Warlock, the Bamstacks Variant v1

by Bamstacks

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Warlock, the Bamstacks Variant

The beings that serve as patrons for warlocks are mighty inhabitants of other planes of existence—not gods, but almost godlike in their power. Various patrons give their warlocks access to different powers and invocations, and expect significant favors in return.

Some patrons collect warlocks, doling out mystic knowledge relatively freely or boasting of their ability to bind mortals to their will. Other patrons bestow their power only grudgingly, and might make a pact with only one warlock. Warlocks who serve the same patron might view each other as allies, siblings, or rivals.

The Warlock

With a pseudodragon curled on his shoulder, a young elf in golden robes smiles warmly, weaving a magical charm into his honeyed words and bending the palace sentinel to his will.

As flames spring to life in her hands, a wizened human whispers the secret name of her demonic patron, infusing her spell with fiendish magic.

Shifting his gaze between a battered tome and the odd alignment of the stars overhead, a wild-eyed tiefling chants the mystic ritual that will open a doorway to a distant world.

Warlocks are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. Through pacts made with mysterious beings of supernatural power, warlocks unlock magical effects both subtle and spectacular. Drawing on the ancient knowledge of beings such as fey nobles, demons, devils, hags, and alien entities of the Far Realm, warlocks piece together arcane secrets to bolster their own power.

The Warlock
Level Proficiency Bonus Features Cantrips Known Spells Known Spell Points Max Level Invocations
1st +2 Otherworldly Patron, Pact Magic, Eldritch Gift 2 2 1 1st
2nd +2 Eldritch Invocations 2 3 2 1st 2
3rd +2 Pact Boon 2 4 3 2nd 2
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 3 5 4 2nd 2
5th +3 3 6 5 3rd 3
6th +3 Otherworldly Patron Feature 3 7 6 3rd 3
7th +3 3 8 7 4th 4
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 3 9 8 4th 4
9th +4 3 10 9 5th 5
10th +4 Otherworldly Patron Feature 4 10 10 5th 5
11th +4 Mystic Arcanum (6th level) 4 11 11 5th 5
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 11 12 5th 6
13th +5 Mystic Arcanum (7th level) 4 12 13 5th 6
14th +5 Otherworldly Patron Feature 4 12 14 5th 6
15th +5 Mystic Arcanum (8th level) 4 13 15 5th 7
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 13 16 5th 7
17th +6 Mystic Arcanum (9th level) 4 14 17 5th 7
18th +6 Eldritch Master 4 14 18 5th 8
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 4 15 19 5th 8
20th +6 Eldritch Master improvement, Otherworldly Patron Feature 4 15 20 5th 9

Creating a Warlock

As you make your warlock character, spend some time thinking about your patron and the obligations that your pact imposes upon you. What led you to make the pact, and how did you make contact with your patron? Were you seduced into summoning a devil, or did you seek out the ritual that would allow you to make contact with an alien elder god? Did you search for your patron, or did your patron find and choose you? Do you chafe under the obligations of your pact or serve joyfully in anticipation of the rewards promised to you?

Work with your DM to determine how big a part your pact will play in your character's adventuring career. Your patron's demands might drive you into adventures, or they might consist entirely of small favors you can do between adventures.

What kind of relationship do you have with your patron? Is it friendly, antagonistic, uneasy, or romantic? How important does your patron consider you to be? What part do you play in your patron's plans? Do you know other servants of your patron?

How does your patron communicate with you? If you have a familiar, it might occasionally speak with your patron's voice. Some warlocks find messages from their patrons etched on trees, mingled among tea leaves, or adrift in the clouds—messages that only the warlock can see. Other warlocks converse with their patrons in dreams or waking visions, or deal only with intermediaries.

Quick Build

You can make a warlock quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma or Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution, then Dexterity. Second, choose the charlatan background. Third, choose the Minor Illusion and Spectral Hand cantrips, along with the 1st-level spells Charm Person and Witch Bolt. Choose Eldritch Blast as your Eldritch Gift.

Class Features

As a warlock, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d8 per warlock level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per warlock level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, medium armor
  • Weapons: Simple weapons
  • Tools: None
  • Saving Throws: Wisdom and Charisma
  • Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, Deception, History, Intimidation, Investigation, Nature, and Religion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor
  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon
  • (a) a component pouch or (b) an arcane focus
  • (a) a scholar’s pack or (b) a dungeoneer’s pack
  • Any simple weapon, and two daggers

Alternatively, you may start with 5d4 x 10 gp and then buy the equipment you start with.

Warlock Multiclassing

Warlocks follow all the normal rules for multiclassing. The following tables function as additions to the normal multiclassing rules.

Ability Score Minimum. As a multiclass character, you must have at least an Intelligence or Charisma score of 15 to take a level in this class, or to take a level in another class if you are already a warlock.

Proficiencies Gained. If warlock isn’t your initial class, here are the proficiencies you gain when you take your first level as a warlock: light armor, simple weapons

Spell Points. As a warlock, add all of your levels in the warlock class to the appropriate levels from other classes to determine your available spell points and maximum spell level.

Eldritch Gift

1st-level Warlock feature

Your patron has empowered one of your magical abilties to allow you to reliably achieve their objectives. Choose a warlock cantrip between Eldritch Blast, Gleaming Arrow, Infernal Trident, or Shadowgaze. You learn this Cantrip, and this cantrip becomes an Eldritch Gift.

When you finish a long rest, you can change your Eldritch Gift to another of these 4 options.

Any Eldritch Gift is empowered in the following ways:

Strange Magic. An Eldritch Gift's strange
empowerment means that it cannot be counterspelled.

Damage Boost. An Eldritch Gift has its damage boosted depending on the Gift's type and your warlock level, see the following table. Mod refers to your spellcasting ability modifier. A gift that can make more than one attack roll has the Multi-Target Type, a gift that only targets one creature has the Single-Target Type, and a gift that can target an area of effect has the Area Type.

Warlock Level Multi-Target Single-Target Area
Example Eldritch Blast Gleaming Arrow Thunderclap
1-4 Mod (1x per turn) Mod Mod
5-10 Mod (2x per turn) 2*Mod Mod
11-16 Mod (3x per turn) 3*Mod 2*Mod
17-20 Mod (4x per turn) 4*Mod 2*Mod

Otherworldly Patron

1st-level Warlock feature

You have struck a bargain with an otherworldly being of your choice detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 1st level and again at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 20th level.

Patron Bestowed Spells

Your patron grants you a gift of additional eldritch knowledge in the form of their Bestowed Spells. All spells in each patrons' Bestowed Spells table are added to the warlock spell list for you if they are not already.

When you gain this feature at 1st level, and again at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level, you can choose one spell among the Bestowed Spells options for your level. You know this spell, it doesn't count against your Spells Known, and it becomes a warlock spell for you. When you finish a long rest, you can switch out any spells known this way for different spells on the Bestowed Spells list of the same level.

Pact Magic

1st-level Warlock feature

Your arcane research and the magic bestowed on you by your patron have given you facility with spells. See Spells Rules for the general rules of spellcasting and the Spells Listing for the warlock spell list.


You know two cantrips of your choice from the warlock spell list. You learn additional warlock cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Warlock table.

When you reach a level in this class that grants the Ability Score Improvement, you can replace one cantrip you learned from this class's Pact Magic feature with another cantrip from the warlock spell list.

Spell Points

The Warlock table shows how many spell points you have to cast your warlock spells of 1st through 5th level. The table also shows the maximum level of spell you can cast. To cast a spell you must expend one spell point per level of the spell. You may cast a spell at a higher level (up to the maximum spell level) by spending one additional spell point per level added. You regain all expended spell points when you finish a short or long rest.

For example, when you are 5th level, you have five spell points. To cast the 1st-level spell witch bolt, you must spend one of those points, and you cast it as a 1st-level spell. If you spend three spell points, you cast it as a 3rd-level spell.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

At 1st level, you know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the warlock spell list.

The Spells Known column of the Warlock table shows when you learn more warlock spells of your choice of 1st level and higher from the warlock spell list. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than what’s shown in the table’s Max Level column for your level. When you reach 6th level, for example, you learn a new warlock spell, which can be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the warlock spells you know and replace it with another spell from the warlock spell list, which also must be of a level for which you may cast.

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence or Charisma, which you choose when you gain this feature, is your spellcasting ability for your warlock spells, so you use this modifier whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use this modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a warlock spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence/Charisma modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your Intelligence/Charisma modifier

Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus (see the Adventuring Gear section) as a spellcasting focus for your warlock spells.

Eldritch Invocations

2nd-level Warlock feature

In your study of occult lore, you have unearthed eldritch invocations, fragments of forbidden knowledge that imbue you with an abiding magical ability. A level prerequisite refers to your level in this class.

You gain two eldritch invocations of your choice. Your invocation options are detailed at the end of the class description. When you gain certain warlock levels, you gain additional invocations of your choice, as shown in the Invocations Known column of the Warlock table.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the invocations you know and replace it with another invocation that you could learn at that level.

Pact Boon

3rd-level Warlock feature

Your otherworldly patron bestows a gift upon you for your loyal service. You gain one of the following features of your choice.

When you reach a level in this class that grants the Ability Score Improvement feature, you can replace the option you chose for the Pact Boon feature with one of that feature's other options.

Pact of the Blade

You can use your action to create a pact weapon in your empty hand. You can choose the form that this melee weapon takes each time you create it (see the Weapons section for weapon options). You are proficient with it while you wield it, when you attack with that weapon, you can use your spellcasting ability modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage roll. This weapon counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Your pact weapon disappears if it is more than 5 feet away from you for 1 minute or more. It also disappears if you use this feature again, if you dismiss the weapon (no action required), or if you die.

You can transform one magic weapon into your pact weapon by performing a special ritual while you hold the weapon. You perform the ritual over the course of 10 minutes, which can be done during a short rest. You can then dismiss the weapon, shunting it into an extradimensional space, and it appears whenever you create your pact weapon thereafter. You can’t affect an artifact or a sentient weapon in this way. The weapon ceases being your pact weapon if you die, if you perform the 10-minute ritual on a different weapon, or if you use a 10-minute ritual to break your bond to it. The weapon appears at your feet if it is in the extradimensional space when the bond breaks.

Pact of the Chain

You learn the find familiar spell and can cast it as a ritual. The spell doesn’t count against your number of spells known. Furthermore, once per long rest, you can ignore the material components for the find familiar spell when you cast it as a ritual.

When you cast the spell, you can choose one of the normal forms for your familiar or one of the following special forms: imp, pseudodragon, quasit, or sprite.

If you choose the pseudodragon, it may choose to do the following as an action:

Invisibility. The pseudo dragon magically turns invisible until it attacks or until its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment the pseudo dragon wears or carries is invisible with it.

Additionally, when you take the Attack action, you can forgo one of your own attacks to allow your familiar to make one attack with its reaction.

Pact of the Tome

Your patron gives you a grimoire called a Book of Shadows. When you gain this feature, choose three cantrips from any class’s spell list (the three needn’t be from the same list). While the book is on your person, you can cast those cantrips at will. They don’t count against your number of cantrips known. If they don’t appear on the warlock spell list, they are nonetheless warlock spells for you. You can also choose for one cantrip you know to benefit from being one of your Eldritch Gifts, but it must be either a warlock cantrip or a cantrip gained through your Book of Shadows.

You can inscribe magical rituals in your Book of Shadows. Choose two 1st-level spells that have the ritual tag from any class’s spell list (the two needn’t be from the same list). The spells appear in the book and don’t count against the number of spells you know. With your Book of Shadows in hand, you can cast the chosen spells as rituals. You can’t cast the spells except as rituals, unless you’ve learned them by some other means. You can also cast a warlock spell you know as a ritual if it has the ritual tag.

On your adventures, you can add other ritual spells to your Book of Shadows. When you find such a spell, you can add it to the book if the spell’s level is equal to or less than half your warlock level (rounded up) and if you can spare the time to transcribe the spell. For each level of the spell, the transcription process takes 2 hours and costs 50 gp for the rare inks needed to inscribe it.

If you lose your Book of Shadows, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your patron. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous book. The book turns to ash when you die.

Pact of the Talisman

Your patron gives you an amulet, a talisman that can aid the wearer when the need is great. When the wearer fails an ability check or saving throw, they can add a d4 to the roll, potentially turning the roll into a success. This benefit can be used a number of times equal to your warlock proficiency bonus, and all expended uses are restored when you finish a long rest.

If you lose the talisman, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your patron. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous amulet. The talisman turns to ash when you die.

Ability Score Improvement

4th-level Warlock feature

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1, or you can take a feat. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Mystic Arcanum

11th-level Warlock feature

Your patron bestows upon you a magical secret called an arcanum. Choose one 6th-level spell from the warlock spell list as this arcanum.

You can cast your arcanum spell once without expending spell points. You must finish a long rest before you can do so again.

At higher levels, you gain more warlock spells of your choice that can be cast in this way: one 7th-level spell at 13th level, one 8th-level spell at 15th level, and one 9th-level spell at 17th level. You regain all uses of your Mystic Arcanum when you finish a long rest.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can replace one of your Mystic Arcanum spell choices with another spell from the warlock spell list of the same level.

Eldritch Master

18th-level Warlock feature

You can draw on your inner reserve of mystical power while entreating your patron to regain expended spell points and Mystic Arcanum. You can use an action entreating your patron for aid to regain all your expended spell points from your Pact Magic feature and restore your level 6 Mystic Arcanum if it is expended. Once you regain spell points and Mystic Arcanum with this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.

At 20th level, when you use this feature, you also regain your level 7 Mystic Arcanum as well.

The Archfey

Your patron is a lord or lady of the fey, a creature of legend who holds secrets that were forgotten before the mortal races were born. This being’s motivations are often inscrutable, and sometimes whimsical, and might involve a striving for greater magical power or the settling of age-old grudges. Beings of this sort include the Prince of Frost; the Queen of Air and Darkness, ruler of the Gloaming Court; Titania of the Summer Court; her consort Oberon, the Green Lord; Hyrsam, the Prince of Fools; and ancient hags.

Archfey Bestowed Spells

Warlock Level Spells
1st charm person, faerie fire, sleep
3rd calm emotions, enthrall, phantasmal force
5th blink, hypnotic pattern, plant growth
7th dominate beast, elemental bane, greater invisibility
9th dominate person, seeming, modify memory

Fey Presence

1st-level Archfey feature

Your patron bestows upon you the ability to project the beguiling and fearsome presence of the fey. As a Magic action, you can cause any one creature of your choice within 15 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw. A creature that fails their saving throws is charmed or frightened by you (your choice) until the end of your next turn. Once a creature succeeds on a saving throw against this effect or has the effect ended on it, it is immune to the effect until you finish a long rest. Various invocations change this ability:

Eldritch Spear. The range increases to 30 feet.

Grasping Gift. One creature that fails its saving throw must use its reaction to move 10 feet towards you.

Lance of Lethargy. Any creatures that fail their saving throw has its speed reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn.

Repelling Gift. One creature that fails its saving throw must use its reaction to move 10 feet away from you.

Steps of the Fey

1st-level Archfey feature

Your patron bestows upon you the ability to move between the boundaries of the planes. You can cast misty step without expending spell points a number of times equal to your warlock proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Starting at 3rd level in this class, you also learn misty step and it doesn't count against your Spells Known.

Misty Escape

6th-level Archfey feature

You can vanish in a puff of mist in response to harm. When you take damage, you can use your reaction to cast misty step.

In addition, whenever you cast misty step, you can choose one of the following additional effects:

Refreshing Step. Immediately after you teleport, one creature you can see within 10 feet of you gains temporary hit points equal to a number of d6s equal to the spell’s level.

Taunting Step. Creatures within 5 feet of the space you left must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you until the start of your next turn.

Disappearing Step. You have the Invisible condition until the start of your next turn or until immediately after you make an attack roll or take the Magic action.

Dreadful Step. Creatures within 5 feet of the space you left or the space you appear in (your choice) must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or else take psychic damage equal to a number of d8s equal to the spell's level.

Beguiling Defenses

10th-level Archfey feature

Your patron teaches you how to turn the mind-affecting magic of your enemies against them. You are immune to the Charmed condition, and when another creature attempts to charm you, you can use your reaction to attempt to turn the charm back on that creature. The creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC or be charmed by you for 1 minute or until the creature takes any damage.

Bewitching Magic

14th-level Archfey feature

Your patron bestows on you the ability to weave your magic with teleportation. Immediately after you cast an Enchantment or Illusion spell using spell points, you can cast misty step as part of the same action and without expending a spell slot.

Feywild Self

20th-level Archfey feature

You have expanded upon your connection to your patron and the plane from which they came, and have unlocked a way to attune yourself to the Feywild itself, learning to create a Feywild-imbued copy of yourself. You can create portals to and from the Feywild at will through a ritual that takes 10 minutes to complete. You learn the spell simulacrum, and can cast it once per long rest, with the following modifications:

  • The Casting Time is 10 minutes instead of 12 hours.
  • The Material Components are replaced with the following: Leaves, mud, and dead plant matter of enough volume to make a life-sized copy of the duplicated creature; and 2 lbs of powdered bone collected from a creature of Challenge Rating 15 or higher born in the Feywild
  • The Duration is 1 hour.
  • The duplicate can only be of yourself.
  • The duplicate has a quarter of your maximum hit points, and also benefits from the effects of permanently being under the blur spell.
  • lesser restoration and greater restoration heal 10 and 25 damage done to the duplicate respectively. The duplicate cannot be healed any other way.

The Celestial

Your patron is a powerful being of the Upper Planes. You have bound yourself to an ancient empyrean, solar, ki-rin, unicorn, or other entity that resides in the planes of everlasting bliss. Your pact with that being allows you to experience the barest touch of the holy light that illuminates the multiverse.

Being connected to such power can cause changes to your behavior and beliefs. You might find yourself driven to annihilate the undead, to defeat fiends, and to protect the innocent. At times, your heart might also be filled with a longing for the celestial realm of your patron, a desire to wander that paradise for the rest of your days. But you know that your mission is among mortals for now and that your pact binds you to bring light to the dark places of the world.

Celestial Bestowed Spells

Warlock Level Spells
1st Heal, Guiding Bolt, Bless
3rd Aid, Flaming Sphere, Lesser Restoration
5th Beacon of Hope, Daylight, Revivify
7th Banishment, Guardian of Faith, Wall of Fire
9th Flame Strike, Greater Restoration, Summon Celestial

Gift of Sacred Flame

1st-level Celestial feature

You learn the Light and Sacred Flame cantrips. They count as warlock cantrips for you, but they don’t count against your number of cantrips known. Sacred Flame benefits from being one of your Eldritch Gifts.

Healing Light

1st-level Celestial feature

You gain the ability to channel celestial energy to heal wounds. You have a pool of d6s that you spend to fuel this healing. The number of dice in the pool equals 1 + your warlock level.

As a bonus action, you can heal one creature you can see within 60 feet of you, spending dice from the pool. The maximum number of dice you can spend at once equals your spellcasting modifier (minimum of one die). Roll the dice you spend, add them together, and restore a number of hit points equal to the total.

Your pool regains all expended dice when you finish a long rest.

Radiant Soul

6th-level Celestial feature

Your link to the Celestial allows you to serve as a conduit for radiant energy. You have resistance to radiant damage, and once per turn, when you deal radiant or fire damage, you add your spellcasting modifier to that damage. This damage can apply to multiple targets.

Celestial Resistance

10th-level Celestial feature

You gain temporary hit points whenever you finish a short or long rest. These temporary hit points equal your warlock level + your spellcasting ability modifier. Additionally, choose up to five creatures you can see at the end of the rest. Those creatures each gain temporary hit points equal to half your warlock level + your spellcasting modifier.

Searing Vengeance

14th-level Celestial feature

The radiant energy you channel allows you to resist death. When you have to make a death saving throw at the start of your turn, you can instead spring back to your feet with a burst of radiant energy. You regain hit points equal to half your hit point maximum, and then you stand up if you so choose. Each creature of your choice that is within 30 feet of you takes radiant damage equal to 2d8 + your spellcasting modifier, and is blinded until the end of the current turn.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Radiant Self

20th-level Celestial feature

You have managed to weave your celestial powers into your being. Whenever you deal damage with an Eldritch Gift, you can replace the damage type with radiant damage. Also, whenever you heal a friendly creature, you can infuse extra protective celestial energy into your healing, allowing you to give the healed creature temporary hit points equal to half the amount healed.

The Fathomless

You have plunged into a pact with the deeps. An entity of the ocean, the Elemental Plane of Water, or another otherworldly sea now allows you to draw on its thalassic power. Is it merely using you to learn about terrestrial realms, or does it want you to open cosmic floodgates and drown the world?

Perhaps you were born into a generational cult that venerates the Fathomless and its spawn. Or you might have been shipwrecked and on the brink of drowning when your patron's grasp offered you a chance at life. Whatever the reason for your pact, the sea and its unknown depths call to you.

Entities of the deep that might empower a warlock include krakens, ancient water elementals, godlike hallucinations dreamed into being by kuo-toa, merfolk demigods, and sea hag covens.

Fathomless Bestowed Spells

Warlock Level Spells
1st create or destroy water, storm step, thunderwave
3rd gust of wind, misty step, silence
5th lightning bolt, sleet storm, wall of water
7th control water, long way down, watery sphere
9th bigby's hand (appears as a tentacle), cone of cold, maelstrom

Tentacle of the Deep

1st-level Fathomless feature

You can magically summon a spectral tentacle that strikes at your foes. As a bonus action, you create a 10-foot-long tentacle at a point you can see within 60 feet of you. The tentacle lasts for 1 minute or until you use this feature to create another tentacle.

When you create the tentacle, you can make a melee spell attack against one creature within 10 feet of it. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 cold damage, and its speed is reduced by 10 feet until the start of your next turn. As you gain levels in this class, the damage increases to 2d8 at 10th level, and to 3d8 at 18th level.

As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the tentacle up to 30 feet and repeat the attack.

You can summon the tentacle a number of times equal to your warlock proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Gift of the Sea

1st-level Fathomless feature

You gain a swimming speed of 40 feet, and you can breathe underwater.

Oceanic Soul

6th-level Fathomless feature

You are now even more at home in the depths. You gain resistance to cold damage. In addition, when you are fully submerged, any creature that is also fully submerged can understand your speech, and you can understand theirs.

Guardian Coil

6th-level Fathomless feature

Your Tentacle of the Deeps can defend you and others, interposing itself between them and harm. When you or a creature you can see takes damage while within 10 feet of the tentacle, you can use your reaction to choose one of those creatures and reduce the damage to that creature by 1d8. When you reach 10th level in this class, the damage reduced by the tentacle increases to 2d8.

Grasping Tentacles

10th-level Fathomless feature

You learn the spell evard's black tentacles. It counts as a warlock spell for you, but it doesn't count against the number of spells you know. You can also cast it once without using spell points, and you regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest.

Whenever you cast this spell, your patron's magic bolsters you, granting you a number of temporary hit points equal to your warlock level. Moreover, damage can't break your concentration on this spell.

Fathomless Plunge

14th-level Fathomless feature

You can magically open temporary conduits to watery destinations. As an action, you can teleport yourself and up to five other willing creatures that you can see within 30 feet of you. Amid a whirl of tentacles, you all vanish and then reappear up to 1 mile away in a body of water you've seen (pond size or larger) or within 30 feet of it, each of you appearing in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of the others.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Drown in the Depths

20th-level Fathomless feature

Your connection to the depths of the ocean allows you to bring the depths to your foes. As an action, choose a point within 60 feet of you. A sphere of tumultuous, murky water erupts in a 30-foot radius surrounding that point. Any creatures of your choice caught in the water are instantly swept by the water into the center of the sphere. You may designate any amount of creatures to be harmlessly swept by water eddies to the nearest edge of the sphere. You must concentrate on maintaining this effect as if concentrating on a spell.

On the start of a creature's turn which is caught in the center of this effect, they must make a Strength saving throw or take 6d12 bludgeoning damage, or half as much on a successful save. Any creature who opens their mouth while inside the water instantly take 4d12 bludgeoning damage from the force and pressure of the water rushing into their body. A creature moving away from the center of the effect must spend 4 feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves. A creature caught in the sphere but not in the center at the end of their turn must make a Strength saving throw or else be pulled into the center again.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

The Fiend

You have made a pact with a fiend from the lower planes of existence, a being whose aims are evil, even if you strive against those aims. Such beings desire the corruption or destruction of all things, ultimately including you. Fiends powerful enough to forge a pact include demon lords such as Demogorgon, Orcus, Fraz’Urb-luu, and Baphomet; archdevils such as Asmodeus, Dispater, Mephistopheles, and Belial; pit fiends and balors that are especially mighty; and ultroloths and other lords of the yugoloths.

Fiend Bestowed Spells

Warlock Level Spells
1st burning hands, command, hellish rebuke
3rd blindness/deafness, scorching ray, suggestion
5th bestow curse, fireball, through the fire and flames
7th fire shield, phantasmal killer, wall of fire
9th flame strike, geas, hallow

Dark One’s Blessing

1st-level Fiend feature

When you reduce a hostile creature to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting modifier + your warlock level (minimum of 1).

Dark One’s Own Luck

6th-level Fiend feature

You can call on your patron to alter fate in your favor. When you make an ability check or a saving throw, you can use this feature to add a d10 to your roll. You can do so after seeing the initial roll but before any of the roll’s effects occur.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Fiendish Resilience

10th-level Fiend feature

You can choose one damage type when you finish a short or long rest. You gain resistance to that damage type until you choose a different one with this feature. Damage from magical weapons or silver weapons ignores this resistance.

Hurl Through Hell

14th-level Fiend feature

When you damage a creature with your Eldritch Gift, an attack, or a spell, you can use this feature to instantly transport the target through the lower planes. The creature disappears and hurtles through a nightmare landscape.

At the end of your next turn, the target returns to the space it previously occupied, or the nearest unoccupied space. If the target is not a fiend, it takes 10d10 psychic damage as it reels from its horrific experience.

Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.

Fiendish Corruption

20th-level Fiend feature

The resistance from your Fiendish Resilience ability becomes immunity. Your experience and power allows you unlimited access to the minor demons of hell, allowing you to cast summon lesser demon at will.

Additionally, once per long rest, when you drop to zero hit points, you have learned to quickly escape to hell, allowing you to teleport to hell for one round. You may spend any number of spell points to regain 10 hit points per spell point you spend, coming back to the location you left at the end of your next turn.

Genie Bestowed Spells

Spell Level Genie Spells Dao Spells Djinni Spells Efreeti Spells Marid Spells
1st detect evil and good, silent image sanctuary thunderwave burning hands fog cloud
3rd phantasmal force, locate object spike growth gust of wind scorching ray blur
5th bestow curse, create food and water meld into stone wind wall fireball sleet storm
7th divination, phantasmal killer stone shape greater invisibility fire shield control water
9th creation, scrying wall of stone seeming flaming vortex cone of cold
17th wish - - - -

The Genie

You have made a pact with one of the rarest kinds of genie, a noble genie. Such entities rule vast fiefs on the Elemental Planes and have great influence over lesser genies and elemental creatures. Noble genies are varied in their motivations, but most are arrogant and wield power that rivals that of lesser deities. They delight in turning the table on mortals, who often bind genies into servitude, and readily enter into pacts that expand their reach.

You choose your patron's kind or determine it randomly.

Genie's Vessel

1st-level Genie feature

Your patron gifts you a magical vessel that grants you a measure of the genie's power. The vessel is a Tiny object, and you can use it as a spellcasting focus for your warlock spells. You decide what the object is, or you can determine what it is randomly by rolling on the Genie's Vessel table.

While you are touching the vessel, you can use it in the following ways:

  • Genie’s Wrath: Once during each of your turns when you hit with an attack roll, you can deal extra damage to the target equal to half your warlock level, rounded down. The type of this damage is determined by your patron: bludgeoning (dao), thunder (djinni), fire (efreeti), or cold (marid). You can also transmute the damage type done by your Eldritch Gifts to this damage type.
  • Bottled Respite: As a Magic action, you can magically vanish and enter your vessel, which remains in the space you left. The interior of the vessel is an extradimensional space in the shape of a 20-foot-radius cylinder, 20 feet high, and resembles your vessel. The interior is appointed with cushions and low tables and is a comfortable temperature. While inside, you can hear the area around your vessel as if you were in its space. You can remain inside the vessel up to a number of hours equal to twice your warlock proficiency bonus. You exit the vessel early if you use a bonus action to leave, if you die, or if the vessel is destroyed. When you exit the vessel, you appear in the unoccupied space closest to it. Any objects left in the vessel remain there until carried out, and if the vessel is destroyed, every object stored there harmlessly appears in the unoccupied spaces closest to the vessel's former space. Once you enter the vessel, you can't enter again until you finish a long rest.

The vessel's AC equals your spell save DC. Its hit points equal your warlock level plus your warlock proficiency bonus, and it is immune to poison and psychic damage.

If the vessel is destroyed or you lose it, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to receive a replacement from your patron. This ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and the previous vessel is destroyed if it still exists. The vessel vanishes in a flare of elemental power when you die.

Elemental Self

6th-level Genie feature

You begin to take on characteristics of your patron's kind. You now have resistance to a damage type determined by your patron's kind: bludgeoning (dao), thunder (djinni), fire (efreeti), or cold (marid).

In addition, as a bonus action, you can give yourself a flying speed of 30 feet that lasts for 10 minutes, during which you can hover. You can use this bonus action a number of times equal to your warlock proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Sanctuary Vessel

10th-level Genie feature

When you enter your Genie's Vessel via the Bottled Respite feature, you can now choose up to five willing creatures that you can see within 30 feet of you, and the chosen creatures are drawn into the vessel with you.

As a bonus action, you can eject any number of creatures from the vessel, and everyone is ejected if you leave or die or if the vessel is destroyed.

In addition, anyone (including you) who remains within the vessel for at least 10 minutes gains the benefit of finishing a short rest, and anyone can add your warlock proficiency bonus to the number of hit points they regain if they spend any Hit Dice as part of a short rest there.

Limited Wish

14th-level Genie feature

You entreat your patron to grant you a small wish. As an action, you can speak your desire to your Genie's Vessel, requesting the effect of one spell that is 6th level or lower and has a casting time of 1 action. The spell can be from any class's spell list, and you don't need to meet the requirements in that spell, including costly components: the spell simply takes effect as part of this action. If the spell you request is a spell of lower than 6th level, you may choose for the effect to take place as if you had used a 6th level slot to cast it. If the spell requires concentration, you must concentrate on it.

Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish 1d4 long rests.

Three Wishes

20th-level Genie feature

Your experience entreating your patron and the bond and knowledge you share with them allow you a more generous allowance of wishes. You can use your Limited Wish feature up to 3 times per long rest, though if you use it 3 times in one day, you must finish 1d4 long rests before you can use it again.

The Great Old One

Your patron is a mysterious entity whose nature is utterly foreign to the fabric of reality. It might come from the Far Realm, the space beyond reality, or it could be one of the elder gods known only in legends. Its motives are incomprehensible to mortals, and its knowledge so immense and ancient that even the greatest libraries pale in comparison to the vast secrets it holds. The Great Old One might be unaware of your existence or entirely indifferent to you, but the secrets you have learned allow you to draw your magic from it.

Entities of this type include Ghaunadar, called That Which Lurks; Tharizdun, the Chained God; Dendar, the Night Serpent; Zargon, the Returner; Great Cthulhu; and other unfathomable beings.

Great Old One Bestowed Spells

Warlock Level Spells
1st dissonant whispers, tasha's hideous laughter, witch bolt
3rd detect thoughts, hold person, phantasmal force
5th clairvoyance, sending, bestow curse
7th dominate beast, evard's black tentacles, phantasmal killer
9th dominate person, modify memory, telekinesis

Awakened Mind

1st-level Great Old One feature

Your alien knowledge gives you the ability to touch the minds of other creatures. You can telepathically speak to any creature you can see within 120 feet of you, or 240 feet if you have the Eldritch Spear invocation. You don’t need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language. That creature can reply telepathically to what you say.

When you speak into a creature's mind, you can use a Magic Action to force the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is Frightened of you until the beginning of your next turn. A creature is immune to the effects of this ability if they succeed on the saving throw, or the effect is ended on them.

At 6th level, you can use this ability to take control of minds. If the creature fails their saving throw, you can expend 3 spell points to take control of the creature. On the creature's turn, you may command the creature to take either the Attack, Dash, or Dodge action, making multiple attacks if it has the multiattack feature, and move up to its speed. If you choose to have the creature take an action the creature perceives to be directly harmful to itself or its allies, or the creature takes damage, it gets to make another Wisdom saving throw, ending the effect on a success. If you do not use your action on subsequent turns to maintain your control, the effect ends.

This effects lasts for 1 minute unless you end the effect (no action required), or unless you and the creature are ever more than 120 feet (240 with Eldritch Spear) away from one another.

Entropic Ward

6th-level Great Old One feature

The mind-bending reality of your patron's power warps reality around you. All spells targeting you or any creatures within 5 feet of you now have spell save DCs of 13, and any advantage or disadvantage that might have previously been in effect is eliminated. This overrides any effect given by any magic item or feature.

Thought Shield

10th-level Great Old One feature

Your thoughts can’t be read by telepathy or other means unless you allow it. You also have immunity to psychic damage, and whenever a creature attempts to deal psychic damage to you, that creature must make a Wisdom save against your spell DC. On a failed save, the creature is stunned until the beginning of its next turn.

In addition, when you make an Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw, you can use your reaction to add your spellcasting ability modifier to an Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw you make. You can do so after you roll but before any effects of the roll occur. You can do so a number of times equal to your warlock proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Invoke Lovecraft

14th-level Great Old One feature

You have gained a grasp of your patron and its reality-bending and plane-breaking presence that no other creature can comprehend. As a Magic Action, you can summon a gargantuan (30 x 30) illusion of your patron tinged with just a glimpse of its true nature in an unoccupied cube within 60 feet of you for 1 minute. You must concentrate on this effect as if concentrating on a spell. All creatures that can see this illusion and that are within 60 feet of it when it appears must make a Wisdom saving throw versus your spell save DC or else be Stunned as long as the illusion lasts. A creature Stunned by this effect makes a saving throw at the start of each of its turns, ending the Stunned condition on a success.

Any creature that isn’t Stunned and can see the illusion that starts its turn within 60 feet of the illusion or enters that range for the first time on a turn must make a Wisdom saving throw or else be Stunned in the same way. A creature who has made a saving throw against this effect has advantage on subsequent saving throws against it. If a creature has foreknowledge that the effect will happen and when, they can use their Reaction to force their eyes closed and blind themselves, avoiding the saving throw for as long as they keep their eyes closed. If they open their eyes, they must make a Wisdom saving throw as normal. Any creature, including you, who fully understands your patron’s essence, as determined by the DM, is immune to this effect.

The illusion can be dispelled by a Dispel Magic cast at 7th level or a Banishment spell cast with a 7th-level slot. The stun can be ended with any of the Greater Restoration, Heal, Great Heal, or Wish spells.

Once you use this ability, you must wait 1d4 days to use it again.

Grotesque Magic

20th-level Great Old One feature

You more than understand the essence of your patron; you can incorporate it into yourself. You can conduct a ritual that takes 1 hour to complete to turn one part of your body into something resembling an aspect of your patron. This ritual requires the consumption of an object containing a 5 ft cube of perfect void. After completing this ritual, your magic becomes full with bizarre and obscuring colors, and the magic you weave becomes too unfamiliar to be counterspelled. Any creature without immunity to both the charmed or frightened conditions faces disadvantage on saving throws versus your spells and invocations. Creatures with immunities to one or both of the charmed and frightened conditions instead make their saves versus your spells and invocations normally.

After completing the ritual, these effects last for 8 hours. After completing this ritual, you make a DC 20 Charisma saving throw to return back to your original form or else be permanently transformed, with effects determined by the DM. After completing the ritual, you must wait 2d4 days to anchor your soul back in the Material Plane before you can attempt the ritual again.

The Raven Queen

You have made a pact with one of the most mysterious beings in existence. A supposed exiled Archfey? A god or not a god? She is followed devotely by the shadar-kai, who seem to think she is the savior of the realms. For whatever reason, you have sought her aid, and accepted her power in exchange for undying loyalty. With divine command over corvids and with a domain over life, death, and memory, your powers are incomprehensible to most.

Raven Queen Bestowed Spells

Warlock Level Spells
1st bane, id insinuation, silent image
3rd darkness, mirror image, silence
5th bestow curse, birdsight, speak with dead
7th banishment, divination, polymorph
9th contact other plane, seeming, storm of crows

The Queen's Curse

1st-level Raven Queen feature

The Raven Queen grants her disciples access to a debilitating curse that weakens their targets' memories of how to fight and resist her influence. As a Magic Action, you can target one creature you can see within 30 feet of you, providing a verbal and somatic component as if casting a spell. That creature must make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC or else suffer the following conditions:

  • Once per turn, when you roll a damage roll against the creature, you can add half your warlock level, rounded up, to the damage roll.
  • Your critical range against the creature is decreased by 1.
  • If the cursed target dies, you regain hit points equal to your warlock level + your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of 1 hit point), and you gain access to one of the creature's memories (DM's discretion).

Once a creature makes its saving throw against this curse, or has the effect ended on it, it is immune to the effects until you finish a long rest.

If you later gain the Eldritch Spear invocation, you can now target a creature you can see within 60 feet of you with this curse.

The Queen's Library

1st-level Raven Queen feature

You have limited access to the Raven Queen's near-unlimited library of information on magic and history. When you make a Intelligence (History) or Intelligence (Arcana) check, you can choose to gain advantage on the roll. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your warlock proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Flight of the Corvids

6th-level Raven Queen feature

You have learned to constitute yourself into a raven. You gain the following benefits:

  • As an action, you can turn into a raven. The duration lasts for a number of hours equal to half your warlock proficiency bonus, and the transformation follows the same rules as the druid's wildshape otherwise.
  • As a reaction to getting hit with an attack, you can turn into a raven and fly away from the attack. The attack automatically misses, and you may fly up to 60 feet away as part of the reaction.

You have a pool of uses to use either of these features equal to your warlock proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Queen's Thrall

10th-level Raven Queen feature

When a creature under the effects of The Queen's Curse is killed by you, you can cause its spirit to rise from its corpse as a specter. When the specter appears, it gains temporary hit points eqaul to half your warlock level. Roll initiative for the specter, which has its own turns. It obeys your verbal commands, and it gains a special bonus to its attack rolls equal to your spellcasting modifier (minimum 0).

The specter remains in your service until the end of your next long rest, at which point it vanishes to the afterlife.

Once you bind a specter with this feature, you can't use the feature again until you finish a long rest.

Passage through Letherna

14th-level Raven Queen feature

The Raven Queen has given you the power to pass to her home. You learn the Plane Shift spell, and you can cast it once without using spell points, but the only plane you can travel to with this feature is the Shadowfell.

In addition, your patron has granted you the ability to use this spell offensively. You can also cast the spell with the following modifications:

  • The spell no longer requires material components
  • The spell requires concentration, and lasts for up to 1 minute.
  • It's range becomes 60 feet.
  • You can cast the spell at a target within range that you can see. That target immediately is shunted into the shadowfell, where it lands in the frozen forests surrounding Letherna. The target remains there for the duration or until it escapes. At the start of each of its turns while the spell is in effect, it takes 6d4 cold damage. The creature can use its action to make a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC, escaping and reappearing in the space it left or, if that space is occupied, in the nearest unoccupied space.

Once you cast this spell either way using this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

Fortress of Memories

20th-level Raven Queen feature

You have learned to create a place of memories by emulating the magic and divinity of your patron. As an action, you can establish a Fortress of Memories, a 30-foot aura centered on you that lasts for 10 minutes. All creatures of your choice that enter the aura for the first time on a turn or start their turn in it must make a Intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failure, a creature is incapacitated as its mind is flooded with memories of its past, and of the varied, wonderful, and sorrowful memories of others. The creature makes a saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.

Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.

The Undead

You've made a pact with a deathless being, a creature that defies the cycle and life and death, forsaking its mortal shell so it might eternally pursue its unfathomable ambitions. For such beings, time and morality are fleeting things, the concerns of those for whom grains of sand still rush through life's hourglass. Having once been mortal themselves, these ancient undead know firsthand the paths of ambition and the routes past the doors of death. They eagerly share this profane knowledge, along with other secrets, with those who work their will among the living.

Beings of this type include the demilich Acererak, the vampire tyrant Kas the Bloody-Handed, the githyanki lich-queen Vlaakith, the dracolich Dragotha, the undead pharaoh Ankhtepot, and the elusive Darklord, Azalin Rex.

Undead Bestowed Spells

Spell Level Spells
1st bane, drain, false life
2nd blindness/deafness, pillar of bone, phantasmal force
3rd phantom steed, speak with dead, vampiric touch
4th deafening darkness, death ward, greater invisibility
5th antilife shell, bloodstone path, cloudkill

Form of Dread

1st-level Undead feature

You manifest an aspect of your patron’s dreadful power. You gain a pool of d10s equal to twice your warlock level, called your Dread Dice. As a Bonus Action, you transform for 1 minute. You gain the following benefits while transformed:

  • When you transform, or as a Bonus Action on subsequent turns while transformed, you can choose to expend a number of your Dread Dice equal to your warlock proficiency bonus, roll them, and gain temporary hit points equal to the result.
  • Once during each of your turns, when you hit a creature with an attack or deal damage to it with an Eldritch Gift, you can force it to make a Wisdom saving throw, and if the saving throw fails, the target is frightened of you until the end of your next turn. If a creature succeeds its saving throw against this effect, it is immune to the fear from this effect until you finish a long rest.
  • You are immune to the frightened condition.

The appearance of your Form of Dread reflects some aspect of your patron. For example, your form could be a shroud of shadows forming the crown and robes of your lich patron, or your body might glow with glyphs from ancient funerary rites and be surrounded by desert winds, suggesting your mummy patron.

Grave Touched

6th-level Undead feature

Your patron’s powers have a profound effect on your body and magic. You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe, and you are proficient in death saving throws. You return to life with 1 hit point if the result of a death saving throw is a 15 or higher.

In addition, once during each of your turns, when you hit a creature with an attack and roll damage against the creature, you can replace the damage type with necrotic damage. While you are using your Form of Dread, you can roll one additional damage die when determining the necrotic damage the target takes.

Necrotic Husk

10th-level Undead feature

Your connection to undeath and necrotic energy now saturates your body. You have resistance to necrotic damage. If you are transformed using your Form of Dread, you instead become immune to necrotic damage.

In addition, when you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to drop to 1 hit point instead and cause your body to erupt with deathly energy. Each creature of your choice that is within 30 feet of you takes necrotic damage equal to 2d10 + your warlock level. Once you use this reaction, you can’t do so again until you finish 1d4 long rests.

Spirit Projection

14th-level Undead feature

Your spirit can become untethered from your physical form. As an action, you can project your spirit from your body. The body you leave behind is unconscious and in a state of suspended animation.

Your spirit resembles your mortal form in almost every way, replicating game statistics but not your possessions. Any damage or other effects that apply to your spirit or physical body affects the other. Your spirit can remain outside your body for up to 1 hour or until your concentration is broken (as if concentrating on a spell). When your projection ends, your spirit returns to your body or your body magically teleports to your spirit’s space (your choice).

While projecting your spirit, you gain the following benefits:

  • Your spirit and body gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  • When you cast a spell of the conjuration or necromancy school, the spell doesn’t require verbal or somatic components or material components that lack a gold cost.
  • You have a flying speed equal to your walking speed and can hover. You can move through creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain, but you take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside a creature or an object.
  • While you are using your Form of Dread, once during each of your turns when you deal necrotic damage to a creature, you regain hit points equal to half the amount of necrotic damage dealt.

Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Spirit Posession

20th-level Undead feature

Your spirit is strong enough to not only untether from your body for up to 8 hours, but also to maintain its integrity while possessing other creatures. As an action, you can target one creature within 5 feet of either you or your spirit and attempt to possess them. The creature takes 10d10 psychic damage as it attempts to fight off the possession, and it must then make a Charisma saving throw. If it fails, you can reconstitute its form, giving it temporary hit points equal to the psychic damage you just dealt to it, and you gain full control over the creature, gaining all of its senses, special abilities, attacks, and statistics, replacing its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores with your own if yours are higher. You retain the ability to cast your warlock spells as normal in the new form. You can maintain this possession for up to 1 hour. If the creature succeeds on the saving throw, it is frightened of you, and your spirit reappears within 5 feet of the creature.

You can choose to end the posession at any point. If you do, you may choose to erase the creature's soul or leave it intact. If you choose to erase the soul, the creature is killed, and its body drops to the floor, intact. If you leave the creature's soul intact, it is frightened by you permanently. This effect can be undone only via a wish spell.

Once you use this feature, you can't do so until you finish 1d4 long rests.

Eldritch Invocations

If an eldritch invocation has prerequisites, you must meet them to learn it. You can learn the invocation at the same time that you meet its prerequisites. A level prerequisite refers to your level in this class.

Armor of Shadows

You are constantly surrounded by a coating of shadow. Your AC is equal to 11 + your warlock proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier if you are not wearing armor, and you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Aspect of the Moon

Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome feature

You no longer need to sleep and can't be forced to sleep by any means. You gain proficiency in Perception, and if you already have proficiency in Perception, you gain Expertise in Perception. To gain the benefits of a long rest, you can spend all 8 hours doing light activity, such as reading your Book of Shadows and keeping watch.

Beast Speech

You can understand the language of beasts, and they understand your speech. You gain advantage on any Charisma checks when dealing with beasts.

Beguiling Influence

You gain proficiency in the Deception and Persuasion skills. If you already have proficiency in either of these skills, you gain expertise in that skill.

Book of Ancient Secrets

Prerequisite: Pact of the Tome feature

You can inscribe 2 additional spells into your Book of Secrets, one of which can be from any full caster spell list, and the other being from the warlock spell list. You can cast these spells using your pact magic, and they don't count against your spells known. These spells must be of a level you can cast through your warlock levels, and must be of spell level 5th level or lower.

You also gain 1 additional spell point, and you gain an additional spell point at 11th level (2), and again at 17th level (3).

Devil’s Sight

You can see normally in darkness and dim light, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 feet.

Double Double

Prerequisite: Pact of the Cauldron feature

When a creature consumes a potion you created with your cauldron, you can use your reaction to empower the potion as if you had expended spell points equal to your maximum level on the Warlock class table. You can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Eldritch Mind

You have advantage on Constitution saving throws that you make to maintain your concentration on a spell.

Eldritch Sight

You can see the presence of magic within 30 feet of you. If you see magic in this way, you can see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic. By using your action, you learn its school of magic, if any.

Eldritch Sight cannot penetrate a barrier you cannot see through.

Eldritch Spear

When you use your Eldritch Gift, its range is 300 feet if it targets a single creature, or can target multiple individual creatures. If the Gift has an area of effect, its radius is increased by 10 feet.

Eyes of the Rune Keeper

You can read all writing.

Fiendish Vigor

As a Magic Action, you may provide yourself temporary hit points equal to 3 + your spellcasting ability modifier.

Gaze of Two Minds

As a Magic Action, you can touch a willing humanoid and perceive through its senses until the end of your next turn. As long as the creature is on the same plane of existence as you, you can use your action on subsequent turns to maintain this connection, extending the duration until the end of your next turn. While perceiving through the other creature’s senses, you benefit from any special senses possessed by that creature, and you are blinded and deafened to your own surroundings.

Gift of the Ever-Living Ones

Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain feature

Whenever you regain hit points while your familiar is within 100 feet of you, treat any dice rolled to determine the hit points you regain as having rolled their maximum value for you.

Gift of the Talisman

Prerequisite: Pact of the Talisman feature

Your talisman becomes an extension of you. When you cast a warlock spell with a range of self, you can choose to have it centered around your talisman's wearer instead as long as they are on the same plane of existence. When you cast a spell with a range of touch, you can target your talisman's wearer from anywhere as long as you can see them.

If the spell requires concentration, you are concentrating on it, but whenever the wearer of the talisman takes damage, you need to make a concentration check and you may add the bonus from your Pact of the Talisman ability. On a failed save, a crack forms on the talisman, requiring a 10-minute ritual to repair.

Grasping Gift

Once on each of your turns when you a creature takes damage from your Eldritch Gift, you can move that creature in a straight line 10 feet closer to you.

Investment of the Chain Master

Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain feature

When you cast find familiar, you infuse the summoned familiar with a measure of your eldritch power, granting the creature the following benefits:

  • The familiar gains either a flying speed or a swimming speed (your choice) of 40 feet.
  • As a bonus action, you can command the familiar to take the Attack action.
  • The familiar’s weapon attacks are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming immunity and resistance to nonmagical attacks.
  • If the familiar forces a creature to make a saving throw, it uses your spell save DC.
  • When the familiar takes damage, you can use your reaction to grant it resistance against that damage.

Lance of Lethargy

Once on each of your turns when a creature takes damage from your Eldritch Gift, you can reduce that creature's speed by 10 feet until the end of your next turn.

Mask of Many Faces

As a Magic Action, you make yourself--including your clothing, armor, weapons, and other belongings on your person--look different until you use your action to dismiss it. You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller and can appear thin, fat, or in between. You can't change your body type, so you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs. Otherwise, the extent of the illusion is up to you.

The changes wrought by this invocation fail to hold up to physical inspection. For example, if you use this invocation to add a hat to your outfit, objects pass through the hat, and anyone who touches it would feel nothing or would feel your head and hair. If you use this invocation to appear thinner than you are, the hand of someone who reaches out to touch you would bump into you while it was seemingly still in midair.

To discern that you are disguised, a creature can use its action to inspect your appearance and must succeed on an Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC.

Misty Visions

You create the image of an object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 5-foot cube. The image appears at a spot you can see and lasts for one minute. The image is purely visual; it isn't accompanied by sound, smell, or other sensory effects.

You can use your action to cause the image to move to any spot you can see. As the image changes location, you can alter its appearance so that its movements appear natural for the image. For example, if you create an image of a creature and move it, you can alter the image so that it appears to be walking.

Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. A creature that uses its action to examine the image can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check against your spell save DC. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the creature can see through the image.

The image lasts until you dismiss it as an action, or create another image with this invocation.

Rebuke of the Talisman

Prerequisite: Pact of the Talisman feature

When the wearer of your talisman is hit by an attacker you can see within 30 feet of you, you can use your reaction to deal psychic damage to the attacker equal to your warlock level and push it up to 10 feet away from the talisman's wearer.

Repelling Gift

When you hit a creature with your Eldritch Gift, or a creature takes damage from your Eldritch Gift, you can push the creature up to 10 feet away from you in a straight line.

Thief of Five Fates

As an action, a creature of your choice that you can see within 30 feet must make a Charisma saving throw. For the next minute, whenever a target that fails this saving throw makes an attack roll or a saving throw, the target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or saving throw. Once a creature makes a saving throw against this effect, it is immune to this ability until you finish a long rest.

Voice of the Chain Master

Prerequisite: Pact of the Chain feature

You can communicate telepathically with your familiar and perceive through your familiar’s senses as long as you are on the same plane of existence. Additionally, while perceiving through your familiar’s senses, you can also speak through your familiar in your own voice, even if your familiar is normally incapable of speech.

Cloak of Flies

Prerequisite: 5th level

As a Bonus Action, you can surround yourself with a magical aura that looks like buzzing flies. The aura extends 5 feet from you in every direction, but not through total cover. It lasts until you're incapacitated or you dismiss it as a bonus action.

The aura grants you advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks but disadvantage on all other Charisma checks. Any other creature that starts its turn in the aura takes poison damage equal to your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of 0 damage).

Eldritch Smite

Prerequisite: 5th Level, Pact of the Blade

Once per turn when you hit a creature with your pact weapon, you can expend a number of spell points less than or equal to your Max Level as seen on the warlock table to deal an extra 1d6 force damage to the target, plus another 1d6 per spell point used, and you can knock the target prone if it is Huge or smaller.

Far Scribe

Prerequisite: 5th Level, Pact of the Tome

A new page appears in your Book of Shadows. With your permission, a creature can use its action to write its name on that page, which can contain a number of names equal to your warlock proficiency bonus.

You can cast the Sending spell, targeting a creature whose name is on the page, without using spell points and without using material components. To do so, you must write the message on the page. The target hears the message in their mind, and if the target replies, their message appears on the page, rather than in your mind. The writing disappears after 1 minute.

As an action, you can magically erase a name on the page by touching it.

Gift of the Depths

Prerequisite: 5th Level

You can breathe underwater, and you gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed. As an action, you can also grant these benefits to a creature you touch.

Improved Pact Weapon

Prerequisite: 5th Level, Pact of the Blade

You can use any weapon you summon with your Pact of the Blade feature as a spellcasting focus for your warlock spells.

In addition, the weapon gains a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls, unless it is a magic weapon that already has a bonus to those rolls. At 17th level this bonus improves to +2.

Finally, the weapon you conjure can be a shortbow, longbow, light crossbow, or heavy crossbow.

Maddening Hex

Prerequisite: 5th level, hex spell or a warlock feature that curses

As a Bonus Action, you cause a psychic disturbance around the target cursed by your Hex spell or by a warlock feature of yours that involves a curse, such as Sign of Ill Omen or The Queen's Curse. When you do so, you deal psychic damage to the cursed target and each creature of your choice that you can see within 5 feet of it. The psychic damage equals your spellcasting ability modifier (minimum of 1 damage). To use this invocation, you must be able to see the cursed target, and it must be within 30 feet of you.

Mire the Mind

Prerequisite: 5th level

As an action, you alter time around a creature of your choice you can see within 60 feet. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be affected by this invocation for one minute.

An affected target's speed is halved, it takes a −2 penalty to AC and Dexterity saving throws, and it can't use reactions. On its turn, it can use either an action or a bonus action, not both. Regardless of the creature's abilities or magic items, it can't make more than one melee or ranged attack during its turn.

If the creature attempts to cast a spell with a casting time of 1 action, roll a d20. On an 11 or higher, the spell doesn't take effect until the creature's next turn, and the creature must use its action on that turn to complete the spell. If it can't, the spell is wasted.

A creature affected by this invocation makes another Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On a successful save, the effect ends for it. Once a creature succeeds on a saving throw against this effect, or has the effect ended on it, it is immune to the effect until you finish a long rest.

One with Shadows

Prerequisite: 5th level

When you are in an area of dim light or darkness, you can use your action to become invisible until you move or take an action or a reaction.

Sign of Ill Omen

Prerequisite: 5th level

As an action, you touch a creature, and that creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become cursed for one minute or until you use this ability again. When you use this invocation, choose one ability score. While cursed, the target has disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws made with that ability score.

While the target is cursed, your attacks and spells deal an extra 1d8 necrotic damage to the target.

A remove curse spell ends this effect.

Thirsting Blade

Prerequisite: 5th level, Pact of the Blade feature

You can attack with your pact weapon twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Tomb of Levistus

Prerequisite: 5th level

As a reaction when you take damage, you can entomb yourself in ice, which melts away at the end of your next turn. You gain 10 temporary hit points per warlock level, which take as much of the triggering damage as possible. Immediately after you take the damage, you gain vulnerability to fire damage, your speed is reduced to 0, and you are incapacitated. These effects, including any remaining temporary hit points, all end when the ice melts.

Once you use this invocation, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Undying Servitude

Prerequisite: 5th level

As an action, you can choose a pile of bones or a corpse of a Medium or Small humanoid within 10 feet of you, and you can imbue the target with a foul mimicry of life, raising it as an undead creature. The target becomes a skeleton if you chose bones or a zombie if you chose a corpse (the DM has the creature's game statistics).

On each of your turns, you can use a bonus action to mentally command the creature you made with this spell if the creature is within 60 feet of you. You decide what action the creature will take and where it will move during its next turn, or you can issue a general command, such as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you issue no commands, the creature only defends itself against hostile creatures. Once given an order, the creature continues to follow it until its task is complete.

The creature is under your control for 1 hour, or if you use this ability again to create another zombie or skeleton, after which it crumbles into dust.

Bewitching Whispers

Prerequisite: 7th level

Whenever a target is charmed (see conditions) by you, you may give it a verbal command on your turn as an action, if the target can hear you, it must make a Wisdom saving throw or follow your instructions if it can while it is still charmed.

A target isn't compelled to take actions that obviously will cause it harm, such as jump into a fire or attack itself. It will however follow commands that put it in dangerous situations, such as attack a dangerous enemy.

Dreadful Word

Prerequisite: 7th level

Your words can shatter the minds of other creatures. As an action, you may speak a dreadful word to a target that can hear you. When you do so, they must make a Wisdom save against your spell DC. If they fail, they act as if under a confusion spell for one minute. At the end of each of its turns, an affected target can make a Wisdom saving throw. If it succeeds, this effect ends. Once a creature makes a saving throw against this effect, or has the effect ended on it, it is immune to the effects until you finish a long rest.

Ghostly Gaze

Prerequisite: 7th level

As an action, you gain the ability to see through solid objects to a range of 30 feet. Within that range, you have darkvision if you don't already have it. This special sight lasts for 1 minute or until your concentration ends (as if you were concentrating on a spell). During that time, you perceive objects as ghostly, transparent images.

Once you use this invocation, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Protection of the Talisman

Prerequisite: 7th level, Pact of the Talisman feature

The d4 the wearer of the talisman can apply to a failed ability check or saving throw becomes a d8.

Relentless Hex

Prerequisite: 7th level, hex spell or a warlock feature that curses

Your curse creates a temporary bond between you and your target. As a bonus action, you can magically teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space you can see within 5 feet of the target cursed by your hex spell or by a warlock feature of yours, such as Hexblade's Curse or Sign of Ill Omen. To teleport in this way, you must be able to see the cursed target.

Sculptor of Flesh

Prerequisite: 7th level

This invocation transforms a willing creature that you touch into a new form. The transformation requires one minute to complete.

The transformation lasts for a duration of one hour, until you dismiss the invocation, use the invocation again, or until the target drops to 0 hit points or dies. The new form can be any beast whose challenge rating is equal to or less than the target's (or the target's level, if it doesn't have a challenge rating) to a maximum challenge rating of 1.

The target's game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the beast, but they retain their alignment, personality, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. They also retain all of their skill and saving throw proficiencies, in addition to gaining those of the creature. If the creature has the same proficiency as the target and the bonus in its stat block is higher than the target, use the creature’s bonus. If the creature has any legendary or lair actions, they can’t use them.

The target assumes the hit points of its new form. When it reverts to its normal form, the creature returns to the number of hit points it had before it transformed. If it reverts as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to its normal form. As long as the excess damage doesn't reduce the creature's normal form to 0 hit points, it isn't knocked unconscious.

The creature is limited in the actions it can perform by the nature of its new form, and it can't speak, cast spells, or take any other action that requires hands or speech.

The target's gear melds into the new form. The creature can't activate, use, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its equipment.

Trickster's Escape

Prerequisite: 7th level

As an action, you can amplify your mobility. For 1 minute, your movement is unaffected by difficult terrain, and spells and other magical effects can neither reduce your speed nor cause you to be paralyzed or restrained.

While under this effect, you can also spend 5 feet of movement to automatically escape from nonmagical restraints, such as manacles or a creature that has you grappled. Finally, being underwater imposes no penalties on your movement or attacks.

Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Ascendant Step

Prerequisite: 9th level

You may levitate up or down as part of your regular movement. While levitating, you can move any direction other than up or down only by pushing or pulling against a fixed object or surface within reach (such as a wall or a ceiling), which allows you to move as if you were climbing.

Gift of the Protectors

Prerequisite: 9th level, Pact of the Tome feature

A new page appears in your Book of Shadows. With your permission, a creature can use its action to write its name on that page, which can contain a number of names equal to your warlock proficiency bonus.

When any creature whose name is on the page is reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, the creature magically drops to 1 hit point instead. Once this magic is triggered, no creature can benefit from it until you finish a long rest.

As an action, you can magically erase a name on the page by touching it.

Minion of Chaos

Prerequisite: 9th level

You utter words of chaos, that summon a fiendish or fey spirit (your choice) that takes the form of a Gibbering Mouther. As an action, it appears in a space you choose that you can see within 60 feet.

The Gibbering Mouther is considered fiendish or fey (depending on the spirit you chose) disappears when it drops to 0 hit points, after one hour has passed, or when you use this invocation again.

The Gibbering Mouther is hostile to all creatures, including you. Roll initiative for the creature, which has its own turns. The Gibbering Mouther pursues and attacks the nearest creature to the best of its ability.

As part of using this invocation, you can form a circle on the ground with the your own blood. You inflict 1d4 points of piercing damage to yourself with a dagger or other piercing weapon. The circle is large enough to encompass your space. The summoned creature can’t cross the circle or harm it, and they can’t target anyone within it. A creature within the circle cannot be affected by the gibbering of the summoned creature.

Otherworldly Leap

Prerequisite: 9th level

Your jump distance is tripled, in addition you may touch a creature as an action. The creature's jump distance is tripled for one minute or until you use this ability again.

Whispers of the Grave

Prerequisite: 9th level

As an action, you grant the semblance of life and intelligence to a corpse of your choice within range, allowing it to answer the questions you pose. The corpse must still have a mouth and can't be undead. The invocation fails if the corpse was the target of this invocation within the last 10 days.

Over the next 10 minutes, you can ask the corpse up to five questions. The corpse knows only what it knew in life, including the languages it knew. Answers are usually brief, cryptic, or repetitive, and the corpse is under no compulsion to offer a truthful answer if you are hostile to it or it recognizes you as an enemy. This invocation doesn't return the creature's soul to its body, only its animating spirit. Thus, the corpse can't learn new information, doesn't comprehend anything that has happened since it died, and can't speculate about future events.

Versatile Arcanum

Prerequisite: 11th level

When you gain your 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th level Mystic Arcanum, you can choose to learn one additional warlock spell of 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th level respectively. You can use your Mystic Arcanum to cast either spell you have learned at each level.

For example, as an 11th level warlock, you might have the mass suggestion spell as your 6th-level Mystic Arcanum. With this invocation you could learn scatter as an alternate choice. You could then utilize your 6th-level Mystic Arcanum to cast either spell. You would still only be able to cast one 6th-level spell per long rest, until you later gain the Eldritch Master feature.


Prerequisite: 12th level, Pact of the Blade feature

When you hit a creature with your pact weapon, the creature takes extra necrotic damage equal to your spellcasting modifier (minimum 1).

Bond of the Talisman

Prerequisite: 12th level, Pact of the Talisman feature

While someone else is wearing your talisman, you can use your action to teleport to the unoccupied space closest to them, provided the two of you are on the same plane of existence. The wearer of your talisman can do the same thing, using their action to teleport to you. The teleportation can be used a number of times equal to your warlock proficiency bonus, and all expended uses are restored when you finish a long rest.

Chains of Carceri

Prerequisite: 15th level, Pact of the Chain feature

You can bind a creature that you can see within 60 feet in magical chains of force as an action. When you do so, the target must make a Strength saving throw against your spell DC, If they fail, they are restrained. On their turn they may use their action to attempt to free themselves from the chains by making a Strength saving throw. The chains disappear when the creature breaks free, after one minute has passed, or when you use Chains of Carceri again. Once a creature succeeds on the saving throw, breaks free from the chains, or has the effect ended on them, they are immune to the effect until you finish a long rest.

Master of Myriad Forms

Prerequisite: 15th level

You assume a different form. As an action, choose one of the following options, the effects of which last until you use your action to dismiss it or choose a different option.

Aquatic Adaptation. You adapt your body to an aquatic environment, sprouting gills and growing webbing between your fingers. You can breathe underwater and gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed.

Change Appearance. You transform your appearance. You decide what you look like, including your height, weight, facial features, sound of your voice, hair length, coloration, and distinguishing characteristics, if any. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your statistics change. You also can't appear as a creature of a different size than you, and your basic shape stays the same; if you're bipedal, you can't use this spell to become quadrupedal, for instance. You can use your action to change your appearance in this way again.

Natural Weapons. You grow claws, fangs, spines, horns, or a different natural weapon of your choice. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, as appropriate to the natural weapon you chose, and you are proficient with your unarmed strikes. You may use your spellcasting modifier for the attack and damage roll. Finally, the natural weapon is considered magic for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Shroud of Shadows

Prerequisite: 15th level

You can touch a willing creature and cause them to become invisible for 1 minute. Anything the target is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on the target's person. The effect ends for a target that attacks or casts a spell.

Unearthly Flight

Prerequisite: 15th level

You can use a bonus action to sprout a large pair of wings from your back, gaining a flying speed equal to your current speed. You can shed your wings using another bonus action.

You can't sprout wings while wearing armour that doesn't accomodate them, and clothing not made to accommodate your wings might be destroyed when you manifest them.

Visions of Distant Realms

Prerequisite: 15th level

As an action, you create an invisible sensor within one mile in a location familiar to you (a place you have visited or seen before) or in an obvious location that is unfamiliar to you (such as behind a door, around a corner, or in a grove of trees). The sensor remains in place for one minute or until you choose to dismiss it, and it can't be attacked or otherwise interacted with.

When you use this ability, you choose seeing or hearing. You can use the chosen sense through the sensor as if you were in its space. As your action, you can switch between seeing and hearing.

A creature that can see the sensor (such as a creature benefiting from see invisibility or truesight) sees a luminous, intangible orb about the size of your fist.

Witch Sight

Prerequisite: 15th level

You can see the true form of any shapechanger or creature concealed by illusion or transmutation magic while the creature is within 30 feet of you and within line of sight.

Warlock Spell List


This is the list of spells available to warlocks when they choose which spells they know. (UA) refers to unearthed arcana, and (HB) refers to homebrew spells. Spells with an asterisk indicate they have been modified. Spell changes are found here.

Cantrips (0 Level)

Blade Ward*
Bloodletting BiteHB
Booming Blade*
Create Bonfire
Death ShroudHB
Eldritch Blast
Enervating GraspHB
Gleaming ArrowHB
Green-Flame Blade*
Illusory FeintHB
Infernal TridentHB
Lightning Lure*
Mage Hand*
Magic Stone*
Mind Sliver
Minor Illusion*
Misfortune's MarkHB
Poison Spray*
Speak TrueHB
Spectral Hand*
Sword Burst*
Toll the Dead
True Strike*

1st Level
  • Armor of Agathys
  • Arms of Hadar*
  • Blood SpearHB
  • Cause Fear*
  • Charm Person*
  • Comprehend Languages
  • Corpse MaskHB
  • Curse ShockHB
  • Distort Value
  • DrainHB
  • Evil EyeHB
  • Expeditious Retreat*
  • Forsaken ChainsHB
  • Hellish Rebuke*
  • Hex
  • Id Insinuation*
  • Illusory Script*
  • IronbindsHB
  • Protection from Evil and Good
  • PuppetHB
  • Sense EmotionHB
  • Swarm PestHB
  • Thunderwave
  • Unseen Servant
  • Witch Bolt*
2nd Level

Aura of ShadeHB
Borrowed Knowledge*
Clinging ShadowsHB
Cloud of Daggers
Corpse LanceHB
Creeping FrostHB
Crown of Madness*
Hex BoltHB
Hold Person
Mental BarrierUA
Mind Spike
Mirror Image
Misty Step
Pillar of BoneHB
Ray of Enfeeblement*
Shadow Blade
Spider Climb
Thought ShieldHB

3rd Level

Clutch of NyogthaHB
Crypt SwarmHB
Curse of BladesHB
Dispel Magic
Enemies Abound
Gaseous Form*
Hex StormHB
Hunger of Hadar*
Hypnotic Pattern*
Incite Greed
Liliander's HellspearHB
Magic Circle
Major Image
Misplace AggressionHB
Prehistoric HailHB
Remove Curse
Seer of the WindowHB
Spirit Shroud
Summon Fey*
Summon Lesser Demons
Summon Shadowspawn*
Summon Undead*

Thunder Step
Vampiric Touch*

4th Level

Aberrant AuraHB
Charm Monster
Corrosive PoolHB
Deafening DarknessHB
Dimension Door
Elemental Bane
Hallucinatory Terrain
Iron MaidenHB
Matilda's Minor GatewayHB
Misty WalkHB
Oceanic SlamHB
Poison PuffHB
Raulothim's Psychic Lance
Shadow of Moil*
Sickening Radiance
Spatial AnchorHB
Stinging SwarmHB
Summon Aberration*
Summon Greater Demon

5th Level

Aspect of the PheonixHB
Bestow MaledictionHB
Bloodstone PathHB
Contact Other Plane
Danse Macabre
Far Step
Hold Monster
Infernal Calling
Negative Energy Flood*
Planar Binding*
Stolen LifeHB
Storm of CrowsHB
Synaptic Static*
Smoky ShapesHB
Teleportation Circle
Wall of Light

6th Level

All the Lights are SoulsHB
Arcane Gate*
Creeping DarknessHB
Circle of Death
Chant of ZakebHB
Conjure Fey
Create Undead
Eyes of SixHB
Flesh to Stone
Investiture of EmptinessHB
Investiture of DustHB
Investiture of Flame*
Investiture of Ice*
Investiture of IgnitionHB
Investiture of MagmaHB
Investiture of MistHB
Investiture of PlasmaHB
Investiture of Stone*
Investiture of VoltageHB
Investiture of Wind*
Mass Suggestion
Mental Prison
Psychic CrushUA
Soul Cage
Summon Fiend*
Syletza's Fiendish FormHB
Syletza's Angelic FormHB
Tasha's Otherworldly Guise
True Seeing

7th Level

Crown of Stars
Dream of the Blue Veil
Finger of Death*
Mob MentalityHB
Plane Shift
Power Word Pain*
Sensory DeprivationHB

8th Level

Aurethia's Death BlizzardHB
Create VampireHB
Eldritch CryHB
Dominate Monster*
Maddening Darkness
Power Word Stun*
Sanctum of MagicHB

9th Level

Astral Projection
Eldritch GrappleHB
Power Word Kill*
Psychic Scream
Seed of ChaosHB
Spell VoidHB
Sphere of AnnihilationHB
True Polymorph

Art Credits

Art (Cover): z3rokz: Drake (Link)
Art (Page 2): Tyler Jacobson: Jace, Unraveler of Secrets (Link)
Art (Page 4): Jeff Chen (Link)
Art (Page 5): Tomasz Chistowski: Daily sketches/paintings - week #47 (Link)
Art (Page 6): Anthony Star: Soul-Slaver (Link)
Art (Page 7): JRCoffronIII: Dark Conjurer (Link)
Art (Page 8): brandon-ellis: Azel (Link)
Art (Page 9): Choi Yongjae (Link)
Art (Page 10): Madmanartist: 5 Archfey Princesses (Link)
Art (Page 11): u/LordAdornable: Lady Orchid, Archfey Patron (Link)
Art (Page 12): looceyloo: Honey, Tiefling Celestial Warlock (Link)
Art (Page 13,14): u/ThanhVt92: Warlock of The Fathomless (Link)
Art (Page 15): Bogdan-MRK: The Warlock (Link)
Art (Page 16): Miranda Meeks: Archaeomender (Link)
Art (Page 17): captdiablo: Dao Genie (Link)
Art (Page 18): u/DreamingAmongStars: Eli, Great Old One Warlock (Link)
Art (Page 19): JJcanvas: Eldritch God (Link)

Art Credits Continued

Art (Page 20): Ivan Garcia: Raven Queen (Link)
Art (Page 21): Olivia Rose: Raven queen Fine Art print (Link)
Art (Page 22): Nik Hagialas: Art broZ Discord Monthly Challenge - July (Link)
Art (Page 23): Beaver Skin: Dark Raven (Link)
Art (Page 34): Astri Lohne: Maglynn [C] (Link)
Page Stains: /u/flamableconcrete

Inspiration Credits

This is inspired by the Treantmonk variant, with added variants of Eldritch Blast inspired by Esper the Bard found here, many homebrew subclasses found around the web adapted for this variant, and the possibility of making a Intelligence or Charisma-based Warlock.

Eldritch Blast

Evocation Cantrip

  • Spell Lists: Warlock
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120 Feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You can fire a beam of crackling energy that streaks toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 force damage.

You create more than one beam as you gain levels: two beams at 5th level, three beams at 11th level, and four beams at 17th level. You can direct the beams at the same target or at different ones. Make a separate attack roll for each beam.

Gleaming Arrow

Evocation Cantrip

  • Spell Lists: Warlock
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120 Feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You can launch an iridescent arrow from your hand, making a ranged spell attack against a creature within range. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 radiant damage. Until the end of your next turn, you have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects originating from creatures hit by the arrow.

This arrow’s damage increases as you gain levels: by 1d8 at 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Infernal Trident

Evocation Cantrip

  • Spell Lists: Warlock
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120 Feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You can conjure into a free hand a trident of hellish metal that lasts until the end of your turn. When you cast this spell, you can use the trident to make a melee spell attack or a ranged spell attack against a creature or object within range. The trident is a magic weapon and scores a critical hit on a 19 or 20. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 piercing damage. If this damage reduces a hostile creature to 0 hit points, you can make a single additional attack with the trident against a target within range.

This trident's damage increases as you gain levels: by 1d8 at 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).


Enchantment Cantrip

  • Spell Lists: Warlock
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120 Feet
  • Components: V, S
  • Duration: Instantaneous

You can attempt to pry into the psyche of a creature that you can see within 120 feet. The target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target takes 1d8 psychic damage and until the end of your next turn:

  • You have advantage on attack rolls made against the target
  • You know one vulnerability if the creature has any
  • As a bonus action, you can peer into their mind to learn their two weakest saving throw values

This gaze's damage increases as you gain warlock levels: by 1d8 at 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).

Base Class Changelog

Here are the revisions from the PHB warlock to this warlock. These are changes to the base class and not the subclasses.

  • Warlocks gain medium armor proficiency, and can start with scale mail. Warlocks are a limited caster ala clerics, and some warlocks in the base game (somethingsomethingHexblade) get armor. I've decided to make this universal for any warlock, making the choice between going Hexblade and a different subclass much harder (which is a good thing).
  • Warlocks can use either Intelligence or Charisma.
  • Warlocks have spell points instead of spell slots. This addresses the very limited amount of spells they can cast, while also allowing them to occassionally cast a lower-level spell without feeling terrible about it. In my playtest experience, spell points has been well-liked by players, and it hasn't broken anything or encouraged bad gameplay.
  • Warlocks have different variants on Eldritch Blast that they can use in place of Eldritch Blast if they so choose. Also, all of these features have been made part of the base class. A new player now cannot miss their best option, like they can in the base class. Everything they need to succeed is provided to them. Has a side effect of weakening sorlock builds, but I imagine many new builds are possible with this now.
  • Otherworldly Patrons now have a list of Bestowed Spells. They essentially work as mini-preparations. You can pick one per level of spell you know every long rest to know. Now that warlocks aren't as restricted in the levels of spells they're looking at casting, they need some help with their spells known, so this was my way of addressing that. I'm not 100% on this method though, and I'm open to suggestions.
  • Eldritch Invocations have been overhauled. Most invocations that previously allowed you to cast a spell with/out a slot now give you a unique thing at-will you can do. Usually a single-target, save-or-suck version of the spell you were previously able to cast. Since it's at-will, creatures become immune to them if they succeed or have the effect ended. Agonizing Blast has been removed and placed as part of the Eldritch Gift feature, as it's too good to allow a newer play to potentially miss it.
  • Pact of the Cauldron for those who want a witchy flavor. Adapted from the Arcanist's Handbook by Benjamin Huffman and Ross Leiser.
  • Spellcasting Ability for attack and damage rolls added to Pact of the Blade. Now you don't have to be a Hexblade to be a good bladelock.
  • Ritual invocation for Pact of the Tome just added to Pact of the Tome. It's too necessary and too part of the fantasy to miss.
  • Pact of the Talisman, you can add the d4s to saving throws, making it actually a good, if not bland (looking for suggestions) option.
  • Eldritch Master moved to 18th level and changed. Now you regain your 6th-level and later 7th-level Mystic Arcanum, just like other full-casters.
  • Otherworldly Patrons now all have a 20th-level feature.

Subclass Changelog


  • Bestowed Spells: charm person, enthrall, hypnotic pattern, elemental bane, and modify memory added to fill out its list
  • Fey Presence: Buffed the AOE effect, and made it at-will, but creatures who make their saves/have the effect ended are immune for a while. Made it in-line with each warlock subclass getting an at-will power of sorts they can use.
  • Added and slightly modified the misty step awesomeness in the new UA7 playtest.
  • Feywild Self added as its 20th-level feature.


  • Bestowed Spells: bless, aid, mass healing word, banishment, and wings of celeste added to fill out the Bestowed Spells.
  • Bonus Cantrips turned into Gift of Sacred Flame, allowing Sacred Flame to become one of your Eldritch Gifts.
  • Radiant Soul: Can apply to any targets, not just one.
  • Radiant Self added as its 20th level feature.


  • Bestowed Spells: storm step, misty step, wall of water, long way down, and maelstrom added to fill out the Bestowed Spells.
  • Grasping Tentacles adapted to spell points.
  • Drown in the Depths added as its 20th level feature.


  • Bestowed Spells: hellish rebuke, suggestion, bestow curse, phantasmal killer, and geas added to fill out the Bestowed Spells, letting you play out a fiend more fond of curses than burning things to cinders.
  • Fiendish Corruption added as its 20th level feature.


  • Bestowed Spells: silent image, locate object, bestow curse, divination, and scrying added to fill out the Bestowed Spells.
  • Genie's Wrath: allows you to transmute the damage done by your Eldritch Gift to the damage of your genie.
  • Limited Wish: The concentration requirement is clarified.
  • 3 Wishes has been added as the 20th level feature allowing you to use your Limited Wish feature more often.

Great Old One

  • Bestowed Spells: witch bolt, hold person, bestow curse, phantasmal killer, modify memory added to fill out the Bestowed Spells.
  • Awakened Mind now allows two-way communication, and can now be used offensively and at-will to induce fear. At later levels it can be enhanced with spell points to allow you to take a creature over with many limitations.
  • Entropic Ward now changed to an entirely unique mechanic: changing the spell save DCs of spells targeting you or any creatures within 5 feet of you. Note that enemies next to you can benefit from this too, meaning it is a situationally good, but sometimes detrimental mechanic, fitting a Great Old One insanity theme.
  • Thought Shield was way too niche beforehand. You also get a more usable feature as part of it, allowing you to kind of get a mental shield spell.
  • Create Thrall replaced with Invoke Lovecraft. Create Thrall was alright, but I liked the idea better of playing into your patron being an Eldritch, Lovecraftian being. It's an AOE stun effect, and it recharges once every 1d4 days.
  • Grotesque Magic added as its 20th level feature.


  • Removed entirely, has been replaced thematically with Raven Queen.


  • Undying has been removed as a patron, and incorporated some of its elements into Undead
  • Bestowed Spells: drain, pillar of bone, vampiric touch, deafening darkness, bloodstone path added to fill out the Bestowed Spells.
  • Form of Dread has been changed to be an at-will ability.

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