoned objects or try to extract clues from events that involve poison.

Medicine. When you treat the victim of a poison, your knowledge grants you added insight into how to provide the best care to your patient.

Nature, Survival. Working with poisons enables you to acquire lore about which plants and animals are poisonous.

Handle Poison. Your proficiency allows you to handle and apply a poison without risk of exposing yourself to its effects.

Poisoner’s Tools
Activity DC
Spot a poisoned object 10
Determine the effects of a poison 20

Thieves' Tools

This set of tools includes a small file, a set of lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle, a set of narrow-bladed scissors, and a pair of pliers. Proficiency with these tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any ability checks you make to disarm traps or open locks.

Perhaps the most common tools used by adventurers, thieves’ tools are designed for picking locks and foiling traps. Proficiency with the tools also grants you a general knowledge of traps and locks.

Components. Thieves’ tools include a small file, a set of lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle, a set of narrow-bladed scissors, and a pair of pliers.

History. Your knowledge of traps grants you insight when answering questions about locations that are renowned for their traps.

Investigation and Perception. You gain additional insight when looking for traps, because you have learned a variety of common signs that betray their presence.

Set a Trap. Just as you can disable traps, you can also set them. As part of a short rest, you can create a trap using items you have on hand. The total of your check becomes the DC for someone else’s attempt to discover or disable the trap. The trap deals damage appropriate to the materials used in crafting it (such as poison or a weapon) or damage equal to half the total of your check, whichever the GM deems appropriate.

Thieves’ Tools
Activity DC
Pick a lock Varies
Disable a trap Varies

Vehicles (Land or Water)

Proficiency with land vehicles covers a wide range of options, from chariots and howdahs to wagons and carts. Proficiency with water vehicles covers anything that navigates waterways. Proficiency with vehicles grants the knowledge needed to handle vehicles of that type, along with knowledge of how to repair and maintain them.

In addition, a character proficient with water vehicles is knowledgeable about anything a professional sailor would be familiar with, such as information about the sea and islands, tying knots, and assessing weather and sea conditions.

Arcana. When you study a magic vehicle, this tool proficiency aids you in uncovering lore or determining how the vehicle operates.

Investigation, Perception. When you inspect a vehicle for clues or hidden information, your proficiency aids you in noticing things that others might miss.

Vehicle Handling. When piloting a vehicle, you can apply your proficiency bonus to the vehicle’s defence.

Activity DC
Navigate rough terrain or waters 10
Assess a vehicle’s condition 15
Take a tight corner at high speed 20

Mounts and Vehicles

A good mount can help you move more quickly through the wilderness, but its primary purpose is to carry the gear that would otherwise slow you down. The Common Mounts and Pack Animals table shows each animal's speed and base carrying capacity. Each of these animals costs 50% more if combat trained. A warhorse is already combat trained.

An animal pulling a carriage, cart, chariot, sled, or wagon can move weight up to five times its base carrying capacity, including the weight of the vehicle. If multiple animals pull the same vehicle, they can add their carrying capacity together.

Mounts other than those listed here are available in the world, but they are rare and not normally available for purchase. These include flying mounts (pegasi, griffons, hippogriffs, and similar animals) and even aquatic mounts (giant sea horses, for example). Acquiring such a mount often means securing an egg and raising the creature yourself, making a bargain with a powerful entity, or negotiating with the mount itself.

Barding. Barding is armour designed to protect an animal's head, neck, chest, and body. Any type of armour shown on the Armour table in this chapter can be purchased as barding. The cost is four times the equivalent armour made for humanoids, and it weighs twice as much.

Saddles. A military saddle braces the rider, helping you keep your seat on an active mount in battle. It gives you advantage on any check you make to remain mounted. An exotic saddle is required for riding any aquatic or flying mount.

Vehicle Proficiency. If you have proficiency with a certain kind of vehicle (land or water), you can add your proficiency bonus to any check you make to control that kind of vehicle in difficult circumstances.

Rowed Vessels. Keelboats and rowboats are used on lakes and rivers. If going downstream, add the speed of the current (typically 3 miles per hour) to the speed of the vehicle. These vehicles can't be rowed against any significant current, but they can be pulled upstream by draft animals on the shores. A rowboat weighs 100 pounds, in case adventurers carry it over land.

Common Mounts and Pack Animals
Item Cost Speed Carrying Capacity
Camel 50 gp 50 ft. 480 lb.
Donkey or mule 8 gp 40 ft. 420 lb.
Elephant 200 gp 40 ft. 1,320 lb.
Horse, draft 50 gp 40 ft. 540 lb.
Horse, riding 75 gp 60 ft. 480 lb.
Mastiff 25 gp 40 ft. 195 lb.
Pony 30 gp 40 ft. 225 lb.
Warhorse 400 gp 60 ft. 540 lb.
Tack, Harness and Drawn Vehicles
Item Cost Weight
Barding x4 x2
Bit and bridle 2 gp l lb.
Carriage 100 gp 600 lb.
Cart 15 gp 200 lb.
Chariot 250 gp 100 lb.
Feed (per day) 5 cp 10 lb.
Saddle, exotic 60 gp 40 lb.
Saddle, military 20 gp 30 lb.
Saddle, pack 5 gp 15 lb.
Saddle, riding 10 gp 25 lb.
Saddlebags 4 gp 8 lb.
Sled 20 gp 300 lb.
Stabling (per day) 5sp -
Wagon 35 gp 400 lb.
Waterborne Vehicles
Item Cost Speed
Galley 30,000 gp 4 mph
Keelboat 3,000 gp 1 mph
Longship 10,000 gp 3 mph
Rowboat 50 gp l½ mph
Sailing ship 10,000 gp 2 mph
Warship 25,000 gp 2½ mph

Other Creatures

Aquatic Animals

Many of the following aquatic animals can be bought at seaside markets or from fisherfolk merchants out at sea. Pirates often make use of sharks, eels, and other nasty sea denizens when interrogating captured prisoners, searching for underwater traps, or retrieving sunken treasure. Some of the larger or rarer creatures, such as whales, are obviously much more difficult to find on the open market, and may only be available in seedy underground bazaars. Most aquatic animals can be trained as normal, though they are rarely sold already trained.

Animal Price
Blue whale 12,500 gp
Crimson whale 8,000 gp
Crocodile 55 gp
Dolphin 105 gp
Dwarf caiman 7 gp
Electric eel 125 gp
Gar 90 gp
Giant frog 75 gp
Giant gar 1,200 gp
Giant moray eel 1,000 gp
Giant octopus 1,800 gp
Giant squid 2,500 gp
Giant toad 150 gp
Great white whale 12,600 gp
Manta ray 25 gp
Marine iguana 6 gp
Narwhal 350 gp
Orca 1,350 gp
Sea krait 5 gp
Seal 45 gp
Shark 325 gp
Squid 25 gp
Stingray 18 gp
Whale 10,000 gp

Dinosaurs and Megafauna

The following animals are classified as either dinosaurs or megafauna, and garner a significantly higher price than most animals on the open market. The prices listed are for dinosaurs and megafauna that have been reared from birth in order to serve as pets or mounts. Combat-trained dinosaurs and megafauna are incredibly rare and have similarly extravagant costs (if one can even find a seller). Though not normally readily available, combat-trained dinosaurs and megafauna typically cost an amount equal to 1-1/2 × the price of the standard animal.

Animal Price
Allosaurus 3,850 gp
Ankylosaurus 3,000 gp
Archelon 1,750 gp
Arsinoitherium 3,150 gp
Baluchitherium 4,800 gp
Basilosaurus 10,200 gp
Brachiosaurus 9,000 gp
Compsognathus 25 gp
Deinonychus 600 gp
Dimetrodon 600 gp
Elasmosaurus 3,500 gp
Glyptodon 2,700 gp
Iguanodon 2,700 gp
Megalania 3,500 gp
Megaloceros 800 gp
Megatherium 1,750 gp
Pachycephalosaurus 1,000 gp
Parasaurolophus 1,200 gp
Pteranodon 750 gp
Spinosaurus 11,000 gp
Stegosaurus 4,200 gp
Triceratops 5,600 gp
Tylosaurus 4,000 gp
Tyrannosaurus 8,100 gp

Dire Animals

These feral beasts are all but untamable, and are typically only sought out by violent brawlers or cruel lords, either for brutish protection or to pit against equally vicious creatures in violent animal fights. At the GM’s discretion, PCs who acquire dire animals may be required to attempt Animal Handling checks every day to keep their pets from running away or attacking them and their allies. Dire animals are not generally suitable as mounts, though the GM may make exceptions at their discretion.

Animal Price
Dire ape 450 gp
Dire badger 125 gp
Dire bat 220 gp
Dire bear 1,750 gp
Dire boar 370 gp
Dire crocodile 2,700 gp
Dire hyena 250 gp
Dire lion 1,000 gp
Dire shark 3,375 gp
Dire tiger 1,055 gp
Dire wolf 380 gp
Dire wolverine 500 gp

Other Mounts

When reared from birth, the following animals can easily be ridden by Small or Medium humanoids, depending on the riding animal’s size. In addition, most of these animals can be purchased already trained for combat.

Animal Price Price if Combat Trained
Aurochs 300 gp 450 gp
Bison 50 gp 75 gp
Boar 100 gp 150 gp
Elk 100 gp 150 gp
Giant chameleon 225 gp 350 gp
Giant frilled lizard 375 gp 550 gp
Giant gecko 100 gp 150 gp
Giant owl 6,000 gp 9,000 gp
Giant vulture 750 gp 1,125 gp
Goblin dog 35 gp 50 gp
Lion 200 gp 300 gp
Ram 25 gp 50 gp
Rhinoceros 1,000 gp 1,500 gp
Roc 7,200 gp 10,800 gp
Tiger 325 gp 500 gp
Woolly rhinoceros 2,000 gp 3,000 gp


The following reared animals don’t fit into one of the aforementioned categories, but can still be purchased by sellers who have access to them. Some may be purchased already combat-trained at the GM's discretion, and typically cost an amount equal to 1-1/2 × the price of the standard animal.

Animal Price
Antelope 45 gp
Baboon 15 gp
Behemoth hippopotamus 7,900 gp
Cheetah 160 gp
Constrictor snake 90 gp
Dodo 5 gp
Eagle 40 gp
Emperor cobra 1,600 gp
Giant anaconda 6,300 gp
Giant porcupine 135 gp
Giant skunk 190 gp
Giant snapping turtle 5,200 gp
Gorilla 175 gp
Great horned owl 22 gp
Grizzly bear 740 gp
Hippopotamus 1,050 gp
Hyena 80 gp
Kangaroo 30 gp
Leopard 100 gp
Mongoose 4 gp
Monitor lizard 150 gp
Osprey 45 gp
Poison frog 60 gp
Porcupine 5 gp
Snail kite 18 gp
Snapping turtle 5 gp
Thylacine 18 gp
Toucan 40 gp
Vulture 30 gp
Wolf 100 gp
Wolverine 125 gp

Whenever a party with an accompanying pet moves to a new scene in the adventure, somebody has to ask "What is [pet] doing?" Failure to do this means that the pet wanders off and upon realising this, a d20 must be rolled to determine what random event has happened.

d20 Pet Action
1 The worst thing possible at that moment.
2 Eat something nearby
(could be just found, stolen or even poisonous).
3 Run off ahead
(if any traps are ahead then roll to avoid).
4 Looking for affection (PC or NPC).
5 Barks loudly (nearby creatures are alerted).
6 Finds somewhere to urinate.
7 Bites someone
(roll random target who the pet doesn't like).
8 Fetch an item with no value.
9 Perform a trick
(works as a performance check and can distract).
10 Runs around the area knocking things over
(has to be grabbed by someone).
11 Buries something (can be an unsecured inventory item or an item found/stolen nearby).
12 Fetch something of low value.
13 Run away from everyone (avoids creatures if it can).
14 Lick a stranger
(works as a persuade check to win someone over).
15 Find the nearest source of a drink
(does not need to be water).
16 Find some treasure
(could lead to a guarded treasure).
17 Hasn't gone anywhere, it is being well behaved.
18 Growls at somebody (works as an intimidate check).
19 Finds a plot hook (or successfully persuades/intimidates an NPC to get next hook).
20 Best possible event at that moment.

Trade Goods

Most wealth is not in coins. It is measured in livestock, grain, land, rights to collect taxes, or rights to resources (such as a mine or a forest).

Guilds, nobles, and royalty regulate trade. Chartered companies are granted rights to conduct trade along certain routes, to send merchant ships to various ports, or to buy or sell specific goods. Guilds set prices for the goods or services that they control, and determine who may or may not offer those goods and services. Merchants commonly exchange trade goods without using currency. The Trade Goods table shows the value of commonly exchanged goods.

Trade Goods
Cost Goods
1 cp 1 lb. of wheat
2 cp 1 lb. of flour or one chicken
5 cp 1 lb. of salt
1 sp 1 lb. of iron or 1 sq. yd. of canvas
5 sp 1 lb. of copper of 1 sq. yd. of cotton cloth
1 gp 1 lb. of ginger or one goat
2 gp 1 lb. of cinnamon or pepper, or one sheep
3 gp 1 lb. of cloves or one pig
5 gp 1 lb. of silver or 1 sq. yd. of linen
10 gp 1 sq. yd. of silk or one cow
15 gp 1 lb. of saffron or one ox
50 gp 1 lb. of gold
500 gp 1 lb. of platinum

Special Materials

Items can be crafted using materials that possess innate special properties. If you make a suit of armour or weapon out of more than one special material, you get the benefit of only the most prevalent material.


Mithril is a very rare silvery, glistening metal that is lighter than steel but just as hard. When worked like steel, it becomes a wonderful material from which to create armour, and is occasionally used for other items as well.

An item made from mithril weighs half as much as the same item made from other metals. Items not primarily of metal are not meaningfully affected by being partially made of mithril. Mithril weapons count as silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Mithril has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 15.

Type of Mithril Item Item Cost Modifier
Other Items +500 gp/lb.


When not descending into the depths of the earth, exploring ruins for lost treasures, or waging war against the encroaching darkness, adventurers face more mundane realities. Even in a fantastical world, people require basic necessities such as shelter, sustenance, and clothing. These things cost money, although some lifestyles cost more than others.

Lifestyle Expenses

An adventurer's primary source of income is treasure and their primary purchases are tools and items they need to continue adventuring. Spell components, weapons, magic items, potions and the like. However, what about things like food, rent, taxes, bribes and idle purchases? These minor expenditures can be handled in detail during play, but tracking every room for the night, skin of water, or gate tax can become tiresome. Instead, these small payments can be ignored and the party may pay a recurring 'upkeep' cost.

At the start of every game week or month (your choice), choose a lifestyle and pay the price required to sustain that lifestyle. The prices listed are per week, so if you wish to calculate the cost of your chosen lifestyle over a month, multiply the listed price by 4. If you can't afford the desired bracket, then you drop down to the first one that you can afford. Your lifestyle might change from one period to the next, based on the funds you have at your disposal, or you might maintain the same lifestyle throughout your character's career.

Lifestyle expenses provide you with a simple way to account for the cost of living in a fantasy world. They cover your accommodations, food and drink, and all your other necessities. Furthermore, expenses cover the cost of maintaining your equipment so that you can be ready when adventure next calls.

Your lifestyle choice can have consequences. Maintaining a wealthy lifestyle might help you make contacts with the rich and powerful, though you run the risk of attracting thieves. Likewise, living frugally might help you avoid criminals, but you are unlikely to make powerful connections.

Wretched (0 gp/character/week)

You live in inhumane conditions. With no place to call home, you shelter wherever you can, sneaking into barns, huddling in old crates and relying on the good graces of people better off than you. A wretched lifestyle presents abundant dangers. Violence, disease, and hunger follow you wherever you go. Other wretched people covet your armor, weapons, and adventuring gear, which represent a fortune by their standards. You are beneath the notice of most people.

A party with a wretched lifestyle must track every purchase, and may need to resort to survival checks or theft to feed themselves.

Squalid (1 gp/character/week)

You live in a leaky stable, a mud-floored hut just outside town, or a vermin-infested boarding house in the worst part of town. You have shelter from the elements, but you live in a desperate and often violent environment, in places rife with disease, hunger, and misfortune. You are beneath the notice of most people, and you have few legal protections. Most people at this lifestyle level have suffered some terrible setback. They might be disturbed, marked as exiles, or suffer from disease.

A party with a squalid lifestyle need not track purchases that cost 1 sp or less.

Poor (2 gp/character/week)

A poor lifestyle means going without the comforts available in a stable community. Simple food and lodgings, threadbare clothing, and unpredictable conditions result in a sufficient, though probably unpleasant, experience. Your accommodations might be a room in a flophouse or in the common room above a tavern. You benefit from some legal protections, but you still have to contend with violence, crime, and disease. People at this lifestyle level tend to be unskilled laborers, costermongers, peddlers, thieves, mercenaries, and other disreputable types.

A party with a poor lifestyle need not track purchases that cost 2 sp or less.

Modest (10 gp/character/week)

A modest lifestyle keeps you out of the slums and ensures that you can maintain your equipment. You live in an older part of town, renting a room in a boarding house, inn, or temple. You don't go hungry or thirsty, and your living conditions are clean, if simple. Ordinary people living modest lifestyles include soldiers with families, laborers, students, priests, hedge wizards, and the like.

A party with a modest lifestyle need not track purchases that cost 1 gp or less.

Comfortable (20 gp/character/week)

Choosing a comfortable lifestyle means that you can afford nicer clothing and can easily maintain your equipment. You live in a small cottage in a middle-class neighborhood or in a private room at a fine inn. You associate with merchants, skilled tradespeople, and military officers.

A party with a comfortable lifestyle need not track purchases that cost 2 gp or less.

Wealthy (50 gp/character/week)

Choosing a wealthy lifestyle means living a life of luxury, though you might not have achieved the social status associated with the old money of nobility or royalty. You live a lifestyle comparable to that of a highly successful merchant, a favored servant of the royalty, or the owner of a few small businesses. You have respectable lodgings, usually a spacious home in a good part of town or a comfortable suite at a fine inn. You likely have a small staff of servants.

A party with a wealthy lifestyle need only track purchases in excess of 5 gp.

Aristocratic (100 gp/character/week)

ou live a life of plenty and comfort. You move in circles populated by the most powerful people in the community. You have excellent lodgings, perhaps a townhouse in the nicest part of town or rooms in the finest inn. You dine at the best restaurants, retain the most skilled and fashionable tailor, and have servants attending to your every need. You receive invitations to the social gatherings of the rich and powerful, and spend evenings in the company of politicians, guild leaders, high priests, and nobility. You must also contend with the highest levels of deceit and treachery. The wealthier you are, the greater the chance you will be drawn into political intrigue as a pawn or participant.

A party with an aristocratic lifestyle need only track purchases in excess of 10 gp.

Self Sufficiency

The expenses and lifestyles described in this chapter assume that you are spending your time between adventures in town, availing yourself of whatever services you can afford — paying for food and shelter, paying townspeople to sharpen your sword and repair your armor, and so on. Some characters, though, might prefer to spend their time away from civilization, sustaining themselves in the wild by hunting, foraging, and repairing their own gear.

Maintaining this kind of lifestyle doesn't require you to spend any coin, but it is time-consuming. If you spend your time between adventures practicing a profession as described in chapter 8, you can eke out the equivalent of a poor lifestyle. Proficiency in the Survival skill lets you live at the equivalent of a comfortable lifestyle.

Food, Drink and Lodging

The following tables give prices for all manner of edible goods, beverages, foodstuffs and a single night's lodging. These prices are typically included in your total lifestyle expenses.

The prices are for meals and beverages in an average city or town. Unless otherwise specified, the amount received for the listed price is presumed to be a standard meal serving for a single person.

Meals and Lodging (per day)
Item Meals Cost Lodging Cost
Squalid 3 cp 7 cp
Poor 6 cp 1 sp
Modest 3 sp 5 sp
Comfortable 5 sp 8 sp
Wealthy 8 sp 2 gp
Aristocratic 2 gp 4 gp
Item Price Weight
Bread 2 cp 1/2 lb.
Caviar 50 gp
Cheese 1 sp 1/2 lb.
Chocolate 5 gp 1/2 lb.
Fortune cookie 1 cp
Haggis 1 sp 1-1/2 lbs.
Honey 1 gp 1/2 lb.
Ice cream 1 sp
Maple syrup 1 gp 1/2 lb.
Meal, banquet 10 gp
Meat 3 sp 1/2 lb.
Meat, street 1 cp 1/2 lb.
Rations, trail 5 sp 1 lb.
Rations, Dwarven trail 2 gp 1-1/2 lbs.
Rations, Elven trail 2 gp 1 lb.
Rations, Gnome trail 2 gp 1 lb.
Rations, Halfling trail 2 gp 1/2 lb.
Rations, Orc trail 1 gp 1 lb.
Rations, Wandermeal (per serving) 1 cp 1/2 lb.
Yogurt 1 sp 1/2 lb.
Beverages (Nonalcoholic)
Item Price Weight
Coffee, common 1 cp ½ lb.
Coffee, exotic 3 cp ½ lb.
Milk 5 cp ½ lb.
Tea 2 cp ½ lb.
Tea, ceremonial 4 cp ½ lb.


One unit of alcohol is defined as 10 milliliters of pure alcohol. Typical drinks (i.e., typical quantities or servings of common alcoholic beverages) may contain 1–3 units of alcohol. Typically, there is one unit per half-pint of beer, or small glass of wine, or single measure of spirits. Most drinks, such as a pint of beer/ale, or a normal-sized glass of wine, is assumed to contain 2 units.

Drinking alcohol provokes a Constitution defence check, with a DC of 2 per unit in the drinker's system. This is cumulative, so the DC for drinking two pints of beer, or 4 units of alcohol, is DC 8.

The drinker's Constitution defence is considered their base alcohol tolerance. Until the DC exceeds this number, the drinker suffers no ill effects. This number will be 10 for the average commoner - they can comfortably drink two pints without a problem. A particularly fit individual with 12 Constitution defence can drink 3 pints, or 12 units of alcohol, before suffering penalties.

Once the DC of the consumed alcohol exceed the drinker's Constitution defence, the drinker suffers one level of exhaustion. If they consume any further alcohol, they roll against the DC normally. Failed checks result in additional levels of exhaustion. If the drinker reaches the 6 levels of exhaustion as a result of drinking, they do not die, but instead pass out and are unconscious, but stable. The lethal dose of alcohol is 30 units plus the drinker's Constitution score.

Alchohol is considered poison and resistance to poison grants resistance on any Constitution checks against alcohol. This equates to a +4 bonus to the drinker's base tolerance.

As an approximate guideline, a typical healthy human adult can metabolise (break down) 1 unit of alcohol per hour, although this may vary depending on gender, age, weight, health and many other factors. These factors are summarised by the drinker's Constitution score. A drinker breaks down one tenth of their Constitution score in units of alcohol per hour. Once the alcohol has left their system, the levels of exhaustion are removed.

Beverages (Alcoholic)
Item Units Price Weight
Absinthe (glass) 2 3 gp
Absinthe (bottle) 70 30 gp 1-½ lbs.
Ale (gallon) 16 2 sp 8 lbs.
Ale (mug) 2 4 cp 1 lb.
Ale, Dwarven/Halfling (gallon) 32 4 sp 8 lbs.
Ale, Dwarven/Halfling (mug) 4 8 cp 1 lb.
Applejack (gallon) 32 4 sp 8 lbs.
Applejack (mug) 4 8 cp 1 lb.
Baijiu (bottle) 80 10 gp 2 lbs.
Bufo (bottle) 4 1 gp 2 lbs.
Cauim (bottle) 4 1 gp 2 lbs.
Grog (mug) 4 2 cp 1 lb.
Kumis (bottle) 2 5 sp 1-½ lbs.
Mead (mug) 2 5 cp ½ lb.
Mead (gallon) 16 2 gp 8 lbs.
Mead, linnorm (mug) 2 5 cp ½ lb.
Mead, wasp (bottle) 8 400 gp 2 lbs.
Pulque 1 1 sp ½ lb.
Rumboozle 2 1 sp ½ lb.
Tepache 1 5 cp ½ lb.
Whisky, Dwarven/Halfling (bottle) 60 4 gp 1 lb.
Whisky, Dwarven/Halfling (cup) 3 2 sp ½ lb.
Whisky (bottle) 40 20 gp 1 lb.
Whisky (cup) 2 1 sp ½ lb.
Wine, common (pitcher) 20 2 sp 6 lbs.
Wine, fine (bottle) 10 10 gp 1-½ lbs.
Wine, Sanguine (bottle) 10 200 gp 2 lbs.

Mundane Services

Adventurers can pay nonplayer characters to assist them or act on their behalf in a variety of circumstances. Most such hirelings have fairly ordinary skills, while others are masters of a craft or art, and a few are experts with specialized adventuring skills.

Some of the most basic types of hirelings appear on the Services table. Other common hirelings include any of the wide variety of people who inhabit a typical town or city, when the adventurers pay them to perform a specific task. For example, a wizard might pay a carpenter to construct an elaborate chest (and its miniature replica) for use in the secret chest spell. A fighter might commission a blacksmith to forge a special sword. A bard might pay a tailor to make exquisite clothing for an upcoming in front of the duke.

Other hirelings provide more expert or dangerous services. Mercenary soldiers paid to help the adventurers take on a hobgoblin army are hirelings, as are sages hired to research ancient or esoteric lore. If a high-level adventurer establishes a stronghold of some kind, he or she might hire a whole staff of servants and agents to run the place, from a castellan or steward to menial laborers to keep the stables clean. These hirelings often enjoy a long-term contract that includes a place to live within the stronghold as part of the offered compensation.

Mundane Services
Service Pay
Coach cab (Between towns) 3 cp per mile
Coach cab (Within a city) 1 cp
Hireling (Skilled) 2 gp per day
Hireling (Untrained) 2 sp per day
Messenger 2 cp per mile
Road or gate toll 1 cp
Ship's passage 1 sp per mile

Skilled hirelings include anyone hired to perform a service that involves a proficiency (including weapon, tool, or skill): a mercenary, artisan, scribe, and so on. The pay shown is a minimum; some expert hirelings require more pay. Untrained hirelings are hired for menial work that requires no particular skill and can include laborers, porters, maids, and similar workers.

Spellcasting Services

People who are able to cast spells don't fall into the category of ordinary hirelings. It might be possible to find someone willing to cast a spell in exchange for coin or favors, but it is rarely easy and no established pay rates exist. As a rule, the higher the level of the desired spell, the harder it is to find someone who can cast it and the more it costs.

Hiring someone to cast a relatively common spell of 1st or 2nd level, such as cure wounds or identify, is easy enough in a city or town, and might cost 10 to 50 gold pieces (plus the cost of any expensive material components). Finding someone able and willing to cast a higher-level spell might involve traveling to a large city, perhaps one with a university or prominent temple. Once found, the spellcaster might ask for a service instead of payment. Such a service is typically of the kind that only adventurers can provide, such as retrieving a rare item from a dangerous locale or traversing a monster-infested wilderness to deliver something important to a distant settlement.

Magic Items


A creature has a number of attunement slots equal to its proficiency bonus. Magical items of common, uncommon and rare rarity consume one attunement slot, when attuned. Magical items of very rare, legendary and artifact rarity consume two attunement slots, when attuned.


Identifying a magic item without the aid of the identify spell (or similar magical assistance where appropriate) requires an arcana check to ascertain the nature of a magic item by focusing on its aura and trying to decipher its glyphs and markings. The DC is according to item rarity:

Item Rarity Arcana Check DC
Common 10
Uncommon 15
Rare 20
Very Rare 25
Legendary 30

Note: Some powerful magic items might be recognisable with a history check of a lower DC, but the arcana check to accurately identify all of their capabilities remains challenging.

Magic Items A-Z

Mithril Armour

Armour (medium or heavy, but not hide), uncommon.
Cost: 800 gp.

Mithril is a light, flexible metal. A mithril chain shirt or breastplate can be worn under normal clothes.

If the armour normally imposes disadvantage physical ability checks, or has a Strength requirement, the mithril version of the armour does not. Furthermore, mithril armour weighs half as much as normal armour of that type, and counts as one category lighter for purposes other than proficiency. For example, a barbarian may benefit from rage while wearing mithril full plate, but must be proficient in heavy armour to do so. When using the Realistic Armour rules, mithril armour is not bulky or noisy.

Potion of Healing

Potion, common

You regain hit points when you drink this potion. The number depends on the potion's rarity and your hit die, as shown in the Potions of Healing table. When rolling hit die, use the die size that your character has the most levels with. When two die sizes are tied, take the larger.

Potions of Healing
Potion of ... Rarity Hit Points Restored
Healing Common 2 HD
Greater Healing Uncommon 4 HD
Superior Healing Rare 8 HD
Supreme Healing Very Rare 10 HD

Scroll of Telescription

Scroll, uncommon.
Cost: 160 to 200 gp per charge.

Also known as a 'fire message', this magical scroll of parchment can be used to send written messages.

Write a message upon the Scroll of Telescription, while concentrating on the name, image, or identity of a creature with which you are familiar. Upon completion of message, the Scroll of Telescription will begin to burn from one end until it is consumed and evaporates into fine ashes. A flame will appear in the air in front of the recipient creature and slowly 'burn' in reverse until the entire piece of parchment has appeared. If not caught in the air it will then fall slowly to the ground. Once sent, the parchment loses its magic.

Scrolls of Telescription are typically sold in rolls of 10 charges and each charge can send a short message of twenty-five words or less. Multiple charges may be combined for a single longer message.

You can send the message across any distance and even to other planes of existence, but if the target is on a different plane than you, there is a 5 percent chance that the message doesn't arrive.

Shifty Healing Potion

Potion, common (10 gp)

When you drink this potion, roll a d20. The effect depends on your roll, as shown on the Potion Effects table.

Potion Effects
d20 Roll Potion Effect
1 Take 4 HD poison damage.
2-4 Take 2 HD poison damage.
5-9 Take 1 HD poison damage.
10-11 Roll on the wild magic surge table.
12-16 Heal 2 HD.
17-19 Heal 4 HD.
20 Heal 8 HD.

Spell Scrolls

Any character can use a spell scroll, provided they have a spellcasting ability equal to 10 + the spell's level.

A creature who tries and fails to cast a spell from a spell scroll must make a DC 10 Intelligence check. If the creature is proficient in Intelligence defence, it may add its proficiency bonus to this check. If the check fails, roll on the Scroll Mishap table.

Scroll Mishap
d6 Result
1 A surge of magical energy deals the caster 1d6 force damage per level of the spell.
2 The spell affects the caster or an ally (determined randomly) instead of the intended target, or it affects a random target nearby if the caster was the intended target.
3 The spell affects a random location within the spell's range.
4 The spell's effect is contrary to its normal one, but neither harmful nor beneficial. For instance, a fireball might produce an area of harmless cold.
5 The caster suffers a minor but bizarre effect related to the spell. Such effects last only as long as the original spell's duration, or 1d10 minutes for spells that take effect instantaneously. For example, a fireball might cause smoke to billow from the caster's ears for 1d10 minutes.
6 The spell activates after 1d12 hours. If the caster was the intended target, the spell takes effect normally. If the caster was not the intended target, the spell goes off in the general direction of the intended target, up to the spell 's maximum range, if the target has moved away.

Scribing a spell scroll takes 1 hour for each level of the spell.

Spell Scroll Costs
Spell Level Crafting Time Crafting Cost Purchase Price
Cantrip 10 Minutes 10 gp 20 gp
1st 1 hour 20 gp 40 gp
2nd 2 hours 40 gp 80 gp
3rd 3 hours 80 gp 160 gp
4th 4 hours 160 gp 320 gp
5th 5 hours 320 gp 640 gp
6th 6 hours 640 gp 1280 gp
7th 7 hours 1280 gp 2560 gp
8th 8 hours 2560 gp 5120 gp
9th 9 hours 5120 gp 10240 gp


Some magic weapons and armour gain their enhancements from potent runes etched into them.

Runes must be physically engraved on items through a special process to convey their effects. They take two forms: fundamental runes and property runes. Fundamental runes offer the most basic and essential benefits: a weapon potency rune adds a bonus to a weapon's attack rolls, and the striking rune adds extra weapon damage dice. An armour potency rune increases the armour's bonus to DR, and the resilient rune grants a bonus to the wearer's defences. Property runes, by contrast, grant more varied effects - typically powers that are constant while the armour is worn or that take effect each time the weapon is used, such as a rune that grants energy resistance or one that adds fire damage to a weapon’s attacks.

The number of property runes a weapon or armour can have is equal to the value of its potency rune. A +1 weapon can have one property rune, but it could hold another if the +1 weapon potency rune were upgraded to a +2 weapon potency rune. Since the striking and resilient runes are fundamental runes, they don’t count against this limit. You must attune to a runed item to benefit from its magic.

Runed armour and weapons have the same general characteristics as the non-magical version unless noted otherwise. Each rune can be etched into a specific type of armour or weapon, as indicated in the Usage entry of the rune's stat block. Clothing can have armour runes etched on it even though it's not armour, but because it's not in the light, medium, or heavy armour category, it can't have runes requiring any of those categories.

Runic Script

Scripts are instructions for etching runes. You can usually read a script as long as you can read the language it’s written in, though you might lack the skill to craft the item.

You can buy scripts at the price listed in the Script Price table below, or you can hire an NPC to let you copy their formula for the same price. A purchased script is typically a schematic on rolled-up parchment. You can copy a a script in 1 hour.

If you have a runed item, you can try to reverse‑engineer its script. This takes the same amount of time as creating the item from a script would. You attempt a crafting check against the same DC it would take to craft the item. If you succeed, you craft the script at its full price. You can work for longer in order to reduce the price.

The Etching Process

Etching a rune on an item follows the same process crafting an item. You must have the script for the rune, the item you're adding the rune to must be in your possession throughout the etching process, and you must meet any special crafting requirements of the rune. The rune has no effect until crafting is complete. You can etch only one rune at a time.

You can upgrade a rune already etched on a suit of armour to a stronger version, increasing the values of the existing rune to those of the new rune. You must have the script of the stronger rune to do so, and the price of the upgrade is the difference between the two runes' prices.

Script Price
Rune Level Script Price Rune Level Script Price
1 10 gp 11 700 gp
2 20 gp 12 1000 gp
3 30 gp 13 1500 gp
4 50 gp 14 2250 gp
5 80 gp 15 3250 gp
6 130 gp 16 5000 gp
7 180 gp 17 7500 gp
8 250 gp 18 12000 gp
9 350 gp 19 20000 gp
10 500 gp 20 35000 gp

Transferring Runes

You can transfer runes between one item and another, including a runestone. This lets you either move one rune from one item to another or swap a rune on one item with a rune on the other item. To swap, the runes must be of the same form (fundamental or property).

If an item can have two or more property runes, you decide which runes to swap and which to leave when transferring. If you attempt to transfer a rune to an item that can’t accept it, such as transferring a melee weapon rune to a ranged weapon, you automatically failure your crafting check. If you transfer a potency rune, you might end up with property runes on an item that can’t benefit from them. These property runes go dormant until transferred to an item with the necessary potency rune or until you etch the appropriate potency rune on the item bearing them.

The DC of the Crafting check to transfer a rune is determined by the item level of the rune being transferred, and the Price of the transfer is 10% of the rune’s Price, unless transferring from a runestone, which is free. If you're swapping, use the higher level and higher Price between the two runes to determine these values. It takes 1 day to transfer a rune or swap a pair of runes, and you can continue to work over additional days to get a discount.

Fundamental Runes

Four fundamental runes produce the most essential magic of protection and destruction: armour potency and resilient runes for armour, and weapon potency and striking runes for weapons. A potency rune is what makes weapons and armour magical. An item can have only one fundamental rune of each type, though etching a stronger rune can upgrade an existing rune to the more powerful version.

Fundamental Runes
Rune Item Benefit
Potency Armour Bonus to DR and property runes
Resilient Armour Defence bonus
Potency Weapon Attack bonus and property runes
Striking Weapon Bonus weapon damage dice
Armour Potency

Magic wards deflect attacks, granting a bonus to armour DR.

Type Bonus Rune Level Price
Standard +1 5 1500 gp
Greater +2 11 6000 gp
Major +3 18 24000 gp

Resilient runes imbue armour with additional protective magic, granting the wearer a bonus to defences.

Type Bonus Rune Level Price
Standard +1 8 3000 gp
Greater +2 14 12000 gp
Major +3 20 48000 gp

Weapon Potency

Magical enhancements make this weapon strike true, granting a bonus to attack rolls with this weapon. Potency runes cannot be etched upon ammunition.

Type Bonus Rune Level Price
Standard +1 2 1000 gp
Greater +2 10 4000 gp
Major +3 16 16000 gp

A striking rune stores destructive magic in the weapon, increasing the number of weapon damage dice. For example, a +1 striking broad sword would deal 4d4 damage instead of 2d4 damage. Striking runes cannot be etched upon ranged weapons that use ammunition.

Type Dice Multiplier Rune Level Price
Standard x2 4 2000 gp
Greater x3 12 8000 gp
Major x4 19 32000 gp

Property Runes

Property runes add special abilities to armour or a weapon in addition to the item's fundamental runes. If a suit of armour or a weapon has multiple etchings of the same rune, only the highest-level one applies. You can upgrade a property rune to a higher-level type of that rune in the same way you would upgrade a fundamental rune.

Armour Property Runes

Usage: Etched onto light or medium non-metallic armour.
Level: 3
Price: 2500 gp

Armour with this rune becomes hazy black. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while wearing the armour.


Usage: Etched into armour.
Level: 3
Price: 2000 gp

This property makes armour slippery, as though it were coated with a thin film of oil. You gain advantage on Dextarity (Acrobatics) checks to escape and squeeze.


Usage: Etched onto armour.
Level: 5
Price: 500 gp

While wearing this armour, you can use a bonus action to speak the armour's command word and cause the armour to assume the appearance of a normal set of clothing or some other kind of armour. You decide what it looks like, including color, style, and accessories, but the armour retains its normal bulk and weight. The illusory appearance lasts until you use this property again or remove the armour.

Energy Resistant

Usage: Etched onto armour.
Level: 8
Price: 6000 gp

These symbols convey protective forces from the Elemental Planes. You gain resistance to acid, cold, electricity, or fire. The crafter chooses the damage type when creating the rune. Multiple energy-resistant runes can be etched onto a suit of armour, but each must provide resistance to a different damage type.


Usage: Etched onto light armour.

Light seems to partially penetrate this armour.

As an action you can whisper the command word and become invisible for 1 minute, gaining the effects of a 2nd-level invisibility spell.

Invisibility Rune Level Price
1/Long Rest 8 700 gp
3/Long Rest 10 2000 gp

Usage: Etched onto medium or heavy armour.
Level: 12
Price: 500 gp

A fortification rune wards against the most deadly attacks. While you're wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.


Usage: Etched onto medium or heavy armour.
Level: 15
Price: 65000 gp

This intricate rune displaces spell energy, imposing disadvantage on attack rolls targeting you with magical effects.

Weapon Property Runes

Usage: Etched onto a thrown weapon.
Level: 3
Price: 500 gp

When you make a ranged attack with this weapon, it flies back to your hand after the attack is complete. If your hands are full when the weapon returns, it falls to the ground in your space.


Usage: Etched onto a melee weapon.

A disrupting weapon pulses with radiant energy, dealing an extra 1d6 radiant damage to undead. On a critical hit, the undead is also frightened until the end of your next turn.

Greater: If the target has 25 hit points or fewer after taking this damage, make an attack roll with a +5 bonus vs its Wisdom defence. On a hit, it is destroyed. On a miss, the creature becomes frightened of you until the end of your next turn.

Disrupting Damage Rune Level Price
Standard 1d6 5 2000 gp
Greater 2d6 14 8000 gp

Usage: Etched onto a melee weapon.
Level: 6
Price: 500 gp

With a moment of manipulation, you can shift this weapon into a different weapon with a similar form.

As an action, you can cause this weapon to take the shape of another melee weapon that requires the same number of hands to wield. The weapon's runes and any precious material it’s made of apply to the weapon's new shape. Any property runes that can't apply to the new form are suppressed until the item takes a shape to which they can apply.


Usage: Etched onto a piercing or slashing melee weapon.
Level: 7
Price: 2000 gp

Hit points lost to this weapon's damage can be regained only through a short or long rest, rather than by regeneration, magic, or any other means.

Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack using this magic weapon, you can wound the target. At the start of each of the wounded creature's turns, it takes 1d4 necrotic damage for each time you've wounded it. Following this, make an attack roll with a +5 bonus vs the creature's Constitution defence. On a miss, the effect of all such wounds end. Alternatively, the wounded creature, or a creature within 5 feet of it, can use an action to make a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check, ending the effect of such wounds on it on a success.


Usage: Etched onto a weapon.

Acid sizzles across the surface of the weapon. When you hit with the weapon, add 1d6 acid damage to the damage dealt. In addition, on a critical hit, the target’s armour (if any) takes 3d6 acid damage. If the target has a shield, the shield takes this damage instead.

Greater: Increase the acid damage dealt to armour or a shield on a critical hit to 6d6.

Corrosive Damage Rune Level Price
Standard 1d6 8 2000 gp
Greater 2d6 15 8000 gp

Usage: Etched onto a weapon.

This weapon is empowered by flickering flame. You can use a bonus action to speak this magic sword's command word, causing flames to erupt from the blade. These flames shed bright light in a 40-foot radius and dim light for an additional 40 feet. While the sword is ablaze, it deals an extra 1d6 fire damage to any target it hits. The flames last until you use a bonus action to speak the command word again or until you drop or sheathe the sword. The weapon deals an additional 1d10 persistent fire damage on a critical hit.

Greater: Increase the persistent damage on a critical hit to 2d10.

Flaming Damage Rune Level Price
Standard 1d6 8 2000 gp
Greater 2d6 15 8000 gp

Usage: Etched onto a weapon.

This weapon is empowered with freezing ice. It deals an additional 1d6 cold damage on a successful strike. In addition, while you hold the sword, you have resistance to fire damage. In freezing temperatures, the weapon sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 ft.

Greater: When you draw this weapon, you can extinguish all non-magical flames within 30 feet of you. This property can be used no more than once per hour.

Frost Damage Rune Level Price
Standard 1d6 8 2000 gp
Greater 2d6 15 8000 gp

Usage: Etched onto a weapon.

Electric arcs crisscross this weapon, dealing an extra 1d6 lightning damage on a hit. On a critical hit, electricity arcs out to deal an equal amount of lightning damage to all other creatures of your choice within 5 feet of the target.

Greater: The electricity arcs to all other creatures of your choice within 10 feet of the target.

Shocking Damage Rune Level Price
Standard 1d6 8 2000 gp
Greater 2d6 15 8000 gp

Usage: Etched onto a weapon.

This weapon lets out a peal of thunder when it hits, dealing an extra 1d6 thunder damage on a successful strike. On a critical hit, roll with a +5 attack bonus vs the target's Constitution defence. On a hit, they are deafened for 1 minute (or 1 hour on a critical hit).

Greater: The attack bonus is +10, and the deafness is permanent.

Thundering Damage Rune Level Price
Standard 1d6 8 2000 gp
Greater 2d6 15 8000 gp

Usage: Etched onto a melee weapon.
Level: 13
Price: 2000 gp

A dancing weapon flies autonomously and strikes your foes. You can use a bonus action to toss this magic sword into the air and speak the command word. When you do so, the sword begins to hover, flies up to 30 feet, and attacks one creature of your choice within 5 feet of it. The sword uses your attack roll and ability score modifier to damage rolls.

While the sword hovers, you can use a bonus action to cause it to fly up to 30 feet to another spot within 30 feet of you. As part of the same bonus action, you can cause the sword to attack one creature within 5 feet of it.

After the hovering sword attacks for the fourth time, it flies up to 30 feet and tries to return to your hand. If you have no hand free, it falls to the ground at your feet. If the sword has no unobstructed path to you, it moves as close to you as it can and then falls to the ground. It also ceases to hover if you grasp it or move more than 30 feet away from it.


Usage: Etched onto a melee weapon.
Level: 13
Price: 24000 gp

A spell-storing rune creates a reservoir of eldritch energy within the etched weapon. This weapon stores spells cast into it, holding them until the attuned wearer uses them. The weapon can store up to 5 levels worth of spells at a time. When found, it contains 1d6−1 levels of stored spells chosen by the GM.

Any creature can cast a spell of 1st through 5th level into the weapon by touching the weapon as the spell is cast. The spell has no effect, other than to be stored in the ring. If the weapon can't hold the spell, the spell is expended without effect. The level of the slot used to cast the spell determines how much space it uses.

While wielding this weapon, you can cast any spell stored in it. The spell uses the slot level, spell attack bonus, and spellcasting ability of the original caster, but is otherwise treated as if you cast the spell. The spell cast from the weapon is no longer stored in it, freeing up space.

If you hit and damage a creature with this weapon, you may unleash a stored spell, which uses the target of the triggering attack as the target of the spell. If the spell requires a spell attack roll, it automatically hits.


Usage: Etched onto a slashing melee weapon.
Level: 13
Price: 1700 gp

When you attack an object with this magic weapon and hit, maximize your weapon damage dice against the target.

When you attack a creature with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, that target takes an extra 14 slashing damage. Then roll another d20. If you roll a 20, you lop off one of the target's limbs, with the effect of such loss determined by the GM. If the creature has no limb to sever, you lop off a portion of its body instead.

In addition, you can speak the sword's command word to cause the blade to shed bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. Speaking the command word again or sheathing the sword puts out the light.


Usage: Etched onto a piercing or slashing melee weapon.
Level: 16
Price: 2000 gp

You can make one attack with this weapon as a bonus action on each of your turns.


Usage: Etched onto a slashing melee weapon.
Level: 17
Price: 24000 gp

When you attack a creature that has at least one head with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, you cut off one of the creature's heads. The creature dies if it can't survive without the lost head. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to slashing damage, doesn't have or need a head, has legendary actions, or the GM decides that the creature is too big for its head to be cut off with this weapon. Such a creature instead takes an extra 6d8 slashing damage from the hit.

Welcome to D20 with Stormchaser

If you're reading this, the chances are that you're playing in one of my games, or you've found my content via Discord or Reddit.

I hope you have fun, and if you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask.



Extra thanks to my dedicated patrons and the members of my discord for their playtesting, feedback and critique!

Special mention goes to deity tier patron
Kane Taylor, aka "Zombie Cat ASMR".